
Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Dang, I did have trouble Platinuming this last day.
Hadda bring in a Geo character in each side.
Neuvillete also didn't do too much, hadda rely more on Venti's DPS.


Oct 26, 2017
All I had to do was complain about the artifact system and game finally gives me ONE upgrade after a month in and out of Scara's artifact domain


I guess I should complain more is the lesson >>

Would like to replace the circlet but probably not very resin efficient at this point to look for just that- and basically for specifically the same one i have but with ER too. I'm sticking Flower of Paradise Lost pieces on parts of the hyperbloom/nilou teams but not really a set I have a ton of use for either. Guess it's time to move on to prefarming for the eventual Furina rerun/getting Fischl Golden Troupe.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I was considering grinding Arelecchino Artifacts, but I think it's time to go back for better Desert Pavilion.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Objection! Reaching! Irrelevant!


Let me ask you this:
Is it not a well-known fact that Mr. Kaveh's mother lives in Fontaine, yes?
And is it not a well-known fact that Mr. Kaveh on multiple occasions voiced his intention to visit his mother in Fontaine, yes?
Has it not been established that the Kamisato siblings visited Fontaine during the recent Fontaine film festival, yes?
And has it not been established that Mr. Ayato excused himself halfway through the film festival with some flimsy explanation, and was not seen for considerable amounts of time, yes?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
it is highly probable that Mr. Kaveh did indeed execute his intention to visit his mother in Fontaine. Being an artist, it is very plausible that he viewed Fontaine's film festival as an opportune occasion.
Furthermore, considering Fontaine big size in lore but very small size in in-game reality, it is highly likely that Mr. Kaveh crossed paths with Mr. Ayato in the Court of Fontaine's streets.
As tourists in a foreign land, they shared common ground and very possibly engaged in conversation, probably seated in one of Fontaine's quaint cafes.
Knowing Mr. Kaveh, it was highly likely that during their pleasant discourse, he expressed his plight of homelessness and his unfortunate lodging situation with his abusive "roommate".
This vulnerability presented an opportunity for Mr. Ayato to exploit. Seizing upon Mr. Kaveh's desperation and susceptibility, Mr. Ayato extended an offer, a place of work as well as free cost and lodge, which Mr. Kaveh, in his dire circumstances, would not have been able to decline.
This pivotal encounter in a Fontainian cafe marks the last known sighting of Mr. Kaveh.

And now, I implore you, ladies and gentlemen of the court, to consider: How many young, beautiful, tall, blond men must vanish without a banner trace, forever severed from the embrace of their mothers, before Mr. Ayato is brought to account for his egregious actions?

It's impressive that you were able to say so much without providing a shred of actual evidence! These unsubstantiated accusations are purely based on conjecture and speculation and nothing more! Overruled!!

Let's look at the facts, shall we?
1. Kaveh's bank account is nonexistent, therefore he lacks any means with which to travel to Fontaine or to arrange for accommodations at one of their no doubt expensive hotels.
2. If Kaveh had plans to visit Fontaine, he would've informed his mother, or at least his roommate, of such a trip and one of them would've come forward to declare him missing by now, yet they haven't. Which, frankly, casts more suspicion upon those within his immediate inner circle, such as said roommate, more than anyone else.
3. If Kaveh had come to Fontaine, he would've had to take an aquabus into the city. The Melusine attendants working there will no doubt be able to testify having never seen him board one during this time period. Furthermore, surely a Marchaussee Phantom officer or a Gardemek on patrol would've seen such a crime occur in broad daylight if it had.
4. When Ayato left the film studio he clearly announced for all to hear that he would be meeting with Monsieur Neuvillotter to discuss trade and other such business between their countries. I'm sure Neuvillotter can testify to his whereabouts during this absence, providing a more than solid alibi which would not have left him nearly enough time to coincidentally meet Mr. Kaveh on the street and concoct some outrageous scheme on the spot to arrange for his untimely disappearance.

To sum up... As we can all see, there simply isn't any evidence or witnesses in this case. I request that any and all charges against my client be dropped immediately. Court adjourned!


Oct 30, 2017
Dang, I did have trouble Platinuming this last day.
Hadda bring in a Geo character in each side.
Neuvillete also didn't do too much, hadda rely more on Venti's DPS.
The lineup has tanky hydro immune enemies on both sides, the Fontaine eidolons and the Oceanid mobs. Hydro hate crime. This is how they'll stop the monster they created in the future.

Free hyperbloom though.


Nov 23, 2022
I'd have to say Xianyun, especially at C1 with the second charge, is the best overworld character by a long way. Tbh I don't really get it with Wanderer, his flying doesn't last long enough for me going forwards and his vertical movement doesn't go high enough or quick enough to feel like much of an improvement over climbing. I reckon Kazuha is better than him too, his skill being able to be used mid glide makes it much more useful in my opinion.

