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Oct 28, 2017
To the OP:

I was bored to tears by this game, and think Sony finally killed the last exclusive franchise they had that was pretty unique. The old God of War games were popcorn action with huge set pieces and addictive gameplay. They were simple, arcadey, and just fun as fuck. While everyone was whining about Kratos being 1-dimensional, I celebrated that fact. He was a pissed off dude who set out to kill everyone and I loved playing as him. This game made him boring as fuck, just like this game in general. The RPG elements they added were so overdone, the story was lame, the exploring was half-baked and put in there just so they could label it "open-world", etc. It's the prime example of why I probably won't be getting a PS5. Sony's exclusives are just samey as hell these days, and third parties are doing the genre better anyway. Oh, and yeah maybe it's pretty, but nothing in this game really wowed me like the Poseidon fight in God of War 3 did at the time. Mmmmmmmmeh.

Couldn't agree more, it's always good to see someone share that opinion.
I agree when it comes to gameplay. I like my simple, addictive gameplay and it's that simplicity and fun combined with over the top spectacle that made God of War gel so well with me over other action games. New God of War loses all of that by complicating everything with all its RPG elements and systems.

Unlike you I do appreciate new Kratos much more as a character though.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, it's said in the op: he's tired from long ago. Most of his problems are understandable to me but it reads like an exageration to me, that's probably because, like he said, he's been through a lot of games with similar mechanics I suppose.

I'll just say this, as a fan, if I want to play a game like God of War outside of it, I wouldn't now what to play... there's nothing like it that I know of in the current generation imo.
Hellblade might be the closest but it's still really different.
Could be Darksiders 2 but that's a last gen game and still, not on the same level... far from it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, my biggest problem with the game is that by the end, it just feels like a chore. The opening hours were incredibly strong with the Baldur fight and the little interactions with Atreus that just couldn't maintain over 15-25 hours. I did like the attempts made with the RPG elements and crafting, but it also felt too handholdy with those elements. The world tree travel system also felt gimped, like they opened the possibility of realm travel and it basically allows you to enter corridors 1, 2, or 3 with different skins on them. The only one that felt truly interesting was Hel.

On the whole I think the game needed to fully embrace the different directions it was going in...because it felt too constrained.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else find it ironic how op says that Atreus acts like he posts on 9gag then op posts the template meme pic >_>


Nov 1, 2017
Would like to know what games OP is playing that he likes.

Does he have a Fire Emblem avatar? Such an absolutely original series that doesn't copy any aspect of previous iterations or take any common staples from other games in anyway /s

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, waiting for the BOTW mention. Never fails.

Also the RPG elements were very simple so why getting frustrated with a couple of menus, lol. Personally, i found interesting that you can actually choose a build for Kratos. Runic attacks and the rest of the customizable elements brought something else to the lore of the game, i thought it was all very fitting.

OP call me when other studios get to the level of animation, direction, writing and polish sony's 1st party games have. There's a reason the industry always take notes and elements from this games.

Do they? Call me when God of War is as fun to look at and play as fucking Captain Toad lmao. Looks like "the industry" is really taking notes from Sony on that one..

The best stories in games have not come from Sony's 1st parties either...Bioshock, Metal Gear, Spec Ops, Red Dead, etc. - I could go on. Sony's 1st party stories are the gaming equivalent to Oscar-bait. Call me when there's a Last of Us trailer that's actually interesting without a controversial kiss or gratuitous violence that rivals a shitty Purge movie.

Yeah I said it, bring it.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Naughty Dog invented dramatic storytelling and the 3rd person camera perspective. Every game that exists post-TLOU, takes itself seriously and tells an adult story is shamelessly copying them and needs to be denigrated for a lack of originality.

In a thread decrying the lack of 'originality' of God of War, there is nothing more unoriginal than using The Last of Us to knock a game for its storytelling and then not expounding on that point in any way.


Oct 27, 2017
The screenshot compilation isn't saying they're all third person, it's that they're third person and play similarly. More similarly than the above examples for instance.

lmao at TLoU playing like GoW which plays like Death Stranding which plays like Uncharted which is a carbon copy of Ghost of Tsushima.

resetera has awful opinions for a supposed videogame enthusiast forum.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Slightly off topic, but something that bugged me from the day this game was announced and something I expected the game to address but didn't.

