
Oct 27, 2017
Not a friend, but when I was in a psych ward earlier this year I met a girl who was really nice to me and liked video games a lot. She was a teacher at her local high school. We talked a bunch about life and games to pass the time by in what is a glorified prison. I got out eventually and was doing my own thing when I was watching the local midday news and her picture popped up. She had been arrested and charged for having sex with some of her students. Super weird and awkward af seeing that happen.

Not the perpetrator, but the victim, a girl who went to high school with me was brutally murdered in Italy where she was teaching there after getting her undergrad degree a few years later. I didn't know her well, but I instantly knew the name and face. I believe she was valedictorian at the graduation. I didn't go though cause I'm not a people person myself.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my father's friends ended up randomly killing his brother. It was a complete surprise to everyone who knew the guy.


Oct 28, 2017
I once got into a fight with a guy I knew growing up as a kid. Turns out, he fell onto the wrong side of the tracks. I believe he is serving 25 to life for shooting and killing someone since around the time I entered college. I only know this because his older brother spotted me on campus and discussed it with me. From what I was told his family had no idea in his psychotic behavior until the police showed up at their gated community to arrest him.

A few years ago I met a girl who had her engagement called off. The reason for the breakup, her former fiance murdered some folks months before their wedding date. Don't know the entire story to it or even verified it. She worked as PR for social media.

Heath V

Oct 27, 2017
I unfortunately did know someone like that and it hit way to close to home. It is one of the many reasoms for my anxiety and depression. Thankfully he is once again in prison but sadly I think he will be released sometime next year.


Oct 29, 2017
A good friend from elementary school is/was in jail for armed robbery with a deadly weapon. Really strange stuff that he did in high school. Supposedly it was drug money or some such, which I would never guess 2 years later it would be how he turned out. Particularly since he was from a well off family. Anyway during his attempted escape the employee shot at him, hitting him in groin area as he tried to escape.

-shrug- Not sure I wanna know what the actual bad kids are up to. Though most seemed to have settled down for the most part since they got it out of their systems early I guess lol.

In high school there were only a few random incidents nothing too serious. Biggest one was a coach, forget his name was fired/arrested for possibly engaging in relations with students. At least that was the rumor when he suddenly left school. He seemed like an ok enough guy and there was nothing on the news ect. So I assume he simply moved to a different place, but since a lot of female students liked him their were lots of rumors or just outspoken fantasies lol.


Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah nastiest person I've spoken to in real life is now in jail for murder and pedophilia.

Evidently he tried to rape a young man/boy. The boy must of struggled or something so he killed him.

It's a shame because anyone who had met that guy back when I did would describe him the same. He had a real irrational psycho vibe.

Some bullies you can rationalise or reason with. People like him, they got a real psycho vibe about them.


Oct 28, 2017
Had a coworker who was picked up by the cops for a gang murder that he was a part of when he was a teenager. (He was mid 30's when arrested. Ended up serving around 5 years in jail)

Friend of a friend got sent to prison for about 3 years for child porn.

Close friend got arrested for sexually abusing his daughter. This is the one that really fucked me up.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
Worked with a guy back in 2014, cool guy. I remember seeing him at my old job right before I left, find out a couple months later he was involved in an altercation where he had put a gun to his own head and called police. Stupid fucking police decide to shoot him with a bean bag, which he then shrugged off and killed himself. This was early September this year I believe. Rip.

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
My high school religion teacher was recently arrested for sexual relations with his students.

That's not actually too uncommon, though.

Mario's Nipples

Banned for having an alt account
Nov 2, 2017
An old school friend was imprisoned in the 90s for arson and manslaughter. He got ten years for the arson, and another ten for the manslaughter. He's due for release sometime next year. Crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
I went to high school with two murderers.

