
"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, good? If they don't support those countries, then they shouldn't sell the game there.

They should fix their backend first.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
Think Sony need to vastly improve PSN if they're going to enforce the online thing, account linking has never been a popular idea, making it a lot of friction is just terrible.
Oct 29, 2017
I think you are confused, I didn't do anything to people in these markets, that was Sony. They are trying to implement a forced account system to boost their player numbers on PSN. You should blame Sony for the whole situation and stop trying to deflect.

But if the Helldivers community didn't throw a fit and demanded Sony to delist the person who you are talking to could still play.

Plenty of people played Helldivers with PSN accounts registered elsewhere. This is a non issue.


Feb 21, 2018
And that's no one's fault but Sony's.

Much like pre-Steam era, people will pirate if there's no good alternatives and that's on the companies for not providing one.
There's no meal cooked with some fire behind it.

This logic of yours doesn't work.

This reply of yours, really sums up how much first world or privileged people don't care of the consequences of their actions.


Apr 24, 2018
Most of us have been just fine doing it for nearly 2 decades now. With China there might be some special requirements specific to them due to them being, well, China.
I know, I've been doing it. It's fine until it's not.
Just like other services that's been fine and aren't anymore (google play store for example).


Dec 7, 2017
Feel so naughty breaking Sony TOS all these years šŸ˜±
Watch out, they might find you in your unsupported country and take you to jail šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

Someone even said to go pirate it.
Breaking TOS. Bad.
Pirate?. GOOD.

Asking for Sony Backend to be fixed before this game launch šŸ™šŸ™


Feb 20, 2024
Yeah, this is exactly what I was afraid of would be the result of the Helldivers outrage, guess no more Sony games on PC for me.

David Matter

Apr 16, 2024
Do you really think people are going to buy full priced late ports on a new launcher on PC? lmao
you will be surprised how many people would buy those games in a possible sony launcher in PC, the question is , will sony support steam and that "possible" sony launcher at the same time? if they do, perfect, then no problem, people saying "oh the sony launcher will fail, it will never be at the level of steam, many have failed to be like steam", success doesnt mean be number 1 in the pc launchers competition, what sony wants is have more control over their games on PC, a launcher of they own mean 100% revenue for them, in steam only 30%, of course they are going to want some day the 100% revenue from their launcher plus the 30% of steam, its a win win situation for them


Apr 3, 2024
This reply of yours, really sums up how much first world or privileged people don't care of the consequences of their actions.
Consequences of our actions? Getting tired of the whole "we've been breaking the terms of service since the PS3 launched, it's totally fine, just do it and be quiet about it" defense force for this crap. Just because you are comfortable breaking their terms of service using accounts with no functionality to change regions doesn't mean a whole platform should walk into this shitshow willingly.

Instead of getting mad at PC users for finally doing what you should've done twenty years ago, get pissed at the company profiting off your territory without supporting it. It's baffling that the PSN is nearly two decades old and it still doesn't support these territories. Especially as their whole Playstation on PC initiative is to gain access to territories where console gaming isn't as popular. Maybe they shouldn't be imposing PSN login requirements before they're actually ready to then? Also while you're at it, I'd start demanding the ability to change territories and merge accounts too because I don't see this ending well for people who have been breaking the ToS this whole time.


Apr 18, 2022
This bootlicking is getting pathetic. You are telling people to touch grass when you are on a forum running interference for a corporation?

Also markets without PSN are not significant, but you are also complaining about people in those regions being unable to buy the game. Which is it?
Exactly this. For some reason, Sony is unwilling to see that other countries are vast burgeoning markets that are starting to become serious customers for pc gaming, they do not see that as having any value. And for some reason people will constantly try to defend these practices, which are not even good for Sony's brand to a wider audience, which is crazy when you want them to succeed and look good. It's just a bit pathetic especially when you realize they more likely than not aren't even working for the company, so they do not have any actual stakes in the matter.
Customers are allowed to chose what to spend their money on, and can determine what business practices are okay in their eyes or not. They are also in their full right to show their distaste to others in a public space. It is nobody else's "fault" that a brand or business practice doesn't succeed, only the companies. It is not some vast social ill-will for people to see something they do not like, and refuse to spend money on it and state it's faults. People finally being upset at something that they should have been upset at earlier isn't unjustifiable, its just a straw that happened to break the camel's back.
Even if you are in a country that is allowed the "privilege" of being able to purchase their products, I do not see any reason at all to put up with these intentionally malicious practices to put more barriers between your ownership, and use of a product you have purchased.
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Red Kong XIX

