

Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Do you need to keep standing next to the signalling devices for them to be gradually fixed?
Also, I guess the Hunter wins if not one signalling device is fixed?
I was going to say, I'll just ignore the signalling devices and hide and never come out (as in old Windtrace events), but the Hunter just won the round, because no device was repaired even though they didn't catch all rebels.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
My little Klee and Qiqi can run fast! Get close to Klee and you will get BOMBED! <3

Officer Rizzleton will getcha anyway:


The small characters are definitely a good choice for when you are a rebel and want to hide (I usually use Yaoyao, she blends in well with the environment), but I'm not sure Klee, being bright red, is a good idea, lol.


Oct 31, 2017
Officer Rizzleton will getcha anyway:


The small characters are definitely a good choice for when you are a rebel and want to hide (I usually use Yaoyao, she blends in well with the environment), but I'm not sure Klee, being bright red, is a good idea, lol.
Oh no, you are right. Bright red bom bom bakudan may not be the best choice, but she is so cute lol. Qiqi has more neutral colours or Yaoyao as you said, good idea! :D


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Buttons, why is your teapot mansion still 60% empty, and...oh, no...why have you dropped off the precious gift of the most gracious Shirasagi Himegimi just randomly on the floor?! O:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Guess I've still got a couple hours before Windtrace is available. I'm concerned though... my favorite thing about it was finding a place to comfortably hide the whole time while watching the shenanigans unfold. Now you're telling me I actually have to do things? :(

I need that level 100 rumor to be legit, I've been waiting so long. It always seemed like 90 was a weird spot to stop, like they were deliberately leaving room to add on to it later. I like to see numbers go up. This would also allow me to create a true tier of chosen ones while leaving mistakes (Tartragic) behind to fall into irrelevance at level 90. My 2700+ purple books and 95 million mora are ready. Oh but I'd probably have to farm more handguards... a lot more... oh dear.


Oct 31, 2017
Buttons, why is your teapot mansion still 60% empty, and...oh, no...why have you dropped off the precious gift of the most gracious Shirasagi Himegimi just randomly on the floor?! O:
Because I keep running into the limit! ;_; So my main island is full and the other areas just have random stuff dropped in so I get enough hourly points for my weekly free resin and xp books!

I am still planning to decorate it properly but I have been busy lol.

I actually want to build a pretty garden with a pond and an area for Qiqi's finch.

EDIT: Oh you meant INSIDE the mansion... if I am honest, I FORGOT there was an inside bwahahaha. Oh no, the characters in there must be starving.

I wish I could show you my two Final Fantasy XIV houses and my island sanctuary, I spent days decorating those! Need to put that effort into the teapot in Genshin too lol.


Nov 6, 2017
Incredible, I wish my Raiden can kill Coppelius before the shield goes up lol. You would have gone under 150 sec if not for the death. The first half of 12-3 was interesting too.

Thank you. Your clear was very good as well. I can't wait to get a Chevreusse to see how she does compared to my regular team.

My Raiden was barely able to clear before the shield, it took a lot of retries and optimizing.
The last chamber could be improved a lot. I shouldn't have waited for Sara's burst and should have just used Raiden's burst at the end and of course Kazuha died and I also forgot the rotation I wanted to do with Neuvillette and did whatever came to mind.


Oct 27, 2017
Did my one round of Windtrace for the day and got hunter. Once again the special ability that just marks all rebels on the map is too OP, as long as a rebel doesn't grab the item before you can it's an auto win.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you. Your clear was very good as well. I can't wait to get a Chevreusse to see how she does compared to my regular team.

My Raiden was barely able to clear before the shield, it took a lot of retries and optimizing.
The last chamber could be improved a lot. I shouldn't have waited for Sara's burst and should have just used Raiden's burst at the end and of course Kazuha died and I also forgot the rotation I wanted to do with Neuvillette and did whatever came to mind.

For Abyss, sometimes whenever it reaches 12-3, I just wing it too. It gets a little too annoying trying to do things orderly. I wanna just get it over and done with so long as I hit my under 3 mins goal.

