
Feb 22, 2021
Three recent ones has been Gnosia, Tell Me Why and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.

But of all time, I was insanely, utterly and devastatingly crushed by Parasite Eve II.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
MGSV was the first time I really began to follow trailers and announcements and gaming shows, despite being a gamer for most of my life. The game was fun but didn't feel like a Metal Gear game.
May 10, 2021
Fallout 4
This game didn't evolve compared to Fallout 3. And where it evolved it was for the worse like the leveling and the dialogue system. And giving the MC a voice might be the worst decission ever made in the franchise. It also had a lot of weird stuff like endless quests which were only there to give the opportunity of leveling further or unique enemies which drop legendary weapons. Nothing I want to see in a RPG like this.

Diablo 3
Okay, I wasn't really hyped for it because I didn't like the Beta/Demo and so I cancelled my preorder. I bought it later and while I had still some fun, everything feels so flat, dull and irrelelvant compared to Diablo 2.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
Grand Theft Auto V. I booked a couple of days off work and purchased the stupidly expensive edition. It was pretty alright to begin with. Then the Mr Philips mission happened and I was forced to play as a shit stain of character for an hour or two. After that the whole game just shat itself. Terrible unrewarding missions, constant "haha you didn't get paid" cutscenes and Trevor. I spent more time picking out my shoes in that game than choosing the option to kill him.

Watch Dogs 1. I didn't really latch onto the hype for this after the trailer, but I was interested in it. It was, again, alright at the start but good god it just dragged on and on and it was so dull.

Ghosts Of Tsushima. Again, not super hyped but I had heard really promising stuff from people who's opinions I generally respect. Played for 40 minutes and haven't touched it since.

(Kinda) The Last Of Us. I'm not sure if disappointed is the word because, again, I wasn't really hyped myself. However, I had heard all the gushing takes about the game. And all the praised about the ending being "the best thing ever written" So when I played it a few months after launch, and found it to be pretty meh with a wildly underwhelming ending, I was so confused about what the hell people were talking... and continue to talk about. It was fine, but not compared to what I was led to believe it was. The DLC story was pretty legit though. I enjoyed that.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Bravely Default 2, Xenoblade 2, and Bioshock Infinite are sequels that I was really looking forward to due to loving previous entries that didn't do it for me.

Final Fantasy 13 is the only game that I've done a midnight release for. I have a soft spot for it despite its many failings (battle system is neat & the music is killer), but it was definitely not the return to glory for the series that I had been hoping for.


Oct 25, 2017
Twilight Princess. The port to the Wii made me go mad at the time lol, I thought the controls were tacked in and awful and Skyward Sword kind of proved me right. This basically killed my hype forever, I just don't get hyped for games anymore because of the pain that TP was lol


Oct 25, 2017

The crippling disappointment that I had with this game. I've had my hype deflate faster with one other game (Mighty No. 9, it deflated before I even got a chance to hate play it).

I wasted $0 dollars buying this game because my ex-wife bought it for me and yet I still feel like I was robbed.
Came to post this lol. I was so hyped for the mobility in this game since it was relatively unique at the time.
Oct 31, 2017
Metal Gear Solid 4 holds the crown. After Snake Eater, I was expecting 4 to be a bigger, more detailed, more refined and expanded upon Snake Eater. We got a game that felt much smaller in game scope, with most of the "expanded" nature of the game existing in the cutscenes/narrative (which weren't even good/a good direction to take).

MGS4 was so bad/disappointing to me that it actively hurt my interest in the IP, even to this day.

GTA V is a decent second. I think IV is still better than V, and I was ridiculously hyped for V. There were three things that primarily disappointed me with V: the focus on taking Grand Theft Auto into an MMO-esque/forever-engagement/monetization direction for the multiplayer, the game's single player story/characters, and the much hyped 3 protagonists and being able to swap between them (pre-release I thought you could have all three characters together and be able to swap between them pretty much effortlessly... nope).


Oct 29, 2017
BioShock Infinite is the big one for me. Nothing about that game is great besides the art direction (which is admittedly fantastic) and it really shit the bed in the last third or so. I was so excited for it, BioShock was my favorite game and I was expecting something that felt as fully realized.

