
"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
If the single player campaign (i.e. the actual game) doesn't require a PSN account, then this seems like a very, very silly thing to do


Feb 15, 2023
The Joke is this topic which has been played by privileged people overblowing a simple account login for something minor as something they themselves do it all the time, 'lying about your age on every site that asks you', breaking its terms of service.
This is why I always felt weird about the Helldivers 2 thing blowing up. Making out of region accounts may have been against Sony's ToS but it was always an unenforced rule. Obviously, the ideal solution here would be for Sony to get off their asses and support these countries but when do corporations ever do the right thing? The Helldivers controversy placed the eye of Sauron on players from outside of supported regions who probably would have been able to fly under the radar and continue playing the game quite easily, even if it wasn't ideal. Although, to reiterate: Fuck Sony.


Oct 25, 2017
If the single player campaign (i.e. the actual game) doesn't require a PSN account, then this seems like a very, very silly thing to do

They aren't going to let folks buy a game where they can't access the online portion of it.

Granted, they probably should have, however, allowed folks to buy a version of GoT that was SP only.

Though I'm not even sure how you would price it, cause Legends was free, it was only paid as a standalone version.


Oct 25, 2017
The ToS is meaningless, even in this forum tons of US users also have Japanese accs

There's a strong difference between something being allowed and something they overlook when convenient.
Or they could just drop their PSN requirement altogether.
There's many ways to do it the right way. They choosed the wrong one.


May 10, 2018
Santiago, Chile
I feel like this argument was always very disingenuous. While it's true they aren't *available*, people need to stop pretending they never lied on a checkbox in an online form.
It doesn't matter what an individual does with their adherence to the ToS, but as a company Sony and Valve absolutely need to abide by both the local laws and their own rules, and it just so hapens that PSN's ToS both has a clause that forbids making out-of-region accounts, and some regions aren't supported by the service so people can't make a local account there. Again, it doesn't matter if individuals can break the ToS and make accounts anyways, legally speaking if the ToS says that you can't make out-of-region accounts and a game requires you to have an account for a service that you formally can't actually register for, preventing people from buying the game in those regions and losing that revenue may be preferable to the alternative of opening up the ToS to legal scrutiny or straight up being in violation of local laws.


May 22, 2020
It's clearly something they want to work on for the long run in order to offer more PSN features to players outside their console ecosystem, why would they? People made it clear it wasn't ok to offer these games in regions that didn't have PSN support, so Sony is simply going along with that and avoiding potential bigger issues, plus avoiding another backlash in the future as people now are aware of the PSN requirements. Is it on them that PSN is not supported in many regions? Absolutely, but I imagine they'll be working on a solution and relist their PSN-linkable games as they get to that. People had the option of using a workaround, but they made it clear that they didn't want that, so this move makes sense.
It has been this way for longer than a decade, why give them any benefit of the doubt here


Dec 7, 2017
I mean... they aren't technically wrong. Folks in unsupported countries have been making PSN accounts for years without ever getting banned. But now because of the backlash, folks can't buy these games at all.

I still can't believe that thread.
Folks that are actually affected by that shit never even cared.
PSN has been unsupported in my country for years but that never stopped me for doing shit.

You can have multiple throwaway accounts, like it's not even a barrier in any shape or form.

There's a strong difference between something being allowed and something they overlook when convenient.
Or they could just drop their PSN requirement altogether.
There's many ways to do it the right way. They choosed the wrong one.
It's been overlooked for years but all of a sudden one tiny requirement and a massive reaction from people it most likely would not even affect.

Rubbish imo.


May 17, 2022
Ultimately, what would've transpired if none had complained about this, is that all gamers would be playing Helldivers 2 and this game without anything happening to anyone. Sony doesn't enforce rules like this just like Valve doesn't. Sony actively know people have been doinng this for decades since PS3.

Then remove the rules if they aren't enforcing it or change the system so users in non supported country have a row option but they can't or don't want to do that. Having clarity re the TOS is good for both consumers and companies.

I don't think we are going to agree here so my last reply.

If the single player campaign (i.e. the actual game) doesn't require a PSN account, then this seems like a very, very silly thing to do

It might be the overlay thingy.
Feb 16, 2022
So this wasn't an issue previously because Sony said that the game requires a PSN account on Steam, but it could still be purchased and played with fake address PSN accounts. (Please stop the TC bs, it was never an issue, like ever).

But because Helldivers players realized that their only realistic complaint is "what about unsupported countries" they basically forced Sony to delist from these countries on Steam. Making it impossible to play the games.

But Sony is at fault for requiring their own online account on a game that they publish and develop? I mean it's not like PSN is the best thing ever but this seems like one of the biggest own goals I've ever seen.
Yeah, we can be pissed at more than one party here. While the root of the problem is Sony and PSN being how they are, it's also inarguable that had a bunch of bad faith Helldivers 2 players not disingenuously use the only excuse they could(while not being from said countries themselves) things would be business as usual.