Red Kong XIX

Oct 11, 2020
This is really disingenuous, who was complaining about the actual process of linking the account? You know for a fact that's not why people didn't want to make PSN accounts they don't need for a game that was already working. Come on.
There are streamers who complained about this who have been playing Stellar Blade a week prior, so evidently they had a PSN account and just did not want to link it. It doesn't really matter in the end though, even creating a free account isn't a huge ask imo. I just checked out of curiosity how many accounts I have in my password manager, over 400 in fact.


Oct 26, 2017
Why doesn't Sony just allow PSN accounts in those regions?
They do, there was never a problem using foreign PSN accounts. My entire country uses them since PSN was created.

Helldivers2 PC fans yelled a lot because they did not wanted another login, Arrowhead CM ignited stronger backlash and said that foreign PSNs will not be usable (this was never the case), and massive refunds led Steam to block sales in non-PSN countries.

All was well, and now my entire country cant get H2 and GoT... (...and Ragnarok, TLOU2, and others in the future).


Apr 24, 2018
you will be surprised how many people would buy those games in a possible sony launcher in PC, the question is , will sony support steam and that "possible" sony launcher at the same time? if they do, perfect, then no problem, people saying "oh the sony launcher will fail, it will never be at the level of steam, many have failed to be like steam", success doesnt mean be number 1 in the pc launchers competition, what sony wants is have more control over their games on PC, a launcher of they own mean 100% revenue for them, in steam only 30%, of course they are going to want some day the 100% revenue from their launcher plus the 30% of steam, its a win win situation for them
Sony's Ips aren't strong enough to pull this off. Heck even rockstar couldn't. The only reason epic store is still around is because it has the biggest game out there. Having a store front is a lot of work that could easily result in a loss, They can definitely try but companies with more well known Ips have tried and failed.


Oct 27, 2017
They do, there was never a problem using foreign PSN accounts. My entire country uses them since PSN was created.

Helldivers2 PC fans yelled a lot because they did not wanted another login, Arrowhead CM ignited stronger backlash and said that foreign PSNs will not be usable (this was never the case), and massive refunds led Steam to block sales in non-PSN countries.

All was well, and now my entire country cant get H2 and GoT... (...and Ragnarok, TLOU2, and others in the future).


Feb 21, 2018
Consequences of our actions? Getting tired of the whole "we've been breaking the terms of service since the PS3 launched, it's totally fine, just do it and be quiet about it" defense force for this crap. Just because you are comfortable breaking their terms of service using accounts with no functionality to change regions doesn't mean a whole platform should walk into this shitshow willingly.

Instead of getting mad at PC users for finally doing what you should've done twenty years ago, get pissed at the company profiting off your territory without supporting it. It's baffling that the PSN is nearly two decades old and it still doesn't support these territories. Especially as their whole Playstation on PC initiative is to gain access to territories where console gaming isn't as popular. Maybe they shouldn't be imposing PSN login requirements before they're actually ready to then? Also while you're at it, I'd start demanding the ability to change territories and merge accounts too because I don't see this ending well for people who have been breaking the ToS this whole time.
What will getting pissed at a company is going to do for people who are from these countries? Don't you think people have complained over the years from these countries to these Corps? Why you do think these shit faces don't do shit? Its because they don't get a lot of money from these countries.

Just putting it all on a rich corp which isn't going to change its terms of service easily which has been written after anlayzing the law and making sure they are safe from any judicial action, doesn't mean the people who made this corp enforce its ToS, aren't to be blamed.

Its for a simple fucking account login which isn't consequential, has NOT been as such for decades.

