
Oct 25, 2017
Pessimism: Dems will cave and Lucy will pull away the football at the last second. Nobody will learn anything and our hell world will continue to get worse.

Panic Freak

Oct 26, 2017
that's not a deal. That's giving Trump the wall, with him him just yanking DACA away and "giving it back". IE: getting the wall for nothing.

This wall would energize his base in 2020, possibly giving us 4 more years of Trump.

No, no, no, no, no. 2020 Dem president can start DACA2, problem solved, while Trump rots in jail.

Anyways, shutting down the government is not the way to do things. This is insanity and evil. President can get his wall on a totally separate bill, in exchange for medicare for all.

With what support in the Senate? You think Democrats are going to have 60 seats in the Senate? Nope. Any DACA deal WILL involve some sort of deal with Republicans.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't that up to the state legislatures and not the US Congress?

Its up the the states to decide how they distribute electoral college votes. If 270 votes worth of states agree to give their votes to the candidate that wins the popular vote, then the issue of the electoral college will be eliminated. Several states already have legislation in effect that will automatically trigger this change once enough states sign on.

A constitutional amendment would do the trick, but that's less likely to every happen.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I feel like this is solely to shift the public image into "Hey, we offered to compromise on things they've spent the last two years fighting for, and they still said no. The ball is in their court." and for the average person they're going to fall into this without realizing that the entire issue with DACA exists because of Trump. I think it sets a bad precedent.

"We'll restore the EPA we gutted along with Obama-era environmental regulations in exchange for criminalizing abortion."

An example that doesn't quite match that this is a budgeting conflict or the seriousness of Republicans' fight for the wall (until their next passion project) and Democrats' fight for DACA but I could see it becoming par for course.

They could also just compromise themselves into something like the ACA with this which, yes, provided healthcare for so many but had lost it's initial direction thanks to right-leaning interests that ended up hurting some.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Will likely be too late.

Sounds entirely likely that Trump is going to declare a national emergency when he visits Texas today, which will use federal spending to "build the wall," while relinquishing Congress' responsibility to pass it in a funding bill. It'll get tied up in court for months, but congress can end the shutdown because "the wall is being built."

DACA was started (and ended) through executive action. No senate is needed for DACA2.

Kind of, the whole point of DACA ("Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals") is that it was deferred action waiting for Congress to pass a law. Sure, a lot of government is a farse, but it becomes even more farsicle to have "Deferred Action 2.0." By law, the federal government is supposed to be acting on "childhood arrivals" but the Obama administration deferred that action until congress would pass a lot declaring that the federal government wasn't supposed to act on childhood arrivals, with the expectation that congress would grant them citizenship through amnesty or an accelerated path to citizenship or some sort of permanent non-citizen resident status. That hasn't happened now for ~7 years.

The risk of not asking/expecting congress to ever pass a law and only use executive action results in what we have now... an executive who takes office who actively wants to deport childhood arrivals.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Will likely be too late.

Sounds entirely likely that Trump is going to declare a national emergency when he visits Texas today, which will use federal spending to "build the wall," while relinquishing Congress' responsibility to pass it in a funding bill. It'll get tied up in court for months, but congress can end the shutdown because "the wall is being built."

Well thank god the Federal government has to pay for it and not me! Trump stay winning #DrainTheSwamp


Jun 14, 2018
If he declares national emergency then cool next Dem prez will do same for single payer healthcare and global warming.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Steel slats/$5b border security for

-Path to citizenship

-Restoration of the VRA

-Comprehensive national gun control legislation.. you know, since they value lives so much

-Written admission the piss tape is real and that his dick totally looks like Toad

-Black lives matter civil rights expansion bill signed at a ceremony where Trump must give Colin Kaepernick a medal of freedom on national TV while Arrest the President by Ice Cube is played by DJ Mike Pence

Also DC + Puerto Rican Statehood

Throw everyone that was working with Trump in the cages they kept the migrant kids at the border without any food or water

Also I want YG to close for Ice Cube with "Fuck Donald Trump"

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Here's a list of things the GOP can do:
  • Publicly confess on live TV(Fox News 24/7) and internet their entire ideologies and stances are historically shams and are used to get themselves and their rich supporters richer.
  • Order a complete shut down of Fox News and Breitbart and jail their top members for life.
  • Jail all of the corporate lobbyists and representatives they worked with.
  • Roll back all of Trump's policies since 2017.
  • Fund a federal committee to take down online hate groups.
  • Play this video across Mexico: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFpjU8VBaeM
  • Retire from their seats and vow to only work dead-end jobs at fast food joints without promotions.
  • Officially state that Red Dead Redemption 2 is trash and only God Of War deserves all the awards.


