
Apr 7, 2019
One of the highlights of the PS4 era. Not a perfect game, but damn near close. Can't wait for the next installment and what they do with the "plot twist'


Oct 28, 2017
The pressure must be really high on them for the sequel. Just like last of us part 2 but im sure both of these devs will deliver.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point in time, yup it's my GOTG contender. The only thing on the horizon that stands a VERY good chance of dethroning it as my personal pick is TLOU2.

It's entirely possible Death Stranding will be as well, but we just don't know enough about it yet. I suppose Cyberpunk would be on that list too, but I don't plan to touch it on current gen machines anyways.
Oh, definitely, if Cyberpunk or Death Stranding or TLOU2 live up to their full potential they could definitely trump GOW.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite games from last year. I can't wait for GoW2.

Lmao at the sourest of grapes @ Edge. Thanks too to Sunhilegend for supplying so many amazing gifs that people actually like instead of whining about not getting recognition if your efforts fall short.


Oct 27, 2017
Sooo close to become the game of the generation and GOTY 2018 for me! Great game, can't wait to see what happens next! More bosses and enemy variety for the sequel, please!

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It was a good game, for sure.
Edit: are people doubting that sunshi gifs are not edited afterwards? I thought this was common sense.


Oct 25, 2017
GoW managed to make one of the worst characters in gaming, into one of the best.

For that alone it deserves recognition.


Oct 30, 2017
Awesome video and message! Really cool.

It really is a remarkable game that did something very special with a series that already had a strong identity. It's damned impressive that all of the changes were for the better. Quite a feat.

That SunhiLegend part took me by surprise. He did some of his best work with GoW. It's nice he got recognized by the developers.


Oct 26, 2017
Finally finished it yesterday. I'm not a console gamer, I prefer the PC, but this may be one of my favorite games in recent memory.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I hope the sequel brings forth plenty of improvements, especially as far as framerate, FOV/camera perspective and general mobility options go.

So, again: sunshi does not edit the gifs he takes afterwards, at all, besides slowmotion?

He applies color grading, messes around with the lighting/brightness intensity and often adds motion blur.

His gifs are pretty awesome no doubt, but they can also be a tad deceiving.
Last edited:


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
One of my favorites of all time for sure now. I was a huge fan of the original series so was a but tentative of the change in direction, but it was for the best. Can't wait to see what's in store next!


Oct 30, 2017
Considering how his gifs are extremely edited "Bullshots" par excellence, he would fit perfectly into a PR position. For sure.

Sad that this is only way to get noticed from people, media and even publisher/developers, with beautified gifs which doesn't reflects the real game at all. So yeah, the industry loves him, cause when they do this, everyone screams "downgrade", "fake", or "lies". But he gets celebrated for his Bullshots.

I kinda respect the effort behind it (up to the point where he got games for free from publisher) but I'm also sad that someone like me who used to post 100% raw gifs, with picture perfect quality and unedited as well as hundreds and hundreds of fantastic looking, lossless png screenshots for almost every new AAA (Or under) title doesn't get any recognition at all for doing it.

Feels just wrong. Feels like honest people with honest work get shit anymore these days.

Care to back up any of your self aggrandization with actual compare and contrast examples?


Oct 25, 2017
Considering how his gifs are extremely edited "Bullshots" par excellence, he would fit perfectly into a PR position. For sure.

Sad that this is only way to get noticed from people, media and even publisher/developers, with beautified gifs which doesn't reflects the real game at all. So yeah, the industry loves him, cause when they do this, everyone screams "downgrade", "fake", or "lies". But he gets celebrated for his Bullshots.

I kinda respect the effort behind it (up to the point where he got games for free from publisher) but I'm also sad that someone like me who used to post 100% raw gifs, with picture perfect quality and unedited as well as hundreds and hundreds of fantastic looking, lossless png screenshots for almost every new AAA (Or under) title doesn't get any recognition at all for doing it.

Feels just wrong. Feels like honest people with honest work get shit anymore these days.
You ever think your cinematography is not as good as his and that's why you don't get noticed? Anyone can take raw gifs or screenshots. :)


Oct 29, 2017
Great game but I still want to punch the kid in the guts. I hated that character way too much
I don't feel that strongly about the kid, but he still annoyed me at times. I know, I know, kids can be annoying and that was probably the point, but when I look at Stranger Things, It, or The Last of Us (to stick to our genre here) – as the only instances where I don't find children annoying – I don't see why it is that difficult to make them likeable. Ellie and Joel also had that rock bottom point of their relationship from which both have grown and found back together, with Ellie being annoying, at least for me, at all.


