
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about compelling depictions of Norse culture (I'm an expert), but new locations and fancy graphics are huge parts of it. It's not like it is with a cross gen title where you can become successful by being making a game at a lower graphical fidelity that ships on multiple platforms. If you screw someone over by offering a cross gen game that reuses some assets, you bring a lack of 'wow factor', and the only way to get said wow factor back is by making the game next gen exclusive.
What this means is the PS5-owning public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase GoW Ragnarok for either system, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire, albeit smaller, market with this move.
Sony, publicly apologize and make GoW PS5 exclusive with all-new graphics and wow factor or you can kiss your business goodbye.

I'm sorry I couldn't help myself.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Wow. The first is probably my favorite game of last gen. This looks even better. Can't wait!


Nov 2, 2017
people saying this looks the same as GOW1 are just blind or trolling to me lol.

Nah i think it looks quite similar as well, especially the hub area from the first game. Kind of makes sense that they'd reuse assets for this portion and simply dress them up. The village area is the one spot that looked a step up.


Oct 25, 2017
For those that think it looks graphically inferior, don't worry, I'm sure they'll throw in some raytracing in there and boom, that'll make it automatically better.


Oct 25, 2017
I also like how laissez-faire Atreus is about killing

Kratos: You can't pick a fight with gods.
Atreus: I don't want to fight anyone! I just want to find out who I am 😊
Kratos: And if that leads to war with asgard?
Atreus: Yeah, well, maybe war isn't the worst thing in the world 🤷‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Definitely, even if it only stands out in the PS5 version its a very good upgrade when we will also get to play in 60fps
Have they confirmed a 60fps mode and what resolution it'll run in etc? The most disappointing thing about this trailer for me was the 30fps. Was also the most disappointing aspect of the game on PS4/Pro. Feels like a night and day improvement with the PS5 60fps patch.
Jul 23, 2021
You just said "graphics look awful for next gen hardware". Like, I'm not a native English speaker, but even I could make better and proper use of the English language, I think. Awful is definitely not an adjective that applies to what we see in the trailer.
I am not native English speaker too bud.

I didn't make this statement in that way but let's talk about that again. The thing is that you see in the trailer is looking awful for a game that running on PS5. They didn't utilize next-gen hardware enough. Gow is looking good but just on latest generation measures. They used same assets for environment. It's pretty lazy work. Another crossgen game HFW way look better than Gow. If the other studio can create huge new map with new environment, even coding grains of sand to splash but you use same assets and PS4 Pro graphics it means you done lazy work for a studio with a lot of resources and yeah your game is looking awful in next generation. Forspoken(only on next-gen) and HFW( not even full next gen) beats Gow already in 2022


Oct 27, 2017
I've gone back and watched the GOW trailer multiple times. I wanted to make absolutely sure I wasn't diluting myself based on some of the negative comments. The 4k trailer makes it clear: GOW:R is visually superior to the previous game. The negative comments are objectively wrong. The face models are clearly more detailed. The environment density is demonstrably richer. I can't take the hate seriously. The ad hominem weirdness of it feels a bit astro turfy. I'll leave it at that.


Oct 30, 2017
I knew I'd love God of War either way, but it's a PS4 game through and through. An amazing looking one, just like the first one and it'll play and look much better on the PS5, but holy hell at what could've been...

The first game was probably my game of the generation. I don't doubt for a second this will be an amazing game, it just won't be a proper next-gen God of War and that, to me, just plainly sucks in every way.


Oct 28, 2017
I am not native English speaker too bud.

I didn't make this statement in that way but let's talk about that again. The thing is that you see in the trailer is looking awful for a game that running on PS5. They didn't utilize next-gen hardware enough. Gow is looking good but just on latest generation measures. They used same assets for environment. It's pretty lazy work. Another crossgen game HFW way look better than Gow. If the other studio can create huge new map with new environment, even coding grains of sand to splash but you use same assets and PS4 Pro graphics it means you done lazy work for a studio with a lot of resources and yeah your game is looking awful in next generation. Forspoken(only on next-gen) and HFW( not even full next gen) beats Gow already in 2022

Get the fuck out of here with that 'lazy work' bullshit. Hundreds of people have busted their asses off for multiple years to make this game and then you have the nerves to call them lazy.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Regarding Thor's body:
Welp, at least the internet is consistent, right? Heroines aren't looking super model enough and now heroes aren't fitness model enough, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I understand the disappointment from some, but what generates my interest in this sequel is the story above all else.

I. Cannot. Wait. ❄️
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I think I understand the disappointment from some, but what generates my interest in this sequel is the story above all else.

I. Cannot. Wait. ❄️

Yeah, while there were some limits to how they could tell the story in the time and project scope they had, the actual story they were telling was incredible. I'm so excited for more, and how it feels like it can go anywhere. Unlike the seemingly inevitable conclusion of the Greek Trilogy.


Feb 24, 2019
I hope something comes about with the Egyptian tattoos on Tyr's arm. Norse mythology events that may or may not happen:
Hopefully Fenrir doesn't bite it off and then we never hear anything about them.


