
Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Gravity Rush 2 is amazing, and it's a shame that it bombed so hard that Sony closed its servers a mere year and a half after its release(and that's only because fans made a campaign to keep the game alive) Why should you play it?

  • It still has the best traversal system from any videogame, period. You can fall in any direction, walk anywhere, and use a bunch of Kat's abilities to move around (you can dash, walljump, launch yourself forwards, etc.)
  • It's a beautiful game. With the sequel, they've moved away from the grim aesthetics of the first game to a much more colorful world, and I know this is pretty much a cliche at this point but it really does look like a cartoon.
  • The music, especially if you like saxophone leads. I'll let it speak for itself
  • Kat. I'll forever defend that she deserves to be Sony's mascot and being in smash, and it's simply because Kat is such a likeable character. She's like wholesomeness personified, always upbeat, always helping everyone, etc.

There'd be another element on that list but sadly it's not available anymore since the servers closed. You used to be able to

- see other people's pictures and rate them
- send and recieve challenges
- recieve "treasure hunt" requests. Basically you recieved a picture of a location taken by another player and you had to use it to find a treasure chest that could have furniture, gestures, talismans, loot, etc.

All of this got you Dusty Tokens, which would unlock costumes for Kat, more gestures and even a talisman that allowed you to have an infinite gravity gauge. Like I said, all of this is entirely unaccessible now, and it's a HUGE shame since it used to be so much fun and the rewards were worth it. Don't get me wrong though, the main game is great and there's still a ton of things to do.

If you're still on the fence:



There's also the thing of this being a sequel, but tbh I don't think it's necessary to play the first one to understand what's going on. I see it as some Uncharted 4 scenario where the story gains a lot if you know what every character's been through but it's still fine on it's own (the first one is also a lot more clunky and uglier, since it's a remaster from the Vita). Anyways, my advice is still the same: you should play this game.


Oct 27, 2017
Have to agree. Beat both games and yes GR2 has it's flaws but many people don't even acknowledge it.


Oct 25, 2017
1000% agree!!
Come to think about it, you reminded me I still need to play the Raven dlc.
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Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Finished it not even a week ago and greatly enjoyed my time. It takes a bit for the controls to click but when they do it just feels good. Also the story was great.
Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't a big fan of the first game, and while the second game made improvements it was still hindered by boring missions and touchy controls. Never even finished it, actually. I can see why it was overlooked, though.


Oct 27, 2017
There is a lot to love visually, but the gameplay killed it for me. It never felt right to me and along with horrible quest design and stealth missions meant I dropped it pretty quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
I did and dropped the game after 5-6 hours.
I finished the first one and this one only made cursed the whole time I was playing, the missions design the story etc ...

Too bad, I really enjoyed the style and the game is very unique too bad they dropped the ball on mission structure and story.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I loved 1 but I got burnt out on all the tedious side quests while finishing up all the online stuff that was getting shut down... I really need to finish up the game.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a very cool game that I would encourage everyone to at least try out. But a lot of people are justifiably not going to want to play all the way through.

Deleted member 9714

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Gravity Rush as a whole is overlooked for a good reason. The original was a decent launch game but also borderlined that weird line between between tech demo and actual game due to its myriad design flaws that makes it awkward to go back to, at least on Vita. The sequel is just bad. It's too bad the series has nice visuals and music because they're completely wasted.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
I'm with OP; what happened to GR2 was an absolute shame, one on the most improved sequel since Uncharted 2.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
Gravity Rush is one of those franchises I wanted to love so badly, it's a unique underdog of a franchise with a lot of thought and love poured into it.

But I just couldn't care about the characters beyond Kat herself, I didn't find any of the story or people within it to be compelling.

The world is really cool, but it felt oddly "muddy and samey" the more I played through the games.

And the gravity mechanic, while super fun for a couple hours, grew really cumbersome and is much too imprecise in a way that started to drive me a bit nuts while going for Platinum's in the games.