Have you tried getting Arlecchino? I recall you was looking around Hu Tao back then.

The new end game content seems to encourage us to invest horizontally, so I'm tempted by Navia as well. Imagine if they pair Anemo, Geo and Cyro together. Shit whacked.
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Oct 31, 2017
Oh my that was fun, did my first ever Windtrace and I got matched with a Wriothesley. I had to laugh so hard Tyaren. I would repair the machine and then hide and he could never find me. Qiqi is much smarter than Wrizzly! xD




Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could show you my two Final Fantasy XIV houses and my island sanctuary, I spent days decorating those! Need to put that effort into the teapot in Genshin too lol.

I'd love to see those. :) When the new expansion and graphical overhaul drops I plan to give the game one more chance. I already tried it years ago, but I just couldn't get used to the MMO-ness. It was just too different to anything I had played before at the time. Maybe this time it'll work, because the beautiful environments and cool trailers always look so exciting.

Guess I've still got a couple hours before Windtrace is available. I'm concerned though... my favorite thing about it was finding a place to comfortably hide the whole time while watching the shenanigans unfold. Now you're telling me I actually have to do things? :(

I need that level 100 rumor to be legit, I've been waiting so long. It always seemed like 90 was a weird spot to stop, like they were deliberately leaving room to add on to it later. I like to see numbers go up. This would also allow me to create a true tier of chosen ones while leaving mistakes (Tartragic) behind to fall into irrelevance at level 90. My 2700+ purple books and 95 million mora are ready. Oh but I'd probably have to farm more handguards... a lot more... oh dear.

Yeah, you need to work more now. I'm not yet sure if I like the change, but I'm not hating it. I suspect they made the change exactly because lazies like us just abused the same spot and disguise for the entire match, lol.

It's nice that you can now choose where to have a match.

Did my one round of Windtrace for the day and got hunter. Once again the special ability that just marks all rebels on the map is too OP, as long as a rebel doesn't grab the item before you can it's an auto win.

As the hunter it took me like 5 Minutes on the Inazuma stage to get to the special item where it was dropped off on the roof of a shed.


Oct 26, 2017
I cannot fathom a way in which a level cap increase is anything but a minor disaster minimum and a major disaster in all likelihood.

This is not an MMO. It already has a constant, larger demand for leveling than MMOs via the arrival of new characters in player accounts necessitating leveling each from scratch each time. Compare that to a one time burst of leveling for one character with optionally- but not fundamentally required in the same way genshins content demands at least 8 characters- of alts later. And even for alt a holics like myself the number of classes in a game only goes so high while a gacha can keep adding indefinitely. Furthermore, expansion leveling is typically linear/consistent in time expected with prior expansions. Genshin's leveling jumps grow in all required materials for each batch of 10. Taking into account both the growing nature of a player account and those increasingly more severe requirements, conflating the two genres would be comparing a linear exercise with a brutally exponential one.

It's also worth noting that mmos usually take great strides to make things easier for both alts and players clearing non current leveling or come under major fire from players for not doing so and then end up doing so anyways. It's certainly possible that a Genshin level cap increase could come with reduced requirements for all prior tiers such that the total leveling cost is the same as now but then... that begs the question of why do it in the first place?

Maybe your answer to that is the potential xp stockpile. Old players wouldn't reap the benefits of reduced leveling requirements for 1 - 90 for their existing characters but would have to contend with leveling to 100 for potentially many characters, disproportionately targeting them as the likely holders of those stockpiles perhaps. For folks like myself who've been battle pass users and played for significant periods of time- played since day 1 myself but took two extended breaks- we may have a stash of xp mats yes. But that's not for lack of leveling characters- its because you get so bottlenecked by so many things after and during the xp mat expenditures you're never going to get through them all faster than youre going to.... feel like running around the sumeru desert a billion times to catch a hundred plus scarabs AND farming a resin locked boss for a ton of mats AND farming a potentially different resin locked boss for elemental gemstones AND farming at bare minimum an acceptable artifact set AND farming weapon ascension mats AND farming talent leveling mats each time. Even with a bunch of new characters coming in, accounts just don't get to use the xp mats fast enough when gated by everything else if you're using a battle pass and I don't think adding a new tier will change that since it will also come with a new set of those other bottlenecks too. At best you'd see a brief one time dip in those stocks only for them to build back up again so long as the ratio of xp mats vs flowers/monster mats/boss mats/elemental gemstones/everything mentioned above holds the same.