What the hell happened to Kratos after GOW3? How is he here? Has there been anything in any media that has explained this?

That's probably going to be addressed in later games, or at least I hope so.

However, considering how Cory wanted to leave most of the old games behind, it wouldn't surprise me if they leave that to the imagination.


Dec 25, 2017
The screenshot compilation isn't saying they're all third person, it's that they're third person and play similarly. More similarly than the above examples for instance. this a real comment?...

We don't even KNOW how Death Stranding plays yet...

HZD and Last Of Us play the same, how?!...


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
OP is wrong about this being every Sony game, but excluding DS (which we hardly know anything about) the games in this collage are indeed similar in certain mechanical and visual ways excluding and including the much debated OTS TPP camera.
And as someone who enjoys cinematic third person action adventures... I don't think there's any shame to that. Anyone who knows anything about Sony knows these are not the only games they produce, and despite their similarities these games are not precise clones of each other. I mean, just because you watched an action adventure film from Legendary Pictures recently doesn't mean you can't watch another one that's coming out right? I mean, what's the big deal, even if they're similar?

I think people are defending Sony in an uphill battle trying to claim these games are not similar... when they could admit the similarities which are obvious and plain to see, but also remind people that just because they share similarities does not mean they're identical or not worth experiencing. Also, Sony does indeed make other games that share little to no similarities whatsoever to these handful that do, and I don't think anyone can argue that.

I think the huge outward defensiveness to the "meme" is a good indication that even fans of these games knows their is a grain a truth to it. If that weren't the case it wouldn't have become a "meme" in the first place and would need to be defended so aggressively.


Oct 27, 2017
I like the game. I haven't beaten it yet, as I have no time with work/kid/wife/world cup. I like it, I don't love it, but that mostly comes down to me being old and not gaming as much and not being able to get the hang of the combat like I would have been able to 10 years ago.

But the one point I agree with the OP about is the overwhelming things going on in the menus. The new Tomb Raider games do this as well, and it annoys me there, too. You are upgrading or replacing gear, picking skill trees, picking skills on those trees, etc. It's overwhelming sometimes. More so for me because I am unlocking moves that I will never, ever be able to remember to pull off in combat.

Getting good would help with all this, I realize. Or playing on easy. But I can't bring myself to play on easy.
Oct 30, 2017
YA kinda lost interest after the dragon boss. The bosses suck in this game. I found gow3 a lot more fun personally. The rpg stuff was unnecessary and not what I wanted in a gow game. The game had some awesome moments up to what I played and I think it's a good game. But it couldn't keep me playing like all the other gow games


Oct 27, 2017
lmao at TLoU playing like GoW which plays like Death Stranding which plays like Uncharted which is a carbon copy of Ghost of Tsushima.

resetera has awful opinions for a supposed videogame enthusiast forum.

I'll put it simply for you to understand.

God of War/Horizon/Infamous/Days Gone play more similarly than Mario/Splatoon/Starfox/Kart or Division/Just Dance/Mario+Rabbids/BG&E or Halo/Forza/Ori/Sea of Thieves. The latter two being examples of ACTUAL genre diversity amongst big tentpole games.

Harris Katz

Apr 9, 2018
I love that video games can create such wildly different opinions... No matter how well-received a game is, there are always going to be people who "don't get" the hype, whether it be Bloodborne, Horizon, Persona or God of War.

I personally loved GOW... But, I also found the pacing to be "off" in some parts and I feel like it dragged on too much and was a bit too long for a story-driven game. I also found myself lost at time in regard to what I was "supposed" to do next. But, looking back at the experience, I remember the sheer awe that I experienced throughout the game and how much emotion it elicited from me. The things that I did not like about the game were so outweighed by the greatness of the game (to me) that they became insignificant when all was said and done.


Oct 27, 2017
336 this a real comment?...

We don't even KNOW how Death Stranding plays yet...

HZD and Last Of Us play the same, how?!...

They're third person action games. Hence the screenshot compilation. Sony AAA exclusives are made up almost entirely of third person action games. As opposed to other publishers that manage to hit many, many more different genres with their catalogue. Sony is a bit one-note by comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the huge outward defensiveness to the "meme" is a good indication that even fans of these games knows their is a grain a truth to it. If that weren't the case it wouldn't have become a "meme" in the first place and would need to be defended so aggressively.

