Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
When I got my Sega CD for Christmas 1993, I had two games for it: Sewer Shark, and Sonic CD. At the time, hop and bop platformers were hands down my favorite genre, and after Sonic CD I was looking for something new. The back of the Sonic CD manual had an advert for Ecco the Dolphin:


I had heard of the game through the adverts on TV, namely this one:

And I figured, since I had fallen in love with a game series about a blue Hedgehog, that a game about a dolphin in the ocean could probably be fun. Those two adverts were all I knew about the games, so I was expecting something in line with Sonic. I read gaming magazines, but hadn't seen any reviews on ecco or anything. So, for my birthday, I asked my sister for Ecco the Dolphin on Sega CD, and she surprised me with both Ecco 1 and Ecco The Tides of Time, both on the Sega CD.

Holy crap.

This series blew my fucking mind. Today, the big twist about how batshit crazy the games get has been largely spoiled by the internet, but in 1994, I hadn't heard any of it. For those who don't know, the series, seemingly about a dolphin swimming in the ocean doing dolphin shit, is straight up eldritch cosmic horror. The series has a super heavy, very dark sci fi nature. It is heavily influenced by the works of H.R. Geiger. The most infamous pic that sums this up:


The games are very story heavy, much more so than you'd expect for a game like this. The story that unfolds begins with Ecco playing with his pod (school of family in dolphin-terms) when one dolphin challenges him to a contest to see who can jump the furthest into the air. While leaping into the air, an event occurs where ecco witnesses the entire ocean being sucked up into the air, excluding him (since he was not in the ocean at the time). Once he lands back in the water, the bay he was in is completely devoid of all life for miles around. And thus, Ecco begins a quest to find out what happened to his pod and rescue them. His journey takes him to the atlantic ocean, where he meets an ancient blue whale named "Big Blue" who has lived through that same event Ecco witnessed a couple of times. He tells Ecco that there is a higher being that lives deep under the ice caps of the arctic ocean, who is essentially god, who can explain what happened better. And thus, Ecco embarks to find this god, named the Asterite, an ancient souble-helix shaped being who has been on earth since the planet formed.


The Asterite is made up of globes, but one of his globes has been destroyed, and thus the Asterite is incomplete and weakened. Speaking to ecco through telepathy, he begs Ecco to find the ruins of atlantis to travel back 50,000,000 years into the past, to meet a younger version of the Asterite, to steal one of his globes to travel back into the future to restore him (creating a time loop paradox). After doing this, the Asterite, finally at full power, grants Ecco extraordinary abilities and tells him he's been destined since time began for this purpose, as indicated by the constellation pattern on ecco's forehead. Turn out, Earth as a whole is nothing but a farm for a race of alien bugs known as the Vortex, which is ruled by a giant vortex queen. Every so many decades, they plunder the earth's ocean, sucking it up through space, to be devoured as a feast for the Vortex Queen, who then lays eggs to conquer other worlds. The event Ecco witnessed was the harvesting of his family. They have already been devoured by the queen.

But, the Asterite says Ecco can use the time machine at Atlantis to go back and stop the queen, by allowing himself to be abducted. And thus, you return to the beginning of the game, only this time empowered by the touch of god, and remain in the ocean during the harvesting. This lets Ecco visit the vortex queen home world, which is a bizarre biomechanical maze. Ultimately, he kills the queen, destroys her brood, and saves his pod, returning to earth.

