If you are playing Gears 5 on PC, what storefront did you use?

  • Steam

    Votes: 187 12.6%
  • Game Pass

    Votes: 1,236 83.5%
  • Windows Store

    Votes: 54 3.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I got the two months for $2 bucks game pass deal. I will long be done with the game before even half the month is over. I think these game passes everyone is doing is pretty great. No more overpriced games for me.


Apr 18, 2018
My point of view is, I can't play 1-4 on Steam, am sure as hell not getting it on the Windows store..why would I care about 5? When I can get 1-4 and play them first, then I'll start caring about 5.
Mar 11, 2019
This is the though position of gamepass that Phil and others touched upon, can Microsoft deliver true triple AAA games day one on gamepass and at the same time have at least the same revenue as in the past to recuperate on the production cost and to make a profit. That is one reason they find it very important to broaden there audience by including streaming on phones and if sony/nintendo would allow (which I doubt) they would be bringing gamepass to those platforms as well.

Edit: Also Gears 5 not topping most played anymore so soon on xbox seems a bit concerning to me.


Self-requested ban
Jul 2, 2018
North Carolina
I got the two months for $2 bucks game pass deal. I will long be done with the game before even half the month is over. I think these game passes everyone is doing is pretty great. No more overpriced games for me.
I'm in the same boat, and i'm never gonna pay much higher now that i know these sales on gamepass happen so often, I'm not sure how its profitable or how long they can do it but its a win for me for now

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
Again, in the long run, and the statement has specifically been made with regards to consoles.

The comments here suggest it's stupid to pay $50+ for a game if it's included in GamePass. This applies for sales on XBOX consoles, too.
And on the long run nothing will change, unless GamePass becomes more expensive and Gears become are <10$ bargain bin offer. It should, however, positively impact GamePass subscriptions.
Oct 25, 2017
I did not like Gears 4, so there was no way I was going to pay full price for the fifth game. Already subscribe to GP though. Easy choice.


Oct 31, 2017
I understand the people playing with Game Pass. I can also imagine that some people don't want to have the game tied to a subscription and get it on Steam, but I'd find it hard with the value disparity at the moment. But who the heck is actually buying the game on the Windows store?


Jan 27, 2018
To the people saying its because gamepass, isnt that supposed to increase sales thought ms said it did
I doubt that Phil Spencer just lied about that as you're implying.
It's probably a high level overview of the population that uses Game Pass. It's not as simple as "Game X is on Game Pass" = "Game X sells more day one". It's probably more nuanced than that, like more people buy game X after they've played it on GP for some time, more people get to try out games they otherwise would never touch because it's on GP and essentially "free", people see others on their friend list play game X from GP and that gets them interested, ect.
When you put a lot of these factors together and then see a statistical breakdown at the end of a month or a quarter, you'd probably see a positive correlation between increase in sales of game X and it being on GP.

Also it just doesn't make sense why people would jump on GP, play Gears 5 and then jump back to Steam in order to buy it there. It's cheaper on the windows store, and presumably the WS version works well enough that someone would want to buy it. So why go to Steam, pay more and redownload the whole thing just so you can launch it through Steam?


Oct 31, 2017
I got it on Steam but obviously on game pass more people will try that. Also the game has been super buggy it really can't be too easily recommended. They are lucky word of mouth has still been mostly positive with how shitty a launch it's been.


Oct 26, 2017
I expect we'll see a similar impact on other day 1 GP games like The Outer Worlds on EGS.
I totally forgot about that game. Is it confirmed for PC game pass day 1? With the free Alienware code and the promotion I paid $2 for 4 months of game pass which is just insane value. No doubt that game will bomb on EGS if it's on game pass.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
It's 70 fucking euro. 70!!!!!

I *will* buy the game eventually, and I totally pass on subscription services, I want to buy my games and play them whenever I want. But I'm not paying 70€, there's no way. I'll wait for a good sale.


Self-requested ban
Jul 2, 2018
North Carolina
I doubt that Phil Spencer just lied about that as you're implying.
It's probably a high level overview of the population that uses Game Pass. It's not as simple as "Game X is on Game Pass" = "Game X sells more day one". It's probably more nuanced than that, like more people buy game X after they've played it on GP for some time, more people get to try out games they otherwise would never touch because it's on GP and essentially "free", people see others on their friend list play game X from GP and that gets them interested, ect.
When you put a lot of these factors together and then see a statistical breakdown at the end of a month or a quarter, you'd probably see a positive correlation between increase in sales of game X and it being on GP.

Also it just doesn't make sense why people would jump on GP, play Gears 5 and then jump back to Steam in order to buy it there. It's cheaper on the windows store, and presumably the WS version works well enough that someone would want to buy it. So why go to Steam, pay more and redownload the whole thing just so you can launch it through Steam?
i asked a question and later stated that i believed them just not sure how it works, i didn't imply jack shit but thanks tho


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I doubt that Phil Spencer just lied about that as you're implying.
It's probably a high level overview of the population that uses Game Pass. It's not as simple as "Game X is on Game Pass" = "Game X sells more day one". It's probably more nuanced than that, like more people buy game X after they've played it on GP for some time, more people get to try out games they otherwise would never touch because it's on GP and essentially "free", people see others on their friend list play game X from GP and that gets them interested, ect.
When you put a lot of these factors together and then see a statistical breakdown at the end of a month or a quarter, you'd probably see a positive correlation between increase in sales of game X and it being on GP.

