Big Yoshi

Nov 25, 2018
And the way Xenoblade X ends
leaves the story VERY open for a continuation in that exact planet right from where it's left, but mechanically-wise it'd make more sense to do a new world if they go back to X someday. That planet has already been explored.
I dont think xenoblade x (and mgs 5 although you can say other mgs games are its sequels) count since rather than just having sequel teases they just end without answering most of the questions raised by the story.
xenoblade x ending without any explanation for the planet, translation, lucifer backwards, why they are alive without the lifehold, why elma is an alien, why the earth was destroyed, ETC REALLY didnt sit well with me at all since the main story doesnt have much going on in it for an 100 hour game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
The time has cometh

A World of Heroes awaits

A New beginning unfolds


And then EA bought Bullfrog and we don't talk about the Dungeon Keeper mobile game. That wasn't just rubbing salt in the wound, but more like some hell pepper seeds, too. Dungeon Keeper 3 is always my go-to reply to this, because that trailer there? It's on the Dungeon Keeper 2 disk.

Also, "DK" in video games is Dungeon Keeper, not some silly ape.


Oct 27, 2017
United States

Legacy of Kain : Defiance.


Feb 6, 2020
Speaking of Too Human and things that were meant to be trilogies...


Jesus this game tried waaaaaaaay too hard to be the next big thing in gaming.


Nov 21, 2017
One of the main villains escape with a weapon, that is not resolved, except from the cutscenes for cut content on the special edition.
So you're looking for a prequel to MG1? Or that events get rolled into it? Only reason I ask is due to the events that unfold at the end take us directly to the assumed date of Punished Snake.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
nah, he didnt trick the Prince at all. At the end of the game the Prince finds out that Elika's entire quest to re-seal the evil god was because her father unleashed it by making a deal with it to revive Elika, which required undoing the deal and thus her dying again. The game ends with the prince purposefully making the same deal with it to bring Elika back, releasing it again.

It was a fucking beautiful ending and honestly could've just ended there, despite the massive cliffhanger of re-releasing the god. The epilogue DLC though made it so they were actually setting up for more, working towards a more definitive ending, as well as having to have a story of Elika and the Prince reconciling for what he did at the end of the base game.
Damn. That game is very underrated imo, even with its fault.
Oct 28, 2017
Night of the Rabbit (2013)

The whole game is kind of a weird mix. It's a classic point and click by Daedalic, only the whole setting with a world of talking animals feels like it's aimed at a much younger audience than their other games (like elementary school children... who really shouldn't be playing Edna or Deponia). But the puzzles are as hard as ever, so I really don't know who this game was made for

Anyway, the story kind of muddles along most of the way... until right at the end, when you get a literal ten-minute cutscene explaining everything. Which would be very clumsy storytelling, only it's just really cool stuff that should have been in the actual game and would have made it a lot more interesting.
And then to top it off there's an actual post-credits sequel tease cutscene that goes into that direction

Only now it's ten years later and they never made a sequel. And Daedalic has stopped making point and clikc games and is trying stuff like LOTR:Gollum, so it's pretty unlikely they'll ever make one


Jun 22, 2021
Skies of Arcadia.

Also, Days Gone. Game was amazing and I don't understand why it "bombed"...


Dec 17, 2017
I'm not up on my Xenoblade news, but is there is a specific reason why Monolith wouldn't make a sequel to X?

Like, I get that it sold all of 5 copies but, so did most stuff on the Wii U and, all of the Xenoblade games have sold really well on Switch.


Nov 1, 2017
Gonna throw out something that no one else would and say that I-Ninja was a game I really enjoyed on PS2 and was disappointed the studio went bust or whatever without doing a sequel. The hook was pretty dumb though. "Eh, the villain came back to life."


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Nice ending imo, I don't think you need one where Kain heals the pillars or the world. The bittersweet ending I think suited the tone more.

'The first, bitter taste of that terrible illusion: hope.'

Raziel and Kain's arcs reached a satisfying crescendo.
That's what I keep telling myself. But I sure would have liked a concrete ended. Oh wellā€¦.


Oct 25, 2017
Days Gone at least ends in a place where the main plot is concluded in a satisfying way and most of the characters had complete arcs, I'm honestly fine with where it ended. The last post credits stinger was pretty wild though, could have been an interesting follow up but it's not a huge deal.

Mankind Divided still stings though, hopefully we get that third game eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm the one person waiting for the Fuse sequel

You are not alone! It perfectly set up a sequel.

I get the game was a let down from people expectations, overly focused on co-op, story was meh and was at the tail end of 'chest high third person cover shooters' saturation. But the combat was fun! It's a good game to play, people just never gave it a chance.

