
One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Mostly fighting games that require combo moves memorization, like Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Injustice.

I did practice a lot with most of available fighters, with their available moves, 10 hit combos, chain attacks, etc, but still I could not do the combos that I want; only got like 2 out 15 tries most of times.
Are you me

Because this is me


Jan 16, 2018
Guild Wars 2 (RPG's in general). I have put over 400 hours in this game and I still suck. It is based on my fundament inability to understand the rules/systems of most RPG's. I enjoy the genre (WRPG's, JRPG's and MMORPG's) but I just suck.


Oct 31, 2017
Wonderful 101, my brain could not handle making gestures and looking at my television at the same, I kept dying and getting hit and it was so frustrating I don't think I finished that demo.

Also fast pased first person shooters like Call of Duty, I'm probably too old because by the time I see somebody and take aim I'm already pulverized from every direction.


Oct 27, 2017
I just couldn't get the hang of combat in the newest God of War. To the point of me putting the game down because it was so frustrating. It's a shame, too, because I really wanted to finish the game.

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Oct 25, 2017
The Surge.

I've played every Soulsborne game to date, as well as Lords of the Fallen. But something was off about the combat in Thee Surge and it never clicked with me. Just frustrated me until I uninstalled it and never looked back.


Oct 27, 2017
Aiming in FPSes is something I don't feel like I'm getting better at despite how many hours I've put into them over the past 8 years or so.

Also games with any kind of state-machine-based kind of setup (i.e. combos). Fighting games and things like Monster Hunter, I button-mash my way to mediocrity in them and never seem to improve or even get said state machine memorized.
Apr 24, 2018
Any FPS. I just usually make an embarrassment out of myself with my lack of skill. I've done okay with some third person shooters, though, and have enjoyed Splatoon 2 in recent months.


Oct 26, 2017
League of Legends. I played almost 5 years of DotA in Warcraft 3, played LoL since it's beta days and still can't get above gold 5.


Oct 28, 2017

FPS' just aren't my thing I guess? I've always played RPGs and playing this game with my friends makes me feel horrible lol.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Competitive Shooters (Especially Sniping) and, unfortunately, fighting games.

With Shooters, it's an issue of not having very stable aiming. Not as big a deal with PVE, but when it comes to PVP with that added layer of human enemies, I just can't.

For fighters, it's not so much that I'm bad at them, as I understand the fundamentals and can perform at a decent level with that, even against people a bit better than me. However, the "Bread and Butter" style seems to allude me in any fighting game I play, as I play too much on instinct and end up button-mashing a bit. I generally have an idea of what I'm aiming for, but execution often alludes me. This same concept translates a bit towards high-level Character Action play as well, but I don't care as much about that since it's PVE anyway.


Nov 1, 2017
I suck at fighting games, all of them.

I play a lot of them, at least the ones that have some sort of story mode and even at default difficulty I sometimes have some trouble beating the final boss.

A few months ago I tried SF V online and man, I was destroyed big time every single fight.

The funny thing is that even though I know I suck, I still buy, play and have a nice time playing fighting games.


Oct 31, 2017
I suck at fighting games, all of them.

I play a lot of them, at least the ones that have some sort of story mode and even at default difficulty I sometimes have some trouble beating the final boss.

A few months ago I tried SF V online and man, I was destroyed big time every single fight.

The funny thing is that even though I know I suck, I still buy, play and have a nice time playing fighting games.

I picked up Fighting EX Layer because I think it's amazing Arika actually got to make that game and I wanted to support them, but dude. I went 0/11 my first session online. Apparently everyone else who bought it has been playing the EX series nonstop for years. Most matches weren't even close.

Still a sick game though, albeit overpriced for what it is. The FEXL side tournament at CEO was awesome. I'm hoping it sells well enough for them to add a proper arcade mode at some point. Or at least stage select for training mode, because that training stage is some Unreal Engine 4 tutorial bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
After all these years playing them I'm still a terrible aim in FPS and TPS, to the extent that I sometimes miss the days of auto aim.

Also I've regularly played fighters since SF2 but I still can't combo for shit in most of them, especially 2D ones.


Nov 7, 2017

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Puzzle Fighter and Puyo Puyo-style multiplayer puzzle games. I can do just fine with single-player modes in those games and against AI opponents, but I just fall apart in MP against other players that I don't believe are experts or anything like that. I'm a huge fan of puzzle games, so it's a weird thing that I just have the worst luck/skill in MP.
Oct 30, 2017
All of the Smash games. I would lose my character on the screen when playing with 3 other people and the Gamecube controller was a mindfuck all its own.


Oct 27, 2017

I build at the pace of real life construction. (I'm always baffled by how players can build 3 story structures in like 2 seconds). And I can't shoot in that game. No matter how hard I try the only way can make it to top 10 is by being a coward and hiding in a bush for the whole game and avoiding everyone (p.s. that's not very fun).