Oct 26, 2017
The game is finally coming out tomorrow. And the surprise news is that it will be enhanced for Pro and X too. There was uncertainty about this because the dev told me he had not received a X devkit. However, his latest update states:

The PS4 Pro and Xbox One X will benefit from improved textures and higher resolution (compared to the basic PS4 and Xbox One). Framerate will still target 30fps on all platforms.

As for the price....

Let me also remind you that if you want to get Ghost of a Tale on Xbox One you can still do so at a lower price ($19.99) right now while the game is still in Preview. The price will get aligned with the PC and PS4 versions (at $24.99) when the final version gets released.


I am extremely proud to announce the long-awaited release of Ghost of a Tale's original soundtrack. It contains all of the game's tracks composed by Jeremiah Pena, Containher and Mathieu Alvado. It represents more than an hour of truly outstanding music (36 tracks to be precise) and you can get it right now for $7 on Bandcamp at this address.


Oct 26, 2017
I've had this on PC for a good long while now. Really really (really) cute and adorable stealth game.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to finally playing this. Seems a great way to slow things down after a lot of DMC this week.
Jul 20, 2018
I'm really upset that I forgot about this. I was really looking forward to it but I just bought Nioh last week and want to finish it before Sekiro comes out. Definitely picking up this game down the road though.


Oct 25, 2017
impulse bought this the other week on steam when it was on sale after playing moss. needed more mouse adventures.
Oct 26, 2017
Strange. It seems the game hasn't been properly added to the Xbox store yet. It still shows a trial (which game preview also has, but it shouldn't be game preview anymore) and the price is still 19.99.


Feb 28, 2019


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I tried to play this twice and just couldn't. It looks great and controls reasonably well but I just got bored pretty quickly. It reminded me of the Styx games and Aragami. They look great and control just fine, but so repetitive that I wasn't able to push forward. Worth a try for anyone interested in stealth games though, it might click with you.


Oct 25, 2017
I finished it last year when it came out of Early Access. It looks cute but it's surprisingly dark under the surface.


Oct 28, 2017
Jeez, I remember seeing screenshots of this long before it was in early access. I feel like I have an obligation to get it at this point, now to decide which platform I want it on.


Oct 26, 2017
So, how's the PS4 version holding up? Was always interested in the PC version, but was surprised when I saw the PS4 version shadow dropping the other day.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
The resolution on the X has been improved by quite a bit, compared to what I played of the Preview back on the base console, but the performance is all over the place, and I've already run into a few bugs and glitches. I'm just about an hour in, so I won't comment on the rest yet.

Oh, and the game still won't automatically upload the screenshots to Live, so you have to upload them to OneDrive manually. A couple of stats on the Achievements page lack proper capitalization as well, hopefully those things and the performance will be patched. The game was primarily developed by a single person, so I can't be too harsh on it, but it looks like it needed a bit more time in the oven.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Hope this sells well on Xbox. I played and finished in it on PC and it's a great game with a great setting (with clear inspiration from the Redwall series, but enough new ideas of its own), and probably the best production values of any indie game. It's insane when you consider that only one person (with lots of help, I have to assume, sure, but still only one person who worked on it full time) managed so much and it actually got finished. Insane accomplishment.




Oct 27, 2017
Hope this sells well on Xbox. I played and finished in it on PC and it's a great game with a great setting (with clear inspiration from the Redwall series, but enough new ideas of its own), and probably the best production values of any indie game. It's insane when you consider that only one person (with lots of help, I have to assume, sure, but still only one person who worked on it full time) managed so much and it actually got finished. Insane accomplishment.


Nice. will be picking it up on Xbox. I enjoyed the demo a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
I know this is made mostly by one guy, but the performance on the One X is rough. Frame rate feels low to the point that I find it distracting and in usually not super sensitive to it. It's a great looking game otherwise, love the lore and cute little mouse. I will say I've encountered a few bugs both in terms of gameplay and graphics but I would imagine those are being worked on.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
I finished this yesterday, and I really loved it, although it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. It looks amazing for what it is, but it can run very poorly on Xbox One X. There are still plenty of bugs and unpolished details (like inconsistent capitalization of stats in the Achievements app or the fact that there are no spaces in the game title on the dashboard), and I even had the game hard crash the whole console once, but since the official release some problems have already been fixed.

The lore is very deep and well thought out, and the characters are wonderful and lively, despite the absence of any voice acting or even cutscenes. However, it has to be said that the game is very oldfashioned in some regards, and that will probably keep a lot of people at bay. Most of the activities are fetch quests heavy on collecting, there's no getting around that, and it's not hard to occasionally get stuck because you somehow overlooked a mission-critical object. On a positive note, a lot of them are optional, although many bring tangible benefits, so you'll want to do them anyway. Some have multiple solutions, which is great, it's something that I always appreciate.

The world is structured similarly to that of Dark Souls, interconnected and littered with unlockable shortcuts, but it's also labyrinthine, and easy to get lost in (unfortunately, the map system is pretty terrible). You'll have to get well acquainted with its many areas and passages, and yes, you'll be backtracking and covering the same ground a lot. At the same time, that gives the world a real sense of place, and by the end of the game you'll really feel at home in it.

There are some RPG elements, but the game feels more like a point and click adventure with not too many puzzles, and plenty of simplistic stealth. Like I said, I loved it, it really left me with special warm feelings (and despite its considerable length, the story it tells is just a beginning of an even longer narrative, seemingly epic in scope), but in many ways it does feel like a game from a different era. That's not really a negative for me, as it carries both positive and negative connotations, but for some people it might be.