One was one of the few openly gay guys at our school. He seemed alright if not a little full of himself. This was the late 90's so people were far crueler to people who were different back then, but I always stayed above that. I treated him well. Despite that, one day I was sitting in a seat in a class I had just transferred to, and he came up and rudely said to me "you're sitting in my seat. Move. Now.". Back then I was not a good kid, being perfectly honest, and would have just assumed cracked his jaw, but I thought about how much people picked on him and thought hell I'll just move. Fast forward a few months and it turns out he stabbed his only friend to death and hid his body in a box for weeks. Had been abusing his older mother. Bad dude. He's still in jail to my knowledge.

Another was a kind of dorky kid. Man, I can't even remember his name. Eric maybe. He seemed utterly harmless, I was always really nice to him because it seemed like he was always trying to make friends but just couldn't manage to. One summer he ended up tying up a gril's grandmother I knew, using her phone to make a bunch of sex line calls, then killed her (never found out how, but it was apparently brutal and cruel). He died in prison, I heard.

I also had a good pal we called Baltimore because he was from Baltimore, who went to prison for life murder. Another friend served 12 years for manslaughter. Shot a guy but cut a deal by ratting out a huge drug dealer we all knew.


Oct 27, 2017
A girl from high school killed her abusive husband who was also my classmate. She was acquitted. Another girl from high school who I very briefly dated in college got married and then divorced when her husband and her coworker had an affair. They married and the new wife later killed the husband and set his body on fire and tried to make it look like an accident. It was featured on a nighttime news show like 20/20 or 48 Hours. I learned this from a random, "What ever happened to..." Google search.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts, USA
Worked for about 10 months with this dude who got fired for showing a coworker porn, then arrested a little over 8 months later for possession of child pornography (that he took himself as a photographer).


Oct 25, 2017
Ive worked with two people through the past 15 years that I later learned were either convicted of pedophillic crimes, or convicted of rape charges.

Completely changed my opinion of them, made some things clear about them, and also helped me make the decision to cut them out of my life entirely. I had decent opinions of them before. After....not so much.
Odd question, but it's nobody that used to work for our company right?


Oct 27, 2017
I found in the university that a guy I was doing a group assignment had been imprisoned for sexual abuse of a child for ~3 yrs.


Oct 28, 2017
My cousin was arrested for killing a woman many years ago (he already served his sentence), until this day he swears he was framed, he always tells us that his boss was the one who did it.
Reading some of these horrible stories in this thread has reminded me of quite a few friends that became murderers, were murdered or otherwise died too soon. It got me to looking around and there's quite a few articles online about their stories.

Alvin Barr a childhood friend of mine invited a friend and I to go swimming with him and some buddies down at the beach. He never came home that day. He was caught in a riptide and drowned.

Jason Coe was an older middle school classmate of mine. Got into an argument over a basketball game with an even older kid. The older kid got his hands on a baseball bat and struck Jason in the head killing him right there on our middle school basketball court.

Alfredo Sanchez was a middle school friend of mine. He was a good kid. Never hurt nobody. He even helped me with an art project one time when I was drawing some cars even though he hung out with the cool kids. He liked working on cars like customizing them with sound systems or making them lowriders. He was outside one day detailing his ride when he was murdered by Peter Alejandro a little league baseball team mate of mine in a drive by shooting.

Travis Smith was another middle school/high school friend of mine who was shot and killed only one block away from my childhood home by Robert "Bubba" Demps. Robert was a football team mate of mine. I previously had a run in with Robert after practice one day when he sucker punched me in the back of my head from behind because I took his spot as defensive captain. I swung my helmet around and cracked him in the head. He hit the ground and I took off running before his 5 friends could jump me. I never saw him again.

Apparently, years later after serving his time for the murder of Travis Smith, Robert Demps got out of jail and was still living that life. He himself was shot and killed.
Live by the gun, die by the gun.

