Deleted member 10549

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Mass Effect 2. I liked the first game and I really wanted to like the second game. I loved the world and characters, but the gameplay was so shit to me that I just couldnt finish it.


Oct 25, 2017
I like difficult gameplay. I've put a lot of hours in mastering some rather hardcore rhythm games, danmakus, some incredibly tough levels on precision-based games like TrackMania, I even used to be tournament-level at Unreal Tournament once upon a time. Difficulty, when done well, is amazing. My main gripe with Dark Souls is that a lot of the difficulty comes from trial and error, bad design, disappointing technical elements. If a sword misses you by 20cm but your hitbox is still somehow hit, that's bad design. If an enemy one shots you from a dark corner in a way you were not supposed to know about, that's bad design. If you're allowed to go hours in a certain direction only to realize you can do jackshit there and you were somehow supposed to know that was not the way to go, that's bad design.

The difficulty comes from the fact the resources are scarse: you die with 2-3 hits, you can land only like 2-3 shots before you get hit yourself or your stamina runs off, every wrong step is some mortal trap or fall into the abyss, and so on. The game expects you to die a billion times to things you can not know in advance, until you exercise enough to pull the dance off. This is absolutely unlike the hardest levels in, say, Super Mario, TrackMania, Touhou or something: there, what you need to do is fairly obvious, what you need to do is find the ideal path and actually perform it correctly. Dark Souls' difficulty does not come from this, it comes from overcoming enemies and level designs intentionally hampering the player until he/she can abuse it someway, like making the enemies fall off a cliff, hitting a boss from a mile away to damage it beforehand or making yourself absurdly powerful by grinding an area.

I tried the game for a fairly lengthy amount of time, but the accomplishment of finally getting through an area was largely diminished by the game's faults. Improving at the game did not feel fun because the game would continously spam you with (initially) unavoidable deaths, which forces players to replay sections they already mastered just because they have no idea what comes after that will probably one-shot them until they figure out how to counter it. To me, this is not good design nor it is fun. I insisted with the game because the lore was fascinating (hence I proposed this game as my pick for the thread), but I had to realize that the 90% of my playtime was not about having fun, it was about replaying tedious sessions where I had to perform the same basic attacks many times without fail to move on.

The Surge actually delivered this concept in a much more enjoyable way, for my tastes anyway, by introducing better shortcuts, less random traps or enemies in unseen locations, rules that are more clear, chances of getting better gear by taking risks but without a way to overlevel yourself, etc.. Ironically, The Surge's lore was nowhere near as intriguing as Dark Souls. If only the two things could be combined. Granted, after my so-so experience with Dark Souls 1 I did not play the sequels, so it's entirely possible the sequels fixed a lot of my issues with the first game (from what I saw in gameplay videos, that probably is not the case, but I don't want to judge those titles without having tried them).
Wow. Incredible


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Order 1886, it's the main reason I want a sequel, would love to get more from that story, I think you could do so much with that story and the fact that each soldier loves for hundreds of years gives you so much to play with for awesome set pieces.

Also I recently played Call of Cthulhu by Cyanide games and while the game wasn't great the story was interesting enough to string me along, while I've heard of Cthulhu before and seen it in media like South Park I never really knew anything about it besides giant squid god and it was interesting.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia

The actual gameplay is just above average, but the lore has always been fantastic.

Ive played all the mainline ones up until now 4 (and reach).

Story ended up a bit lame in 4 with the whole promethean thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe Marvel vs. Capcom? Not so much the lore as the characters. I'm a big Marvel fan but I don't like touch of death air dash fighters :(

Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dark Souls: the thread. The gameplay has a great concept but the execution is incredibly janky with horrible hitboxes, wonky animations, stupid physics, laughable AI and various badly designed areas. What surrounds the gameplay is a lot more interesting than the actual gameplay experience, and I think it shows on the communities as well: 99% of the talk is about the lore and the difficulty, few praises go towards the actual act of playing the game.