Oct 28, 2017
If the single player campaign (i.e. the actual game) doesn't require a PSN account, then this seems like a very, very silly thing to do
They could but i reckon sellers aren't particularly interested in selling a game that might get them in trouble with regulators for selling a half functioning product.


Jun 4, 2018
while i wish they supported more regions I am happy they are doing this ahead of time and not post launch.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Nothing about the PSN stuff. Just about those countries and their local economy and their legislations. #82
They don't want money and currency to go in or out so easily so they blocked internet transactions from services outside their countries so not just PS Store is affected but everything else.
You keep saying this yet I can create an account elsewhere on near every other service/platform/store/subscription AND spend money


Oct 26, 2017
Again, this is your opinion and choice. How you feel about this doesn't matter. You've helped (even a tiny percent) and Sony make it impossible for others in these smaller countries to play it legally.

Thats the ultimate end result.

I am sorry for you but tying game from one service that supports your country to other service that doesn't is risk that people shouldn't take. you are compromising copy of the game bought on Steam and many people don't understand that. You and I maybe know what is issue and other enthusiasts but there are al lot of people who don't. There are also people who would buy game on Steam and saw that they need account for Legends and try to create account and see that they can't pick their country and go and ask for refund. There is a lot of issues and again i am sorry for you and anyone else who doesn't care about those issues but they are still issues that can't just be dusted under the rag, they need to solve them. Better now than year later where they can caouse more issues.

David Matter

Apr 16, 2024
I think this is what happened literally

1: Sony didnt care at all about the PSN region problem because since a decade or more ago people has been creating PSN accounts easily without problem, so they thought everyone would do the same when they started to ask for psn account requirement

2: backlash happened as they implemented the psn account requirement in helldivers 2 after 3 month of the game being released, people of course would be angry, backlash happened, sony reversed

3: with the backlash sony realized that there could be consequences in this psn account implementation as in the future could be legal problem as they cant just go and sell games in countries where there isnt psn support and at the same time ask for a psn account even if it is easy to create one with another country in the selection process

4: Now sony is just cutting the problem even before day one, any game that have any sort of online component and at the same time have the psn account requirement will not be listed in those countries, problem solved

5: is possible as well that sony made some calculations or whatever process they do and made the conclusion that all those countries dont represent a big amunt of MAU or Sales.

Now, nobody knows if sony will made psn support available in those countries, if you ask me, is veeeery difficult as they havent done that before after all these years, only time will tell

EDIT 1: Maybe even single player games from Sony coming to PC are going to be delisted as well because is possibly that every future single player game from PlayStation will start to have this "overlay" with psn that have trophies, friend list etc... so in that case is 100% required to have the psn account requirement, even if it is optional then sony will delist those games in those countries
Oct 27, 2017
this week has been wild with corporate stupidity
What did EA do? I must have missed that news.


Oct 25, 2017
Or they could just change their ToS to allow people from regions where PSN isn't officially provided to get into another region.

From what I understand, it's not that simple due to taxes being different in every country. Sony could get in serious trouble if they said "sure, just make an account in another region".


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
As shitty as it is, Sony probably crunched the numbers and likely doesn't expect a ton of players/revenue from that list.

If you go through the whole list of countries, it's stuff like Nepal, Madagascar, Tanzania etc. Nothing against the countries mind you, but I'm assuming that's how they make the justification instead of investing into PSN infrastructure in those regions (for now?).

Also has the knock on effect of preventing any possible store abuse just in case.


Oct 26, 2017
You keep saying this yet I can create an account elsewhere on near every other service/platform/store/subscription AND spend money

Yes you can and this break the TOS but it has nothing to do with how you can create an account from another country or region or not. You can create an EU account when you live in USA and still find a way to pay using credit card or other methods involving bank transactions but in many of those countries you can't pay anything like that. You can create an account from other stores but the only way to fill a wallet is by buying fund cards from the specific country you created the account from and pay x times its original prices from local stores who are mostly smugglers trying to make personal profit witjout being monitored by the country. Trust I know what I am talking about. It is harsh dealing with such.


Apr 24, 2018
You know what, They really are going to fuck this one up so I guess it is going to get backlash.
Can not wait for people to blame other people that protested the requirement rather than blaming Sony for being extremely stupid and arrogant.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course they did. Many including myself said this is exactly what is going to happen. I can't even say this is a major self own by the HD2 gamers cz most of those who will be impacted gave no shits about the PSN requirement anyways. I feel bad for them but until Sony actually expands PSN for those regions they will continue to do this. They can't just say ok its fine ignore TOS officially either and anyone who is suggesting that is being ignorant as fuck.

lol at people acting shocked and blaming Sony here. Corporations suck ass but let's not delude ourselves here. Logically this is the correct path to follow for them now until they expand the store access to more regions, which I'm sure has its own hurdles and challenges...and will take a long time.