I still like the games, but I wish I loved the games, and I can't in good conscious say I did.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Anyone who likes Spider-Man PS4 owes it to themselves to play the Gravity Rush series. They're both quite similar in some respects, namely that the traversal in both games is king and feels utterly fantastic.

Gravity Rush is better though.


Nov 5, 2017
I didn't like the first, so I skipped the second. They have great art design, but not much else. Also, main character with amnesia is a pet pevee of mine. Stop doing it, devs.


Oct 25, 2017
It's nice to look at and it's fun to mess around for a little bit but the actual game is miserable.


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's a pretty cool game, the game can get quite repetitive though, but overall I really liked it, and I love the traversal system.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
game was aight. traversal and goofing around the open world was my favorite part. and doing the treasure hunts. When it came to doing missions or levels or combat, I just didn't have much fun at all. Still, a neat game though.


Oct 29, 2017
It was actually the reason why I bought my PS4 after liking the first on Vita so much.

I don't really get why some people seem to dislike the Side Quests so much, I was actually really happy, as the only the original were from DLC.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I need to play this, I bought it a while back when it was on sale and still haven't taken it out of the shrink wrap. seems right up my alley though

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I adored 1 in spite of its flaws and even platinumed it.
I bought 2 a few months ago but was incredibly underwhelmed, sadly. I love Kat, the overall style and world design is incredible and the core concept obviously has so much potential. Just moving around as Kat is such a joy. But I found 2 even more frustrating than 1, they didn't correct any of the flaws, they even made them way worse in some cases. The mission design is atrocious and they utterly failed to do anything interesting with the gameplay concepts they had.
It's a noble failure in my book, and I absolutely respect people who love this game but all I see is a waste of potential.

This game really needed someone like Miyamoto to come in and yell at everyone to drop the bullshit missions and concentrate on improving the gameplay loop until they had truly nailed it.
Oct 31, 2017
There is a lot to love visually, but the gameplay killed it for me. It never felt right to me and along with horrible quest design and stealth missions meant I dropped it pretty quickly.

Those are my two biggest hang ups. I thought it was a good game, really good just because the traversal around the main town was really really really fun, and it's a lot more fun to not have to use fast travel and just dive into the slums or jet upwards into the rich area due to PS4 being way notre powerful than the Vita.

But lordy, I hate the instant fail stealth stuff since it was mostly trial and error. The first game barely had any side missions until it's DLC, which 2 kind of rectified if it was pickier as to which missions should have gone into the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked Gravity Rush and I didn't play more than a demo of 2 (the demo was really bad/boring, so I never got around to the game). The problem was that Gravity Rush 2 came out in Q1 2017, which will likely go down in history as one of the greatest game periods of all time. Any hype I would have had for that was drowned out by Yakuza 0 and Resident Evil 7 releasing the same week and then February and March were titans, too.


Nov 16, 2017
2 drags on for me and it overstays its welcome with its final act and it's Raven DLC is mediocre, not sure if its the most overlooked game. It got no real pub from Sony admittedly though and deserved some marketing by Sony and it cutting the online portions of it so soon was absolutely silly. It is an OK game, not something you have to go out of your way to play.

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
The game has wondrous traversal mechanics and amazing art style/music - but the actual game built around these pillars was mediocre at best. Mission design was very poor - it's like devs had no idea how to utilise the gameplay they had.

First game had the same issue, but that was an early ps vita title, so I gave it a pass with that stuff. The sequel felt like there was no evolution at all - at worst, it regressed in some ways. Sadly the game was my biggest disappointment of 2017 :(. I really adored first game, but the sequel left lot to be desired.


Oct 28, 2017
Everything OP said is the truth. People will complain about the slow start, but it's really only like an hour until the game opens up. Not bad at all. Fantastic story with some awesome political questions and conclusions.


Oct 28, 2017
The series definetly deserved more success and GR2 did pretty cool things but honestly after GR1 it ended up being a huge disappointment for me.
The missions simply highlighted all the limits of the controls and camera system, there was no reason to include stealth missions when the game is not designed in any way to have stealth mechanics....In the end it was a more frustrating experience than GR1. Also the plot was basically nonsense. Only the last chapter that wrapped up the story of the original was nice.
The world, graphics, music and characters are amazing.