Troy Barnes

Sep 24, 2020
Paper Mario Origami King
Thought we were finally going back to the series' RPG roots after certain "rumors ".
I've given up on the series now, it just isn't for me anymore.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Top 3 most disappointing games ever for me were;

1. Resident Evil 3 remake

Good game, abysmal remake. It's like the developers had only a basic understanding of why people liked the original game and what it was memorable for and rushed it out so that they could get to remaking RE4 sooner. Raccoon City was missing a ton of areas, Nemesis was a joke, Brad was killed off-screen etc., just completely lacked the heart and soul of the original. I really thought the remake had the potential to be better than 2's but I've honestly never been more disappointed in a game in my life. I'll probably never play it again.

2. Batman Arkham Knight

Hey let's take every lose end we setup in the last game and just rush them to an unsatisfying conclusion, because why not. I don't think a single cliffhanger in Arkham City was carried on well in Knight. Add in the awful Bat-Tank, shitty recycled tank fights, a bad story and an awful 'twist' with Arkham Knight and you easily have the worst Arkham game. The only reason it's not first is because all the playable characters make it the definitive entry for Challenge Mode.

3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

This is a weird mixture of an amazing game that was incredibly disappointing. I love playing TPP, but I hate replaying it. The story and characters in the game was the drizzling shits and were a slap in the face to anyone who had came through the series leading up to it. This was the game that made me start to hate the cult of personality around Kojima and consider him a man way past his prime with no one willing to tell him his ideas suck (Death Stranding solidified this). But that being said, man is the game just amazing to play. Even now I get that little itch to mess around with it, but then I think of the story and get sad again.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Recently, Hades. I wasn't too excited about it, but prior history with Supergiant led me to believe I would enjoy it a lot. A few days after release, I lost all interest in what's trying to do.

Looking back a bit further, I'm tempted to say RDR 2 and Matterfall. Again, not releases I was ecstatic about, it's just they didn't reach my personal expectations or were impossible to find satisfying in later sections. For a few years now, I tend to replay rather than buying new stuff; RDR 2 in particular is one I can't do that with. To be honest, I don't know what pushed me into finishing it once.

And from my childhood, I remember some Turok for PS2 that was unplayable, nausea-inducing. I went back to the store and replace it for Onimusha 2, so all in all, it was a good deal.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
MGSV is a pretty big one, though initially I wasn't very hyped for it. Then Kojima's volley of trailers started coming in close to release (the E3 red band one with Elegia comes to mind), and I was ready to dig into his final opus. Then after the halfway point a sinking feeling started to take hold.

Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney was also a bit of a let down for me. It felt like a really wasted opportunity for a crossover in a lot of ways, it mainly leaned on Layton-isms.


Oct 8, 2018
Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect 3.

Three is a cursed number and I understand why Valve wants to avoid it.


Oct 25, 2017
I was excited to finally play Axiom Verge when it came to Switch, what with the superlatives lavished upon it by Mr Metroidvania himself JeremyParish. And it... kinda sucked? It had a few clever ideas but mostly was just a bog-standard Metroid clone that made the terrible decision to double down on the early Metroids' clunky and awkward combat.


Nov 11, 2019
FFXV and Type-0, though to a lesser extent.

I think they should have been more aggressive with FFXV's reboot and taken the L. Trying to live up to the trailers and salvage what was there even though it wasn't working was such an endeavour that I feel it cost us a truly great game. People blame FFXIII for FFXV, but there's a lot of signs that point to FFXV's failure taking a toll on SE's output as a whole. I don't think Lightning Returns would have happened if they didn't need more time to save FFXV from itself.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy XV. Legendary hype cycle, terrible half-finished mess of a game. They've tried to add in some of the features the game should have started with in patches down the line, but no amount of patching can fix the slapdash story and the clunky animation-heavy combat. Worse, they tried to make you buy portions of the story they cut out of the game and even of these small slices only one of four was really worth a damn.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
Cyberpunk 2077 - self explanatory
Red Dead Redemption 2 - overkill on the simulation stuff
Poke'mon X/Y - such a huge downer after Black/White


Oct 30, 2017
I came to write this pretty much.. I even bought the collectors edition for 200 euro. I literally can't even talk about the game with anyone because it upsets me so much.

TLOU2, this is an absolutely exceptional game in so many ways. Let's just get that out of the way. But the story is so dark and depressing, many characters fell flat for me and
having to play as Abby for half the game
really killed it for me. The first one was such a great story and each chapter and all the supporting characters were great. I think I expected too much from the sequel.
Nov 9, 2017
I have had some disappointment in the last years...