To piggyback off that point, since I've come back I've gained over 300 wishes and not wished once. While that is partially due to a desire to see what Natlan has in store, there have been appealing characters for me to pull on but every time I've felt tempted, I've looked at the incredible backlog of stuff to build I still have and not been able to rationalize pulling a character that I would not get to building- without exaggeration- for months. And my account pre hiatus was a veteran one where I used my resin constantly building someone so it's not for lack of effort before. They're literally damaging their incoming revenue from me as is with the incredible burden that is building any one character. Stacking even more requirements on top of this will only exacerbate the effect/further reduce my desire to pull and any temptation to spend if i even stay with the game.

Then we consider the endgame. Players will either be gated from participating in the highest levels of abyss in the initial months following a level cap increase or they'll have to slowly increment the levels of the abyss enemies up over a few months, creating a arbitrary tuning challenge for themselves for little gain. If they do at least do the ramp and don't just effectively end participation in the mode right away for a time, players willing to buy resin will stomp it. But I guess kind of a moot point since people throwing extra cash at the game can stomp it anyways in any number of other directions.

Finally, the only actual potential silver lining I can see to this is maybe some sort of positive balance change? But then I actually think that's less likely than the opposite happening. Base stat increases will favor five stars over four stars and while, yes, that may nerf some of the more tired 4 star choices, I don't think that is a good thing for the game in general. It will also favor reaction based/hp scaling comps- some of the more favored comps in the game as it stands currently. New passives could allow them to tweak units one way or another.... but if theyre retuning the entire games roster across the board both in stats and in passives, it seems unbelievable that they'll manage to create a better balanced game with that many moving pieces at once than the fairly well balanced game Genshin currently is for a gacha?

And if they're willing to do a balance change, they don't have to staple it to level cap increase. Once the can of worms is opened, you could just slide it into character kits as is. I don't think "hiding" it in a level cap increase fundamentally alleviates any of the gacha ickiness at all. It just adds another thing you have to tune right. So even if I came away liking the balance changes, it still could have just been added without the levels.

Speaking of that legal liability/change to sold products this would represent- even if they don't do something as drastic as adding new passives and "merely" extend numbers upwards, the fact is that either you tune content to account for the new numbers and every characters effective strength shifts due to the aforementioned scaling concerns or you don't and the game becomes a boring stomp. I think even in that scenario where its just stacking numbers on unchanged kits they should be open to complaints legal or otherwise for having sold characters that now no longer function as understood. While I don't know if I'd have any real ground to stand on, I'd at least look into seeing if I could receive any sort of compensation and likely just leave the game altogether, and right before the region I most anticipated/came back for. :/

This is certainly early to be fair. It's just a leak and not a confirmed one. We have no details. Wait and see is always a level headed and fair approach but just going over everything that would have to considered, changed, and executed correctly, I cannot envision this being good for the game. I didn't want to bail on it so soon but short of them impressing me with it in ways I can't conceive, I'll probably be quitting. :(
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If the level cap thing is true for 5.0, I hope it also comes with an overhaul of the resin system. Resin, as it currently is, has largely remain untouched since like version 1.5. And that was when Hoyo updated the Domain Bosses to only cost 30 resin for the first three instances.

There's so much QOL needed for both the resin system and character building that's been neglected in this game. Especially now that Hoyo apparently will want you to build more and more characters. lol


Oct 25, 2017
Assuming a 90 to 100 process would be exactly the same as getting to 90 is silly. We don't know what it will take, other gacha games have come up with new systems for "higher levels" for older units so I can easily see that happening here too.

