
Oct 25, 2017
England m8.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah! Essentially the federal legislative body is shut down. And we have Parliament too :P (shame on me for forgetting it) in Canada.

Hahahahahahahahaha! Actually mine was in reference to This.

You know, this happened in Canada twice in the last 15 years. Only difference is Harper had to go to the governor general, not the the queen.


Oct 30, 2017
That democracy voted for a brexit. If suspension is what it takes to rip this bandaid off then that's on the people who voted for this eventual outcome. Britain voted poorly and this is a consequence of that.

UK isn't direct democracy though. Closer to representative democracy maybe? And as far as I have followed UK status, these representatives have voted "no hard brexit" and couldn't agree on anything else?


Oct 28, 2017
So you're deliberately going to ignore that all the people who were elected to represent us are deliberately being prevented from doing their jobs -representing their electorate- to push through the agenda of one man who, in his own words, is "an unelected prime minister"?

My ballot said nothing about leaving the EU in the most catastrophic manner possible, and neither did any one else's.
If you really voted for brexit you fucked up royally.

You already got an extensions after 2 different leaders tried to make that shit vote palatable.

Since the EU made it clear no deal is happening this is the next logical move for your third leader in charge of making brexit happen.

If you didn't vote for brexit just sit back and wait for this train to end its crash because that was the only future for a brexit vote.

The vote was advisory, it has nothing to do with democracy. Rules were broken, but I don't think we have suitable laws to deal with that in a non binding referendum. It also didn't specify how we would leave, with many of the engineers of the current situation saying it would certainly be put to a second vote.

Fair enough to point that out the vote wasn't about how to complete the break up but it is uncharitable to claim the initial vote is purely advisory. The unpopularity of bexit seemed to be rising afterwards. If it was merely advisory the UK wouldn't be in the mess that they are in after changing multiple leaders to make that advice reality.
Jun 20, 2019
Boris is on a speed run to be the worst PM in the past _______ years.

Brits can fill in the blank. I was going to say "past 100 years" but let's be open to a much more ambitious sort of shitiness.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Interested Observer and Dan why do you keep saying the queen doesn't have any power? She does, and chooses not to use it....mainly because in all that time the political outrage of using it would be worse and more damaging than whatever she would be able to achieve by using it.

Here we have an unelected PM trying to disband parliament right in a key phase of negotiations for the entire countr(ies).

Refusing his request and allowing parliament to continue is, ironically, the democratic thing to do.

All the checks and balances and "duty" of the monarch not exercising their power has been because people don't want a dictatorship...in this case it would be the complete opposite. It is making sure parliament STAYS in power, and isn't overruled by one guy.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That democracy voted for a brexit. If suspension is what it takes to rip this bandaid off then that's on the people who voted for this eventual outcome. Britain voted poorly and this is a consequence of that.

The parliament and the people representatives IS the Democracy. A PM closing the parliament to avoid they take a decision that might go against the PM is antidemocratic.


Mar 13, 2019
Even after everything else he's done, that popped collar offends me the most.

EDIT: If it seems like I'm making light of a shit situation, it's because I can't think of anything serious to say that isn't just the sound of a chill wind moaning through the skeleton of a long-forgotten city. I hate that we ended up here.


Aug 22, 2018
We're allowed to shit talk any republican politician for following the Trump Administration's orders no matter how little power they have in the US government (and rightly so) but God help you if you criticise the Queen of England.

People defending her saying the Queen apparently had no power at all but here we are, with her actually shutting down the government and nothing that can or will be down about it.


This would be the equivalent of shit-talking the clerks who have to file the latest anti-abortion motion or eat-the-poor proposal from the Trump admin.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Brexiteers: "all we want is to take back control from those undemocratic bureaucrats in Brussels."


feline fury

Dec 8, 2017
Whether it's legal or not is about to be tested but yeah essentially you're right. Our whole constitution is based on precedent and unwritten rules that everyone agrees not to break. But since brexit those rules are getting broken all over the place and no-one really knows what's allowed and what isn't. It's a crisis.
Hmmm. This sounds vaguely familiar. 🤔


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
If you really voted for brexit you fucked up royally.