Spare me with the high and mighty advise.


Apr 3, 2024
*Looks at mediocre performance of most Sony games on Steam, then looks over to the heap of failed exclusive publisher launchers*

No, I think maybe you'd be surprised by the number it seems.
Playstation's "prestige status" on PC is greatly exaggerated by people who aren't PC gamers. Yeah I'm not buying the whole Playstation launcher is a foregone conclusion narrative. They can incentivize it all they want with crossbuy/achievements and whatever but look at the state of GamePass on PC. It's $10/month and literally bundled with the Windows operating system and Steam users still insist on buying their games on Steam lol


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
But if the Helldivers community didn't throw a fit and demanded Sony to delist the person who you are talking to could still play.

Plenty of people played Helldivers with PSN accounts registered elsewhere. This is a non issue.

And plenty of people would not know that you can do that, or didn't want to risk doing that and would have "made a stink", either through reviews, refunds, or legal means.

Do I have to point out that some of those unsupported regions are within the EU? That at that point the EU would step in? And NO-ONE wants the EU to step in.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, this is definitely the fault of the players, not the international megacorporation that somehow can't figure out how to make their account system work internationally, and suddenly decided to refuse to sell their games without it.


Apr 3, 2018
If your official position is "break our ToS if you want to be able to pay us to play our games" your official position sucks ass and you need to fix it.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, this is definitely the fault of the players, not the international megacorporation that somehow can't figure out how to make their account system work internationally, and suddenly decided to refuse to sell their games without it.
This is absolutely Sony's fault, but it wouldn't have happened without the Helldivers uproar. Both things can be true.


Oct 26, 2017
The worst thing about all this is that Sony is basically silent. They are not saying a single word.


Apr 3, 2024
Its for a simple fucking account login which isn't consequential, has NOT been as such for decades.
It's an account login that is used for the purposes of Digital Rights Management and ban enforcement. That's as consequential as it gets in regards to someone's digital purchase.
What will getting pissed at a company is going to do for people who are from these countries? Don't you think people have complained over the years from these countries to these Corps?
I don't know, we'll see now that this issue is making headlines and will continue to make headlines as long as those territories are unsupported and getting pulled from Steam. If these corporations are going to be as rigid as they are when citing their ToS when they decide to fuck you, you should want complete and utter transparency with little to no gray areas.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks a lot first world people. You just made it impossible for people in these countries to play this game legally.
Ha, not wrong.

Like, really, practically, it could've happened at any point in time. All it took was one person at Sony (probably in legal) who cared to see it on accident and go "hey wait a minute uhhh".

But it's absolutely undeniable that this happening right now is a direct result of gamer hissy fits.


Dec 2, 2017
You can bet that in 6 months they're gonna be having an office meeting trying to figure out why their PC sales dipped: "It is absolutely impossible for us tell why these numbers went down. Intern number 3500 please put your hand down, we're not looking for uninformed input."


Feb 21, 2018
"It's an account login that is used for the purposes of Digital Rights Management and ban enforcement. That's as consequential as it gets in regards to someone's digital purchase."
I don't know, we'll see now that this issue is making headlines and will continue to make headlines as long as those territories are unsupported and getting pulled from Steam.
That Consequence you are talking about, has a tiny chance of happening actually. It is minute enough to ignore. The only ones who take these things seriously are first world people.

Headlines for smaller countries do little to move the needle for a rich corporate company. Their bottom line matters. Thats the end for them.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
This is the right move is they're going to be pushing for PSN integration in their PC games going forward.

That said, they need to expand PSN to these countries even if they don't officially sell PS products there.

But why does it need to be integrated to PSN at all? Because of Legends? Stop adding multiplayer to games that didn't need it. Ghost is a fine enough game without that. And it will sell well without it.

But now? Probably not.

There are legitimate reasons why they don't expand PSN to every country. Legal and regulatory hurdles among them, as well as cost-benefit analysis that says some countries aren't exactly going to be hotbeds for purchases. But this is finally the opportunity to expand into those markets where they might gain some traction without those walls in place, and they're building the goddamn walls in anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Ha, not wrong.

