
Oct 25, 2017
Because them spending the public's money on it's own is not a valid point. The maintenance of historical buildings costs public money too, should we rip them down as well?

So the if the Queen stopped Boris, what do you think would happen?
It just made me laugh when you said they do so much for charity, like they are incredibly generous philanthropists.

That's a completely separate argument from whether or not they are a net positive to the British economy.


Nov 27, 2017
No, fuck Boris. No other PM has ever brought the Queen into the firing line like this.

The Queen and the royal family bring in a lot of tourist revenue to the country and quite a few of the royal family do a lot for charities.

Sorry but the idea of being "born better" is just nuts in my book and should not be supported by any means in a modern democratic society


Oct 27, 2017
I happen to agree with those that say if the royal family is incapable of stepping up in a moment of crisis that could very well lead to the breakup of the United Kingdom what is their purpose exactly? Why are they monarchs when they don't even care enough to publicly voice their concerns about what is happening?


They can't voice an opinion. They are not even allowed to hold an opinion, officially.

Whatever the point of the monarchy is, it is not to interfere in politics. They could easily be got rid of. They are only still there for the following reasons

1) tourism income (not looking for a debate on this point - make another thread for that, but that's one of the reasons agree with it or not)
2) diplomacy
3) getting rid of them would be a huge and costly ballache, fraught with complications and would involve ripping up how our country works. Not saying it couldn't be done but it's not like we just tell them to hop it and move on.
4) people like them

They have no substantive role to play in politics at all bar rubber stamping whatever parliament presents them with.


Feb 19, 2018
Not as many. The interest in the royal family both here in the UK and abroad is not to be handwaved away.

Do you see how many people will line the streets of London when there is a royal wedding?

People who have power (even if it is in name only) can influence charities and people to follow those charities more than just average private individuals can.

If you can show me a figure that states that they spend more than they bring into the country through tourism I would agree with you and it would be a valid point.
The palace of Versailles is one of the most visited places in the world, and we all know what the French did with their royals. You don't need an extant monarchy for people to want to go to beautiful old buildings filled with historical and valuable relics. Moreover, some of their residences are not open to the public and those that are have restricted access due to the royals occasionally living there. Can't tell me they'd make less tourism bucks with more things to show and longer opening hours.

Though this is all pretty off-topic to discussion about what the suspension of parliament means. As has been pointed out many times, the queen was never going to do anything else but rubber stamp it because that's what she does and discussing her or the royals in general is a bit of a pointless exercise.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
It just made me laugh when you said they do so much for charity, like they are incredibly generous philanthropists.

That's a completely separate argument from whether or not they are a net positive to the British economy.

So I gave 2 arguments as to why we should keep the royal family.

Also I'm sure the people involved in things such as the Invictus Games are not laughing and appreciate all the help that Harry gives.

Sorry but the idea of being "born better" is just nuts in my book and should not be supported by any means in a modern democratic society

Where do any of them say they are "born better"? If anything they have to bare more burden than a lot of us do. It's not just about money.

Also how is the UK a modern democratic society? We have a tin pot dictator in charge right now so where is the democracy?

The palace of Versailles is one of the most visited places in the world, and we all know what the French did with their royals. You don't need an extant monarchy for people to want to go to beautiful old buildings filled with historical and valuable relics. Moreover, some of their residences are not open to the public and those that are have restricted access due to the royals occasionally living there. Can't tell me they'd make less tourism bucks with more things to show and longer opening hours.

But that is the whole point. It's the uniqueness of still having a monarchy that makes the UK popular to visit. The monarchy in France example is different because that was at a time when royals had power. The Queen does not have power and if anything if she stepped in right now it would be more reason to remove her and the rest of them. Hence why she doesn't say anything, I'm sure she doesn't want her head chopped off.

Edit: Anyway that is all I'm going to say on the royal issue, it is distracting away from the real problem here which is Boris.


Feb 19, 2018
So I gave 2 arguments as to why we should keep the royal family.

Also I'm sure the people involved in things such as the Invictus Games are not laughing and appreciate all the help that Harry gives.

Where do any of them say they are "born better"? If anything they have to bare more burden than a lot of us do. It's not just about money.

Also how is the UK a modern democratic society? We have a tin pot dictator in charge right now so where is the democracy?

But that is the whole point. It's the uniqueness of still having a monarchy that makes the UK popular to visit. The monarchy in France example is different because that was at a time when royals had power. The Queen does not have power and if anything if she stepped in right now it would be more reason to remove her and the rest of them. Hence why she doesn't say anything, I'm sure she doesn't want her head chopped off.
Loads of countries still have monarchies. In a lot of them the monarchs still have real power. There's nothing unique about it.


Oct 26, 2017
Guys, stupid question.

Is the Scottish Labour/Tory party a different party from the actual Labour/Tory party? I honestly can't remember what the ballot looks like.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys, stupid question.