No, the reaction is down to it being obnoxious because it's so wrong. If those games didn't start with this


Then they wouldn't be grouped together to the same degree. The Last of Us doesn't play like GoW and that doesn't play like Horizon.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Do they? Call me when God of War is as fun to look at and play as fucking Captain Toad lmao. Looks like "the industry" is really taking notes from Sony on that one..

The best stories in games have not come from Sony's 1st parties either...Bioshock, Metal Gear, Spec Ops, Red Dead, etc. - I could go on. Sony's 1st party stories are the gaming equivalent to Oscar-bait. Call me when there's a Last of Us trailer that's actually interesting without a controversial kiss or gratuitous violence that rivals a shitty Purge movie.

Yeah I said it, bring it.

Mmm, you are mad that there's a lesbian kiss on a trailer? Because it's actually the first time. The original TLOU trailers were all very amazing and didn't play on shock value at all, at least the ones that brought me back to gaming back on 2013.

And lol at using MGS (convoluted as Kingdom Hearts) and Bioshock (with Infinite's fucking atrocious storyline dude). I'll not talk about Nintendo because they don't even try in this aspect.

Again, the level of animation and polish in GOW is incredible. Jumping to another game after playing as fluidly as Kratos was really jarring. Maybe the art direction is not your cup of tea but imo is great. Denying the influence AAA devs get from Sony's games in this point is just ignoring reality.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst part about this for me was the annoying fast travel. Was that designed to mask loading?
Probably, partially. It didn't really start bothering me until I was on cleanup for the platinum trophy. While playing the game though, I felt it added a sense of cohesiveness. Felt like I was really making the trek from point A to point B so to speak.
Are you? For every one post actually engaging with the op there's 5 shitposts. Funny how I don't see you decrying those people for being "off topic", though.
What the hell are you talking about. This was your comment:

nothing but a train of shitposting.

Not 1 in 5 posts, which by the way, is also wrong. Nothing but. I point out there are plenty of conversations going on, on top of plenty of valid takes on the OP's content, and then you come up with this goalpost-moving rubbish?

Bottom line is, I was pointing out the hypocrisy in you not contributing one iota of relevant commentary while complaining about other people doing the same thing.


Oct 28, 2017

I was gobsmacked by how much I was enjoying GoW, but by the end some elements felt hollow and I think some of OP's criticisms are fair - the RPG elements are a often just a gate in disguise, and combat doesn't reward skill as much as the contemperaries it borrows from. It leads into my main issue - at least for how I wanted to play - all adventures lead to brick walls or velvet ropes. It made me love the first 20 or so hours, but the back half where the design reveals itself was just frustrating.

I think God of War is an amazing, amazing game. But calling it a masterpiece (which it might be) without taking on these criticisms cropping up over the next year or so seriously is only going to propogate the hyperbole in these kind of threads.

Obviously that is my opinion and to begin with who sets the requirements for something to be called a 'masterpiece'? If we wait for people to agree on that then that's never going to happen. I guess the only safe way to do so is to go by the metacritic score which is outstanding (I don't think that's a hyperbole). Also, I'm not saying the OP is totally wrong or that 'masterpieces' can't have their fair share of shortcomings but I do find opinions like the OP's to be a lot more hyperbolic compared to someone like me calling an objectively very well-scored game a masterpiece. Sometimes it just feels like people really like to be controversial and target whatever is popular.


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I think the huge outward defensiveness to the "meme" is a good indication that even fans of these games knows their is a grain a truth to it. If that weren't the case it wouldn't have become a "meme" in the first place and would need to be defended so aggressively.
Yeah, because that's how that works. Like, if someone calls you stupid and you get upset you're proving them right, right?

What a load.
Oct 27, 2017
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about ResetEra (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in GameFAQs where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in ResetEra, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the ResetEra public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase GoW, nor will they purchase any of Sony's oscarbait games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel all your games and make Ape Escape or you can kiss your business goodbye.
This never fails at making me laugh.

Deleted member 18347

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Remember that thread where people complained how God of War's open world and game design was too gamey and old school and should've been more grounded and modern like TLoU and such?

This thread as hyperbolic as it is at least sounds rational in comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the huge outward defensiveness to the "meme" is a good indication that even fans of these games knows their is a grain a truth to it. If that weren't the case it wouldn't have become a "meme" in the first place and would need to be defended so aggressively.
Really? Are you really saying that misinformation wouldn't spread if it weren't true? Is this really what you're saying right now?