Like, really, practically, it could've happened at any point in time. All it took was one person at Sony (probably in legal) who cared to see it on accident and go "hey wait a minute uhhh".

But it's absolutely undeniable that this happening right now is a direct result of gamer hissy fits.
And those same gamers don't give a shit about the smaller countries. They just didn't want their pure Steam accounts to be sullied by a PSN login.

The worst thing about all this is that Sony is basically silent. They are not saying a single word.
I mean what do you want them to say. They require a PSN login for the MP mode and because of player outrage they have made the decision to not sale their games in regions without a PSN presence. We all know why they are doing this now it is a direct result of the HD2 protests.


Oct 25, 2017
There's an awful lot of anger in this thread directed at people who called out a practice they didn't like (required PSN for HD2) and voted with their wallets/review scores. 100% of the blame for this situation lies with Sony.

Light Valyis

Apr 19, 2024
This was the inevitable outcome of the extremely dumb HD2 situation, people complain it was added "retroactively", well now it's not going to be.

Anyone blaming only Sony without any introspection are conveniently ignoring the decade of precedence of Sony not caring about ToS


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
But why does it need to be integrated to PSN at all? Because of Legends? Stop adding multiplayer to games that didn't need it. Ghost is a fine enough game without that. And it will sell well without it.

But now? Probably not.

There are legitimate reasons why they don't expand PSN to every country. Legal and regulatory hurdles among them, as well as cost-benefit analysis that says some countries aren't exactly going to be hotbeds for purchases. But this is finally the opportunity to expand into those markets where they might gain some traction without those walls in place, and they're building the goddamn walls in anyway.
theres also the ps overlay thats coming with got that probably needs a psn log in as well


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
EA, Ubisoft, Xbox, Epic, Activision, (Capcom has optional I think).. just about every big publisher has an account, but somehow only Helldivers with PSN became "an issue".

You are required to create a Capcom ID account to play several Capcom games, like Street Fighter 6.

But why does it need to be integrated to PSN at all? Because of Legends? Stop adding multiplayer to games that didn't need it. Ghost is a fine enough game without that. And it will sell well without it.

But now? Probably not.

There are legitimate reasons why they don't expand PSN to every country. Legal and regulatory hurdles among them, as well as cost-benefit analysis that says some countries aren't exactly going to be hotbeds for purchases. But this is finally the opportunity to expand into those markets where they might gain some traction without those walls in place, and they're building the goddamn walls in anyway.

People seemed to enjoy the Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer mode on PS4/5.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
Ha, not wrong.

Like, really, practically, it could've happened at any point in time. All it took was one person at Sony (probably in legal) who cared to see it on accident and go "hey wait a minute uhhh".

But it's absolutely undeniable that this happening right now is a direct result of gamer hissy fits.

Yes, it's all on the gamerz. Definitely not on the dumb corporation who couldn't leave well enough alone and started requiring a crappy account that no one wants on PC.

They could end this immediately by just going back to selling games without that stupid account attached. Then they could continue selling games to the whole world on Steam.

It's a self inflicted wound on Sony's part that's bleeding all over people who didn't deserve it.


Oct 27, 2017
Lei Colmosna
Oh I figured it out this is genius.

So obviously, Sony is planning to have their own launcher and store on PC (because even if they get 1 user buying there, they're getting that extra % that Steam was taking from them). This will probably work just like the PS Store/PSN. So sure, you can't buy their future games on Steam because it's delisted for your country because they don't support PSN there. But on their own launcher? it might be the same situation as on their consoles, so just log in with a US account for example and buy it there. They'll get the full cut, you'll get to play the game, etc.

If that's the case then hopefully they don't take long to release it.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean what do you want them to say. They require a PSN login for the MP mode and because of player outrage they have made the decision to not sale their games in regions without a PSN presence. We all know why they are doing this now it is a direct result of the HD2 protests.

Any decent company would release official statement explaining situation and what are their next steps are. Just going out and removing option for purchase with 0 explanation is just showing how arrogant they are.