
Alt account
Jul 27, 2019
His arm gets injured?


There's lots of interesting fan theories out there what could have caused it, the most popular one being some kind of Swarm infection.

yea no. Gears 4 was so sub par no one even talks about it, compliments or insults unless prompted. That ending was Rage-tier bad, as well the entire story. Felt like it was random gameplay beats strung together with them remembering at the end 'oh yea story and cutscenes'. That ending was literally so abrupt the screen goes black 0.1 seconds after Kait finished her sentence.

Being charitable, that's a pretty blatant misread on the story. There's nothing random about the campaign.

It all happened in the course of 24~ hours: the earlier act during the day serving as the introduction and the majority of the game taking place at night. It's a short and fast story that carriers beat to beat to beat. There's nothing random about any of it. The only way I can see anyone coming to that line of thinking is if they weren't paying attention.

Also, not that it matters, because it's such a ridiculous point to make, but the cut off wasn't as abrupt as you claimed it was.

This is kind of funny when you recall Halo 4 also absolutely intended and succeeded in being pretty safe. They wanted to follow up to Reach, and pretty much did that while also trying to add the books in. They did a horrible job, but that's kind of the point. Just because you "intend on being safe" doesn't absolve you of criticism for making a boring, bland, unfun game.

I don't recall Halo 4 ever intending to be safe, but considering how reviled gameplay changes in Reach were, I don't know how you could consider that a safe game when it doubled down on all the worst aspects of Halo Reach and subsequently killed its own MP scene within less than a year. A safe Halo game would have been a return to the traditional gameplay of the original trilogy, not a continuation of, at best, very controversial changes to gameplay.

Even purely from a campaign perspective, Halo 4 is a massive departure from the trilogy both tonally and from a storytelling perspective. It introduced huge swaths of new lore and used an annoying ass terminal gimmick to deliver it, and essentially required players keep up with the extended universe to make complete sense of what was going on. Most notably it easily strayed the furthest from the pulpy sci-fi opera the original trilogy had established, instead favouring a far more grounded, self-serious military sci-fi that essentially drained all the colourful and comedic characterisations that people had loved about Halo up until that point, and replaced them with a more emotionally charged approach to Chief and Cortana to humanise them in ways Bungie never did.

I actually liked Halo 4 better than most, but that game is most decidedly not a safe game in any aspect. Not in its design aesthetic, not in its storytelling, campaign level design, combat or multiplayer. It is a very, very different animal.

Funny how things can be so different, I jumped in late on Halo and thought Halo 4 was better than Halo 1-3 which just felt old and dated.

Welcome to Halo, lol.

This opinion is not that uncommon even if I don't agree with it.


Oct 25, 2017
And the quality of the package was bad for Gears 4?
Yes specifically to do with the packs and how to get skins and the horde cards, it was a poor system and how they handled the season pass both made the game actively worst. I don't think it was a bad gears game but some of the systems hurt the game immensely.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes specifically to do with the packs and how to get skins and the horde cards, it was a poor system and how they handled the season pass both made the game actively worst. I don't think it was a bad gears game but some of the systems hurt the game immensely.
Dont think that effect the quality of the package. Its a first i hear this also since 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
Dont think that effect the quality of the package. Its a first i hear this also since 2016.
It's why I'm happy it looks like gears 5 is avoiding the same issues but it absolutely affects the quality of the game. I put tons of hours into gears 4 with friends and the things I mentioned directly affected the experience.


Oct 28, 2017
any one who thinks halo 4 played it safe, doesnt know what the fuck they are talking about.


Oct 27, 2017
Welcome to Halo, lol.

This opinion is not that uncommon even if I don't agree with it.
I've really tried to understand the Bungie Halo hype, I'm guessing it has to do with the multiplayer? I've only played single player and I think 4 is better at everything, feels fresh, great story and superb cinematics, it was one of my favorite games last gen and I wasn't even much of a Xbox gamer then.


Oct 27, 2017
This is literally not true. I'm actually astonished. What?

Deebees so unrelentingly dull and awful and boring to fight. It's literally not the same enemies. "Basically the same" my actual ass.

The DBs stuff goes on for too long, i'll say that much but they were setting up the next bunch of games. The post I responded to called it "just boring", it has its flaws as do most games but I really cant help but feel like its just really easy to try and criticise it. How are swarm different to locust? you spend most of your time in the game fighting them and with regards to the ending be abrupt mentioned by someone else. When you saw in the story they were going to get Reyna, and Cole and Baird turned up and it was in Act V, what did you expect to happen? From my memory I dont think its any shorter than the other Gears games, I thought it was great even if its not the perfect game

People also bitterly complained at the Gears 2 ending with riding the Brumak and thats probably my favourite Gears campaign bit
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Alt account
Jul 27, 2019
any one who thinks halo 4 played it safe, doesnt know what the fuck they are talking about.

Yup. Not a clue what that poster played, but Halo 4 was not even close to approaching safe.

I've really tried to understand the Bungie Halo hype, I'm guessing it has to do with the multiplayer? I've only played single player and I think 4 is better at everything, feels fresh, great story and superb cinematics, it was one of my favorite games last gen and I wasn't even much of a Xbox gamer then.

The first and most obvious is the sandbox level design Bungie created for their games is something so integral to the Halo experience and 343i haven't been able to replicate that, which in turn has resulted in inferior combat design and enemy encounters.

From a design perspective, the Bungie games are simpler and cleaner, whereas 343i redesigned and over designed just about everything to put their own spin on it, presumably for for the sake of claiming a more self evident ownership of the franchise. It just didn't stick, that's why they're going back tot he original art style, which I'm grateful for.

Tonally, Halo didn't take itself super seriously under Bugnie. The Bungie games were pulpy sci-fi operate that had fun characters with lots of personality that people gravitated to regardless of their alignment. The games were tongue in cheek fun, simple and coherent. There is no Sergeant Johnson equivalent in 343i that brought the sass, no one as likeable as Miranda Keyes, no antiheroes like Arbiter or a foe as interesting and formidable as Tartarus or as contemptible as the Prophets. 343i has failed to establish new characters people care about. It's just endless military jargon and Shakespean lore vomit.

Cinematics have never been important to Halo so it doesn't surprise me that you weren't much of an Xbox fan but still liked Halo 4 because the game tried capture new audiences and in that pursuit lost sight of what was important.

It sounds cliche, but 343i games haven't shown the kind of heart the Bungie games did. Halo Infinite seems promising but I've been disappointed by their campaign attempts twice already so I will keep my expectations low.