Dec 7, 2017
I'll put it simply for you to understand.

God of War/Horizon/Infamous/Days Gone play more similarly than Mario/Splatoon/Starfox/Kart or Division/Just Dance/Mario+Rabbids/BG&E or Halo/Forza/Ori/Sea of Thieves. The latter two being examples of ACTUAL genre diversity amongst big tentpole games.

GoW/Dreams/MLB The Show/Concrete Genie/Bloodborne/ Everybody's Golf/Gran Tursimo Sport/Gravity Rush
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Critics are on the payroll to help guide development on these types of games because scores are so important for sales. It sounds that you, like me, dont have the same tastes as the critics: so, don't play critically praised games. That is lesson I've learnt this gen.


Oct 29, 2017
Well, it's said in the op: he's tired from long ago. Most of his problems are understandable to me but it reads like an exageration to me, that's probably because, like he said, he's been through a lot of games with similar mechanics I suppose.

I'll just say this, as a fan, if I want to play a game like God of War outside of it, I wouldn't now what to play... there's nothing like it that I know of in the current generation imo.
Hellblade might be the closest but it's still really different.
Could be Darksiders 2 but that's a last gen game and still, not on the same level... far from it.
Ryse Son of Rome and Tomb Raider would be the closest things for sure. They don't have even remotely the same budget, and Ryse has all the shortcomings of a console launch game but they're still very similar. I say this as someone who disliked God of War's combat though while I'm sure a lot of people would distance the two from each other based on that. Ryse is shorter and less reliant on combat to carry your interest through the game. Tomb raider has the semi-open gated world progression and it does a much better job with level design than God of War while still telling a cinematic story.


Oct 28, 2017
I must admit I don't like the leveling system and loot at all. Levels overall seems weird. I'm not a fan of fighting big groups of enemies because of how camera works.

It's a good experience, I like exploring and combat most of the time and the characters are cool. But gameplay-wise I prefer GoW3.


Dec 19, 2017
The game is a masterpiece for almost everyone.. next time do more research before you buy



Oct 25, 2017
Just going to say while I agree with some of the points in the OP I think their reading of large parts of the game especially things like the characters is HIGHLY off the mark to the point I think the OP is exaggerating for great effect and undermining whatever good points they had. Just the stupid shit about Atreus talking like a modern kid who browses the internet and a lot of other points make even question how much of the game the OP even played.


The Gif That Keeps on Giffing
Feb 24, 2018
I even asked a person who posted this in another thread if he\she believed that Fallout 1 and Little Big Adventure were identical games. Because, you know, same camera angle.

And he/she never replied :\

Somebody made a hot take and then never actually wants to discuss about it? That's seems very common here. :P

Needs updating, but you get the idea:


Seriously, Sony must offer the most diverse range of games, no?

Click baity threads hurt my soul.



Two in the same day. Funny that it is focused on two of my GOATs. Now, there is also that Witcher 3 thread. ERA hurts me sometimes.

Hey man, I love my 3rd person camera games so whatever lol. My wife says they all look the same to her too... But then again Xbox was nintendo to my grandma so whatever

Dude, 3rd person games are mostly all I play, excluding R6S. I love 3rd person to death. :)

Somebody called for these again?

The Sony template! They better get their act together.





This is a golden post. Thank you for the laugh, holy shit. XD

Those games don't even look the same.

Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Horizon, and Uncharted 4's visual styles are distinct enough in motion to easily tell apart

Yup. I don't know what it is about the template photo, but it is always used to try and fuel an argument when all it does it actually discredit their argument. Anyone who has actually played the games know they all play very differently. While TLOU and Uncharted may look the most similar given they're produced by the same studio, they play differently.


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Critics are on the payroll to help guide development on these types of games because scores are so important for sales. It sounds that you, like me, dont have the same tastes as the critics: so, don't play critically praised games. That is lesson I've learnt this gen.
I mean, stuff like Cuphead and Celeste got praise from critics too. It's not just the AAA fluff that gets good reviews.


Oct 25, 2017
So I bought God of War last week and already sold it because I just can't deal with what the game has to offer, because I already seen it somewhere else.