The entire story for Ecco 1 is presented as a CGI movie within ecco 2:

I can't say enough how great of a subversion of expectations this was. It was probably the most surprised I've ever been at a game series. Ecco the Tides of Time is a little bit different than Ecco 1, because it's a direct continuation of the story, so the shock factor of the twist is gone. Right from the beginning, you know about aliens and all that, so rather than focusing on a grand mystery to drive the plot, it's more like The Butterfly Effect, where Ecco's actions have "split the stream of time in two like a stone in the way." There exists now two alternate futures, and which one is earth's real future depends on the actions of Ecco. In one, dolphins hyper-evolve and become the dominant species on the planet, building a vast network of water tubes that connect all the planet's oceans. Dolphins in this future are telekinetic and can "sing their thoughts" to each other, as well as fly. Their evolution makes the planet into a utopia. The alternate future, by contrast, is one ruled by the vortex queen. When ecco killed her in Ecco 1, her last action was to send an egg to earth's ocean, which is currently unhatched in Ecco's time. When that egg hatches, it will turn into a vortex queen, who will make the earth her new nest, and resume her world-harvesting ways for other planets. Along with the egg, a number of vortex spawns have come to earth and murdered the asterite, which robs Ecco of his super powers. They kidnap him and send him to the vortex future to try and imprison ecco, who escapes back to the past. Using the atlantis time machine, Ecco restores the asterite again, once again gaining super powers, then uses his entire pod of dolphins to attack and take down the newly hatched vortex queen. But, in a last ditch effort, the queen makes her way to atlantis to use the time machine, with the intent of going back to the past, before Ecco, to find a more primitive form of life that she can conquer and rule. Ecco follows her into the time machine at the climax of the game, only for the machine to malfunction. The vortex queen is sent hundreds of millions of years into the past, where she finds life too primitive to conquer, and over eons, her race evolves into crustaceans on earth. Crabs and such are the modern descendants of the vortex queen. As for Ecco, he is forever lost in the stream of time, never seen again. An incredibly melancholy ending for such a series.

To me, in 1994, without any expectations of where the story would go, this was riveting. I had already liked sci fi, and this was pretty much right up my alley.

It helps very much that the Sega CD version of Ecco 1 is much, much better designed than the Sega Genesis version. It includes new levels, and more importantly, they rebalanced the game. One major point of frustration for Ecco 1 is how brutally hard the Genesis version is. By contrast, the Sega CD version is much, much easier, with better placement of air bubbles to keep you going, more fish for life, and most importantly: multiple mid level checkpoints, so that if you die, you don't have to repeat an entire 20-minute long level.

If you've never played ecco the dolphin, you might be surprised at how it actually plays. Despite being an "animal mascot" game, it doesn't play at all like Sonic or Mario or Bonk or anything like that. It's actually closer to something like Zelda than any of those. Much of the game doesn't involve combat, but rather puzzle solving, largely by pushing boulders or grabbing keys. In between these puzzle solving moments, there are usually moments involving dexterous challenges, where the main driving force is your dwindling oxygen (remember, dolphins are holding their breath under water, they need to breath air). So you'll have long caverns full of spikes or rocks to slow you down, where the challenge is maneuvering ecco quickly enough to reach the surface for air.

All in all, if I had to compare the ecco series to any other game, I'd say it reminds me most of Shadow of the Colossus. There is this same emphasis on very deep, foreboding atmosphere, and the moment to moment control is purposefully obtuse (ecco controls like a dolphin underwater, and Wanderer's horse controls like a horse in SOTC).

Oh, and I haven't even talked about the music. The fucking music, holy shit:

This soundtrack was done by Spencer Nilsen, the same person who did the USA soundtrack for Sonic CD. It's one of my favorite soundtracks ever. I would actually listen to this music in my car on the actual sega CD game when I was younger because I loved the OST so much. It's haunting and eerie.

I often see people today remark that they didn't get far enough into ecco to even see the Asterite, so all the deep scifi stuff in ecco gets lost on them, but despite this, the opening of the game still "scared them." And that's kind of the point, ecco is supposed to be very scary. It is, essentially, a 16-bit horror game. The fear is meant to come from the innate fear many have of the depths of the ocean. It's meant to be unnerving, and isolating.

