
Oct 27, 2017

Thats a big thing for a big first party game. And faster then i expected when Spencer said in may they are gonna change


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
That's cool. Is it the first Windows Store game to be Win32?

Krvavi Abadas

Oct 26, 2017
FYI, the Steam store page has listed Windows 7 as the minimum OS for a while. I'd imagine that's related assuming it's not an error.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD FX-6000 series | Intel i3 Skylake
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 280 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (Windows 10) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 (Windows 7)
DirectX: Version 12
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 80 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible

For comparison, the recent AOE definitive edition doesn't list it at all, and is actually incompatible with the OS.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Holy shit.

Microsoft dropping the UWP requirement and allowing Win32 games was one thing, but actually releasing their big AAA titles as Win32 themselves?

Awesome, awesome news. May UWP die an ignoble death.


Oct 27, 2017
That's great news! Now i really do hope Age of empires 2 is also win32. I think they announced it will be cross play with steam versions, but I'm not sure if they said anything about the platform.


Jun 15, 2018
The Tech Test was still completely locked down so you couldn't do anything with the files, not sure if it was Win32 though (I remember seeing posts on Reddit about how it was, so maybe?). Given the push for fair and competitive play, hopefully them releasing the game as they are means they're ready and able to try and tackle all the various cheats that may pop up.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I assume that means the Game pass version too.

I'd actually already been set on paying for the game due to wanting to avoid a UWP version on gamepass, but if GP is Win32, will probably play it there.


Oct 25, 2017
See when people ask like "WhAt HaS PhIL eVen DoNE" like, this. This kind of stuff. There are so so so many small but impactful changes he's done. I can never think of them off the top of my head, but like, here then, this right here. Quite soon after saying Win32 apps would be allowed on the windows store he goes ahead and has a first party game be Win32. Any, ANY set of Xbox big wigs would never have done that. idk who first talked to whom about Win32 for Gears 5, whether it was Rod, Phil, Satya, whoever, but like, a decision of that magnitude absolutely goes through him, and the fact that he was either instrumental in that, or simply made sure it got allowed, allowing for consumer friendly practices as opposed to mercilessly pushing their new Thing, is like, it's incredible.

The PC efforts are somewhat slow, but honestly, for working with a company the size of Microsoft, he's made so many solid choices at a surprisingly decent rate, and what's even better, they seem to be very foundational, setting the stage for what comes next.

I know this seems crazy to rant about just being "Win32" but this is seriously so awesome. Never, ever, ever, ever in a million years I would have expected Microsoft to just spin around like this. It's incredible.


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
Wish they can go back and make all games they released the same.


Aug 16, 2019
Microsoft doing all the right things in the recent past. Such a welcome change from the Xbox one reveal days...


Oct 25, 2017
Does that mean there will be crossplay between the steam and the windows store version?


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. But we knew that already. :)
Xbox, windows store, steam are all crossplay. Only Xbox users have a option if they want to opt out for versus ranked.
Holy crap nice. Thank you.

I played Gears 5 at Gamescom and now I'm really hyped for it.

Also this gives me hope for the Halo titles going to PC


Oct 25, 2017
Man what I'd give to see Microsoft go back and make every Forza Horizon on PC with Win32, including changing 3 and 4. Every UWP game has just been so wonky performance wise regardless of build for me.

I really hope they figure out a way to like, change all their games to be Win32 while preserving saves if possible somehow.


Oct 27, 2017
Remember the bunch of posters writing endless paragraphs on how UWP is actually benificial to consumers?

They were wrong.

Good thing Microsoft is in a position where they realized that as well.


Nov 4, 2017

Universal Windows Platform. It is a new way of building apps in Windows 10. Microsoft wanted people to exclusively build apps that way going forward, but with so many apps being Win32 (and developers having no interest in rebuilding their apps) Microsoft relented to allowing Win32 apps being used on the store.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn, that's awesome. For games, UWP has too many issues.
With this the gaming side of the store will be on par with any other like Steam, Origin or any other.
Oct 27, 2017
Universal Windows Platform. It is a new way of building apps in Windows 10. Microsoft wanted people to exclusively build apps that way going forward, but with so many apps being Win32 (and developers having no interest in rebuilding their apps) Microsoft relented to allowing Win32 apps being used on the store.
What benefits does UWP add?


Nov 4, 2017
What benefits does UWP add?

Not that much to be honest. I think the main benefit touted was that an app built on UWP would run on Windows 10 and Xbox.
The main benefit was frankly for Microsoft; a curated Windows Store of UWP apps. An app built on UWP wouldn't run on Steam/EGS/anywhere else, so extreme vendor lock-in.


Aug 23, 2018
Not that much to be honest. I think the main benefit touted was that an app built on UWP would run on Windows 10 and Xbox.
The main benefit was frankly for Microsoft; a curated Windows Store of UWP apps. An app built on UWP wouldn't run on Steam/EGS/anywhere else, so extreme vendor lock-in.

Actually, MS had zero obstacles in the way of other storefronts carrying UWP apps. Nobody else wanted it, though.

UWP was supposed to be a platform to allow apps to run on everything in the MS ecosystem. Phones, tablets, Xbox, PC. Unfortunately, it did have its limitations, and with the death of MS mobile OS plans and the slow adoption of Windows S, it made no sense to keep pushing UWP.


Jan 21, 2018
What benefits does UWP add?

UWP apps ran in a container so it's be harder to fuck around with Windows by installing infected programs. I always adviced my parents to download stuff from the store.

Windows S mode was made for this reason. No Win32 programs could be installed on that version of Windows. Basically making it an iPad.


Nov 12, 2017
Nice. Didn't they also port a bunch of UWP features to win32?

Have MS said which one will be the standard going forward?


Oct 25, 2017
Nice, I may actually get to use the Windows Store games now. If Battletoads is Win32 as well I'll grab it on there too.


Oct 27, 2017
Easier to mod, compatible with 3rd party programs like RTSS, runs in Windows 7 and 8, other digital stores will carry it.
Just to add to this it's not that it's easier to mod, more that you don't need the developers/publishers explicit permission to do so as UWP basically was completed locked unless the dev allowed it to be otherwise.
UWP is also the result that you cant go fullscreen right?
I think that was more how W10 addresses the display and that borderless full screen is just better. Sure someone else can confirm as I don't think it unique to UWP.

ps3ud0 8)