Any and all reason to take this post seriously went out the door right here.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Any and all reason to take this post seriously went out the door right here.

First of all, it's an opinion. As such, it's no more wrong than the various other unpopular opinions in this thread. In my experience in this game, I had tons of situations where my character's animation and hitbox was rather wonky. I lured enemies into killing themselves in pits a billion times. While some areas were well-designed, others felt like fairly generic corridors with the occasional pathway. The game gets various things right, otherwise I wouldn't have played it more than 30 minutes. But I walked away disappointed that despite all the praise, the game has a series of very jarring problems that made it difficult, for me, to properly enjoy it. And I don't think I'm wrong in my experience that most of the talk about Dark Souls is in the difficulty and the crazy lore, while the actual gameplay was only truly praised from Bloodborne onwards as far as From games go.

I appreciate many things about the game. Gameplay, ultimately, was not one of them. And it's not even a matter of hating the formula as I enjoyed The Surge and other soulslikes to an extent.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea people really took Mortal Kombats story / lore seriously until MK11.


Oct 27, 2017
Dark Souls is what came to mind for me when I read the title, but Destiny I also have to agree with.
I know there were some other games that fell into this category for me, too, but I can't think of them at the moment.

Probably also Anthem. lol
Not because the lore is particularly amazing, but because the gameplay quality bar is so low.


Oct 27, 2017
Mortal Kombat in the PS2 era. I enjoyed the story modes in those games, but everything up to MK9 was pretty damn awful in the gameplay department.


Oct 27, 2017
Dark Souls and such: I don't need hard games in my life, I already got a job.
Metal Gear Solid: love the silly lore, hate stealth games.
Any Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space: I can't handle being scared in games, but god damn do I love the stories of those 3 franchises. Also RIP Dead Space :(


Oct 26, 2017
Surprised only one post about FNAF. Great lore and some I still can't quite wrap my head around. That said I have no desire to actually play them.

Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
First of all, it's an opinion. As such, it's no more wrong than the various other unpopular opinions in this thread. In my experience in this game, I had tons of situations where my character's animation and hitbox was rather wonky. I lured enemies into killing themselves in pits a billion times. While some areas were well-designed, others felt like fairly generic corridors with the occasional pathway. The game gets various things right, otherwise I wouldn't have played it more than 30 minutes. But I walked away disappointed that despite all the praise, the game has a series of very jarring problems that made it difficult, for me, to properly enjoy it. And I don't think I'm wrong in my experience that most of the talk about Dark Souls is in the difficulty and the crazy lore, while the actual gameplay was only truly praised from Bloodborne onwards as far as From games go.

I appreciate many things about the game. Gameplay, ultimately, was not one of them. And it's not even a matter of hating the formula as I enjoyed The Surge and other soulslikes to an extent.

And you claiming that the game has bad hitboxes, an aspect that is frequently praised, to the point of even having articles written about it, shows that there is no reason to take your opinion seriously. That, or you don't actually know/understand what hitboxes are. The theme of an area or the enemies walking into pits and dying has nothing to do with the quality of the games hitboxes and hit registrations.

And I don't know where you get that the gameplay wasn't/isn't praised. The praising of the gameplay was what got me to try the original Dark Souls in the first place. Hell, to praise the difficulty is to praise the gameplay itself, so you're already contradicting yourself.

And to act like people play the Souls series only for the lore is also laughable.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And you claiming that the game has bad hitboxes, an aspect that is frequently praised, to the point of even having articles written about it, shows that there is no reason to take your opinion seriously. That, or you don't actually know/understand what hitboxes are. The theme of an area or the enemies walking into pits and dying has nothing to do with the quality of the games hitboxes and hit registrations.

And I don't know where you get that the gameplay wasn't/isn't praised. The praising of the gameplay was what got me to try the original Dark Souls in the first place. Hell, to praise the difficulty is to praise the gameplay itself, so you're already contradicting yourself.

