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Mar 14, 2019
I like Platinum, but there is no way in hell I'm supporting a Kickstarter that lists PC as a stretch goal.

WCS, the project is funded, but the stretch goal isn't reached. I'm stuck with a game I can't play, unless I spend more money to buy a console. No thanks.

Snake Eater

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Oct 27, 2017
Kickstarter? good luck to those that give a penny to this

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
TW101 is one of the worst games ever made for the Wii U. There is a reason it bombed: it is fucking trash.

Can't wait to watch this Kickstarter not even pass 10% funded.
Oct 27, 2017
I wanted to like this game but it just flat out sucks imo. Apologies to anyone who likes it. I did my part when I bought it new on the Wii U.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
They are Japanese studio. So PS5 and switch take priority due to having the largest Japanese audience. Maybe pc and Xbox stretch gials

It's kickstarter. There's been like 1 non-mobile game that skipped PC that got funded (and barely). No matter what they think their audience is, if it's kickstarter, the audience is largely PC.

Will likely sell a lot more on Switch in the long run, but hardly anything gets funded without a PC version.


Oct 29, 2017
would like to hear more from the people who hated Wonderful 101 to understand what they disliked about it. Was it the control scheme, the enemy encounters or some forced sections like the motorcycle sequence in Bayonetta ?
As someone who never touched it but really wanna play it on something not called the Wii U I'm curious to see if the issues would affect me.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
TW101 is one of the worst games ever made for the Wii U. There is a reason it bombed: it is fucking trash.

Can't wait to watch this Kickstarter not even pass 10% funded.
i don't think it's trash, but it was a letdown for me, it looked amazing and it was one of the reasons for me to buy the WiiU, but when i actually played it bored me to death ):
then again, it felt like work everytime i had to turn on my WiiU to play anything, so i'm willing to give a second chance at the Switch or PC.
Oct 25, 2017
Major mixed feelings on this...

What is with all the shit taste in this thread? If Wonderful 101 is "the worst" then clearly you haven't played more than 10 games.
Nov 4, 2018
This will probably be the only Kickstarter I'll ever back. W101 is an amazing game that deserves to be played by more people and Platinum is a company I utterly trust with games so I expect them to deliver on any funding goals they may have.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
I'm down for playing W101 again, it's been a while.

People asking about controllers, playing it without using the touch screen was the definitive way to access the game's combo system. Drawing shapes was cute but very difficult to incorporating into proper combat. The shapes are basically fighting game inputs to get the attack/weapon you want at just the right moment.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if I'm up for this, bought the game twice already lol

Btw, I rate the game as at least a 9.
It's minor issues with move provision (basically needing block but it's optional) and building structures early on can be easily fixed.

Lag would be removed and the few gamepad sections would be easier to deal with too.

PS4 touchpad should be as quick to input as an analog stick. Not sure about the switch touchscreen, but might be possible (distance from thumb to enough area to draw the shape).


Oct 27, 2017
i don't think it's trash, but it was a letdown for me, it looked amazing and it was one of the reasons for me to buy the WiiU, but when i actually played it bored me to death ):
then again, it felt like work everytime i had to turn on my WiiU to play anything, so i'm willing to give a second chance at the Switch or PC.

I had this same feeling with, of all games, Mario Galaxy on Wii. Went back to it two years ago and it was amazing, and I blew through both the original and Mario Galaxy 2. Sometimes it's just the wrong time to play something.

I'm all over a Wonderful 101 Kickstarter. I tried playing it on WiiU a couple months back and almost got into it properly, and I'm pretty sure it's the touch-screen that put me off. I'm looking forward to giving W101 a second chance.


Mar 13, 2018
Correct me if I'm wrong but to me it always seemed like this game just sold the very few copies they put in stores.

I got it day 1 but my friends couldn't play it because they just wouldn't print/ship more, so it's not the same as if they printed a lot but they didn't sell.

I think it could do well if they market it properly. Just show more of the cutscenes/drama instead of the boring looking first level and make sure to let people know about the character cameos.

I always forget that you can play by drawing on the gamepad because drawing with the stick was so fast in comparison.

Soul Lab

Nov 17, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong but to me it always seemed like this game just sold the very few copies they put in stores.

I got it day 1 but my friends couldn't play it because they just wouldn't print/ship more, so it's not the same as if they printed a lot but they didn't sell.

I think it could do well if they market it properly. Just show more of the cutscenes/drama instead of the boring looking first level and make sure to let people know about the character cameos.
Tbh, the director's cut trailer shows a lot, like A LOT


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong but to me it always seemed like this game just sold the very few copies they put in stores.

I got it day 1 but my friends couldn't play it because they just wouldn't print/ship more, so it's not the same as if they printed a lot but they didn't sell.

