
Oct 25, 2017
Dick Cheney was HW's Secretary of Defense. I have no historical faith that an overthrow of Saddam in 1991 would have ended up any better than it did in 2006. Maybe I'm just shooting from the hip there though.
It probably would have gone better, but "better" is relative. It still would have likely been a disaster overall.


Oct 25, 2017
He is the most competent president in the foreign affair and geopolitic area in recent memory.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Also regardless of him being better than W, Reagan and Trump: the dude still appointed Thomas to the Supreme Court. A shitty decision we're still suffering from almost 3 decades later.
Hahahaha OMFG, THIS!!! Bush I replaced the legendary Thurgood Marshall with an insufferable sambo named Clarence Thomas. What a way to subliminally shit on Black people. Though I feel a little bad for Clarence since Massa Scalia died.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Dick Cheney was HW's Secretary of Defense. I have no historical faith that an overthrow of Saddam in 1991 would have ended up any better than it did in 2006. Maybe I'm just shooting from the hip there though.

I think at least back then they had just cause and the backing of major Middle east countries.

Probably would have still been a clusterfuck but not as bad as this.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
I think the title of the thread doesn't quite correspond to the video. Yes, they mention a lot of the policies that he pushed and got through got bipartisan, but the point of it is about how his move to the centre as opposed to Reagan lost him the Coalition and and made the GOP react by shifting harder to the right. The focus is elsewhere.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't watch video while at work, but will add that he implemented PAYGO which I've read studies citing it as one of the primary reasons for the surplus in the 90s. His son ended it, cause of course and Obama mentioned it in the majority of his state of the unions as a rule he wanted to bring back. But that was a pipe dream.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I honestly doubt that was Bush's intention.
You're probably giving the man who greenlit the Willie Horton ad too much benefit of the doubt.

"Whoops, whaddya know I accidentally appointed a self-hating ni... person to the Supreme Court, oh well!" never happened. Bush is smarter than you think, he knew what he was doing.
Dec 11, 2017
It would be foolish to defend every decision H.W. Bush made, but I respect that he took his job seriously enough that on multiple occasions he put the good of the country over the demands of his political party.

The man even brought himself to vote for the wife of the man that ended his career over Donald Trump.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I was 8-12 when he was president and didn't know much about what a president was. All I knew about him was the soundbites like "Thousand points of light", "No new taxes" and stuff you'd see on SNL or comedy routines as well as the whole Dan Quayle "Potatoe" situation. In 7th grade however I do remember a poll we had in class about which person (Bush, Clinton or Perot) we would want as president and I thought Clinton seemed cooler. I mean he went on Arsenio and played saxophone. All I knew about Perot was that he had "4 billion dollars" according to the actress on All That.

I did vote for Dubya both times though. First willingly and second reluctantly because I was guilted into thinking democrats were a bad choice. Though I realized my mistake shortly after his second term started. I'd still take Dubya again over Trump.

Deleted member 14089

Oct 27, 2017
I think the implication is that HW represented the last vestige of the GOP that was willing to create legislation with bipartisan support and provide a compassionate answer to social issues rather than the xenophobic flood of garbage that forms every plank of their national election strategy. "Good" here is relative; 41's 'tough on crime' simply continued our skyrocketing incarceration rates that exploded starting with Nixon. The late 80s and 90s were the height of the War on Drugs, which everyone with a brain should recognize was a war on being a person of color. HW's "kindler, gentler" rhetoric rang hollow if you had any melanin in you and it was under his presidency that men like Newt Gingrich rose to prominence to guarantee the GOP permanently dove over the cliffs of madness.

With all that in mind, people still miss what he represented, a hope that measurable amounts of sanity and calm could rule a republican White House. That's all but dead now.

Definitely, a better well put conclusion than I had. I do agree that that's the implication made from this video.
Sadly there is only an extremity or rather extremities present in today's political climate.
Additional video made by Vox, which may be of interest:


Nov 3, 2017
All I know is give me Trump everyday, over that shithead, war criminal Bush Jr.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Stop whitewashing monsters. He hired racist ass Lee Atwater and ran a racist campaign. He also did Panama dirty when he invaded them to takedown his former CIA partner Noriega.

During his CIA career I'm sure he was great to those Brown and Black countries who exercised actual democracy and had their leaders killed by US backed coups. Stop romanticizing these savages in suits.
he also refused to answer questions on iran-contra but most likely was in that shit up to his neck

anyone with nostalgia for the republicans of decades past should remember that basically all of them have been felons, liars, and cheats


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
I don't remember his presidency at all, I was too young to have an opinion on the guy. People do seem to hate on Dubya more than him though.


Oct 28, 2017
"This aggression will not stand, this aggression, against Kuwait"

"This aggression will not stand, man"

That's really almost everything I know about HW


Oct 26, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
I thought this was discussing Jr until I watched the video. I was ready to knock some heads together.


Nov 1, 2017
He's a saint compared to his offspring and Trump, but never forget he was elected by stoking racist fears in the '88 election.


Oct 25, 2017
Unlike Reagan, he wasn't terrible. He actually had a sense of responsibility and didn't live in crazytown like current Republicans.
Maybe the last intelligent Republican president.

His voting for Hillary Clinton instead of Trump was amazing and shows how much of a better man he is compared to modern Republican scum.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Think of it like this: after making a campaign pledge to never increase taxes ("Read my lips") - when faced with a recession and a growing deficit, he agreed to raise taxes.

Not saying that makes him a great President, but it does provide quite the contrast between he and, well, any modern Republican I can think of.
People often bring it up as an example of politicians lying, but it's actually him changing his mind when he realized how much Reagan had fucked shit up. He didn't fix everything Reagan did but he did a better job than his Son(s).


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Kind of a shame Republicans lost the capability to vote for candidates that produce in me other reactions than complete disgust.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
he also refused to answer questions on iran-contra but most likely was in that shit up to his neck

anyone with nostalgia for the republicans of decades past should remember that basically all of them have been felons, liars, and cheats
Definitely. The CIA is some nasty wetwork and responsible for the oppression and overthrowing of so many countries. Dude was former director and was an agent since at least the Kennedy years, screw all the Bushes.

The Bushes are super gangsters, I'll give them that. But upstanding politicians, hell no.


Oct 29, 2017
I consider Eisenhower the last good Republican president but he still did some really terrible shit just like all of them that came before and after regardless of party affiliation because people and shit are complex. That said, it's been getting progressively worse, especially with the GOP after Eisenhower and HW despite the shitty stuff he also did was end of the line, before the religious right permanently hooked their claws into the party.