The Dreamcast game that came later is also excellent, but completely unrelated to the earlier games. It's basically a reboot, that follows the same theme of Ecco 1 and Ecco 2 but is otherwise entirely unrelated. In Ecco: Defender of the Future, Dolphin and Man have evolved together as a symbiotic relationship. Together, they form a utopia on the planet, an inter-species pact, to defend themselves against an alien invasion from a fleet known as The Foe. Dolphin and man come together to form a shield over the planet, which repels The Foe, but The Foe learn of Time Travel and trick Ecco into going back in time to try and stop them, but in doing so he splits the future into 4 different scenarios, each one intended to destroy the relationship between man and dolphin so that they'll never build the shield, which will allow future invasions by The Foe to be successful. For example, in one future, Ecco accidentally makes it so Dolphins evolve to be hyper aggressive, and they enslave mankind. It goes into other cool stuff, but this OP has become too long and wandering. The main focus of this topic is how mind blowing Ecco was when it was new, if you never had it spoiled.

Today, I think a lot of people find Ecco hard to get into. I think part of that is because the Genesis version of Ecco 1 is much more difficult, and it lacks the incredible music of the Sega CD version. Despite that, Ecco the dolphin is very easily one of my favorite gaming series ever. It was a wonderful treat to go into blind.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
I really wish we got a third and final game in the series. The ending is just so somber as it stands.

The horror aspect of the series is not to be understated. The design made me really nervous to play. And they're truly difficult games. Finishing these was a labor of love, but boy, did I love these. You're right Krej, the story was unexpected and expereincing it truly changed how I viewed video game tales.

I'm one of those people who prefers the Genesis OST to the Sega CD ones, not to say the Sega CD songs are bad. It's just not what I grew up with.


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
One of my favourite games from my childhood. No idea how I beat the Megadrive version way back then.

The MD OST is exceptional too. So many haunting tracks that drove home the isolation and danger. The soundchip's synth also ended up fitting the story more than I knew when starting it.


Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
Wait what?

I played a little bit of Ecco when I was little and I thought it was just about a dolphin doing dolphin shit this whole time.


Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Fun Fact: The JPN MD version has an additional stage not in any other version of the game, called The Stomach. It's truly a bizarre level:

This level is worth mentioning because it is BRUTALLY hard, and also because it strangely features art from Ecco the Dolphin the Tides of Time. It is meant to be the stage that occurs if the Vortex Queen eats you during the final boss battle.


Mar 7, 2018
Am i the only one who prefers the original MD soundtrack over Cd ones? Especially Tides of Time has a timeless ost and synth is amazing. Cd versions feels like a generic aquatic documentary music for me lol.

Especially that ToT music Op posted. The original one is much more darker, moody and has out of this world. I get same vibes from Panzer Dragoon music too.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Lol this game creeped me out in a great way as a kid. I had no idea what to expect myself and agree the experience was heightened because of it.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Fun Fact: The JPN MD version has an additional stage not in any other version of the game, called The Stomach. It's truly a bizarre level:

This level is worth mentioning because it is BRUTALLY hard, and also because it strangely features art from Ecco the Dolphin the Tides of Time. It is meant to be the stage that occurs if the Vortex Queen eats you during the final boss battle.



Mar 31, 2019
I never got fair as a kid but I loved playing it and looking at the art on the box and manual. It's one of the few Genesis games I want to get CIB despite not having a Genesis, it reminds me of being a little kid.

Also the very beginning when the abduction happens scared me so much. :x

Defender of the Future was my first PS2 game and I loved it so much too. I need to finally beat it.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My favorite bit in the entire ecco series is the dolphin utopia future with the interconnected water tubes, and it was a real treat to see them revisit that concept in Defender of the Future with the Hanging Waters levels. Great music too:



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Ecco is fuckin wild. You are 100% correct. I never owned a genesis but my cousins did and when we all lived at my grandmas I played the shit out of it. I was very little so the final level stuff freaked me out. Really appreciate it now though.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
One of my favorite things about the atmosphere of the ecco series is the "dolphin-talk" the series uses. It's just strange terminology that they use, because of course Dolphins wouldn't use terms that man created. Like, they don't call themselves dolphins, they call themselves "Singers." The slightly alien dialog just sells it so much, like when the Asterite says "hello little singer, it is good to feel your thoughts once again." The echolocation you use is called a "song." In universe, the glyphs that are keys aren't giving you new powers, it's teaching you a new "song" to "sing" which can break other glyphs.