Bobby Jimmy Cook. What a piece of shit sub human this kid turned out to be. We called him "BJ" growing up. He was one of the younger kids always trying to be down. He ended up getting terribly addicted to oxycodone. My ex girlfriend just sold her recently deceased (heroine overdose) mother Betty's house for $750,000. (Betty was also a good friend of mine) My ex moved back to Florida and hooked up with BJ. I told her it was a really terrible idea. He used her and abused her. Then he dragged her down to his level of addiction. The daily goal was chasing the dragon. Then once he spent her entire inheritance he left her. Three quarters of a mil gone. But it's probably the best thing that could have happened to her. About a year later he shot and killed a woman about two blocks behind my childhood home for $5,000. It was supposed to be 5 up front and 5 after. He got caught, the guy who hired him got caught and now they're both facing life in prison.


Crissy Grant was a friend of mine that introduced me to her brother who became my lifelong best friend. Crissy was in an abusive relationship with a guy named Ralph. We didn't know about the abuse. We also didn't know that Ralph had previously been charged with stabbing a former girlfriend years ago. Ralph murdered Crissy in a fit of jealous rage one night. It was a really hard time for us. We plotted revenge, my friend went into a really dark place for a couple of years. We stopped talking for a while. It's been a really long time and while I haven't forgiven Ralph my friend has. I don't recall but Ralph may be up for parole or maybe he was already. I'm not sure. I never want to think about him again.

Robert Allen Slick was football buddy of mine. He was a really great guy. Super funny, always clowning around. He was a young father building his life. Around 2013 he died in his sleep. Possible oxycodone overdose. A family member speculated there was some foul play or some responsibility rested on others but nothing was ever discovered. Slick was a good person who made his own choices that night. Sadly he passed away.

No article

Jason Baltzley was a great friend of mine growing up. "Slim" was a super skinny cat but nobody ever fucked with him because we all had his back. He was a young father too. One day while at work he was working on an air conditioning unit he stepped on some loose material covering a hole of some sorts and accidentally fell three stories to his death. A mutual friend of mine suggested he was on oxycodone while at work that day. I don't know if a toxicology report was ever released. It's sad either way. That one hit me pretty hard too.

All of this reminds me that our lives are too short and you never know what the day will bring. Love your family and friends and cherish the moments you share together. You may not have that person in your life forever and they may not have you.

Thanks for reading.

Best Regards,


Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 27, 2017
A kid from school murdered his mom and took off in her car and left his little bros to come home and find her.

Thankfully he's locked up and won't be out anytime soon.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
Let's see. Two kids from my high school eloped to Las Vegas and killed their landlord with a saw. I think one was a football player.

One of my friends brought a gun to school and killed himself.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Someone I used to be friends with's younger brother had a standoff with the local SWAT team in their trailer park after he flipped out when his mother refused to get him donuts from dunkin donuts and retaliated by killing her registered-sex-offender boyfriend.


Oct 26, 2017
I had a friend who stabbed someone to death when he was 16. The person he killed had literally nothing to do with him either, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Nov 4, 2017
I know a few Ex-IRA guys. One of them in particular certainly killed someone at some stage, and one was an asset to murder.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my friends from middle school got put in jail for breaking into houses to fund his drug habit. Ditto for another guy I used to know from a forum.

My cousin a few years back lost a ton of weight and started showing up to family gatherings with shady-ass looking tattooed boyfriends. Flash forward two years and she's taken to jail for being a pretty big-time meth dealer.

My high school girlfriend's little brother apparently became the biggest high school weed dealer in town after I went off to college. Ended up getting caught with over 30 grand in a shoebox under his bed. The police struck a deal with him and made him become an informant in an oxycontin ring case.

There might have been some drug problems in my hometown...


Oct 26, 2017
I lived across a guy who every day would stand outside his house, smile at us (we were children) and wave.

We thought nothing of it until one day his house was raided and he was arrested for raping and murdering the local prostitute. :/
Oct 25, 2017
I had this English class back in high school with that had tables were four people could sit. Ryan was one of my best friends, and he sat at my table, and there was some girl named Skyler who sat at the table next to us, who he had a crush on since she was in elementary school. Our two tables talked to each other a lot in that class, and we had a running joke where we would try to get people from the other table to defect to ours, and vice versa.