Sometimes, people say that the AAA games are just a copy of another AAA game in another setting, that they are lacking originality or they just take anything that's popular in gaming nowadays... and I think God of War is unfotunately a great example . Almost everything I've seen in this game is taken from popular trends during these last 10 years. It's ok to take inspirations from things that are working but here is the catch with GoW : it doesn't work for me. at. all. The list is long so I think I will just talk about what's bothering me the most.

The first thing that irked me is the high amount of RPG elements, there are levels, armors, crafting, forging, upgrading, skill trees, talisman, etc. I'm ok with RPG elements as long as they make sense and don't make navigating through the menu a pain in the arse. But it's not the case, this game is just throwing me lots and lots of stuff at my face it's actually boring. There is actually more loot than in some RPGs, so much loot that I actually don't care about upgrading since I know I will get a better armor every 30 minutes. It also makes getting treasure chests tedious (and there is another reason but I'll come back on it later), since I know that most of the time, the reward I will get wouldn't worth crap, but since I'm a stupid completionist at heart I can't leave one treasure chest unopened, poor me. Also, I'm actually really disappointed but how much your stuff makes battles easier or harder, I kinda like the battle system but it doesn't reward skill enough, if I'm like 2 levels below a random mob, I will just hit him like a potato and get hit like a truck in return, it's really sad. I don't understand why these elements take so much place in the game, it just drags the pace and get everything longer for no reason...

Another thing that bothers me, it's the huge inspiration from Naughty Dogs games. Like The Last of Us. Obviously there is Atreus but it's not the only thing, there is also the camera angle (well it's in every sony games actually). While the combat is not has confusing as I thought when I saw the trailers, the exploration is irritating with this camera. You can't see things clearly since Kratos back is like on a third of a screen. Also the game is really beautiful (sometimes, not always, for example the witch's forest is a little bit TOO colorful) but it forgot to get to give player a clear understanding on where you can walk and where you can't, there is a lack of visual clues on that departement, sure there is rubbles that indicates a invisible wall but it's not easy to see from a distance with this camera angle making exploration not really fun or even rewarding for the reason above. Another thing that irks me is the good old boost you give to your partner to reach some places, this mechanic is downright infuriating right now, it's not fun, it's boring when you see it for the 47th time, really, I'm tired of this.

There are also others things that bothered me like the bad guy who is just a wildling from game of thrones that talks like a random vilain from a netflix series or the fact that Atreus sometimes talks like he is a millenial who browses 9gag and watches Rick & Morty. The pace feels likes Max Payne 3 sometimes where the game decides you will not sprint (sprint on L3, stop with that guys, changing to holding X does not resolve the problem) because Atreus needs to follow you even if there is no cutscene. The pacing also suffers from the old syndrome "you're princess is in another castle" where you're initial quest is supposed to take a few hours but there is also something that doesn't work out and then the game drags for too long for absolutely no reason. I actually did not bother to finish the game because of this

That's too bad, I don't totally dislike this game. Father-son relationship was kinda interesting and the combat is not bad per se but really, I can't bother with everything I mentionned below because I already saw it in a lot of other games and medias. It's tiring when you deal with this the 3455th time when it's not actually properly implemented in the game correctly.

(Also I'm kinda worried this game got such good reviews, which maybe means that everyone will take inspiration from it and I'm not ready for this)

What an awfully written OP. There are so many points you (poorly) made that simply brushes off the game because you don't "like" it. For example, the camera angle is one single shot throughout the whole game - is something different that's never been done in a game of this scale before.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll put it simply for you to understand.

God of War/Horizon/Infamous/Days Gone play more similarly than Mario/Splatoon/Starfox/Kart or Division/Just Dance/Mario+Rabbids/BG&E or Halo/Forza/Ori/Sea of Thieves. The latter two being examples of ACTUAL genre diversity amongst big tentpole games.

yeah man, Infamous plays just like Days Gone

and its not like these games; GT Sport, MLB, TLG, Detroit, Driveclub, Dreams, GR2, EG exist or anything, no variety


Dec 25, 2017
They're third person action games. Hence the screenshot compilation. Sony AAA exclusives are made up almost entirely of third person action games. As opposed to other publishers that manage to hit many, many more different genres with their catalogue. Sony is a bit one-note by comparison.

Detroit: Become Human
Shadow of the Colossus
Wipeout Omega
MLB The Show
Gran Turismo
Ratchet & Clank
Gravity Rush
The Last Guardian

"Sony is a bit one-note by comparison" to who? Nintendo?...
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