
"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That was rough too with the repetitive gameplay. It was a smart way to recycle the environment but only if you were into the story enough. I barely got through that. Alan Wake 2 is such a step above the other games I would definitely recommend getting to it even if it means catching up with the lore on YouTube.
It was also suprisingly horny lol. All the main characters for Alan are hot ladies in distress and little dress, including one like moaning for him while hypnotised. It's maybe explained in the texts the reason for all the dream girls but it was kinda cringe.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

It was one of my favorite games in the series, and has a ton of my favorite monsters from the series in it. But after all the quality of life changes that World and Rise gave to the series, I legit can't play it anymore. Just the bare minimum of not being able to heal on the fly was enough to make me turn the game off. That's not getting into the separate armor sets between blademasters and gunners, needing to make and carry pickaxes, nets, and fishing poles in your inventory, whetstone wasn't infinite, you had to paint monsters. . .
Nov 19, 2019
I was gonna post Vanquish here, which I recently dipped back into.

But then I re-read a Vanquish review that I myself had written the year the game came out, and apparently I had the exact same complaints then too. So I guess it held up consistently, at the very least.

Otherwise my gaming taste is impeccable. In fact, it's more often the case that when I go back to some games I enjoy them even more now.
Oct 25, 2017
Despite my love for the series, I'd say most Zelda games are weak replays. Despite having a lot going on they aren't very mechanically rich, and most of their challenges and ideas are one note, so once you've seen them once, there's very little to gain from seeing them again.

The exception, of course, are the "open air" games, which are obviously very complex and interesting mechanically. But they still don't have good enough challenges or ideas to make use of those mechanics in a way that satisfied me on a replay. It's far too easy to accidentally succeed in a boring way. They're also far too reliant on grinding materials in order to do anything interesting, so it's a hard pill to swallow.


Oct 27, 2017
Sierra's Quest for Glory series. The P&C elements are fine, but that combat is a real drag
I still like those games, but I only play 1 & 2. I only play those because I don't like those games without the text parser, lol.

On topic, I loved the orignal Alan Wake when it first came out but I just. cannot. get through it again any time I try.


Oct 27, 2017
Doom 3 was unbelievable on a brand new GeForce 6800 but now sharp stencil shadows and dark corners look almost broken. Map design is very monotonous, most weapons lack oomph, enemy variety is at minimum and storytelling isn't particularly interesting either. Combat just isn't fun and there is not much else in the game.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
Super Mario Sunshine for me. I used to think it was super underrated and unfairly maligned and would regularly defend it… until I revisited it in 3D All-Stars and bounced off of it SUPER hard. It's easily my least favorite 3D Mario now. Still looks great though, I'll give it that!

your favorite game from your youth. you, the person reading this

Chrono Trigger holds up perfectly every time I replay it, though


Oct 29, 2019
I loved Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube and played it through several times, getting every possible rank/beating mercenaries/best times or whatever and thought it was one of my favorite games of all time. Playing it recently and the remake, I realize I just really dislike almost everything about it, particularly the bullet-spongey feeling of the combat and the pretty boring locations (after the initial village).

This is not to say YOU shouldn't like it, but rather that I no longer like it. Maybe in 10 years I will have another change of heart.
Feb 14, 2024
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story (replayed via the 3DS remaster) - The game is a slog compared to the first M&L, and the remaster runs at half the framerate of the original.
Feb 14, 2024
oh for me it's opposite, in later 3d Mario games, Mario feels like he is running on ice so slippery!

Yeah I really dislike the way Mario moves in Odyssey. I agree, he is far too loose and unwieldy compared to Galaxy where I thought Nintendo perfected his weight and motion.

(Sorry, meant to add this to my previous post)


Oct 25, 2017
I love FF7 Remake. I really really do.
And I think it generally does hold up in most areas.