Self-requested ban
Nov 2, 2017
I admit I was (and I still surely am) too stupid to ever finish the first level/screen. Never went back to it but I was spoiled a while ago. It's cool though, thanks for the random nostalgia OP. xD


Nov 11, 2017
Fun Fact: The JPN MD version has an additional stage not in any other version of the game, called The Stomach. It's truly a bizarre level:

This level is worth mentioning because it is BRUTALLY hard, and also because it strangely features art from Ecco the Dolphin the Tides of Time. It is meant to be the stage that occurs if the Vortex Queen eats you during the final boss battle.

This was in the EU version too.

Man it was so crazy. I was a kid and I had no idea about it. I think my dad bought it for us because he thought it was a kids game. But it was brutally hard and I never really got past the nice dolphin bit...

...that was until sneaky me somehow, magically just guessed a level password. It was the stomach level. I used the same password but changed I think 1 letter and bam, weird alien boss thing.

Utterly crazy.

I think I'm gonna have to emulate it now.

edit: oh I googled and it seems there were other levels that looked just like the stomach so maybe it was that.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
Am i the only one who prefers the original MD soundtrack over Cd ones? Especially Tides of Time has a timeless ost and synth is amazing. Cd versions feels like a generic aquatic documentary music for me lol.

Especially that ToT music Op posted. The original one is much more darker, moody and has out of this world. I get same vibes from Panzer Dragoon music too.
You are not alone. I love the use of the Yamaha YM2612 in these games.


Mar 31, 2019
My favorite bit in the entire ecco series is the dolphin utopia future with the interconnected water tubes, and it was a real treat to see them revisit that concept in Defender of the Future with the Hanging Waters levels. Great music too:

Hanging waters is where I left off in the game. X3 I loved the game but I found hanging waters SO hard when I was younger, I should go back to it now that I am in quarantine.
Nov 8, 2017
I remember my brother renting the Mega Drive version when we were kids, but I don't think either of us ever got very far in it.

More recently, I bought Defender of the Future on PS2 purely on the strength of hearing the soundtrack (can't remember exactly how or why I stumbled upon it). I don't think I ever actually played it beyond 20 minutes or so, but I still love listening to the soundtrack.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The atmosphere in these games was incredible, and since I didn't own an Amiga at the time, I was always excited to check out European-made games on the 16-bit consoles. I borrowed Ecco 1 off my cousin and beat Ecco 2 while renting it. Both the cartridge and CD soundtracks are amazing.

I bought the DC game day one but I still don't like its design that much. It was basically a beautiful VGA DC showpiece for me, and it still looks great all these years later.

I recommend Ecco fans check out Fathom on Atari 2600 (it's on other formats but I think the 2600 version's best). It's like the Ecco of 1983.


Oct 27, 2017
Wtf did I just read? I thought it was just a dolphin game with like one scary level.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If there was a like button on this website I would like this, because I love this collection, it's so clean!

is that a Master System copy of the first game? I didn't know that even existed. X3

master system copy of both Ecco 1 and Ecco: The Tides of Time. The SMS copy of Tide of Time only released in Brazil, hence the "Tec Toy" logo.

