
Mar 16, 2018
New York
1080 -- it's so cumbersome to physically spin the joystick around that many times, but as a kid I'd do the halfpipe 300 times in a row.

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
I just replayed Dark Souls 1 over the weekend as a spur of the moment thing. It was probably the 7th time I've played it. It definitely gave off the vibes of the thread title. There's just so much bullshit and terrible garbage in the game. Especially the back half. The game was so rushed. Bed of Chaos took me like 30 tries and it's all RNG bullshit.

See, I played Dark Souls 1 for the first time ever last year and I thought it was damn near perfect


Oct 25, 2017
BFBC2, the movement is jank! I forgot you couldn't walk forward while strafing left/right. Guess it was due to it being built for analog sticks. Also you jump like 2 inches in that game, half walls/fences and small obstacles are your enemy.

Thank BF3 for the advancements in movement.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Any Naughty Dog game from the PS3 era to today.

They're all a cheap thrill and are fun enough the first go around (except for
UC4 which sucked the first time) but once you've seen the story and the big set pieces the moment to moment gameplay is pretty average.

Aggie CMD

Dec 8, 2017
Yeah once I get past the first Bowser stage the game is a slog.

Hard agree. Got 120 stars in 1997 and never came close again. Fun fact: Still have this save intact!

Gonna go with the first Alan Wake. I think its still a good game, the story and the vibes are still great.

But boy that gameplay sure is serviceable at best, especially after QB and Control. I thought it was fine in 2010 but playing through the remaster before AW2 I found it so tedious at points I didn't even bother doing the DLC chapters like I had planned to.

Hard disagree. Played through it and the DLCs in 2020 during the plague. Maybe the vibe was right. It was awesome.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Secret of Mana. Retro fans still hold a torch for this one, but Trials of Mana is the better game in almost every way. Secret has since become pure unfun jank with a long and terrible intro section.

...The music holds up best, I'll say that much. I'm shocked how good it still is?

As far as retro goes, I think FFA holds up better, even though it's a much more primitive game.
May 24, 2021
Crisis Core. I played it originally on the PSP back when it came out, and I didn't hate it, but honestly, I was just happy to have more FF7 stuff back then.

I wanted to play CC: Reunion and Remake leading up to Rebirth, but my GAD....Crisis Core is miserable (Finished my Remake run too, but that held up just fine).

Genesis is legit the worst. I seriously think he has like...2 lines that aren't just him reciting some bullshit from a play. At least up until the point where Zack's hair has grown out. And fucking Hollander (however you spell it) is awful too. Just a lame villain all around.

I made it about 10 hours in my attempt and just had to bail on it. The level design is nonexistent, the DMW is trash, and I loathe the combat system and having to deal with the "materia upgrade stat boost" stuff just so you have the stats to smack bosses enough so their unavoidable limit doesn't outright kill you.

It's so bad. Not worth playing through for the two good cutscenes.
Jan 19, 2022
I absolutely loved Starcraft and Brood War back in the day and thought the story was awesome.

I played the Remaster and the campaign is... underdeveloped. Obviously, the multiplayer is still unparalleled.

I will be so sad when I go back and replay Wings of Liberty and realize it wasn't as great as I thought. Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void had pretty crappy campaigns, but I adored the terran in campaign SCII.
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9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
So many. I've been gaming since the 80s and as time goes on, more and more games I loved have gotten so outclassed by modern games it's painful to try and play them any more.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly not many. If I replay a game I try to look at it from a different perspective than the first play through where I just kinda let it happen.

I guess FFXII wasn't quite as compelling as I thought it was on a replay; I found the areas to be pretty bland whereas I felt they were very cool first time around.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Rogue Fucking Galaxy

Loved it for some odd reason when it came out despite not liking the demo.

Years later, played it with my sister and we were kind of horrified that we ever thought it was good. It's a slog where you constantly get turned around, a busywork crafting system, and a wretched final boss.

Level-5 was on something for sure.

This was mine. It doesn't change my memories or what I love about it, but after playing it again on PS4 and then playing it again last year to bumrush my friend through the game so he could see the story, the game is a mess. For all of the systems it has in it, the core gameplay is broken on so many levels (though even as a kid, I hated the different gun requirements you have to swap between for Jaster whenever an annoying enemy pops up with a specific shield).


Oct 27, 2017
Alan Wake. I recently played it for the third time since launch (this time it was the remastered version). Man I had so little fun with all of those encounters, being swarmed, clunky controls. I used to love the game but I really had a hard time with this last playthrough.


Nov 2, 2018
Resident Evil Village

A replay only highlights how bad the puzzles are and how two-thirds of that game are an utter slog. Maybe the worst cast of characters in a mainstream RE game outside of Lady D and the daughters.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Recently beat Kingdom Hearts 1 and it's what I instantly thought of before opening the thread. Woulda ranked it an all time favourite before but think in the 52 Games a year thread I gave it a 5?