But despite my fanboy blinders...
The slow walking bullshit that pervades so much of the game absolutely fucks with the experience on a replay. You definitely have an easier time enduring it the first time through because you wanna immerse yourself, take in the environments, appreciate the tension and pacing of some scenes. On a replay though, Ugh.
Jun 2, 2019
As much as it pains me to say it:

Mario 64

I grew up playing this game. Not so long ago I tried to replay it on Switch and I ended up dropping it quickly. Mario still feels surprisingly good to control, but the game looks ugly and the camera is so bad that I was getting motion sickness. I understand it was one of the first 3D games, but it hasn't aged well. I wish Nintendo would remake it.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Star Wars the Force Unleashed. I absolutely loved this game, despite it being more shallow than the Jedi Knight/Outcast/Academy series. TfU had fun platforming and crazy physics that were so satisfying to use when throwing objects or people at other people! Even the sequel was a lot of fun despite being so broken and unfinished. But I tried to play it last year and the controls are so antiquated that I couldn't stand it for more than a half an hour.

I hope the next Jedi game let's me really fling people around with the force and move with faster traversal.


Oct 28, 2017
Tried to play FFVII Remake on hard mode but my GOD those slow walking sections are excruciating

You realize how much of the game is just walking / CS' during the second playthrough. If you take out all the CS' and walking sections you get like 8-10 hours of actual fighting and gameplay in a 40 hour game.


Oct 28, 2017
I just replayed Dark Souls 1 over the weekend as a spur of the moment thing. It was probably the 7th time I've played it. It definitely gave off the vibes of the thread title. There's just so much bullshit and terrible garbage in the game. Especially the back half. The game was so rushed. Bed of Chaos took me like 30 tries and it's all RNG bullshit.

Bed of Chaos I can understand, but how have you played Dark Souls SEVEN times and are not prepared for every trick the game throws at you?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to say Sekiro. I already knew the patterns in the replay and there's basically only one way to play. I guess the fun in a replay is getting more reliable at timing which I don't find enjoyable
The bolded part is why I enjoy replaying it. LOL My first playthrough was full of pain and suffering. I actually feel somewhat skilled in subsequent plays! 😅


Sep 7, 2023
As much as I liked HL2 when it came out I just can't be bothered to go through it all. Some sections really dragged.

I am surprised that this has not been mentioned more often. Half Life 2 is one of my favorite games ever, because playing it for the first time back was mind blowing. I tried to play it again last year, but gave up relatively quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried to replay Witcher 3 when the ps5 version came out and it did not hit for me like it did the first time. Not sure why, I normally love replaying RPGs. I was really excited about it.


Jan 9, 2020
I feel so bad saying this but Max Payne 2. The gameplay is a ton of fun but the physics are way too ridiculous. There are some really cool ideas (captain baseball booby trap) however too many of the levels are basically construction sites. The original remains a classic and the texture work is still impressive


Oct 25, 2017
I played Star Ocean 2 when it was released and loved it. I've been supremely disappointed by the series since, but I've always held on to great memories of that game. I bought the remake a month ago and put in a dozen hours only to realize it fucking sucks, and that my memories are wrong. It's a fine enough game but the story and writing are atrocious, which is what put me off of the rest of the series. Turns out I was wrong, there is no good Star Ocean.
They're like dog toys; intentionally or not they're built in a way that's fun to break, not to become genuinely attached to.

I've dreaded returning to FFX due to its linearity. Also a lot of early 3D games can be too janky to return to and were more above-average anyway.


Aug 26, 2018
Bed of Chaos I can understand, but how have you played Dark Souls SEVEN times and are not prepared for every trick the game throws at you?

Uh I was? I beat every single boss in less than 6 hours. Lol. I was saying that the game doesn't hold up much on replay for me personally, you know, the thread title?


Oct 28, 2017
Uh I was? I beat every single boss in less than 6 hours. Lol. I was saying that the game doesn't hold up much on replay for me personally, you know, the thread title?

Guess I'm just confused by "terrible Bullshit and garbage." It's vague enough that it sounds like the reason you don't like it is because you keep dying to stuff. That's usually how people describe the traps/enemy placement/ difficult encounters in Souls games.