The PC version of Ecco 1 is the best version to play. It features some redrawn art with 256 colors, and has higher resolution Ecco: The Movie videos than the Sega CD version of Ecco: The Tides of Time. Relatively recently (as in the last 10 years) a patch was created to let it play on modern windows.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
In the original Ecco series, Humanity is never mentioned in-game. They are completely absent, and the exact date the games take place is never given. But, in the Sega CD manual, they actually give a slight more bit of backstory. This takes place in the context of an in-universe meeting among humans, discussing what to do. It seems humanity is aware of the Vortex queen, and are preparing to leave the planet to escape her wrath. They are discussing what it means to abandon the planet, and what will happen to the remaining life on the planet. They reason that dolphins are the smartest creatures on the planet after humans, and thus they will inherit the planet. It is implied that humanity leaves the glyphs that ecco uses in the game behind, as one last token to give dolphins a fighting chance against the vortex.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
Humanity was never mentioned but was definitely more than implied via Atlantis and its statues. Interesting that the Sega CD manual directly states it.


Mar 31, 2019
I am learning so much about Ecco today. Despite the Genesis game being my possible first video game ever, I mostly am familiar with Defender of the Future. I really need to go back and replay these games, but I hear they are brutally hard. X3

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I like how, in Ecco, the deeper into the ocean you get, the darker the palette gets. It slowly dims the palette as you submerge deeper, geeting darker and scarier at the bottom of the ocean.

In both Ecco 1 and 2, when the asterite grants you powers, one of the powers you get is the ability to breath underwater, which would dramatically make earlier levels easier.


Oct 27, 2017
My favorite bit in the entire ecco series is the dolphin utopia future with the interconnected water tubes, and it was a real treat to see them revisit that concept in Defender of the Future with the Hanging Waters levels. Great music too:

I remember this level (Dreamcast Ecco was my only Ecco experience). Brutally hard, but really beautiful too

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Humanity was never mentioned but was definitely more than implied via Atlantis and its statues. Interesting that the Sega CD manual directly states it.

it's not directly stated, it's just heavily implied. It's presented as a "fact about dolphins" section, but it's as a narration among scientists arguing. They never mention glyphs, the vortex, etc by name, they just talk about what will happen "after they leave."


Apr 12, 2019
Great write up. One of these days I need to play through the Ecco games in full. We had Ecco 2 on our Genesis back when my sister and I were kids, but couldn't really figure out some of the harder puzzles later on. We got Defender of the Future on the PS2 later down the road but I don't remember anything except for...

My favorite bit in the entire ecco series is the dolphin utopia future with the interconnected water tubes, and it was a real treat to see them revisit that concept in Defender of the Future with the Hanging Waters levels. Great music too:

...this level here. You're giving me PTSD flackbacks man! The Hanging Waters was absolutely brutal. It sucked to get most of everything done in the level and then screw up trying to jump from one tube to another (or those water bubbles) and have to start all over again/
Oct 28, 2017
I played Ecco without spoilers back in the day too.

I never discovered any of this because the game was too fucking hard I never made it past the first few levels.

That was a really fun read OP. I would very much like an Ecco remake to experience this story properly in a less ball busting game.


Nov 6, 2017
I wish they made a linear, navigation-arrow version of these games so I could play them for the music. I own Ecco on Sega CD and can play it for 4 minutes before I'm lost and give up. There's so much game in there and I simply can't find it.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I remember this level (Dreamcast Ecco was my only Ecco experience). Brutally hard, but really beautiful too

The 16 bit equivalent is really cool shit:


This is one of the very few instances on the entire Sega Genesis platform that they use Shadow and Highlight mode like this. Those tubes are usuing true transparency (not dithering), something that most people don't know the Genesis can do. The background also uses linescroll for a 3D effect.

The ecco games are really pretty for Sega genesis titles. Heavy heavy use of dithering, so playing on a real CRT or using a CRT filter is very much recommended.


Mar 31, 2019
Great write up. One of these days I need to play through the Ecco games in full. We had Ecco 2 on our Genesis back when my sister and I were kids, but couldn't really figure out some of the harder puzzles later on. We got Defender of the Future on the PS2 later down the road but I don't remember anything except for...

