
"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta do a questionaire online or call. Haven't gotten one in a long time. How was your experience with Jury duty or did you try to get an excuse to get out of one or postpone it? Was it uneventful? I remember someone brought a book to read. First time I went, I never got called, so my group got dismissed. Second time, my group was called and I sat in the Jury box and got dismissed. I was so glad haha.

Tbh, definitely not looking forward to going to a court room during a pandemic lol.


Oct 26, 2017
I've only ever been lined up for it once, and I had to wait by the phone five days in a row to see if I was needed, and I never was. Job done.


Oct 25, 2017
Did grand jury duty. 2 months for 3 days a week. Was a cool experience. Heard between 2 and 6 cases a day. Heard some mundane stuff but also some real awful/graphic stuff. A few times people cried.
Oct 25, 2017
Me too. Going in April.

So how does it work? You go for a summons and you go to trial that day? Or tbryll call you back in a month or whatever? I'm confused.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
I was summoned once and the trial proceeded, but I got out of it because I was in university at the time and had exams that day.

I've also received summons twice in the last year or so, but the trial was cancelled so I didn't have to go.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
Made it to the court. Had to watch the video. Wasn't selected for Jury Duty. Surfed the internet for 3 hours and was sent home. They paid me $25 and I had to give it to my employer.


Oct 27, 2017
The last jury duty letter I got was right before the pandemic start. A few weeks before I was supposed to go there, they shut down all of the courts (along with everything else) and I didn't have to go. And that's my exciting pandemic jury duty story.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Dreading ever getting called for it. I'm self-employed and they're a notorious pain in the ass for reimbursing people for their time who work for themselves.
Jan 29, 2018
Did it two months ago. Sat in a room with 400 other people during the Omicron surge for two days. Never got called.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be down, last time I was called at the potential trial I said I has bias (which was true) and they let me go right then and there.


May 20, 2019
Last time I got called for jury duty I totally forgot to go. I freaked out and thought they would arrest me or something. When I called them the guy was all, "Don't worry about it. I'll just mark you down as having shown up but not called," and that was it. I basically learned the wrong lesson which is don't go. You should definitely go though.


Jan 9, 2018
I remember the time igot a summons for jury duty while on jury duty. Talking about id be on call for 3 days a month for 2 years.


Nov 14, 2017
New Jersey
I've been summoned a few times. The first time I was never even called in. The second time I was called in on a Wednesday or a Thursday to be part of the jury pool but never got even interviewed. The third time I was in college so they waived it on the basis I'd miss class. The last time I claimed financial hardship since my business does not function without me and they accepted that. It very much would have been a financial hardship too so I'm glad I didn't have to serve.

I'm sure I'll sit on a jury at some point, just circumstances has kept me off one to this point.


Sep 16, 2020
I've been summoned 3 times. First time, I got out of it because I was a student. Second time, I had to show up at the downtown courthouse and sit around just to get dismissed. Third time, thankfully, they texted me that I wasn't needed and would no longer have to report to the courthouse.


Oct 25, 2017
I have only been summoned once, several months ago. I logged in online, forgot about it and missed my date. I got a letter in the mail saying I had to do the next one or else there'd be warrant out for me or something. So I logged in again and got a new date. Never had to go in.


Oct 27, 2017
Last time I got one, I put it in the shredder and ignored it.

They can't confirm you receive it, you can't be penalized for it. I've had a car accident since and got a witness statement for something unrelated; no warrants so I'm good.

I wouldn't do that again mind you, but it worked for me and a few other people I know.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
In Ohio you get like 8 bucks a day and they pay for parking. Do you get something extra for being self employed?

In the UK I think it's normally worked out with your employer so you just get your regular paycheck anyway but for people who work for themselves and will just lose the money if they don't do the work you have to fill out forms and it's a whole pain in the ass.


Oct 25, 2017
I've gotten a notice every 3 or 4 years since I turned 18, and I've only ever had to actually go to the courthouse 1 time.

Every other time they say, "You do not need to report. Your service is complete. You will not have to serve for 3 years."

I thought I might have to do a Zoom Service last year for my last summons, but even that one they told me I didn't have to report for.



Oct 29, 2017
The last few times I've gotten a jury summons, I postponed it until the week of or after Christmas so I don't get called in :)


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I went in 2012 and my health was beginning to fail so it was a horror show. Three day inquest. It was fascinating to observe but I felt so crappy that I can't imagine i was any use to them. I just got summoned again this month and was able to get out with a doctor's note. Hopefully they never bother me again.