I really hope that it gets a sequel or a remaster, but EA owning part of the rights at least and the fan base being able to fit in a small bus, I hold out the smallest of hopes.

Just give me an Insomniac Collection like Rare Replay to be fair.


Oct 25, 2017
PoP 2008's ending did tease a sequel but I sorta liked how it ended. Then the DLC absolutely butchered things so Im sorta glad it didnt get a proper console sequel seeing as how bad they ruined the plot, Id have gone in hating it...

Shenmue 3's an obvious pick, seeing as the game was basically one big tease, and unlikely to ever get a sequel...


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of the mid tier ps2 platformers ended this way: Sphinx And Cursed Mummy, for example. Kya Dark Lineage too, I think.

Great Martinez Jr.

ā–² Legend ā–²
Feb 2, 2021
The Mega Man "teaser that will never be solved" trilogy:

Legends 2

ZX Advent


Tell me about it.

Now, I tend to be a pessimist when it comes to a MMX9 happening (and actually explaining what happened to certain character at the end of MMX8). However, I think it's still within the realm of possibility if only because it's the second most popular iteration after Mega Man "Classic", and MMX Dive apparently being a big hit for Capcom on mobile.

Legends and ZX, on the other hand, are likely never going to get any follow up :(

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021

Pillars of Eternity 2, sort of. The game's plot wrapped itself up, but the world state was clearly designed with a sequel in mind. It's unclear if Avowed is taking place after this or if it's a prequel or happening concurrently with the PoE games.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntildaā€™s Lair
JUST TWO MORE GAMES NEEDED. One with Strife and then FINALLY an Avengers-style Darksiders game with all four characters!

Strife got his game already with Darksiders Genesis. I know many don't like to count it because it's a different style than the other three, but it still counts imo. That makes the actual sequel ready to go!

And please, please keep it single-player like the first three and just alternate between the characters for puzzles and different gameplay options. That's all I'm hoping for at the moment.


Jan 2, 2019
Anachronox is the most heartbreaking, as it ends literally in the middle of the story. (They split the story into two games and were never able to make the second).

edit: wow can't believe it took till page 5 for this to be mentioned. Thought it would much sooner.


One Winged Slayer
Prey 2006 ended on a big sequel tease. Before the plug was pulled, Prey 2 was far enough in development that it had achievements made (typically one of the last things added before a game goes gold). We will probably never see it unless a build leaks, as Bethesda/Arkane obviously have a new Prey universe established, and any further games will almost certainly take place in that one.

(Well, unless it takes said game another 11 years. Maybe Prey 2028 will be yet another reboot, lol)


Oct 30, 2017
Advent rising comes to mind immediately. I genuinely liked that game more than halo at the time (thematically pretty similar games) since it's writing shat on halo from a pretty high height. But it was planned as a trilogy and basically flopped closure for me I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
X-Men 2 Wolverines revenge. During the game a bunch of villains escape from prison and you end up defeating them all except Omega Red and the game ends with Wolverine lying in bed realising he's still at large (the game also teases Apocalypse announcing himself to the world).

I don't know if this counts but Dino Crisis 2, ends on a cliffhanger and 3 has nothing to do with the other ones and its unlikely we'll get a sequel anytime soon


Jun 1, 2022
I would say Deus Ex 4 but I hesitate to even call that an ending, more like somebody turned off the TV in the middle of the game and the console blew up

The Order 1886 ends as soon as it gets really interesting


Mar 14, 2019
Strife got his game already with Darksiders Genesis. I know many don't like to count it because it's a different style than the other three, but it still counts imo. That makes the actual sequel ready to go!

And please, please keep it single-player like the first three and just alternate between the characters for puzzles and different gameplay options. That's all I'm hoping for at the moment.
Genesis doesn't count as Strife's game, b/c it was done by a different team, not to mention it's set way before the initiating event of DSI- while Strife's last-minute cameo at the end of DSIII makes it very clear what story Gunfire wanted to tell next.


May 30, 2020
Contradiction. It even has a slide telling people to please buy the game/get others to buy the game so that they can fund the sequel. On the plus side, there have been several other FMV detective-y games in the years since, but none quite live up to asking people if they know what this šŸ¤Ÿ is over and over.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
Also, Okami. Ends with a big tease of the Celestial Plain. I don't think Okamiden builds on that, but I haven't played it and it's not by the original creators anyway. And Okami 2 doesn't seem to be happening yet.

I have played it, and it doesn't. It adds a little more context and lore to what's already there in Okami and really just builds that tease even more. Okami definitely counts.

Also, Mega Man Legends 2, Mega Man X8, and Mega Man ZX Advent. :(