
Feb 21, 2018
Fire Emblem IV was one of the first Japanese games I imported along with its strategy guide. I didn't understand much but remember thinking it was neat and making it at least a few chapters in on the gameplay and vibes.

Once it had a fan translation I gave it a proper play-through and damn is this game SLOW. The enemy turns take forever, battles animations are similarly glacial (turned them off but the arena forces them on), and with how large the maps are moving a bunch of characters each turn can be a pain. Thankfully emulators exist, and 5x fast-forwarding makes all of these problems disappear. My most recent playthrough took me 132 in-game hours which is probably around 100 real-time ones with my fast-forward use.

Monster Sanctuary is one that has an in-game battle speed option (I think up to 4x?) and I never miss an opportunity to plug this action replay code for Gen IV Pokémon that uncaps framerate in battle, doubling the speed of all text and animations without distorting audio.

All of these are top-tier games for me but if I couldn't speed up or fast-forward animations my opinion would likely be lower. Not so bad on first plays but extremely noticeable on replays. Curious what other examples y'all have.


Oct 27, 2017
When I played through the original version of FFXII without the fast forward option, I would play another game on DS during some of the end-game hunts like Yiazmat and Behemoth King.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy VII and IX (especially IX)
Final Fantasy XII
Octopath Traveler 2
Soul Hackers 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Unicorn Overlord

Basically any JRPG with slooooow animations


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 20, 2019
Pokemon RSE and FRLG on emulator are unplayable without fast-forward.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think I would have ever finished the original version of Crisis Core if I didn't have a fast forward button mapped to the controller. The remaster did a fantastic job of fixing the moment to moment.


Oct 19, 2019
Final Fantasy IX, that long battle transition...

Yup. Played the game on PS1 and it felt like a slog. To the point where I gave up close to the ending... I just couldn't do it anymore.

Played it years later on emulator with fast forward for long loading times and loved it.

I Fall

Dec 31, 2023
It's funny for me that a game has this feature. Clearly it's a game design problem with a bandaid solution.

When DQXI Definitive Edition came out a lot of reviews praised the addition, but they didn't criticized pacing, farming or speed on the original Echoes of an Elusive Age.


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
If not for the built in fast forward I would have abandoned FF8. Mostly only saw it through to the end because of sunken cost fallacy. I've only played through 9 a single time as well - back on the PS3 PS Classics port that had no speedup. Loved it, but if/when I ever replay it I'll need that speedup.

I really liked Persona 1 on PSP but I would also probably not have made it through without extensive speed up and guide usage.

EDIT: Oh and Zodiac Age's speedup finally helped me beat that game after years of never finishing the original. I loved what I played of 12 but the glacial pace for grinding LP if you got hardstuck + the original's bad license board system meant I'd always just fall off.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Other games have it but FFIX's long ass battle transition and FFXII's general boring moment to moment battle animations are the only times I've used it to make the games better.


Alt Account
Jul 7, 2020
It's probably shorter to list out the games that I wouldn't use this feature on in some capacity. Especially in the PS1/PS2 days you have unskippable cutscenes and really bad loading time and all that kind of stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Breath of Fire 1/2 are much better with fast forward.

Shout out to Hexyz Force on the PSP too which was the first game I ever saw offer it natively and as part of the original game (IE not a later port/remake/emulation set)


Apr 30, 2022
Final Fantasy VII and IX (especially IX)
Final Fantasy XII
Octopath Traveler 2
Soul Hackers 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Unicorn Overlord

Basically any JRPG with slooooow animations

If it's not your first playthrough, would add Chrono Cross to that list as well. Helps with getting those multiple endings.


Jan 16, 2020
FF IX. Although the fast forward helped, the battle system is fundamentally flawed


Feb 2, 2018
Breath of Fire 1/2 are much better with fast forward.

Amazing examples, the walk speed on SNES is brutal 😅 The GBA ports benefitted hugely from a run button.

Though these days, SNES versions w/romhack(s) and fast forward probably the best way to go

Stealth Kiseki thread

I don't know how anyone gets through Trails without the speed up option tbh.

Another great one, I can't believe they went with that default battle speed D:

I wouldn't have gotten through FC without Cheat Engine w/speed up hotkey. So glad they've since added fast forward officially to the games


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of old rpgs are like this for me. FF through load times or when grinding to speed up finding the next random encounter.


Oct 27, 2017
Later versions of Final Fantasy XII had this, and I used it constantly.

Yep. That, and any turn-based strategy game, or even modern turn-based JRPGs. After 36 years of playing those kinds of games, I don't need every fight to be the same slow speed, especially when it's trash you're just wanting to blitz through.