Also having a "longer term" goal and possibly more end game fights outside of Abyss could be great. You don't need to level or gear every character.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I kinda doubt that raising a character to level 100 will require us to collect like a 1000 materials, lol. Hoyo knows players are already annoyed to get a character to level 90, and there is no gain for Hoyoverse to even exacerbate that annoyance. On the contrary, Hoyo has always made updates to make things a little less annoying.
I have the feeling getting to level 100 will be handled differently, maybe with one special item or a special thing you have to do.

Qiqi is much smarter than Wrizzly! xD

That is the most ridiculous rumor I have ever heard! D:
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Mar 13, 2020
Mihoyo probably have very good telemetry (the game is always online after all) and they maybe are seeing that while older accounts still pull for new characters because of their appeal, they don't spend as much resin for ressources because there frankly nothing to with it once you get all your main characters to 90, relevant talents maxed out and good enough artifacts.

Level cap increase would be a way to get veteran players a new long term goal and a reason to spend their resin again.

This rumor alone is incentivizing me to resume EXP books farming already.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
I kinda doubt that raising a character to level 100 will require us to collect like a 1000 materials, lol. Hoyo knows players are already annoyed to get a character to level 90, and there is no gain for Hoyoverse to even exacerbate that annoyance. On the contrary, Hoyo has always made updates to make things a little less annoying.
I have the feeling getting to level 100 will be handled differently, maybe with one special item or a special thing you have to do.

Would be cool to make Friendship 10 mean something if that was an ascension requirement but I feel like that would piss too many people off
Me who has Friendship 10 with all my guys but Arle would be laughing tho


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
friendship 10 should have given each character a signature glider or something


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I always thought that rising friendship should've unlocked character idles and more stuff they tell you in the open world. The more you use a character, the more your firendship rises, the more comfortable they are around you.
But then you were just able to load off characters to your teapot and increase "friendship" there, lol.
There is also still idle chatter in the game that is found in the characters' profile, but that does not appear in the open world. Characters have lines to wish you a good morning or good night for example. Why don't they say those lines when the sun rises or sets in the open world?


Oct 25, 2017
Country of 2020+10
40 pulls on Wanderer's banner and no bueno.

Also no bueno luck as the hunter as I got Diluc's winery as my level sobs. At least I managed to win a match as the rebel without a cause I mean without being catched.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
40 pulls on Wanderer's banner and no bueno.

Also no bueno luck as the hunter as I got Diluc's winery as my level sobs. At least I managed to win a match as the rebel without a cause I mean without being catched.

You have the new banners's already?
Did also Cyno's quest unlock for you?

Also, sorry for the bad luck. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I call

on a level 100 increase in this economy. I pretty much agree with traveler but also:
Mihoyo probably have very good telemetry (the game is always online after all) and they maybe are seeing that while older accounts still pull for new characters because of their appeal, they don't spend as much resin for ressources because there frankly nothing to with it once you get all your main characters to 90, relevant talents maxed out and good enough artifacts.

Level cap increase would be a way to get veteran players a new long term goal and a reason to spend their resin again.

This rumor alone is incentivizing me to resume EXP books farming already.
That's why the new gameplay mode incentivizes you to build horizontally. Ain't no way most, or even any, players have built their entire roster and building a character already takes time. So that already adresses the "players have nothing to do issue" if you want to call it that way. Adding another ascension and max level increase sounds incredibly weird unless it comes with a complete in-game economy rebalancing (which sounds... really risky) or having it be something completely outside of the current economy, but that could just be a separate system instead of level increase that then breaks out of the currently streamlined levelling process.


Nov 18, 2017
I do hope they take a look at character progression, the resin system, new modes of play, aspirational goals, etc.

I don't have a clue how game development works, but now the game's in its fourth year and competitors are on the horizon, you think it would make sense to take stock of the game.

Pull a team together to take a top level view of the game, look for the pinch points and see how they can smooth things out to make the experience more seamless.

A level cap increase if it were to take place isn't an exciting prospect in and of itself, but it could lead to some fun stuff if they choose to do something with that milestone.

I continue to hold out hope for more improvements and rethinks.


Oct 26, 2017
If they want something for us to sink resources into, let us do targeted rolls or rerolls on gear.