Anyway, one day I was reading the news and found out that Skyler sold some bad drugs in a club one night that led to a bunch of people overdosing. She's not getting out of jail anytime soon.


Oct 27, 2017
The fuck at this thread. The biggest criminal I know had a weed plant in his room and bought a defunct MP for decoration purposes, which led to the cops raiding his room. I think it is extremely rare to know someone who committed a serious crime like murder here.

There is something seriously wrong with America. Murder and crime rates, prison population, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my friends in the neighbourhood that I used to play Pokémon with shot someone in the head. Good kid that got influenced by the gangsta culture. Another old friend of mine just blew up a restaurant a couple months ago. Nobody inside though
Back in '08 the father of one of my classmates was murdered by the lover of his wife. Dude met him to have a talk in a remote maintenance building at the local train station and killed him with a bolt gun. He then dragged the body onto the rails to make it look like a suicide and almost got away with that. The police had already confirmed it as suicide when a rail worker found a pool of blood near the rails.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the tanks in my wow guild in vanilla and tbc stopped showing up one day, and we found out from one of his real life friends that his ex-wife had managed to get custody of his kids so he drove them in front of the court house and killed them both and himself :(

That one was tough, he was a really nice and quiet guy in wow, but like, even posthumously that's not something I could ever forgive someone for either.


Oct 25, 2017
There was a case of a missing student In france, that they still haven't recovered her body and the main suspect was her ex boyfriend.
And that ex boyfriend was in one of my group projects in university.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
Reading some of these horrible stories in this thread has reminded me of quite a few friends that became murderers, were murdered or otherwise died too soon. It got me to looking around and there's quite a few articles online about their stories.

Alvin Barr a childhood friend of mine invited a friend and I to go swimming with him and some buddies down at the beach. He never came home that day. He was caught in a riptide and drowned.

Jason Coe was an older middle school classmate of mine. Got into an argument over a basketball game with an even older kid. The older kid got his hands on a baseball bat and struck Jason in the head killing him right there on our middle school basketball court.

Alfredo Sanchez was a middle school friend of mine. He was a good kid. Never hurt nobody. He even helped me with an art project one time when I was drawing some cars even though he hung out with the cool kids. He liked working on cars like customizing them with sound systems or making them lowriders. He was outside one day detailing his ride when he was murdered by Peter Alejandro a little league baseball team mate of mine in a drive by shooting.

Travis Smith was another middle school/high school friend of mine who was shot and killed only one block away from my childhood home by Robert "Bubba" Demps. Robert was a football team mate of mine. I previously had a run in with Robert after practice one day when he sucker punched me in the back of my head from behind because I took his spot as defensive captain. I swung my helmet around and cracked him in the head. He hit the ground and I took off running before his 5 friends could jump me. I never saw him again.

Apparently, years later after serving his time for the murder of Travis Smith, Robert Demps got out of jail and was still living that life. He himself was shot and killed.
Live by the gun, die by the gun.

Bobby Jimmy Cook. What a piece of shit sub human this kid turned out to be. We called him "BJ" growing up. He was one of the younger kids always trying to be down. He ended up getting terribly addicted to oxycodone. My ex girlfriend just sold her recently deceased (heroine overdose) mother Betty's house for $750,000. (Betty was also a good friend of mine) My ex moved back to Florida and hooked up with BJ. I told her it was a really terrible idea. He used her and abused her. Then he dragged her down to his level of addiction. The daily goal was chasing the dragon. Then once he spent her entire inheritance he left her. Three quarters of a mil gone. But it's probably the best thing that could have happened to her. About a year later he shot and killed a woman about two blocks behind my childhood home for $5,000. It was supposed to be 5 up front and 5 after. He got caught, the guy who hired him got caught and now they're both facing life in prison.