Oct 27, 2017
This is maybe a joke answer, but Kerbal Space Program.

Fast forward is obviously built in to avoid waiting 8 hours for your lander to reach the Mün, or like, a year for a full return trip to Eeloo.

Whenever I play now I use the Kerbal Alarm Clock mod to auto stop the fast forward, lost to many Kerbals to missed manoeuvres.


Oct 25, 2017
Since trails was already mentioned then Honkai Star Rail.

At x1 speed the game feels like its in slow motion.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this affects many PS1 era RPGs, especially the Final Fantasy games, that become tedious on original hardware with their long animations and loading times. On modern hardware you tend to forget how long you actually just sat there waiting, because the loading times are eliminated and re-releases come with speed boosters and assist options.

The fact that they need to do boosts like that, says everything.

Gespenst MKIV

Nov 1, 2017
Moder Super Robot Wars would take you years to play with out the ability to speed up or even outright skip attack animations, as nice as they are
Oct 29, 2017
It's funny for me that a game has this feature. Clearly it's a game design problem with a bandaid solution.

When DQXI Definitive Edition came out a lot of reviews praised the addition, but they didn't criticized pacing, farming or speed on the original Echoes of an Elusive Age.
Exactly this. Any game that, by design (so I'm very much NOT talking about emulators with the option), offers you a fast-forward option is poorly designed to start with. It's a recognition from the developers that "Hey, this is slow!" and, rather than doing something to address that issue, they add in this shortcut. I played Soul Hackers 2 and at the start appreciated the options it gave you to speed things up, but it didn't actually make it any better, just slightly reduced my time investment (and what a poor game it was).

I part of the problem is that companies still see >30/40/50 etc hours as being some kind of big plus for the sales pitch, so we get lots of poor pacing, huge amounts of padding and, perhaps, slow animations - all in service of extending that playtime. In the real world, I would imagine that long playtimes probably puts more people off than it brings in - those who are pleased by it would likely buy it anyway so isn't a factor in a purchasing decision, but many more just think they'd never have the time to play it and skip it. Not something we can really quantify here though (for starters, this forum is not representative of the wider market).
Mar 28, 2024
i'm replaying Trails of cold steel and everything is a bit too slow, couldn't do it without the turbo mode

same with the sky and the crossbell arcs


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Replaying Suikoden 4 right now and I wouldn't be able to without Turbo. I forgot how slow that ship sailed on my PS2.

I was also going to mention Genealogy lol


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I love Dragon Quest VIII's open world but by the end of my 80 hours, I was kinda sick of it. So I turned on 2x speed in PCSX2 and thankfully even then the encounter rate wasn't bad.


Feb 13, 2019
I recently played through FFIV & V with the extra XP enabled. Fantastic experience.


Oct 28, 2017
This is the best feature of YouTube. Adds a fast forward feature to every single game you play on it, whether the game supports it or not.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy XII TZA. Legit made one of my most hated FFs into "you know what, this is fun". I can't imagine playing it without it fast forward


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think many people would have the patience for Xenogears anymore without the patch for faster dialogue speeds + speed up toggle. It helped me finally beat the thing (which I otherwise adored).
Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy IX, that long battle transition...
Somehow still feels slow! 😓

Simcity. I gotta have that cheetah speed.
Max speed for all city builders! I'll go a step further and say any strategy game, if I'm not actively making a decision, I'm happy for resources to come flying in so I can make my next decision.

Stealth Kiseki thread
I wish Falcom would be consistent with fast foward/text skip. I feel like each game I play from them has it implemented slightly differently, sometimes it'll fast forward to the next dialogue box, sometimes straight though.

Exactly this. Any game that, by design (so I'm very much NOT talking about emulators with the option), offers you a fast-forward option is poorly designed to start with. It's a recognition from the developers that "Hey, this is slow!" and, rather than doing something to address that issue, they add in this shortcut. I played Soul Hackers 2 and at the start appreciated the options it gave you to speed things up, but it didn't actually make it any better, just slightly reduced my time investment (and what a poor game it was).
Personally, I don't agree, at least not for everything. I see it as more of a willingness to let people play how they want. I played Soul Hackers 2 with the game sped up most of the time, I've got that need for speed; but my housemate thinks is ridiculous to play games fast forwarding, and would watch it all play out at the default speed. We've all got different tolerances for what we consider slow after all, some people genuinely do want to watch animations. 😂

I do agree that Soul Hackers 2 method of handling it was a shortcut, I'm not a fan of just speeding up game speed, I prefer presentation changes, like turning off battle effects in Pokemon.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been replaying the 3D Suikoden games and it would be rough to get through them without a speed up toggle. Even 5, which I liked a lot back then, benefits greatly from it.