Oct 28, 2017
We'll sign if th
Here's a list of things the GOP can do:
  • Publicly confess on live TV(Fox News 24/7) and internet their entire ideologies and stances are historically shams and are used to get themselves and their rich supporters richer.
  • Order a complete shut down of Fox News and Breitbart and jail their top members for life.
  • Jail all of the corporate lobbyists and representatives they worked with.
  • Roll back all of Trump's policies since 2017.
  • Fund a federal committee to take down online hate groups.
  • Play this video across Mexico: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFpjU8VBaeM
  • Retire from their seats and vow to only work dead-end jobs at fast food joints without promotions.
  • Officially state that Red Dead Redemption 2 is trash and only God Of War deserves all the awards.
Replace jail with guillotine and I'm in!


Oct 25, 2017
The risk of not asking/expecting congress to ever pass a law and only use executive action results in what we have now... an executive who takes office who actively wants to deport childhood arrivals.
or a conservative SCOTUS that rules DACA unconstitutional. The only real DACA "fix" is for congress to pass legislation granting dreamers citizenship.



Oct 25, 2017
You can talk all you want about theoretical deals but Trump and McConnell are putting literally nothing on the table.

They don't need a shutdown to negotiate a wall deal.


Oct 27, 2017

Mexico's new hero, Buzzsaw:


Jan 27, 2018
that's not a deal. That's giving Trump the wall, with him him just yanking DACA away and "giving it back". IE: getting the wall for nothing.

This wall would energize his base in 2020, possibly giving us 4 more years of Trump.

No, no, no, no, no. 2020 Dem president can start DACA2, problem solved, while Trump rots in jail.

Anyways, shutting down the government is not the way to do things. This is insanity and evil. President can get his wall on a totally separate bill, in exchange for medicare for all.
Literally ALL Dreamers could be deported by 2020. The Supreme Court is going to be looking at DACA sometime this year, and chances are that they will find it to be unconstitutional, at that point the Dems will be have to make much greater sacrifices like ending family based migration in order to get the Dream Act.
I think it would be foolish for the Dems to miss out of this opportunity.


Oct 27, 2017
Literally ALL Dreamers could be deported by 2020. The Supreme Court is going to be looking at DACA sometime this year, and chances are that they will find it to be unconstitutional, at that point the Dems will be have to make much greater sacrifices like ending family based migration in order to get the Dream Act.
I think it would be foolish for the Dems to miss out of this opportunity.

DACA was potentially doomed the moment Trump sent Sessions to tell the nation "Fuck DACA recipients! Children are guilty for their parents sins!".

DACA is now in the hands of the SC until 2021. Not sure how the GOP is going to do comprehensive immigration after their loss in 2020, but that's the only hope.

Trump can't be trusted at all. He must be destroyed at the ballot box. Why would you believe a deal is even possible? Conditions were 10 times better for him last time and he still fucked DACA recipients over.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
He can actually do this?

Trump could take billions from disaster areas to fund wall

President Donald Trump has been briefed on a plan that would use the Army Corps of Engineers and a portion of $13.9 billion of Army Corps funding to build 315 miles of barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the briefing.

The money was set aside to fund projects all over the country including storm-damaged areas of Puerto Rico through fiscal year 2020, but the checks have not been written yet and, under an emergency declaration, the president could take the money from these civil works projects and use it to build the border wall, said officials familiar with the briefing and two congressional sources.

The plan could be implemented if Trump declares a national emergency in order to build the wall and would use more money and build more miles than the administration has requested from Congress. The president had requested $5.7 billion for a wall stretching 234 miles.

Under the proposal, the officials said, Trump could dip into the $2.4 billion allocated to projects in California, including flood prevention and protection projects along the Yuba River Basin and the Folsom Dam, as well as the $2.5 billion set aside for reconstruction projects in Puerto Rico, which is still recovering from Hurricane Maria.

Actual comeback I've witnessed: "It's called a prototype for a reason."
Oct 27, 2017
Under the proposal, the officials said, Trump could dip into the $2.4 billion allocated to projects in California, including flood prevention and protection projects along the Yuba River Basin and the Folsom Dam, as well as the $2.5 billion set aside for reconstruction projects in Puerto Rico, which is still recovering from Hurricane Maria.
This would piss a lot of people off. So I'm guessing he's going to do it.