Nov 16, 2017
Anyone who likes Spider-Man PS4 owes it to themselves to play the Gravity Rush series. They're both quite similar in some respects, namely that the traversal in both games is king and feels utterly fantastic.

Gravity Rush is better though.
Spider Man felt funner to traverse since Gravity Rush 2 had the three portions of the slums, middle class and the upper class that was a chore to get through with the diving down or constant flying up to reach the remote island of the rich especially since if I recall the fast travel portions don't open up until a few hours in and it requires you to track down the manholes of each market/town as opposed to Spider Man's automatic fast travel through police departments.

I do think the interaction with people is better done in GR2 though. I like throwing items at civilians or catching them and dropping them, sure it loses its luster after enough time but that initial couple of times is gold.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it's rated exactly right. Kat is a great character but the game built around her is atrocious.


Oct 27, 2017
I bought it day 1 but haven't touched it yet. :/

Speaking of servers, is there really no other in-game way anymore to unlock the talisman?!


Editor/Writer at
Oct 26, 2017
I completed it.. It was Ok, but boring and not very fun to play.. the first was better (Vita we love you)..


Oct 25, 2017
I adored 1 in spite of its flaws and even platinumed it.
I bought 2 a few months ago but was incredibly underwhelmed, sadly. I love Kat, the overall style and world design is incredible and the core concept obviously has so much potential. Just moving around as Kat is such a joy. But I found 2 even more frustrating than 1, they didn't correct any of the flaws, they even made them way worse in some cases. The mission design is atrocious and they utterly failed to do anything interesting with the gameplay concepts they had.
It's a noble failure in my book, and I absolutely respect people who love this game but all I see is a waste of potential.
Yeah, that's where I am too.

GR1 was flawed too but it felt tighter and better paced in some way. I felt like 2 had way more bloat and didn't really fix any of its flaws, which made them stand out even more.

It's still a charming game but it feels like a chore to actually play at times. I bought it more than a year ago and I still haven't finished it as a result.
Nov 17, 2017
Too true, OP. The game is a gem and it's overlooked and underrated. It's one of my favorite games on PS4.

I think it bounces off a lot of people because it has a very unique gameplay style that doesn't adhere to the general logic that is in most games. There's a point where it "clicks" and it's amazing and I have to imagine if it doesn't click for you, it won't be fun. I say this cause I've seen some people play it in such a stiff and rigid way and it seems like they don't understand it's meant to be loose and free because Kat is falling and at the mercy of gravity rather than flying like an airplane.

I'd play Gravity Rush Remastered before I played Gravity Rush 2 again.
I adored 1 in spite of its flaws and even platinumed it.
I bought 2 a few months ago but was incredibly underwhelmed, sadly. I love Kat, the overall style and world design is incredible and the core concept obviously has so much potential. Just moving around as Kat is such a joy. But I found 2 even more frustrating than 1, they didn't correct any of the flaws, they even made them way worse in some cases. The mission design is atrocious and they utterly failed to do anything interesting with the gameplay concepts they had.
It's a noble failure in my book, and I absolutely respect people who love this game but all I see is a waste of potential.

This game really needed someone like Miyamoto to come in and yell at everyone to drop the bullshit missions and concentrate on improving the gameplay loop until they had truly nailed it.
I completed it.. It was Ok, but boring and not very fun to play.. the first was better (Vita we love you)..
I've never really understood how people could love the first game and hate the second. I feel like 2 makes 1 obsolete since it improves on it in basically every way. I don't think I'll ever go back to the first one just because I'll be wishing I could do the things you could do in the sequel the whole time.


Nov 2, 2017
I did try the demo for this, but I just could not wrap my head around the control scheme (change gravity etc)
I should probably try it some more. The movement actually reminds me of how coinshots move in the Mistborne novel series :)