...this level here. You're giving me PTSD flackbacks man! The Hanging Waters was absolutely brutal. It sucked to get most of everything done in the level and then screw up trying to jump from one tube to another (or those water bubbles) and have to start all over again/
Yeah, that was so brutal. X3 I want to beat it one day but the thought almost gives me anxiety.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The og Ecco games had an atmosphere I've never experienced with other games tbh

There's a few games which give me the same feeling, which, unsurprisingly, are among my favorite games ever. SOTC is one of them. I'd also say the Panzer Dragoon series gives the same vibe, with that endless desolation in its post-apocalyptic world. Panzer Dragoon kinda feels like Ecco in reverse, when I think of Ecco, I think of endlessly deep oceans. When I think of Panzer Dragoon, I think of vast, scarred deserts.

Dr. Zoidberg

Oct 25, 2017
Decapod 10
I have all the Ecco games for Genesis/CD and yet I've never gotten very far in any of them. I've tried to play the first one at least 6 times. I'll play for a while, get lost and not know where to go next, and then eventually get bored and quit. Somehow I end up swimming around the same caves over and over again looking for a way to proceed. I should probably look up some maps or a guide online.
Oct 28, 2017
Despite the game being so damn hard I did play Ecco a lot back in the day. I'd just swim around the opening area doing jumps and stuff and had fun with just that.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There are parts of Defender of the Future when you are in deep underwater caverns that feel so scary with how tight and claustrophobic they are, especially as your air is running out:


Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I played Ecco without spoilers back in the day too.

I never discovered any of this because the game was too fucking hard I never made it past the first few levels.

That was a really fun read OP. I would very much like an Ecco remake to experience this story properly in a less ball busting game.

Ecco: The Movie is a really good summary of the events:

I remember when I'd play the Sega CD games, I would dream about an ecco game that looked like those cutscenes. Then, when Ecco: Defender of the Future was released, they matched those visuals and it blew me away.


Oct 25, 2017
accidentally switched two letters in a password when i was a kid, ended up jumping forward to the "welcome to the machine" level with the scary aliens whose heads detached when you attacked them

said "fuck this game", never played it again

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I have all the Ecco games for Genesis/CD and yet I've never gotten very far in any of them. I've tried to play the first one at least 6 times. I'll play for a while, get lost and not know where to go next, and then eventually get bored and quit. Somehow I end up swimming around the same caves over and over again looking for a way to proceed. I should probably look up some maps or a guide online.

just to clarify: you know you have a map in-game, right? If you sing your echo location and hold the button down, it'll reflect off the level and come back at you, showing you an in-game map:

Jun 26, 2018
Ed Annunziata, the producer of the 1992 Sega video game Ecco the Dolphin, has stated that he read a lot of Lilly's works. Whether or not any of it served as an inspiration for the game is unknown. Annunziata never directly cited Lilly's works as an inspiration. He has confirmed that Ecco the Dolphin is not named after Lilly's E.C.C.O.
From Wikipedia on John C. Lilly and absolutely bonkers scientist who studied dolphins and believed he was receiving orders to communicate with dolphins or something from an alien organization called E.C.C.O.

I refuse to believe it's not connected.

I first heard about John C Lilly on the dollop podcast here and I could barely believe it
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL



Now all that is left for you to do is download the soundtracks for all the games (Spencer Nielsen). They've been soundtracks that I play weekly to relax me for...25 years.

Bless the SegaCD version of this franchise. Everyone should scoop those soundtracks if you can. Hell, if you own the SegaCD disc itself (I got this game at launch and had a love/hate relationship with its difficulty), you can pop it in your CD player and rip the OST for both the OG game and Tides of Time to FLAC.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
accidentally switched two letters in a password when i was a kid, ended up jumping forward to the "welcome to the machine" level with the scary aliens whose heads detached when you attacked them

said "fuck this game", never played it again
I still have the password for the level etched into my brain. Took me a year to get to it, then a year to beat it. I was in like 6th grade.