Also it just doesn't make sense why people would jump on GP, play Gears 5 and then jump back to Steam in order to buy it there. It's cheaper on the windows store, and presumably the WS version works well enough that someone would want to buy it. So why go to Steam, pay more and redownload the whole thing just so you can launch it through Steam?

It's more simple then that. Gears 5 was pushed hard via GP. The game was specifically marketed on creating subs.


Feb 5, 2018
I understand the people playing with Game Pass. I can also imagine that some people don't want to have the game tied to a subscription and get it on Steam, but I'd find it hard with the value disparity at the moment. But who the heck is actually buying the game on the Windows store?
If you try the game via game pass and install and run well, why buy it somewhere else? Game Pass games are downloaded from the Microsoft store.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
sounds like the meme of the guy that shoots and then asks why would they do it.
I mean, it's $2 usd on Gamepass. Even your religious devotion on Steam is tested with such a price


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
This seems like a bad take. Not even including GamePass there was no reason to think that this was going to do amazing numbers on Steam. Halo and AoE could be different, but I think Microsoft's games are going to be something of a slow burn in general. They could help quite a bit by starting to sell through third party key sites a, though. Gears was quite expensive for a lot of people compared to normal AAA releases.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to echo what a ton of others said---surely this is because of the Gamepass more than anything. I know every single person in my friend group got it on Gamepass, and if they weren't, I was pushing them to get in on it and the $1 deal.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm sure MS is concerned about people using their own service and locking a shit ton of new customers on Game Pass and Xbox Live rather than having sales on Steam, they must be sweating that they were able to make their service more attractive than Steam for the majority of the market.

If anything they are thinking on how to draw these 10k people to the XGP/Windows Store, lol.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
I have Games Pass, as I do 5 other friends.

Plan is and still is to buy the game later down the line when it's cheaper, either on Steam or on the windows store.

Games Pass makes too much sense not to take advantage of, these figures don't mean much.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I understand the people playing with Game Pass. I can also imagine that some people don't want to have the game tied to a subscription and get it on Steam, but I'd find it hard with the value disparity at the moment. But who the heck is actually buying the game on the Windows store?

Two main reasons I'd imagine. First, MS store version is cross-buy with Xbox One. If, like me, you hop between console and PC then that's a pretty good added value compared to the Steam version.

Secondly, if you try it via Game Pass then you can buy it at a discount on the MS store as a Game Pass member. And you already have it installed via Game Pass. I guess if your Game Pass is expiring and you want to keep playing the game or want to buy it then it makes sense for some people to just buy the version they've already been playing for cheaper than it is on Steam.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
The Master Chief Collection will be the real test for Xbox titles on PC. A lot of diehard Gears fans weren't even aware that this was getting a Steam launch.


Jan 21, 2018
I'm fairly sure MS is okay with selling their games on Steam because they are able to offer a nice value proposition in their own ecosystem.

Meanwhile, people who prefer Steam or prefer owning games still have options to play. Seems like a win for everyone.
Oct 25, 2017
The article never even supports the headline. It just summarizes Gears performance and then suggests some good reasons why it wouldn't be selling well on Steam compared to gamepass.

Clickbait trash and worthless analysis.


Oct 31, 2017
I was going to get Gears on a steam. Then I saw gamepass was £4 for three months.

I get a Gears 5 and Outer Worlds for £4 .... it's impossible value to beat.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Halo Infinite ain't coming to Steam.
Lol offcourse it will


Find this quite accurate haha



Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why FH4 didn't tank in unit sales because of Game Pass but Gears 5 did

Microsoft didn't push game pass as hard then. With Gears 5 launch, it's been regularly $1-2 for 1-3 months, alienware gave away fuck ton of PC/ultimate codes for 1-12months. It is also being bundled with AMD cpus and gpus with 3 month code from each, both of which are selling well (too well in case of CPUs), so a lot of people are getting it free even if they didn't necessarily want it. It was also when game pass was relatively new, so there wasn't as many existing subs.

I feel like each of these contribute a bit.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe this is why Microsoft is okay with releasing their games on steam now. They know they have a very compelling product with game pass and ppl are going to be more likely to sign up to play the latest game rather than pay full price on steam

That's it. Its just working way better than i guessed for basically tme first big one. The way you get used to things on pc, its a breath of fresh air to see ms finally roll with it.

From my perspective a steam user, ms scores big points with me even tho im not that interested in the game. They made the game available for me in the way im already comfortable with, and let their deal stand on it's own merit. I can freely decide for myself and it makes gamepass look even better.

And of course im not the only one. The game is more visible, more accessible, and once they want it, pc gamers look for options because they're used to it. Having the game on steam will drive traffic to other stores and now services as long as they're worth using.
Oct 27, 2017
Why would people pay 60$ for when they can subscribe gamepass for 2 months for 2 dollars. That's what I did. I have no idea how the devs make money but it's great for us at least.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
This are only numbers of concurent users, not people who bought the game, though. For example, I've bought Gears 5 on Steam, but didn't played it yet, so I'm not counted into that numbers.