And to act like people play the Souls series only for the lore is also laughable.

You probably misunderstood my post or I didn't express myself correctly. I encountered multiple istances of wonky animations and odd hitboxes. The AI issue is not related to hitboxes, but it was pretty damn stupid at times. I never claimed everybody plays the game for the lore, but my experience of hearing from the game (on Era and elsewhere) was mainly praises for the lore and the difficulty, as opposed to something like Devil May Cry 5 or Vanquish (to mention two other third person games, even if wildly different) which are usually talked about because of their ridiculously good gameplay. I didn't want to cause a controversy or to offend anyone's tastes, that is my experience with the game despite having spent a decent amount of hours on it (it was on the X360 which doesn't have an hour counter for this stuff, but it's definitely in the double-digits).

What I meant is that I was immediately intrigued by the lore and the game's visual identity (even if the graphics were not that good), so it's a shame the gameplay felt so hit and miss for me. Given how people praise the game it's clearly a "me, not you" situation. Clearly I missed something, or clearly the game isn't made for me. It's okay, a lot of fan favourite games are not my cup of tea. But I don't get why my post was so damn controversial when there's mentions of games like Halo, Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil in this thread as well. The only difference is that I explained what I personally found weak about the game instead of dropping a name and leaving.


Mar 9, 2018
Games like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis. I like hearing about all of the crazy stuff people do in those games and I've tried to get into them on numerous occasions because of it but actually playing them feels like a chore to me.


Oct 30, 2017
Not exactly lore, but I'd say Overwatch is one those games that fascinates me with its characters, their personalities and their charisma. I with Blizzard/Activision made a single player story driven game with someone there.. probably Tracer as the main character; I really love the comics and the shorts they release, but I have no interest in a competitive FPS online.
I came to say this. Although I've definitely enjoyed my time with the game (spent a good month or so playing it) I find a lot more enjoyment out of their short comics/stories/animations than I do out of playing the game nowadays. Aside from the occasional event I come back for - I would much rather just digest an entire comic series, series or movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Danganronpa. I actively hate the gameplay, but I love the story.

To a lesser extent, I feel the same way about the Zero Escape games. To me, the escape rooms are just an obstacle between me and the next story bit.

Some VNs have awful mechanics attached to good stories. The original Steins Gate has a really dumb phone reply system in place of normal dialogue choices, but I love the story and characters.

As cheesy as they can be, I do also like the lore of some fighting games, even though I don't really enjoy playing them anymore. I like reading up about character backgrounds and stories of games like Street Fighter and Blazblue.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
Soul Sacrifice, as mentioned.
World of Warcraft, since I just play it now to see the story end.
The Witcher, love the world and heavily dislike the games.


Oct 25, 2017
The Witcher series and Fallout New Vegas.

Granted I don't think think the gameplay is bad in these, but the main draw is the world and the various questlines.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
I loathe MMOs and stay far, far away from them, but Final Fantasy XIV has some genuinely fascinating lore.


May 31, 2018
Falcom's Trails/Kiseki franchise of JRPG's. Graphics are generally dated for the time they came out, gameplay is fairly classic turn-based JRPG combat with some FF7-like Materia and FFX-like turn management systems thrown in. It's also a series of (currently) 9 full-blown JRPG's who all follow up on one another, foreshadow stuff in one another, have plenty of characters from one story arc appear in another (sometimes even random NPC's) and have an overarching meta-plot that's still on-going after nearly two decades.