Nov 18, 2018

Lindsey Graham's new bold solution is for Trump to use emergency powers to build the wall. Because I guess the Republicans are dropping any pretences now.


Jan 27, 2018
DACA was potentially doomed the moment Trump sent Sessions to tell the nation "Fuck DACA recipients! Children are guilty for their parents sins!".

DACA is now in the hands of the SC until 2021. Not sure how the GOP is going to do comprehensive immigration after their loss in 2020, but that's the only hope.

Trump can't be trusted at all. He must be destroyed at the ballot box. Why would you believe a deal is even possible? Conditions were 10 times better for him last time and he still fucked DACA recipients over.
I'm under no illusion that Trump cares about the Dreamers, and what I would like the deal to contain is the Dream Act, not DACA, not something that Trump can knock over after getting what he wants.
The problem that I was talking about is that the SC can decide the fate of DACA this year, so what happens when the SC finds DACA unconstitutional and gives Trump the power to revoke the Dreamers statuses? At that point, it's either Dems compromise with much broader shitty immigration reform, or they say #sorry Dreamers, have fun in whatever country Trump ships you off to.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
They HAVE to say no. Government shutdown to forcibly get what You want is a horrible dangerous precedent. And knowing Dems they will be the ones threatened and folding every time.

Fuck no. Clean funding bill.

Then, negotiate


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
Still very much concerned Dems will just randomly give up, though admittedly not as likely as I thought it was about a week ago.
May 21, 2018
But its not a wall. Its a fence. And just extending the one we already have. Not even across the whole border. The only reason this would energize them is because were all accepting its "the wall" now. Its not.

This isn't about a dumb wall, or even if the stupid wall is a fence or not. It's about normalizing the hostage-taking of federal employees and the American people as a way of bargaining for policy. It's about making an admission that America truly is a land of racism and creating a visible symbol of it. And it's about the Democratic party potentially throwing minorities under the bus again just to keep the government running.


Oct 27, 2017
Australia had a Democrat party, since 1977. They held balance of power in the senate for quite a while, and had power and popularity as a centrist party. I say had, though they still exist, because they were deregistered for no longer having enough members in 2016. Their base of support utterly disintegrated after they voted for the conservative government's highly regressive flat-rate GST in 2000. The did their deal with the devil over a policy their base did not want at all, because they thought some concessions and exemptions to the tax was a sufficient "win" rather than blocking the policy as they could have done. They were very wrong and now practically no longer exist.

I see a similarity here with the US Democrats and the "wall". Besides the other great reasons for not caving--the wall being terrible, wasteful and ineffective policy; not legitimising shutdowns as a way to force legislation--they need to stand firm for their own sake.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I'm all for shitting on this dumb wall, but is this really a surprise? It's just steel slats, not some super material.
Concrete isn't a super material either. A drug dealer can afford a rotary hammer, some SDS bits to chip a hole in concrete, as well as a reciprocating saw or grinder to cut the rebar. A 2.5' circular hole wouldn't take a lot of work and isn't going to get shut down when the border is so huge.

As for steel slats, yeah, a recip or grinder is going to be through that piece of shit design nearly as fast as bolt cutters go through chainlink.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The only incentive needed is sound reasoning for why the wall needs to be built--any evidence, justification for spending ~$5 billion whatsoever... but unfortunately for the GOP, that just doesn't exist.


Oct 25, 2017
The only incentive needed is sound reasoning for why the wall needs to be built--any evidence, justification for spending ~$5 billion whatsoever... but unfortunately for the GOP, that just doesn't exist.
Produce decades upon decades of peer reviewed research from every applicable discipline into climate change.

Conservatives: I have my doubts.

Also Conservatives: The wall is a national crisis that needs emergency attention. Gargamel and the Uruk-Hai are pouring into this country and we will all be dead by mornin... Why are you laughing!??
Oct 25, 2017

Lindsey Graham's new bold solution is for Trump to use emergency powers to build the wall. Because I guess the Republicans are dropping any pretences now.

Because if he does this, and then government opens from a new deal it helps to make their plan of making them Dems look bad work more ( to the ill informed/their base)


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine bargaining over a stupid wall.
I'm not fine doing it while people loose paychecks.
Pass the clean bill and debate it while people aren't going homeless you fucking cowards.