Oct 27, 2017
Been once, 2019-ish? Had to reschedule as the original date was smack dab in the middle of most of my college exams, so they made me go during winter break which was a pain in the ass.

Got called in, sat in a chair with everyone else for an hour+ before it was finally my group's turn. Man walked up to say the case was settled, so my group was dismissed Day 1.


Oct 28, 2017
Got called 10 years ago. Ended up serving on a trial for 10 weeks. As much as I was dreading being called it was such a cool experience. Honestly looking forward to another shot at it.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
I had to go in Jan. Only good thing was Covid started picking back up here so I called in for a week and never got called because courts where closed. So my service is done. I fear next time I won't be so lucky.

The one time I did serve on a jury, i learned if you tell the lawyers when they question you "If they are in court, they must have done something wrong to end up here" and they excuse you lol Try it if you go.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I remember the time igot a summons for jury duty while on jury duty. Talking about id be on call for 3 days a month for 2 years.
Really, how the hell that happened? I ain't waiting on calls for 2 years man.
The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races.
Even your own lol?

It's probably better to say you're a law student :)

If you call in saying you have covid-19, very good chance they won't call you.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
I just turned 35 and I've never received a jury summons. A buddy got his letter a week after he turned 18. I likely wouldn't be picked though since I've been in the legal field for a good 15 years now.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I got one in the middle of a stressful time in college and completely forgot about it. Weeks later I remembered it and completely panicked. I called them genuinely worried that I would be in major trouble since according to the laws of the state I was in you can be put in jail for up to 90 days for skipping jury duty, but apparently a lot of people flake out and they basically plan around it so it wasn't an issue and they told me not to worry about it. I haven't gotten one since.


Oct 27, 2017
In Canada, but I got a Jury Duty thing in the mail in like.. 2020? Filled it out and sent it in noting I didn't drive hoping that would get me out of it.
In 2021 I moved, start of this year I got a phone call saying my Jury Duty was cancelled due to COVID.

..I didn't even know I was summoned it must of went to my old address, so that was a huge save there. I think I would of got fined for "skipping" and I can't afford that shit. lol

I'd be horrible on Jury Duty, I'd just vote with the majority to get it the hell over with. So please for the love of hades leave me alone.. ><


Nov 26, 2017
I've gotten like 4 or 5 in my life. I've made it to the courthouse once before being told to go home. Last one was last summer just after they announced in person trials would resume, they also canceled the day of, but I didn't have to wait around in a room with other people.

I know quite a few people who've never been summoned.


Oct 25, 2017
i got a questionnaire too. i should tell them for all those vax cards if i would be summoned.


Oct 26, 2017
I was summoned a few months ago. Really different process than I was used to. I had a summons week where every day of the week I had to check at 5 PM to see if I was needed the next day. But right when the first day of checking at 5 PM hit, it said my summons was complete and I no longer needed to check. Guess I got extremely lucky

Red Comet

Jan 6, 2018
I got summoned back in October. Indicated that I had a sore throat in the Covid questionnaire, which was absolutely true at the time, and I got excused. Haven't gotten another summons since.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they finally got me last year. Watched the video, then sat in a pool for one trial in particular. They stopped screening jurors halfway through but didn't tell us why. Turns out the guy decided to take a plea bargain.

The crime was a brutal gang-related rape as punishment for stealing some drugs from the accused. I was not looking forward to potentially needing to hear about that for hours and hours, so I was glad it ended up being a non-issue


Puzzle Master
Oct 25, 2017
I've gotten summons twice. The first time my number didn't show up online so I didn't have to go. The second time I had to go in. Lots of waiting. Then a video. Then more waiting. Then being called to a case. Then more waiting in a hallway. Then being assigned a courtroom. Then more waiting. Finally everyone shows up and the judge starts asking the screening questions. Then they start calling up numbers and the lawyers can choose to dismiss the juror. If neither dismisses, you get put on the bench. When the bench was filled, everyone else got to go home.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Ha. I just got summoned for the first time in my life (I'm 30). Trial starts April 4th. Guess we'll see if I need to go in.


Oct 25, 2017
I've gotten summons twice. The first time my number didn't show up online so I didn't have to go. The second time I had to go in. Lots of waiting. Then a video. Then more waiting. Then being called to a case. Then more waiting in a hallway. Then being assigned a courtroom. Then more waiting. Finally everyone shows up and the judge starts asking the screening questions. Then they start calling up numbers and the lawyers can choose to dismiss the juror. If neither dismisses, you get put on the bench. When the bench was filled, everyone else got to go home.

Sounds fun. When it's my turn I'll make sure I'm well prepared.



Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
I've only ever been summoned once. All they made me do was a call a number for 2 weeks and tell me I didn't have to come to the courthouse for jury selection.

I was glad my job was understanding of potential last minute changes.


Oct 27, 2017
Literally get sent one pretty much every year (live in California, been here since 2014). Only actually been summoned once but didn't get chosen to be on the jury


Apr 25, 2021
I've had it several times in the past ten years and was selected to be a juror on a trial case twice.

My experience:

You show up to courthouse at designated time and file into a large seating room with others summoned for various groups. Those with exceptions (medical, urgent, etc.) are able to plead their case to the Judge in attendance and will go into their chambers to personally discuss the matter for eligibility for dismissal. Everyone else will wait to be called for a specific group and a representative of the court will escort them to the courtroom where they will be introduced to the legal counsel for the defense and prosecution and the Judge presiding over the case. From there everyone in attendance will provide a brief bio of themselves and confirm a few specifics for the judge such as whether or not they've been summoned previously within the past year or if there are any final potential exceptions for dismissal to be made at the Judge's discretion.

The brief bio that everyone gives the defense and prosecution are taking notes and will use that information to further question potential jurors to gain information for their screening process. (basically, both sides have the opportunity to scrutinize the pool of potential jurors to weed out potential biases, those who may not be impartial, etc....pretty much to ensure they have a neutral class of jurors to help deliberate over the case) Afterward the jury pool will be asked to wait outside the courtroom and it's usually around lunch time when this happens so everyone leaves for an hour break and comes back at which point the chosen jurors will be selected.

Everyone else is allowed to leave but those selected to be jurors will be provided details on the case, introduced to the defendant and provided some final prep details from the judge ahead of the actual trial. In my experience, we never had the trial same day as jury selection. We were usually asked to come back the following day. For me, the first trial I was a juror on we started and came to a decision on day one of the trial. Came in at 8am, both sides made their case and we were into the deliberation room just after 5pm. In that one we came to a decision just before 7pm. The most recent one that I did was actually a two day affair due to multiple delays and the defense attorney overstepping resulting in several objections requiring counsel in the Judge's chambers. So that was from 8am and we were allowed to leave at 9pm. Came back the next day at 8am, closing arguments went on for FOUR HOURS and we deliberated from 12pm to 2pm before coming to a decision.

To be honest, while it can interfere with your day I think it's good to be able to participate in the process at least once because it is an interesting experience seeing the system, for all its flaws as well, at work. In both of mine, the public defense attorney was absolutely trash and didn't make a very good case for the defendant. Spent a lot of time talking during examination but without saying much of substance other than leaning on the hopes of emotional response against the facts of the case. I get that is a tactic and may be all you have... still not a good look.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm halfway through a grand jury stint right now (Alabama), two different weeks M-F plus a Wednesday follow-up for each. Only $10 a day plus mileage, which is about a quarter of what I'd thought it was.

Grand jury's different because you're just screening cases to decide whether they're fit to see trial -- and the COVID backlog is absolutely massive. Every day there's a parade of cops outside who come in one at a time to run down the details of their case(s) -- maybe 1-2 minutes per case, 10 tops. We've worked about 24 hours so far and already heard close to 500 cases. I've got a legal pad jammed with abbreviated notes, one or two lines per case.

Most of them are pretty open-and-shut: confessions, video evidence, extensive paper trails. More than enough to stand trial, at least. We vote in a batch at the end of each day, and by then most jurors are so antsy to leave that there's very little debate.

By far the worst thing is that, while the process has basically been a rubber stamp for drug cases and assaults, the ~5 or so cases that weren't approved for trial on the most recent days all involved dismissing claims by vulnerable victims in abusive situations. Two women who claimed their boyfriends coerced them into sex while blackout drunk, and not one, not two, but three minor children who accused guardians of molestation. Two of whom were trans. It was especially disgusting because the investigator describing these cases (all were from the same guy) sounded overtly skeptical of the charges and obviously colored the outlook of the jury, which literally none of the other testifiers did. He made especially sure to mention the trans aspect, which was hardly relevant to the cases.

I did my best, y'all, arguing that with such serious charges I wouldn't be comfortable dismissing anything based on a few minutes of hearsay and that I'd want to hear from the victims and defendants directly instead of assuming they're lying and potentially sending a victim back home to their abuser. But grand juries only need 12 of 18 to reach a decision, and I could only get 4 to agree with me. So OP, pray you get regular duty so that if you do end up judging a serious case, you can actually have a decisive say instead of feeling like a helpless bystander.


Feb 24, 2018
I've just thrown Jury summons directly into the trash my entire life without opening them.