A lot of stuff rubbed me wrong on the replay. Poor dialogue, boring worlds, nonsense story, everything is cringe, shit combat, shit platforming, garbage enemy designs and barely any Final Fantasy stuff lol. It's got some good stuff like some bosses are fun (not the last fucking one though) and there's some collectathon aspect going on that's addictive but otherwise, nah. Everything feels hollow, the collection of characters feel like empty figurines with the barest justification for existing in the game.

Now I'm really torn on starting Kingdom Hearts 2 or 3.
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Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
i was gonna fuss about the mario 64 pick but i too often pick it up & play till maybe just after the boo house? no real interest in the latter half

When Sony gave away Alan Wake remastered I replayed it. That was a mistake. Should have left that one to nostalgia.

same, it'd been long enough since it originally dropped that i'd recalled digging the setting & psych shit but forgotten just how much i'd gotten so very bored of the enemies & their boring loop

I think Golden Sun is a common one simply because it was a lot of people's first JRPG or one of their first. And so trying to go back after playing much better ones and having some knowledge on the genre makes it rough.

as someone looking to finally play golden sun, i hope it doesn't feel this way for me - i'd somehow missed it in the day, been on my list forever

Persona games are a bit more difficult to enjoy during replays because the story stuff they want you to blast through before the game "really start" or when you can actually play in between story beats can be really long and arduous.

ugh, doesn't help that modern persona games drag on at least 15-20 hours of wearing out their welcome in the back half too

ahahahaha this is spot on, yeah


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Lot of stuff I agree with in this thread.

Replayed Golden Sun and I think the games had some good ideas for what it wanted to do with the story, some neat gameplay concepts, and the non-linearity of Lost Age is pretty cool (especially for the time). But the execution of just about everything leaves a lot to be desired, and it's a mess in terms of pacing and padding. I still think there is a lot here that could be salvaged, and I continue to think they best thing they could do with this series is just a complete re-imagining from the ground up with the same core concepts.

Also, 3D Mario. Agree with the mentions of 64 and Galaxy. Galaxy 2 less so, though it still suffers from Galaxy's movement, which is the worst 3D Mario has felt. I think Galaxy 2's more consistent and generally better platforming oriented gameplay helps it hold up compared to Galaxy 1, which felt a bit more simplistic and relied more on spectacle.
Oct 28, 2017
A few months back I revisited both Super Mario Galaxy games for the first time since I initially played them when they came out.

Without the "wow" factor they had at the time, I found them to be... Just okay. I was very shocked at how little I enjoyed replaying them. Mario feels horrifically stiff in them.
Agree with this, going from Odyssey back to Galaxy is painful. The controls are so sluggish in comparison.


Oct 29, 2017
Every time my friend tells me about the story in the FFVII remakes I thank god that I don't care about them. With that said, watch KH2 get me into the series lol.

why would you be thankful for missing out on some great ass games?
because a side game has some cringey writing?


Mar 24, 2020
Tomb Raider 2. I played this game to death as a kid, but replaying the remaster it is about twice as long as it should be, and the endless combat of constantly being shot at around every corner is tedious as hell. TR1 is still excellent though!

Def. Chip

Feb 26, 2024
For me, Zelda BOTW's strength was by far the wonder of exploring that world for the first time. 2 years ago I tried to replay it, but bounced off hard after 6 or so hours because that first time wonder wasn't there to keep me interested. I feel like the older Zelda games are much more replayable for me.


Nov 21, 2019
Disco Elysium and story narrative games. I get engrossed in the story when I don't know what's coming next but on a replay when you know what to do and what the outcome is it loses a lot of its spark. It's been over 20 years since I played the Broken Sword series and I can't remember Jack shit about it now. So hopefully in another 20 I can enjoy Disco Elysium again.

If anyone has any play style they do for replaying these kind of games I'd love to know.
Oct 12, 2020
For me, Zelda BOTW's strength was by far the wonder of exploring that world for the first time. 2 years ago I tried to replay it, but bounced off hard after 6 or so hours because that first time wonder wasn't there to keep me interested. I feel like the older Zelda games are much more replayable for me.
That's the sad reality about a game, which is centered about wonder and exploring. If you have already explored it, there is no wonder anymore.


Nov 8, 2017
Replays are built into the game, but the first playthrough of the first story in Sonic Heroes is pretty good. The more you play the game and the more you return to it, the worse it gets.

I loved Dragon Quest IV my first time through, but it was my first Dragon Quest. My second time through it was still really good but it was clear to me that V and VI were more ambitious and interesting games. Because of course they were, they came out on more powerful hardware.

I always assumed I'd feel this way about Ace Attorney games since their stories revolve around mysteries and because they're so damn memorable that basically every little narrative beat sticks out in my mind, but then I finally replayed them after like a decade and realized that they completely hold up to replays and are really fun to run through again.


Oct 28, 2017
I guess it mostly depends of how much time as passed between the replays.

Like Morrowind, the game that litterally is the reason why i learned how to code and have the job i have today. I replayed it several times back in the day, always had a blast and splurged likely 700+ hours in it.

But playing it today ? 20 years later ? It's a chore because i became too used to more modern gameplay. Doesn't mean the game is bad in any way. It's just me who changed.