You already got an extensions after 2 different leaders tried to make that shit vote palatable.

Since the EU made it clear no deal is happening this is the next logical move for your third leader in charge of making brexit happen.

If you didn't vote for brexit just sit back and wait for this train to end its crash because that was the only future for a brexit vote.

Fair enough to point that out the vote wasn't about how to complete the break up but it is uncharitable to claim the initial vote is purely advisory. The unpopularity of bexit seemed to be rising afterwards. If it was merely advisory the UK wouldn't be in the mess that they are in after changing multiple leaders to make that advice reality.
Legally, if the referendum had been binding, the vote could have been challenged in the courts due to the electoral rule breaking of the Leave campaign.

But it wasn't. So it couldn't be challenged. There was no legal obligation to honor it. Honoring it was a purely political calculus driven by MPs afraid of being voted out if they didn't.

Do you know what happens when trains crash?

People die. If I'm on a crashing train, maybe I can't stop it crashing, but I'm sure as hell not going to shut up and sit there silently.

Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I think the thing that I've most taken away from all of this, besides the obvious, is how in a 52/48 split in voting, the 48% of us that votes remain were treated as complete non-entities.


Oct 27, 2017
Interested Observer and Dan why do you keep saying the queen doesn't have any power? She does, and chooses not to use it....mainly because in all that time the political outrage of using it would be worse and more damaging than whatever she would be able to achieve by using it.

Here we have an unelected PM trying to disband parliament right in a key phase of negotiations for the entire countr(ies).

Refusing his request and allowing parliament to continue is, ironically, the democratic thing to do.

All the checks and balances and "duty" of the monarch not exercising their power has been because people don't want a dictatorship...in this case it would be the complete opposite. It is making sure parliament STAYS in power, and isn't overruled by one guy.

If the Queen has this power would you like to tell me the last time this power was wielded?


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like the UK has its own Weimar Republic moment here.
Wouldn't be surprised if UK government declares martial law sooner or later to quell any kind of protest / riots.

(lived in UK for over a decade, and recently ran away just before the first extension)

Dear UK people, please prepare for the worst. Get in touch with anyone you know outside of the UK in case you want to get out and flee. After those guys are done with their plan, anyone below upper-Middle class will be majorly fucked.


Oct 31, 2017
Why do people blame Cameron? Is it because he did the referendum that started this shit or because he left?


Oct 25, 2017
All amendments are irrelivent if the Queen orders Parliment shut down. She's the head of state and has the power to disband Parliment entirely if she wishes.

So she simultaneously has no power to refuse legislation/whatever the PM wants, but also has all the power to disband parliament despite amendments being passed?


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like the UK has its own Weimar Republic moment here.
Wouldn't be surprised if UK government declares martial law sooner or later to quell any kind of protest / riots.

(lived in UK for over a decade, and recently ran away just before the first extension)

Dear UK people, please prepare for the worst. Get in touch with anyone you know outside of the UK in case you want to get out and flee. After those guys are done with their plan, anyone below upper-Middle class will be majorly fucked.

Thanks to Tory cuts there aren't enough police of soldiers for martial law. Some that are available will probably be sent to NI if there is No Deal as well.
Nov 28, 2017
I was really sad that UK vited for Brexit, I really wish that had not happened. You are on your 3rd incompetent PM in a row and that sucks.

But, after all, I just wish that 31.10. comes as soon as possible and that the UK finally leaves, no deal and all so the rest of Europe can focus on its own business and all its own problems. Sucks for Europe and especially for Remainers, but just leave already. And have Trump build you a wall while you're at it.


Oct 27, 2017
I was really sad that UK vited for Brexit, I really wish that had not happened. You are on your 3rd incompetent PM in a row and that sucks.

But, after all, I just wish that 31.10. comes as soon as possible and that the UK finally leaves, no deal and all so the rest of Europe can focus on its own business and all its own problems. Sucks for Europe and especially for Remainers, but just leave already. And have Trump build you a wall while you're at it.

yeah thanks for that.