I think Xianyun also feels the best to use too, they absolutely nailed the feeling of momentum from each step and the speed with which she can turn at the end.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing about artifacts are I don't know what to spend resin on after building like 40 characters. That said, I'm also rather persistent, I typically really good pieces before stopping.

Thanks everyone ☺️
I'm still a Keqing and Kokomi devotee, but Arle's my number three.

View: https://youtu.be/MyTJvnxUoNI

I'll start farming her new set eventually but I'm really happy with where she's at now.

That's a fast clear!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
The thing about artifacts are I don't know what to spend resin on after building like 40 characters. That said, I'm also rather persistent, I typically really good pieces before stopping.
I think the best thing to do, if you're farming for a lot of characters is to focus on Momiji-Dyed Court, Spire of Solitary Confinement, City of Gold, or Denouement of Sin.

Each Domain is like best in slot or 2nd best for like 10 characters each.
Use the trash pieces to get the more niche sets.


Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
I'd have to say Xianyun, especially at C1 with the second charge, is the best overworld character by a long way. Tbh I don't really get it with Wanderer, his flying doesn't last long enough for me going forwards and his vertical movement doesn't go high enough or quick enough to feel like much of an improvement over climbing. I reckon Kazuha is better than him too, his skill being able to be used mid glide makes it much more useful in my opinion.

I think Xianyun also feels the best to use too, they absolutely nailed the feeling of momentum from each step and the speed with which she can turn at the end.
Xianyun's c1 is my most wanted constellation even though I don't like healers and don't particularly like plunging either. You are being a bit harsh on wanderer... if you are just straight climbing and know where you are going then his advantage over say kazuha isn't that much. But when you are exploring a new area, his go straight up & hover and look around is amazing. And in overworld his fast range attacks without needing burstfeel like the best dps for clearing mobs.


Oct 26, 2017
Wanderer is great for crossing gaps between high points, not necessarily the best strictly vertical explorer although he isnt bad at that either. I explored with c1 Kazuha forever before him and I don't regret switching to a comp that no longer includes kaz but does have wanderer instead at all.

He is a bit unintuitive in maximizing his skill for exploration though. You want to slow hover if traversing horizontally using a dash only right at the very end of the bar when it would run out to get a "free" one. Opposite that, for vertical traversal you want to spam his vertical "dash/ascend" as it actually goes higher than just holding the ascent.

I don't have xianyun. She's probably more comfortable/quick for vertical but from what I've seen wanderer still crosses horizontal distances mid air better.


Oct 27, 2017
Wanderer is great for crossing gaps between high points, not necessarily the best strictly vertical explorer although he isnt bad at that either. I explored with c1 Kazuha forever before him and I don't regret switching to a comp that no longer includes kaz but does have wanderer instead at all.

He is a bit unintuitive in maximizing his skill for exploration though. You want to slow hover if traversing horizontally using a dash only right at the very end of the bar when it would run out to get a "free" one. Opposite that, for vertical traversal you want to spam his vertical "dash/ascend" as it actually goes higher than just holding the ascent.

I don't have xianyun. She's probably more comfortable/quick for vertical but from what I've seen wanderer still crosses horizontal distances mid air better.

I have both and after getting xianyun (c1 admittedly), I hardly touch wanderer


Oct 26, 2017
I'm considering getting her on rerun but it would be almost entirely for traversal/healing.

I hate how samey and monotonous plunge gaming cross characters feels. I never even ended up getting xiao after saving for him due to disliking him in trials and such. So I do wonder how worthwhile she'll be if I want to purposefully ignore that part of her kit.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm considering getting her on rerun but it would be almost entirely for traversal/healing.

I hate how samey and monotonous plunge gaming cross characters feels. I never even ended up getting xiao after saving for him due to disliking him in trials and such. So I do wonder how worthwhile she'll be if I want to purposefully ignore that part of her kit.

I mean she basically just does everything Jean does while also being the best traversal character in the game.

Her and Furina make up the best overworld team IMO.

I also like the plunge playstyle personally. I would have not been able to 36/36 these abyss without her and stuff like Yae Miko or Navia or Diluc plunge


Oct 26, 2017
That's fair. I imagine the wanderer/jean/yelan/furina team I was kind of working towards both as a dps comp and for overworld could probably sub her in for jean and be even more god tier in the overworld. But if I have jean built by then, I'm not sure how much she warrants a limited five star's worth of pulls for whatever that upgrade might be.

