The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
He is a pretty great director but he falls into the hole where he does too many things he isn't good at so the thing he is amazing at suffers as a result. He is an amazing director I feel, and just needs to focus on that. Especially let someone else do the DP. Writing, at least have some sort of legitimate writing collaborator that can refine his stories/ideas.

you can kind of see his filmography getting worse as time went on as he took on more and more jobs himself on his films. Lol
I can't say you're making the best argument why he's a great director.


Oct 27, 2017
Dawn of the Dead is still his best movie to me. Probably need to rewatch 300 and Watchmen, though; been so long since I've seen those.


Oct 30, 2017
He's a great director because what he makes is always unique and interesting even if it is bad as a whole.


I could imagine saying something like that about Neil Breen or Herschell Gordon Lewis or something, but Snyder's last several movies have all been "stuff you've already seen somewhere but it's brown/slow-mo/blurry".

What exactly was unique or interesting about Rebel Moon or Army of the Dead?


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've really warmed up to his DC movies, and Dawn of the Dead is an excellent remake/reimagining.


Jan 24, 2024
It was good to finally watch an interview with him where he doesn't say something unhinged or completely lacking in self-awareness. Genuinely. He has nice ideas, even if he rarely gets them across, so it's nice to hear him explain them. When he points out that Man of Steel was his most naturalistic film, I went "oh neat, that is a good directorial choice that doesn't call attention to itself". He never would've accomplished what he set out to do with his DC movies even if he had finished his saga, but he should feel proud that he took his shot, at least.

(I did watch it in 1.5x speed just to counteract all the slo-mo he made me sit through)


May 23, 2018
Sucks that the Dawn of the Dead segment was so short. Easily his best movie and kind of wish we got a little more info about it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of interesting to see what his career trajectory is going to look like Post-Snydercut. Dude's profile blew up in mixture of die-hard fandom and on a wave of culture war bullshit. Stuff he admittedly wanted to benefit from while also not associating with it.

I saw tweet going viral about him venting about how much his films get shit on online because he feels the consequence of it is he'll be the victim of more focus test mandates.

But I feel like if you want to keep making these big budget blockbuster movies you can't have it both ways, getting all the budget to make your visions but then wanting to duck the backlash when your movies actually flop.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I've liked more of this movies than I haven't.

Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen were good.
Man of Steel was ok.
300 was cool.
Dawn of Justice had parts that make me remember it fondly.
Army of the Dead wasn't great.
Justice League was...better than Suicide Squad?

Did anyone see the owl movie?


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
With the receptions online, I still kinda curious about Rebel Moon, lol.

Maybe someday when I could find the mood + Director's Cut already out. 🤷

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
He's a great director because what he makes is always unique and interesting even if it is bad as a whole. He has the same sort of problem JJ Abrams has where he is an amazing producer and a decent director but then he decided to start writing and that's where things went to shit.
Abrams was a writer well before he started directing.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't love his Dawn of the Dead, but I do love that he was a big fan of Sarah Polley and wanted her for the lead. Because that means he was marking out over some of the same movies I was back in the nineties.

(Seriously, she's so great)


Oct 25, 2017
Abrams was a writer well before he started directing.

TV writer, yeah, but that didn't translate well for him into movies in my opinion


I could imagine saying something like that about Neil Breen or Herschell Gordon Lewis or something, but Snyder's last several movies have all been "stuff you've already seen somewhere but it's brown/slow-mo/blurry".

What exactly was unique or interesting about Rebel Moon or Army of the Dead?

i already conceded that when he is doing DP and writing on movies they arent good. but the direction of the action and general stuff going on with the movie that is under direction is still decent enough.

Sucker Punch is probably a better example of what is interesting in a general sense about his movies stylistically.... Rebel Moon/Army of the Dead i think are held back in a sense because they are made-for-streaming productions.

anyway, i always watch his stuff for whatever reason. i'm fully aware that not every one of his movies is good, but there's something about them that makes it stick out vs x amount of other movies out there today. Rebel Moon was pretty pathetic from a story standpoint, but I thought the action set pieces were decent enough to sit through. So i'll watch part 2 and see how it goes.