Feb 10, 2021
your favorite game from your youth. you, the person reading this

I dunno. Tomb Raider 1 & 2 were two of my favourite games growing up, and I have always dismissed them in the years since because I assumed there was no chance they were going to hold up. I never once considered them in any of my revised 'greatest games of all-time lists' because I was convinced it was all just nostalgia for the times and that they would have dated so badly.

Playing the remastered collection with PS1 graphics and tank controls - the first time I've played them at all since back then - they have definitely held up for me, which has really surprised me.

So most of the time you'd be right, but there are occasions when you revisit something and it actually really does still hold up.


Aug 30, 2020
your favorite game from your youth. you, the person reading this
Yeah, I think it's probably true of a lot of games from childhood. As a kid I absolutely loved Destroy All Humans 2. I played through it an uncountable number of times, multiple coop campaigns with my cousin, etc. A huge part of childhood. The remake recently came to PS Plus and I was excited to relive it, only to uninstall it after about 30 minutes.

There was nothing wrong with it, it was very much the same game with a new coat of paint, it just turns out that wasn't an experience I needed again as an adult.
Jul 3, 2021
your favorite game from your youth. you, the person reading this

Not really. A lot of games I loved in my childhood are still among the best of their genres.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (1999) are still the best mix of strategy and adventure game. And its not even close - the second place would go for Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic also released back in the day: in 2003 (though AoW4 from 2023 will probably take its place soon enough with its amazing updates).

Silent Hill 2 is still pinnacle of psychological horror.

Diablo 2 - as its remaster shows - is still the best aRPG to date.

Baldurs Gate 2 is still among the best cRPGs (for me its rivaled only by Wrath of the Righteous and BG3).

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) completely outclasses its modern remake (2020).


Jetsun Mila

Apr 7, 2021
Let me think about some games that I recently replayed.

SM64 is still addicting as ever and some of the later levels are really creative, but I was also surprised how much it allowed for shortcuts
Ocarina of Time is the game where I noticed some jank with the controls especially, how so many rooms are actually just "defeat all enemies to open the door" and how linear most dungeons actually are but I still appreciated how it still works so well and I really had my fun
Twilight Princess was a slightly above the middle Zelda game for me, after my most recent replay it climbed up to Top 3. The dungeon design in this game is insanely good and unparalleled.

So far pretty much stilll holds up or even improves on that. But I have a high tolerance for older game design, I even play some C64 games now and then


Dec 16, 2023
Metal Gear Solid V. Loved it the first time until the missions started repeating. Went back recently because I missed Metal Gear, but this time I absolutely could not bring myself to keep going once the missions started repeating.


Oct 25, 2017
a lot of people are quoting me with games they think held up so I'm going to list them all as games that did not hold up

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Bioshock Infinite.

Never whiplashed on a game like that before or since.

One and done.

Because I don't know what 2013 me was thinking, saying that it was a good game.

Spoiler: It was NOT a good game. At all. Not even a little bit.

I think I was riding the wave of (finally) playing the original and the great Bioshock 2 and forced myself to say Infinite was good.


Oct 28, 2017
honestly, metroid prime. it's a really cool technical showcase and is extremely atmospheric ... but damn, there is so much walking back and forth through the same areas with nothing different. I understand that backtracking is part of metroidvanias, but I would say the majority of my time spent playing that game was just walking back and forth, shooting the same easy to kill enemies. it was absolutely mind-numbing. really do not understand all the praise it gets.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
probably a hot take but I liked Mario sunshine when I played it way back when but replaying it in the anniversary collection on switch made me want to throw my controller
Oct 28, 2017
Any Elder Scrolls/Fallout Game. I have tried to replay Morrowind and thought about going back to New Vegas, but it's hard to capture the magic of the first time through. It also just feels exhausting.

This is not a particular criticism of Bethesda, I feel the same way about Witcher 3. Any massive open world RPG come to think of it.


Oct 27, 2017
Having attempted to rebuild my PS1 and PS2 collection, I'd say the vast majority of PS1 games hold up terribly and they usually just make me want to play stuff on PS2 or later instead. There are definitely a few that still play great but most of them are too clunky and ugly to be enjoyable. Amazing system, but it's so old now.


Oct 27, 2017
When Sony gave away Alan Wake remastered I replayed it. That was a mistake. Should have left that one to nostalgia.
Yup. I had fond memories of late nights playing the 360 version when it came out. I recently replayed it before Alan Wake 2 and could not believe how repetitive it was. The vibes and story were enough to get me through but it was rough.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yup. I had fond memories of late nights playing the 360 version when it came out. I recently replayed it before Alan Wake 2 and could not believe how repetitive it was. The vibes and story were enough to get me through but it was rough.
Played American Nightmare during the Alan Wake 2 hype and it did the opposite. Legit put me off the series all together for a bit.


Oct 27, 2017
Played American Nightmare during the Alan Wake 2 hype and it did the opposite. Legit put me off the series all together for a bit.
That was rough too with the repetitive gameplay. It was a smart way to recycle the environment but only if you were into the story enough. I barely got through that. Alan Wake 2 is such a step above the other games I would definitely recommend getting to it even if it means catching up with the lore on YouTube.