Oct 27, 2017
As a parent of 2 kids, that game kick a feeling that i would never imagine.... don't want to spoil but there a moment where i was like, i feel exatly like kratos at that time... On hardest difficulty the game was super fun.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nice video. I got a little bit emotional... excuse me for a second... sniff!
Yeah same here. God of War is one of the PlayStation IPs that has been with me for a long time now, about 12 years or so since I played the very first title and basically finished it in a single sitting. It's great to have Kratos back and in the best shape he's ever been.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
What a fantastic video, Thank YOU, SSM.
Since the very OG God of War, you guys proved to be one of the best in the business. I still vividly remember holding God of war II disk in my hand and running to my house filled with too much excitement... and with this new entry you guys reached a new level of standard it's not even fair to other studios. Can not wait for the rest of Kratos and BoIs journey.


Oct 28, 2017
It was a slow burn at first, but getting back to it after close to a year - and having a son in that time - made me blaze through it. I stopped at Muspelheim after unlocking it, not knowing it was just for challenges and had to fight tooth and nail with a crap character level to get through several (playing on hard), but it made me MUCH better.

I wish you'd have a few more skills right at the beginning or unarmed combat being a bit more involved at the beginning, but after you get more and more skills and runic attacks the Leviathan Axe turned into one of my favourite weapons ever. After Muspelheim my first Valkyrie, one of the harder ones from what I read, was another brutal hurdle at lvl. 3? 4? It was a fun few hours late at night but managing to beat her was so good. It felt jarring at times how easily Kratos would go down against higher level colour swap enemies later while tanking monstrous damage in boss fights/cutscenes; though. I understand that it's a staple for semi-open games, but that didn't mesh well with the rest of the game and what happens in the story. I'm not looking forward to the traditional power-down in the sequel with less moves and dying to glowing hobos in two hits again, either. GoW4 handled it okay with Kratos laying down his traditional arms after 3 and GoW2 did it the best in the series (maybe even most games with sequels grounding your strenghts) with that epic betrayal, but *if* we play as Kratos again it will probably be quite the handwave...or a shocking death after the prologue.

Overall I ended up loving the game and only stopped after the story's end because I sorta felt like Kratos deserved a break from all that killing and anger. I will free the few Valkyries left later.

The Troll bosses could have been replaced with something else, but it was similiar to the hordes (herds?) of Minos you killed during all the previous games, it never stopped being fun because the base loop was satisfying and the kills brutal. The dragon was lame compared to other fights, I agree. The rarity of other boss fights and the limited characters you interact with was actually a positive after previously murdering half a pantheon in one go. I actually WANTED to fight them.

The sequel will be amazing by building on this already very good foundation. Especially if you fight badass vikings and more of their gods. And ESPECIALLY if you get a spear with your shield like Ghost of Sparta had. I think a certain god has one to spare.


Nov 26, 2017
So, again: sunshi does not edit the gifs he takes afterwards, at all, besides slowmotion?
Sunshi does not edit every gif he posts. The ones that are edited are obviouse. And again what is wrong in editing gifs? What people take issues with is the jealousy in Edge post. Instead of being happy for sunshi like most people are he or she decides they wanna get recognized too because they post gifs as well. I also post gifs. The cinematography of Sunshi's gifs are what make them shine more than anything else.


Oct 28, 2017
Would have been so much better without all the different economic systems. Don't know why gear or skill trees or crafting are there. Just time spent in menues where you could instead invest them in the world. Idea for next game: make the player spend as little time as possible in menues, if any.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Good game, no doubt. Enjoyed my time with it immensely.

I have a feeling the sequel will surpass and improve on it. The axe-pull back mechanic is the best new mechanic I've seen this generation. It's so satisfying to use.


Nov 15, 2017
A really good first iteration! Excited about the sequel since I am sure they will alleviate my nitpicks with GoW (4): bosses.
Initially was not sure what to think of the more personal story, but they set up thing amazingly for the sequel so cannot hate on that. It was a good story. refreshing in retrospect.

Also credit to making Kratos likeable. I always did, but oh boy the hate for this game was unreal before the release. From hating to kratos to the game being a flop due to the lack of gameplay shown (and rightly so)


Oct 29, 2017
Would have been so much better without all the different economic systems. Don't know why gear or skill trees or crafting are there. Just time spent in menues where you could instead invest them in the world. Idea for next game: make the player spend as little time as possible in menues, if any.

IIRC didn't Cory want to have it where you never had to go into a separate menu and everything was handled via some sort of sub-menu that you could bring up while still playing the game, or something like that? IIRC they weren't able to get it to work, but maybe for the sequel?