Together, we are strangers
Oct 25, 2017
Let's move on from the troll account now. Thank you everyone who reported him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Whhewwww mask off

Wait. 39 total posts. Fuckin lol

All in the threads about Sony too. Who's alt is this?
Lol I didn't even bother to check that, but oh well now that that's been handled, back to proper discussion it is.

Anyway, and because my luck is so terrible that I post this just a minute after a mod asks to stop talking about the troll account, I'm looking forward to what they do about new weapons, because Thor's hammer will definitely be among them, it's gotta be. Also, the way the chains were being used to pull Kratos into a place or enemy is such a small but effective tool, I'm gonna love that.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that was dramatic.

As far as graphics go, I personally don't understand being all that bothered by GoW:R even if you do think you're missing out on potential graphical prowess by it being cross gen. Like, games have, imo, looked incredible since basically the PS3-360 days. Like, if you go back and play them now, yeah, a lot of them will have some bad textures or whatever, but technologically, we've been at the point where most games can be considered some degree of good looking. Now, artistically, obviously, is a different story, there have been plenty of games with ugly ass aesthetics.

But GoW:Rags hits both markers imo. It still looks really technologically good and it looks artistically good. So what I think it's being compared to is an imaginary version of Rags that isn't cross platform but doesn't actually exist? And I don't think we have any game that does exist that has PS5 exclusivity + the financial backing Sony's got. So it's a game that effectively doesn't exist except purely in the imagination.

Also, for my money, I really put a lot of value on other stuff when it comes to graphical quality. Like, are we going to maybe get upgrade animations for the weapons ala TLoU2? Are we going to get any water physics? Do we have to do 8 thousand fucking climbing sections to give the level time to load or can we just go? That's stuff we can't get from this trailer, but it will be visually impressive while playing. Trying to judge how good the game will look just based off this trailer will only give you the most superficial measure of it.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Reading the early pages, I see people talk about visuals a lot, which is understandable, but to me I'm more disappointed in what I saw in gameplay. Someone asked what people expected from a sequel and well at least I expected some major new gameplay systems and weapons. What they showed looked too similar to GoW 2018 and I'm not talking about visuals.

They should've at least showed us a new weapon or playable Loki (if he is playable), etc. Something new and exciting on the gameplay front. This is why my original thought was that this looks like an expansion to GoW 2018 instead of a sequel.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I hope something comes about with the Egyptian tattoos on Tyr's arm. Norse mythology events that may or may not happen:
Hopefully Fenrir doesn't bite it off and then we never hear anything about them.

I'd also be interested if they went a bit further than GOW18 in crossing the story elements of different pantheons. Tyr visited a lot of different pantheons to cultivate peaceful relations and they could bring that bit of detail into the forefront.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
After watched the gameplay trailer, only comment from me is "Yup, it is God of War". Looks phenomenal, but nothing special for me.
Will still buy the game and beat it.


Oct 25, 2017
Reading the early pages, I see people talk about visuals a lot, which is understandable, but to me I'm more disappointed in what I saw in gameplay. Someone asked what people expected from a sequel and well at least I expected some major new gameplay systems and weapons. What they showed looked too similar to GoW 2018 and I'm not talking about visuals.

They should've at least showed us a new weapon or playable Loki (if he is playable), etc. Something new and exciting on the gameplay front. This is why my original thought was that this looks like an expansion to GoW 2018 instead of a sequel.
Counter argument, they didn't let anyone know the Blade of Chaos would return in GoW18's marketing either.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Counter argument, they didn't let anyone know the Blade of Chaos would return in GoW18's marketing either.
I'm not saying we won't get new weapons or systems in the final game, I'm just saying I feel this way right now because they are presenting the game this way.

GoW 2018 was exciting even without seeing BoC because it was all new. For Ragnarok tho they are showing us stuff we had in GoW 2018, so ofc it's not gonna feel as exciting.


Oct 25, 2017
After sleeping on the event this game is probably the game from the presentation I'm most excited about, mostly because we've seen gameplay. Also, in the Playstation Blog they finally confirmed the 2022 release window.

Reading the early pages, I see people talk about visuals a lot, which is understandable, but to me I'm more disappointed in what I saw in gameplay. Someone asked what people expected from a sequel and well at least I expected some major new gameplay systems and weapons. What they showed looked too similar to GoW 2018 and I'm not talking about visuals.

They should've at least showed us a new weapon or playable Loki (if he is playable), etc. Something new and exciting on the gameplay front. This is why my original thought was that this looks like an expansion to GoW 2018 instead of a sequel.
Yes, it was indeed feeling like it was missing "new" things and I completely get where you're coming from. I'm not complaining, I loved GoW combat and systems plenty, also found the weapon variety more than enough (because I don't want to memorize too many combos lol), but I also was expecting more variety, as in new weapons, playable Boy, new combat mechanics. I hope since the release is still a little while off they're just not showing their full hand yet.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Looked like a gow1 expansion at first glance. Haven't played the original since release, so probably memory of it is way off. Hope they got rid of that awful loot system from the first game