Uncharted 3: I loved the first two games so much that I platinumed them, and it was hard, believe me. So, for the third game, I wanted to unlock a lot of things, like unlimited munition or the invincibility like in the first two games but I didn't find any of that after I finished it. There was no incentive for me to replay it. That's why I didn't buy the other games, I love secrets and I love to unlock things.

Horizon Zero Dawn: it was boring and bland, and the battles were a little too hard, too intense and too bow-focused for me. I wanted something more relaxing. Sure, it's a beautiful game, but after playing it for one or two hours, I found out that the map was empty, there were only herbs, machines and quests. No secrets, no funny easter eggs, no surprises, nothing interesting. In fact, it reminded me of the beginning of Morrowind and the guy who fell from the sky after using the spell of Icarus I think; there was nothing like that.

Street Fighter IV: I liked the game, but I was disappointed not because of the game itself but because of external problems. First of all, it found it hard to play, especially because of the focus mechanic. I might have tried for maybe 10 hours or more in training and in real play, but I never was able to do shoryuken > focus > ultra with Ryu when I wanted, and I always play with Ryu in all Street Fighter games. And also, because of where I live, the online was simply impossible for me. But that, I discovered it after buying the game. And because of all of that, SF4 is the game that made me stop playing fighting games.

The Witcher 3: the battles. I'm sure I don't have to elaborate.

Watch Dogs: what do you want me to say?


Oct 27, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
Assassin's Creed 3
Cyberpunk 2077
D&D Dark Alliance
The ending of Mass Effect 3
The early days of Diablo 3 (I've since gone back during some the season and I really enjoyed it)


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Persona 5 - really did no connect with the characters or overall narrative. Just so many things in the game's story and structure that annoyed me and just wore me out.
MGSV - Ultimately a really fun game to play, but drastically underwhelmed by the overall narrative and just kind of wasted open world that relied so much on recycled locations.
X: Rebirth - Just a colossal disappointment on all fronts really when at the time it was really one of the only singleplayer focused space combat sims around.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy XV.. I loved the trailers so much. Ended up being an unfinished and unfun mess.

TLOU2.. I loved the first game to death.. the narrative and characters were so unlikable that I had to force myself to finish it just to see if it was redeemable.. Nope.


Oct 25, 2017
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Granted, I am still somewhat fond of Oblivion, but coming off the GOAT(Morrowind), and boasting a legit generational leap in terms of visuals & tech, my hype levels were uncontrollable. Imagine my surprise when I discover much of the design complexity, freedom, variety, and soul has been ripped from the experience in favor of streamlining & accessibility. Not only was my time with it short compared to other entries, it's not something I was compelled to revisit over the years as I'm wont to do with my most beloved RPGs.

Final Fantasy VII Remake - Few gaming companies meant more to me growing up than Squaresoft. OG FF7 was a big part of that, and I even had a surprisingly emotional response to reuniting with those characters in the 7R demo. But God Damn if the full game isn't one of the most painful, unbearable slogs I've ever encountered. Couldn't stomach to play beyond Ch.11 and dropped Intergrade almost immediately. Hearing that the padding & bloat become even more egregious in later levels means I will probably never finish the game, something that would've been unthinkable pre-release.


Oct 27, 2017
cyberpunk 2077. it was one of my most hyped things ever until they started talking about the actual game. then my interest sank to the bottom of the ocean. then it came out and hooo wee.

final fantasy 15. i was on board with everything that was in the e3 2013 rebranding trailer. too bad none of that was anything that was ever made.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Nothing will ever top Metal Gear Solid 2 for me.

I obsessed over MGS1. Played it so many damn times I lost count. I've played MGS2 once, and even reaching the end credits required monumental willpower on my part.

I recall an overlong cutscene reminiscent of a daytime soap opera, where Ocaton went off on a tangent about an affair he had with his stepmom, and I just burst out laughing hysterically. That was the point of no return for me. That was the moment I knew the game (and pretty much the franchise as a whole) had lost me and it was never pulling me back in.


Dec 13, 2017
Metal Gear Solid 4. I bought ps3 just to play it. Then I learned that I shoudn't hype any game. And it worked.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Some truly horrible examples in this thread as always with the "shit on a popular game" threads.