In any case, I guess she's not going to be rerunning for quite a while as she came out just before I came back so won't have to make the call for a while.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
In the context of getting a character for a new account, pulling for Wanderer in two weeks will probably offer more utility than pulling for Xianyun at some indeterminate time in the future.


Nov 6, 2017
Akasha rankings kinda feel like arbitrary bs half the time IMO. Not worth paying attention to.

It's just a calculation of the dmg a character would do in specific teams/gear/rotation and at a minimum amount of ER. The thing is that you may not be using the same team/support sets/weapons/constellations that they include in some of the rankings so those character rankings will not be relevant for you.

Thanks everyone ☺️
I'm still a Keqing and Kokomi devotee, but Arle's my number three.

View: https://youtu.be/MyTJvnxUoNI

I'll start farming her new set eventually but I'm really happy with where she's at now.

Nice clear.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait speaking of artifacts, I've been trying to get a better flower for Furina ever since this domain dropped like over half a year ago and the one that just popped up... I...
Crit - 3.5%
Atk - 19
Crit Dmg - 7.0%
HP - 5.8%

Finally something to level. Here goes nothing... 🙏

Edit: Welp, one of them went to atk, it's trash. Just kidding I guess I'll take it~
Crit - 13.6%
Atk - 37
Crit Dmg - 14.0%
HP - 5.8%

I like your before and after style of formatting for dealing with showing off an artifact without capturing a screenshot and uploading it.

I will use that format in the future.

I have. A 2pc2pc Wanderers/Paradise for Arle that gives me a statline roughly like this (and it's not fully leveled I think):

2200 Atk before any supprts
801 EM

What do you all think?


Oct 30, 2017
Wanderer is good for precision in overworld puzzles as each of Xianyun's jumps you gotta commit to them. Xianyun clears gentle vertical slopes easily as ascending with Wanderer feels sluggish in comparison.

Xianyun can technically make any character a DPS but in practice, people who aren't built for plunge have very samey plunge animations and I'm not a fan. Wanderer's optimal attack string weaves normals and charge attacks since my weapon is Dodoco Tales and I'm definitely not doing it optimally, can't string the charge attacks together faster. Doesn't matter on the overworld though.


Nov 1, 2017
I still need to get Bennet's last constellation for my Xianyun teams, should I get if from the shop or wait for a rerun?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Bennett had a rerun in 4.3, so it could be some time before he's on banner again.


Oct 31, 2017
Oh, the full lineup for the new endgame event has leaked on the leak reddit. The two special invitable characters are Wrio and Alhaitham next to Sigewinne and Clorinde, so I guess that points towards those two being on the banners with Sigewinne and Clorinde. If that is true then yay, I can finally get Alhaitham.
I need to start farming his ascension materials. o.o


Oct 27, 2017
also, kinda nuked my account chasing Arle C1 - was hoping for some early luck but it didn't happen. I'm sure I'm within 10 pulls of another 5* and I should be able to pull soon, but I'm on a 50/50 and I'm thinking I'd be better off saving the pity I worked up for Furina C1 - but I ended up liking Arle too much and that C1 has been whispering my name all week. ughh

but it's the weekend so I might just end up coming home later today and saying "fuck it" - and pulling


Oct 31, 2017
All I had to do was complain about the artifact system and game finally gives me ONE upgrade after a month in and out of Scara's artifact domain


I guess I should complain more is the lesson >>

Would like to replace the circlet but probably not very resin efficient at this point to look for just that- and basically for specifically the same one i have but with ER too. I'm sticking Flower of Paradise Lost pieces on parts of the hyperbloom/nilou teams but not really a set I have a ton of use for either. Guess it's time to move on to prefarming for the eventual Furina rerun/getting Fischl Golden Troupe.
Very nice Wanderer build, congrats on your upgrade! My build is similar, we have about the same crit rate but I have 20 less crit dmg than you. I need to find a better attack sands one day. I will go back to the domain once I farmed a guilded dreams set for my future Alhaitham. :)


I do have an anemo goblet with way higher CVs on my Faruzan but then I would need to rebuild her and my Wanderer would need an on-set crit dmg circlet, which I do not have. xD


Sep 10, 2020
so if it is Wriothesley and Alhaitem it will be July at the earliest for even a hint at a Furina banner



Oct 27, 2017
Friendship is so slow to accumulate and with no great reward that I stopped grinding it for a while.

I'm almost caught up again because I lack self restraint, but with a couple of harder weeklies now it can be rough when the team isn't synergistic (lookin at you, Freminet).
To be honest I've never seen the point in friendship grinding. I just put everyone in the teapot and let it build up over time.