Is the Scottish Labour/Tory party a different party from the actual Labour/Tory party? I honestly can't remember what the ballot looks like.

There is a separate wing of the party for the Scottish Parliament (Which Ruth Davidson is a member of) - they are semi-autonomous. In Westminster elections it's just the regular party.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, stupid question.

Is the Scottish Labour/Tory party a different party from the actual Labour/Tory party? I honestly can't remember what the ballot looks like.
Same parties in England and Scotland. There's a Scottish Labour Party and Scottish Conservative Party for election to the Scottish Parliament, but they're both technically part of the UK-wide parties.

Edit: Beaten
Oct 26, 2017
They'll lose power and fly off to their vacation homes. So yes they won't face any real consequences that would imperil their lives of privilege. But them losing power is nonetheless a good thing. They've pushed too far and they will lose power as a result.

I wish I could be more positive on my outlook. I just think it's more likely that the blame will be pushed on the most vulnerable and the public will continue to lap it up.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone talking about the royals right now (here and on Twitter) are getting serious side eye from me.

It just seems like such an obvious ploy to distract and shift blame.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
hmm. And was there any controversy about people lying to the GG about their reasons for prorogation? It's essentially pretty much exactly the same thing. I wonder if there are any lessons to learn.

Of course there was. To most Canadians it was blatantly obvious what was going on.

The GG sided with the conservatives because they feared a constitutional crisis if they said no.



Oct 25, 2017
Everyone talking about the royals right now (here and on Twitter) are getting serious side eye from me.

It just seems like such an obvious ploy to distract and shift blame.
It's amazing the mental gymnastics people will go through to avoid blaming a shitty electorate voting in shitty politicians and policies.

Deleted member 9237

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Nah, it wouldn't end them. Even if they did that, the monarchy themselves would be just fine (as all the tourism arguments and such would remain the same and nobody would want to touch that over such a scandal, not entirely at least). It would if anything just end their vestigial powers.
Then that's not a monarchy anymore. You don't have a monarchy just because you call someone king / queen, it's a constitutional matter. What you said is in fact exactly what I meant, that their power would be taken away. Then they would also cease to be monarchs.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Found this interesting (although not particularly new):

VONC +29
Temp government with Corbyn -61
Temp government with someone else -293


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone talking about the royals right now (here and on Twitter) are getting serious side eye from me.

It just seems like such an obvious ploy to distract and shift blame.

If people fixate on it as the one point sure, but it's not like anti-Royalists are likely to be Tory sympathisers anyhow. People can hate on multiple things. Though I do concede there is the incredibly frustrating phenomena of Boris always being seen as shit, so people spend more time shittalking others because it's expected. That gets on my nerves too.

Found this interesting (although not particularly new):

Thanks for this, been wanting to see the parliamentary arithmetic for a while.

Legit just can't understand the MPs who think they can sort this without an election, how the hell does anything get done? Obviously many are worried about their seats, especially the Tory rebels who'd be kicked out of the party in the process.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but the idea of being "born better" is just nuts in my book and should not be supported by any means in a modern democratic society
This is the crux of it for me. How can tolerance and equality ever be fully achieved when this is going on is beyond me. You can't say 'Treat everyone equally. Except this family, they're just more worthy and important than you by virtue of birth' on one side and then preach equality on the other.


Oct 30, 2017
I can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed at how quickly people have started bleating the party line that "This is a perfectly normal process, it's just because they want to do a queen's speech".

I'm genuinely embarrassed for them. Pitiful.


Oct 25, 2017
So parliament continues to be against everything.

I hate how it's this shitty opinion that's led us here now. If they just grew some fucking balls and voted properly before the way they should have done rather than trying to protect their own careers that they'll lose when our country goes down the toilet then we might've avoided all of this.


Oct 27, 2017
I think we all need to get a little perspective, here. I just turned the tap on to do the washing up, and there was an upturned spoon directly in the line of fire.

Tepid carnage.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Oh wow, so we're going to block no deal, then have a general election and elect Boris, who will then try and have a no deal brexit again. How long will this keep going on for??

Only way tories don't win a general election is if the others agree to not get in the way. I don't think they will.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed at how quickly people have started bleating the party line that "This is a perfectly normal process, it's just because they want to do a queen's speech".

I'm genuinely embarrassed for them. Pitiful.

Weren't some crazy Brexiteers quoting the Magna Carta at one point?

Brexiteers are crazy. They don't live in the same reality as you or I.


Oct 25, 2017
hmm. And was there any controversy about people lying to the GG about their reasons for prorogation? It's essentially pretty much exactly the same thing. I wonder if there are any lessons to learn.
In Canada the conclusion was the motive doesn't matter, since the most "neutral" position was to grant prorogation.


Oct 27, 2017
The other parties working together is the only way through this. If they can stick together through an election the government are basically fucked. So this is great news.