Dec 7, 2017
I am sorry for you but tying game from one service that supports your country to other service that doesn't is risk that people shouldn't take. you are compromising copy of the game bought on Steam and many people don't understand that. You and I maybe know what is issue and other enthusiasts but there are al lot of people who don't. There are also people who would buy game on Steam and saw that they need account for Legends and try to create account and see that they can't pick their country and go and ask for refund. There is a lot of issues and again i am sorry for you and anyone else who doesn't care about those issues but they are still issues that can't just be dusted under the rag, they need to solve them. Better now than year later where they can caouse more issues.
It's a risk that a fuckon of console gamers have taken and continue to take for years.

They are given a choice and they can take a decision based on it, people aren't stupid.

A fuckon of consoles are sold outside 'supported territories' too.

Do I want Sony to fix their backend shit? Yes
But that has never stopped tons. I'd rather be given a choice than outright denial that's happening here.


Oct 25, 2017
Dropping Legends or making it a separate download seems like the quick solution here but it feels like that would be almost impossible to price since it was a free update.


Sep 2, 2018
Should have at least been able to play single player portion, it's like here in south africa where we can't touch the casino in online gta5 but least can do other shit

Least they are not allowing to buy instead of finding out later you can't

Sucks for the rest
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
It's a risk that a fuckon of console gamers have taken and continue to take for years.

They are given a choice and they can take a decision based on it, people aren't stupid.

A fuckon of consoles are sold outside 'supported territories' too.

Do I want Sony to fix their backend shit? Yes
But that has never stopped tons. I'd rather be given a choice than outright denial that's happening here.

It won't stop people to play games now either, many of those people will just pirate game.


Feb 21, 2018
This is why I always felt weird about the Helldivers 2 thing blowing up. Making out of region accounts may have been against Sony's ToS but it was always an unenforced rule. Obviously, the ideal solution here would be for Sony to get off their asses and support these countries but when do corporations ever do the right thing? The Helldivers controversy placed the eye of Sauron on players from outside of supported regions who probably would have been able to fly under the radar and continue playing the game quite easily, even if it wasn't ideal. Although, to reiterate: Fuck Sony.
Then remove the rules if they aren't enforcing it or change the system so users in non supported country have a row option but they can't or don't want to do that. Having clarity re the TOS is good for both consumers and companies.

I don't think we are going to agree here so my last reply.
If corporations could just be this reasonable, kind and remove rules because people in third world countries could play their games. Lol.
They care about which people give them the most money and attention and their 'rules' are enforced based upon that. You know, I know that Sony or any other corp. won't do it cause they are doing it so that they can get out of jail when they get into trouble regarding this topic and use their ToS as an excuse. So sorry this just isn't how reality works.
I am sorry for you but tying game from one service that supports your country to other service that doesn't is risk that people shouldn't take. you are compromising copy of the game bought on Steam and many people don't understand that. You and I maybe know what is issue and other enthusiasts but there are al lot of people who don't. There are also people who would buy game on Steam and saw that they need account for Legends and try to create account and see that they can't pick their country and go and ask for refund. There is a lot of issues and again i am sorry for you and anyone else who doesn't care about those issues but they are still issues that can't just be dusted under the rag, they need to solve them. Better now than year later where they can caouse more issues.
It is not a 'risk'. Not in this world we live in. Its also a thing where we are at the mercy of these powerful, rich corps. With all digital now a days, our money and 'play rights' are solely in the hands of these. You take what you can get. Making a simple PSN account to go through with playing a game is an easy and 'riskfree' task.

Also no offense but 'feeling sorry' doesn't change the situation. So keep your sorry lol.

And now the cause and effect of this is going to result in more illegal and unauthorised copies of the game thanks to all of this horeshit.

David Matter

Apr 16, 2024
You know what, They really are going to fuck this one up so I guess it is going to get backlash.
Can not wait for people to blame other people that protested the requirement rather than blaming Sony for being extremely stupid and arrogant.
when the psn account requirement for helldivers was announced, there was backlash almost inmediatly online, right now there isnt any kind of backlash for this online, or at least I am not seeing one, even you reading people in this forum you are seeing that most of them are accepting that this is a consequence of possibly legal issues or people just accepting it, "it is what it is" I mean, people is more calm, i think this really shows that the backlash for helldivers was just people really not wanting to create a psn account, that being reversed, people dont care anymore about this countries being delisted at all, thats the sentiment i am reading right now, but as I said, i am not seeing any kind of backlash online