Oct 31, 2017
so if it is Wriothesley and Alhaitem it will be July at the earliest for even a hint at a Furina banner

Yeah, it is rough since I want to get her C2 out of the way and it is so hard to save up if I know Alhaitham is coming inbetween. Already need to skip C1 Wanderer which I still cannot believe, it hurts lol.
But Furina is such a staple in most of my teams, her C2 will be an insane damage boost. (And an even bigger boost for all my Qiqi teams <3)

At least I am excited for Alhaitham, I farmed up 70 Wenut Pupa today, almost halfway there. Few more days and that should be ready then I need to farm his boss. Probably gonna skip his weapon on this run since I want C2 Furina, he can use Haran/Mistsplitter/Uraku until his weapon runs again. Probably gonna use Haran since my Ayato is not built right now and Bennet is using Mistsplitter and Albedo my Uraku. Haran will finally get a chance to shine, it is so pretty.

EDIT: I just realized, Alhaitham being on the banner would mean needing to skip Sigewinne too.... noooo! T_T
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El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
I'm only 10 characters short of having everyone with lv10 friendship. 8 are in the teapot and the remaining 2 (Arle and Amber) are in the friendship team.

Thinking about going back to the City of Gold domain. Everyone who needs Deepwood or Gilded is already geared, but my Kuki still has jumbled artifacts from various sets because EM pieces are a real pain to drop.

Since the primary reason for this farming is getting consumables to level up everyone's new gear, the game can take its sweet time to drop the FoPL EM pieces for all I care.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm only 10 characters short of having everyone with lv10 friendship. 8 are in the teapot and the remaining 2 (Arle and Amber) are in the friendship team.

Thinking about going back to the City of Gold domain. Everyone who needs Deepwood or Gilded is already geared, but my Kuki still has jumbled artifacts from various sets because EM pieces are a real pain to drop.

Since the primary reason for this farming is getting consumables to level up everyone's new gear, the game can take its sweet time to drop the FoPL EM pieces for all I care.
Might as well farm that domain if you need fodder and then you will have a nice set for Xiao/Wanderer if you ever pull them.
I love my Em FoPL set, hyperbloom damage is really good with it. Nice side effect of having Wanderer as one of my main dps. :D

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Might as well farm that domain if you need fodder and then you will have a nice set for Xiao/Wanderer if you ever pull them.
I love my Em FoPL set, hyperbloom damage is really good with it. Nice side effect of having Wanderer as one of my main dps. :D
The nice thing is, I DO intend to try and do some pulls on Xiao's banner (or if he's on Chronicled) next time he appears. So I might as well go there then.

Guy helped me finish leveling up my Gaming's talents with his birthday mail, and I already have Xianyun and Furina to be his premium supports. So, he deserves it.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Have looked at a bit more footage of the new endgame mode. They seem to be going all out with the visuals of this mode. Beautiful, imaginative environments. Especially one that reminds me of Fischl's Immernachtreich is so gorgeous. I hope when we bring Charlotte in there we can take photos, lol.


Oct 31, 2017
The nice thing is, I DO intend to try and do some pulls on Xiao's banner (or if he's on Chronicled) next time he appears. So I might as well go there then.

Guy helped me finish leveling up my Gaming's talents with his birthday mail, and I already have Xianyun and Furina to be his premium supports. So, he deserves it.
It's not Xiao's very best set, but it does work well for him since it has anemo bonus and plunge attack +40% dmg after a charged attack.

Once I level my own Xiao I will just borrrow my Wanderer's Desert Pavillion set for the time being and then later I can farm Xiao's signature set. I am very glad I "accidentally" got Xiao while going for C6 Yaoyao, I really love him as a character. :D

Got these 2 back to back from the strongbox.



Woo congrats, what beautiful pieces! I am levelling a Dendro goblet right now for my Alhaitham. Crit/CDMG/Attack%/HP. At +12 it rolled into crit rate, crit dmg and attack % already. So it is already my best one with two more bonus rolls coming up. :D


Nov 1, 2017
Woo congrats, what beautiful pieces! I am levelling a Dendro goblet right now for my Alhaitham. Crit/CDMG/Attack%/HP. At +12 it rolled into crit rate, crit dmg and attack % already. So it is already my best one with two more bonus rolls coming up. :D
Awesome, hoping for 2 more crit rolls.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I tried running an overload team with Keqing, Bennett (to simulate Chev), Fischl, and...GT Dehya lol. It actually wasn't bad. The main issue was Keqing, Bennett/Chev, and Fischl can all run 15 second rotations while Dehya can only run 20s. It means it can be tricky to know when her skill is off cooldown. Also not having C2 doesn't help (wish that Jean C1 was a Dehya now). I think it'll be easier to manage with Chev because the Bennett field won't obscure the Dehya field, so I'll know when it's down more easily.

Edit: Forgot Chev's skills aren't HP scaling. Makes no sense.
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