Oct 27, 2017
Dark Souls 2

mostly at no fault of the game itself but after the Fromsouls/souls games that succeeded it i was like yeah... no


Apr 1, 2019
Vanilla Morrowind was the latest victim of my nostalgia goggles. Now I just drop 300-500 mods on it and it's like night and day in terms of enjoyment for modern day me

Same goes for KOTOR and KOTOR 2, only with fewer necessary mods


Oct 28, 2017
Outer Wilds

One of my all time favorites gaming experiences.
However, the essence of the game is lost on replays.


Jan 26, 2018
Probably *all* games for me personally. I just cant replay single player games.
Shenmue und Space Channel 5 being the exceptions, i played through them multiple times


Oct 25, 2017
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

It was one of my favorite games in the series, and has a ton of my favorite monsters from the series in it. But after all the quality of life changes that World and Rise gave to the series, I legit can't play it anymore. Just the bare minimum of not being able to heal on the fly was enough to make me turn the game off. That's not getting into the separate armor sets between blademasters and gunners, needing to make and carry pickaxes, nets, and fishing poles in your inventory, whetstone wasn't infinite, you had to paint monsters. . .
Basically this. Unless they make QoL improvements many old games would have issues today.
Some people mentioned D2 remaster is good but that's because D2 remaster has them.


Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS was one for me. I remember really liking it then, but looking back I think I was mostly impressed simply by the fact it was a 3D RE on a handheld. I replayed it on PS4 right before Village came out and was left thoroughly unimpressed. It's just so...bland and uninteresting with boring level-design.


Mar 23, 2019
I played Star Ocean 2 when it was released and loved it. I've been supremely disappointed by the series since, but I've always held on to great memories of that game. I bought the remake a month ago and put in a dozen hours only to realize it fucking sucks, and that my memories are wrong. It's a fine enough game but the story and writing are atrocious, which is what put me off of the rest of the series. Turns out I was wrong, there is no good Star Ocean.
Yeah, this is why I've never been able to take Star Ocean 3 criticism seriously. "It ruins the story of the previous games"... oh no not my anime bullshit! As a self contained story it's fine and the game ramps up the difficulty at the point of the twist, never had an issue with it and you can skip through dialogue and cutscenes, it's very snappy.

I'm not going to add Star Ocean 3 to this thread though, because it's been at least 10 years since I last replayed it! So to me it's the only good Star Ocean game and that's without playing the latest game.


Oct 27, 2017
The only thing I can think of is Tales of Symphonia, playing it again 20 years later or whatever it was there were a lot of things about it I really didn't think were very good


Oct 25, 2017
I think Golden Sun is a common one simply because it was a lot of people's first JRPG or one of their first. And so trying to go back after playing much better ones and having some knowledge on the genre makes it rough.
Incorrect, Golden Sun and Golden Sun TLA are both still great classic RPGs.
Dec 19, 2023
Outer Worlds. Limited enemy variety, repetitive humour, companion questlines of varying quality, and too many planetary questlines with an ideal Golden Option. Enjoyed the visual design though, so it has that going for it.

Also, it has the most predictable 'cannibal house' trope of any RPG.


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
I'm halfway through Ace Attorney:Dual Destinies on the Apollo Collection and I was not prepared for how much I'm just not liking it.
While the opinion that it was a honeymoon period game that wasn't actually that strong was prevalent months after its release, and one that I shared, it still got in my top 10 for the year of its release.
And now I'm here borderline hate playing it, it's everything I don't want from an Ace Attorney game, it's a complete tedious slog with drab writing, uninteresting and messy mysteries, and completely undoes anything interesting with Wright in favour of making a flavourless facsimile of his original trilogy self leaning into "what a bluffy bluffing guy he is!"

they also have a whole game to do something with Apollo, drop a hook at the end of the first case, only to go back in time for all the cases until the final one which picks back up on their plot bomb only to reveal it was a dud all along.