Cyberpunk though. Just an immense waste of potential, talent and money.


Oct 27, 2017
Borderlands 3. I loved the first two and enjoyed the pre-sequel but the godawful humor and writing in 3 hit a new low that I just could not get past. Beat the game with Flak and only played the first DLC even though my dumb ass bought the deluxe version with the pass for all the DLC. That game turned me off the Borderlands franchise forever.

Deleted member 30544

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 3, 2017
Metal Gear Solid 4: I consider MGS3 one of the best games and experiences I have ever played so my hype for this one could not be topped, I even pre-ordered the collector's edition and everything (my first pre-order ever). But no matter how much praise the game got or how much I tried to like it, it just didn't clicked with me, I was so disappointed that it even sour me from the MGS franchise (at that point my favorite ever) and from Kojima (whom today I think is a unbearable untalented hack)

There are others, like Yoshi Story and Yoshi's Island DS, The Darkness 2 etc. But the top one is MGS4 for sure and the one who "broke" most things.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyrim. I was hyped because I loved Oblivion back in the day. Turns out Oblivion 1.5 (it even regressed from Oblivion in many regards) didn't cut it anymore for me in 2011.

Bioshock Infinite. They replaced everything that made the first 2 work with a mediocre arena shooter. Plus a story that's more interested in blowing your mind than being good.

RDR2. The mission design is just so, so bad. Also, I wasn't nearly as enamored with the story as everyone else seemed to be.


Oct 27, 2017
Halo MCC, Halo 4, and Halo 5. I should probably be less hyped for Infinite.

And of course, most recently, Cyberpunk 2077.


Nov 5, 2017
Diablo 3, to be fair I don't think it could've lived up to me hype unless it was the GOAT but that's how much I loved D2


Jan 27, 2018
The first game that killed me was Heroes of Might and Magic 4. I hated almost everything about that game.


Oct 28, 2017
Perhaps my biggest disappointment was Quest 64. I was so starved for RPGs. I really wanted it too be good and interesting.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
Metal Gear Solid 4 holds the crown. After Snake Eater, I was expecting 4 to be a bigger, more detailed, more refined and expanded upon Snake Eater. We got a game that felt much smaller in game scope, with most of the "expanded" nature of the game existing in the cutscenes/narrative (which weren't even good/a good direction to take).

MGS4 was so bad/disappointing to me that it actively hurt my interest in the IP, even to this day.
So true. It's especially striking when you go from 3 to 4 and take in just how much lesser of a game MGS4 is. I try to respect everyone's opinion on a product even if I sharply disagree, but this is the one game above all else where I just can't wrap my head around how highly-regarded it is. I just don't see what so many others see in it. I think it's a very middling game with rotten storytelling.

1. Resident Evil 3 remake

Good game, abysmal remake. It's like the developers had only a basic understanding of why people liked the original game and what it was memorable for and rushed it out so that they could get to remaking RE4 sooner. Raccoon City was missing a ton of areas, Nemesis was a joke, Brad was killed off-screen etc., just completely lacked the heart and soul of the original. I really thought the remake had the potential to be better than 2's but I've honestly never been more disappointed in a game in my life. I'll probably never play it again.
This one will always hurt. On paper, an RE3 remake had the potential to be the ultimate RE game. When you look at how much room for improvement there was, how much they could have expanded Raccoon City after 20 years, how awesome remake Mr. X was and how Nemesis could have been that on steroids, etc. It's amazing how badly they missed the mark after how great the first two RE remakes were.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
I loved RE2 (1998) but I remember being properly shocked at how short it was.
I actually traded it back in for Gran Turismo (launched the same day) that same weekend.

I also remember being really let down by the pixelated graphics of FF8 once it released (I had hyped myself up on thumbnail videos for months/years prior and I had this extraordinary mental image). Thankfully, that feeling passed and the game turned out amazing.


▲ Legend ▲
Dec 26, 2018
Marvel vs Capcom infinite. It's not that the game disappointed me at launch, I was prepared for the lackluster elements of the game from what was shown pre release. I was disappointed by Capcom abandoning it immediately, because the gameplay and netcode surprised me and I was hoping for a turn around. To this day I believe there's a great game in there somewhere that never got a chance.


Oct 29, 2017
Perfect Dark Zero.

The original was possibly my favourite game ever, while Zero fell way short of that.