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough to point that out the vote wasn't about how to complete the break up but it is uncharitable to claim the initial vote is purely advisory. The unpopularity of bexit seemed to be rising afterwards. If it was merely advisory the UK wouldn't be in the mess that they are in after changing multiple leaders to make that advice reality.

I mean technically it was an advisory non-binding vote - a binding vote would need a supramajority of 2/3 (?). Just that Cameron went in stating the government would abide by the decision. Which is insanely stupid when you have a complex situation with a myriad unknown repercussions being simplified to a single sentence question

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why do people blame Cameron? Is it because he did the referendum that started this shit or because he left?

Both. He needed support to maintain a majority, so he promised a referendum on leaving the EU. Then, when the referendum happened, he fucked the whole thing up by not taking appropriate measures to prevent the public being lied to.

Then he has the audacity to quit when the vote goes the wrong way. This was all because of his power play and he gets to just skip town when things don't go the way he wants?


Mar 18, 2018
So she simultaneously has no power to refuse legislation/whatever the PM wants, but also has all the power to disband parliament despite amendments being passed?

People are mistaking that she hasn't refused legislation with the idea that she can't. Legally speaking, she can, and realistically nothing would come of it. She wouldn't be abdicated or thrown out for reusing Johnson's request.


Oct 27, 2017
People are mistaking that she hasn't refused legislation with the idea that she can't. Legally speaking, she can, and realistically nothing would come of it. She wouldn't be abdicated or thrown out for reusing Johnson's request.

When was the last time this happened? Spoiler: it was fucking 1708. This is absolute nonsense.


Nov 6, 2017
What happened to that bill that was passed that was supposed to stop this? Something about giving regular updates on NI progress or something


Feb 19, 2018
I was really sad that UK vited for Brexit, I really wish that had not happened. You are on your 3rd incompetent PM in a row and that sucks.

But, after all, I just wish that 31.10. comes as soon as possible and that the UK finally leaves, no deal and all so the rest of Europe can focus on its own business and all its own problems. Sucks for Europe and especially for Remainers, but just leave already. And have Trump build you a wall while you're at it.
Aye cheers pal never mind the people who are gonna die eh?



Oct 25, 2017
So both?

Because I understand being mad at the referendum but the dude staying wouldn't have helped. He saved his skin of course but he couldn't have done anything that May couldn't.

It's just cowardly as fuck to instigate a mess of this magnitude, and then just bail. Yeah it probably would have been the same kind of shitshow if he'd stayed, but at the very least he could have then said he tried


Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to hearing the same 10-15 second snippet of "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols on every "Coming up next" segment on News programs over the next few months.


Oct 25, 2017
So both?

Because I understand being mad at the referendum but the dude staying wouldn't have helped. He saved his skin of course but he couldn't have done anything that May couldn't.
He promised a referendum because he bet that the Lib Dems would have enough support to stop him and thus he could go 'oh well supporters, I tried but those dastardly lib dems stopped me'.

Unfortunately he won a much larger share of the votes then anticipated and thus could no longer rely on the Lib Dems stopping him and realised he had to go through with the vote.

Because this was something he never wanted or agreed with, he basically said 'well good luck trying to sort this shit show out, I'm off!' and fucked off to not have to deal with the consequences of his failed bet.


Feb 19, 2018
It's just cowardly as fuck to instigate a mess of this magnitude, and then just bail. Yeah it probably would have been the same kind of shitshow if he'd stayed, but at the very least he could have then said he tried
I think there's a fairly strong argument that he wouldn't have had the same red lines as Theresa May, wouldn't have been as hostile to immigration, and wouldn't have turned remainers into saboteurs and enemies of the people like she did, or normalised no deal with vacuous slogans. We probably could have muddled our way to a soft brexit.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Queen just washed her hands out if this mess. She just want to live happily and enjoying all the commodities she has, which she will have even when the country's goes to the economic shit hole of a no deal Brexit.


Oct 25, 2017
Aye cheers pal never mind the people who are gonna die eh?


Direct your anger towards those who caused this, not Europeans who have had enough of it dominating the EU parliament.

Europeans didn't cause this, they are perfectly within their rights to be upset about how long this has gone on and the damage it will cause within Europe. The UK is damaging everyone and for what?