It's an infinite resin sink that would give veteran players a reason to use resources. It also wouldn't end up with gating issues due to a new level cap.


Nov 6, 2017
For Abyss, sometimes whenever it reaches 12-3, I just wing it too. It gets a little too annoying trying to do things orderly. I wanna just get it over and done with so long as I hit my under 3 mins goal.

Have you tried getting Arlecchino? I recall you was looking around Hu Tao back then.

The new end game content seems to encourage us to invest horizontally, so I'm tempted by Navia as well. Imagine if they pair Anemo, Geo and Cyro together. Shit whacked.

I considered it, same for going for Navia but I have decided to go for Furina cons and to save for Natlan characters.
She is very good obviously but I am not a fan of the no healing passive and the dmg drop off, I feel like hoyo will be able to counter her easily in the future and I am also not a fan of normal attack hitboxes even though hers are among the best.

I do have a lot of pyro characters built. They aren't as good as Arle but the new mode looks pretty easy and probably too long for speedruns, I could be wrong though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I never imagined a lil' level boost could be considered controversial... I really doubt it would change anything dramatically one way or another. It'd most likely just mean slightly better stats that could be easily ignored if you're not into whatever grind it might entail.

I haven't built a single new character this year yet since I'm picky about who I invest in... Furina is my most recent. My resources just keep piling up with nowhere to go, until I find one or two new faves in Natlan at least. But ultimately I suppose it's impossible to please everyone with any change or addition since we all have different playstyles and interests.

Personally I wouldn't want enemy stats to change at all to compensate. What some might consider a "boring stomp" is always my main goal in every rpg I play: to build my characters to the point where they can stomp everything in the game as effortlessly as possible. That's fun for me, that's why I bust my ass grinding artifacts daily to get ridiculous crit stats, not because I'm looking for a challenge. I just want Ayato my characters to be the new God of this world the best they can be. He They deserve level 100. ;_;

Introducing Friendship 20
Now that would be evil. Since I only ever use the same small group of faves for exploring, I send the others to the teapot to level their friendship... I've finally almost got everyone at 10... don't put this on me.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I've always liked that the game is a casual experience. I'm up for increasing our toolbox if they want to retain player engagement and add more skill expression to the game. But if it's just an arbitrary stat increases then it's just going to imbalance the game further and make it more of a grind. Usually gachas save that sort of change for a big milestone so it would be weird if that occured in 5.0 rather than 7.0 (or even 8.0 depending on how it pans out).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If it does happen and give us another blue fate, with my 78 characters that's another standard 5*!! I would hope it doesn't take a lot of materials because getting to 90 is already a lot even if I can do it fast.

Introducing Friendship 20
That's gonna make my friendship team cursed even when we will be done with Celestia.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Pride would continue to avoid me and I'd get another Xiao Spear! I'd really take anything not Jean or Qiqi. Oh and yeah still no Garcia today.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta chose Aloy for Windtrace. 7 hours until the Arle banner is gone here.
Hoyoverse reading that:


Here's your one fragile resin...wait...that's also not good...here's your one Hero's Wit Wanderer's Advice. :)
Hey i'd take that fragile resin let it be that!!!. That's gonna give me my perfect artifact!!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well, it's ruined. Hunters too op now... this is the buff we should be concerned about!

I did enjoy playing as Furina when I came across a Father Arle hunter though lol.


Oct 25, 2017
As Rebel and as Hunter.



As a Rebel, I always seek to repair device as soon as the games start. I will run and waste time if I see the Hunter approaches to give my teammates breathing space.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
40 more minutes till Cyno quest. :(

Will wait for your screenshots and impressions. DCR Cyno will be glorious.

I wasn't planning to make screenhsots, but now I'll do some. :3

Well, it's ruined. Hunters too op now... this is the buff we should be concerned about!

I've played about 5-6 matches now (was hunter myself once) and the hunter won every time, lol.
I think they went a bit overboard buffing the hunter, lol.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
On a side note, I wasn't even interested in Wuthering Waves, but you guys have talked about it so much that I actually want to try it now. The lightning Sephiroth guy looks cool.