You're wrong. In Japan it only shipped 30K. Week one they sold 5K. Six months later they'd edged to 15K. 2 and a half years after launch it had gotten to 19.6K, just over 60% of that paltry initial shipment. Sadly the truth is that no one wanted this game at the time.

If it had sold there would have been stock refreshes.
Oct 26, 2017
They are Japanese studio. So PS5 and switch take priority due to having the largest Japanese audience. Maybe pc and Xbox stretch gials

Mighty No.9 was a Japanese title and PC was available from day one
Shenmue 3 is a Japanese title and PC was available from day one
Bloodstained is a Japanese title and PC was available from day one
La Mulana is a Japanese title and PC was the only platform during KS.

Being Japanese has nothing to do with platform choice and PS5 is not going to be a platform for backers since it is confirmed to be PS4 and on top of that, Platinum Games sell more on the west than Japan and they sold really good on PC as well.

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
would like to hear more from the people who hated Wonderful 101 to understand what they disliked about it. Was it the control scheme, the enemy encounters or some forced sections like the motorcycle sequence in Bayonetta ?
As someone who never touched it but really wanna play it on something not called the Wii U I'm curious to see if the issues would affect me.
Tons of things. But from what I remember the most: enemy's tells are not clear, the system of sharp/spike doesn't make sense conceptually and visually, the camera is often too far away to understand the details, but you can't have it closer because then you wouldn't be able to see the whole battle field, so it's not like there's any solution that wouldn't require a massive rethinking of the core of the game.
And then, there's everything that's not combat.

That's on top of every terrible thing that Kamiya loves in his games, such as the annoying hidden areas for power-ups that are still required to do even afterwards get a good grade (similar to Bayonetta), with the game rating expecting you to find them all, remember them all when you try to get a good score, but also go as fast as possible through the level. Which is made worse by Kamiya's other kink, locking most of the move set in the shop for you to unlock. It's ever worse in this game because the most basic gameplay actions that are "guard" and "dodge" (along with a few others) are locked there for non-negligible sums, so you need a lot of money before you can even start having fun.
It's not at all indicated, so it's very easy to miss. I didn't understand that the spring was the dodge and played for a while without buying it, struggling a lot because I thought that's how the game was supposed to be played, and then I still had to farm a level a few time to buy them.
It's not a matter of "getting gud", it's a matter of the game doing everything it can to prevent you from having fun with it.

Even once everything is unlocked, the game keeps going at its own pace without bothering to check that you're still following. I tried several times to play it, waiting 6 months, coming back to it (I had bought the WiiU for that game, it had to be good!) but after over a year I just watched the damn thing on Youtube.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What about that Tencent money though? Anyway, if true, then I might get it on PS4, but I don't see myself backing it, maybe if the tier for getting the game is low enough.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I'll back it if this is true, but I hope the goal isn't too lofty as I am concerned about the viability of the goal being met.
Oct 31, 2017
Looks like they sold the IP back

Unless it's just Toto really believing his predictions, just like when he said a Switch Pro was releasing in 2019 then 2020 when it didn't happen.

Nintendo being "very jealous" with its properties... Lmao

Bad look for Nintendo.

Why ? :D

I don't believe anything was explicitly Nintendo themed, it more parodied Nintendo elements. I guess Wonder Gamer is the closest with a Famicom Controller Hat? Maybe they'll change it to the respective platform's controller

I remember quite a few Nintendo references in it. Those will most likely be edited in the non-Nintendo version(s) though.

Platinum must truly love this IP to go to this lenghts just to re-release it.

It's their best game till now.


Oct 27, 2017
Since we're on the subject of W101... Was it any good? I keep hearing mixed opinions on the game lol
I'd personally say that it's probably the hardest Platinum game to get into/become so good at that it starts being fun, and if you can't get past that initial hump or can't find the combat system clicking with you no matter if you try, you can leave the experience with a sour opinion about the game. If you do get into it, it's about as deep, satisfying and fun as the best of Platinum action games. It's just perhaps the most original thing Platinum has done in terms of action games since the first Bayonetta, so having experience with past Platinum games doesn't necessarily do you much good. It isn't just a copy cat of Bayonetta-type character action games like most other action games of theirs are, but is very much its own thing that requires you to learn a completely new type of combat system. It has its own quirks that I feel some people don't appreciate and that colours their opinion about the game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What about that Tencent money though? Anyway, if true, then I might get it on PS4, but I don't see myself backing it, maybe if the tier for getting the game is low enough.
The fact that they may be relying on fan support instead of Tencent money seems like an admission that even Platinum recognize the game is probably not worth the money unless fans prove that they want it.


Oct 25, 2017
These guys take Tencent money and they can't do this themselves? And no Xbox version?

As much as I love this game, fuck that shit.
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