Kiseki is basically Lore; the franchise.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
Skyrim's lore writes a cheque that its gameplay and mission structure rarely try to cash.
Mar 29, 2018
Deadly Premonition is the definition of this

The gameplay ranges from mediocre to barely sufferable - but the world, characters, mystery and themes are so on in point it's somehow compelling as fuck

it's not necessarily lore, but I do enjoy reading about those massive EVE online battles. I'll die before I end up playing that game tho. I can't wrap my head around it for the life of me.
Very good example. The player-driven political machinations that took place in that game during its prime are legendary


Jun 4, 2019
BrasĂ­lia, Brazil
I honestly don't get why people hate the combat in Witcher 3 so much. For me it's pretty solid, mixing sword play with signs is dope as hell. Theres one skill in the melee tree that makes Geralt literally dance with the sword. I liked it a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
Ar nosurge was this for me.

It's really more of a visual novel in 3D for all intents and purposes, as the battles on normal difficulty is extremely easy (although you get a decent challenge on the hard difficulty), "dungeons" are never composed of a huge amount of screens either.

But I loved the lore & character building and especially how it connected back to
Ar tonelico.


Oct 25, 2017
Why playing if you can have the lore by an other medium? Can you just read a book?

Perhaps because you still enjoy the gameplay. Most games lore isn't told to you, but require you to delve deeper. I am not being hyperbolic at all when I say, that for me, Destiny's lore is some of the best out there. Do I agree with the decision to not have the Grimoire in game? No. I do however enjoy the stories that are told in there. Dredgen Yor, the Book of Sorrows, the Great Collapse, Iron Lords, Siva, Eris Morn and her Fireteam. All are great stories that Bungie expanded on in a way that most developers don't.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Brigador gameplay is quite good, but the lore is something else. There's a lot about Brigador that evokes the first golden age of PC gaming, and nothing more so than the page after page of lore entries describing the people, history, politics, and giant stompy robots of Solo Nobre. Paging through the lore entries evokes memories of sitting on the sofa reading the Fallout 2 manual, which was half game mechanics descriptions, half recipes for cooking irradiated gecko.
There would be a ton of games I prefer watching a walkthough of instead of playing. I'm actually doing it a lot for several reasons.
A big example for me would be Devil May Cry. I can manage, but the gameplay is just not my genre. Nevertheless I'm unhealthy obsessed with the twins.
Oct 27, 2017
Or a terrible kind of release schedule forced on you by Activision which prevented you from doing what you actually wanted to do.

They also fired the guy in charge and redid the whole story at one point, iirc. So the blame is with Bungie to an extent.

There would be a ton of games I prefer watching a walkthough of instead of playing. I'm actually doing it a lot for several reasons.
A big example for me would be Devil May Cry. I can manage, but the gameplay is just not my genre. Nevertheless I'm unhealthy obsessed with the twins.

That's a really curious answer because DMC has like the thinnest of lores that changes as the games demand it from moment to moment but excels at gameplay. But what little lore we have is pretty good at least, for the most part.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
Bloodborne. I don't like playing these games, by and large, except when I can use a trainer to just explore the world on my own. But since BB is only on PS4, I feel like I kinda missed out.

I love the lore and the art and the general design of everything, but I just don't enjoy playing.


Nov 1, 2017
Dragon Age has fantastic lore. I could print out the codex and read it like a novel.

The mage vs Templar struggle is fascinating, the relationship between the Templars and the chantry, the debate about whether mage circles are important to protect the world or are instead just fancy prisons, the nature of gods and the golden/black city, the qunari with their in some ways progressive but other ways totalitarian ideology, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
They also fired the guy in charge and redid the whole story at one point, iirc. So the blame is with Bungie to an extent.

That's a really curious answer because DMC has like the thinnest of lores that changes as the games demand it from moment to moment but excels at gameplay. But what little lore we have is pretty good at least, for the most part.

IIRC that was done specifically at the behest of Activision, who didn't like how the story turned out, which was why it was so disjointed. I might be remembering wrong, but the release schedule and the higher-ups had a larger part to play then you are giving them credit for.


Apr 12, 2019
The Turing Test. I finished that game last night, and while the puzzles are very solid and cool, I found the lore and argument of the narrative to be more interesting.