Crissy Grant was a friend of mine that introduced me to her brother who became my lifelong best friend. Crissy was in an abusive relationship with a guy named Ralph. We didn't know about the abuse. We also didn't know that Ralph had previously been charged with stabbing a former girlfriend years ago. Ralph murdered Crissy in a fit of jealous rage one night. It was a really hard time for us. We plotted revenge, my friend went into a really dark place for a couple of years. We stopped talking for a while. It's been a really long time and while I haven't forgiven Ralph my friend has. I don't recall but Ralph may be up for parole or maybe he was already. I'm not sure. I never want to think about him again.

Robert Allen Slick was football buddy of mine. He was a really great guy. Super funny, always clowning around. He was a young father building his life. Around 2013 he died in his sleep. Possible oxycodone overdose. A family member speculated there was some foul play or some responsibility rested on others but nothing was ever discovered. Slick was a good person who made his own choices that night. Sadly he passed away.

No article

Jason Baltzley was a great friend of mine growing up. "Slim" was a super skinny cat but nobody ever fucked with him because we all had his back. He was a young father too. One day while at work he was working on an air conditioning unit he stepped on some loose material covering a hole of some sorts and accidentally fell three stories to his death. A mutual friend of mine suggested he was on oxycodone while at work that day. I don't know if a toxicology report was ever released. It's sad either way. That one hit me pretty hard too.

All of this reminds me that our lives are too short and you never know what the day will bring. Love your family and friends and cherish the moments you share together. You may not have that person in your life forever and they may not have you.

Thanks for reading.

Best Regards,
this just reminded me what a completely sheltered life I had growing up. No one I know ever did anything criminal or became a victim, to my knowledge. That was an interesting read, anyway


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My cousin is currently serving a 40 year sentence.

I saw him a month before he committed the crime that landed him there. He seemed perfectly normal, just working his job.

Mind blowing stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
The hall across the room
Everytime I read something like this I remember the psychology of the Lucifer effect I studied years ago
The concept is we are all good/evil the difference in committing a horrific act is we recognize it's possible
those who believe I would never do that tend to black out in the act of violence (look at the history of crimes of passion)
The key is to know you can be corrupted and do not think you can't become evil
So your not in a interview on the ID channel saying that stupid cliche
they were so nice, nothing awful happens here ever
(There is a ton more in this psychology but this portion fits our conversation)

Ok I worked in retail for a couple years
There was this" nice" young guy about 19
Knew his mom /sister/friends saw them during the holidays regularly ,I was always baffled how he had money to buy whatever he wanted he wasn't frugal nor had a career that payed well I was aware of
One day I'm watching local news and a huge FBI raid of a human trafficking operation just outside the city and wouldn't you know it
There is his face the leader of said operation ,he was arrested and convicted of multiple operations in various stages to say people I knew were shocked was a understatement his sister was an accomplice his mom was never implicated
He is in a federal prison somewhere in Arizona last I heard


Oct 28, 2017
One of my close friends in high school robbed several banks in his 20'a. He was obsessed with Reservoir Dogs and other gritty crime movies and felt that he had a fool proof plan. He would rob the bank in sweats and a hoodie and wearing a hat. He'd run out of the bank and down the street where his wife was waiting with thier dog on a leash a big oversized purse. He'd dump the money in her purse and strip off a layer of clothes so that he looked like your average suburban white yuppie. At that point him and his wife would just walk down the street with thier dog as if they were taking a normal walk.

He felt the heat after several robberies because they had captured a picture of him looking up at a camera and he fled to Arizona to stay with a high school friend. After being there for a week or so he confessed to his friend who promptly called the FBI because he was so angry that he would stay at his house and put his whole family in danger. They arrested my friend and his wife. She confessed and threw him under the bus saying she was forced into it and was deported out of the country. He went to federal prison for several years.


Oct 29, 2017
My wife knew a kid, not even 18 years old, who was arrested for killing a 16 year old. Wife even worked with his mom.

Wife was freaked out, and was happy to move out of state because of it. And she still can't stand seeing articles about it.

She still struggles to believe it, he was apparently a nice kid as far as she knew.


Oct 27, 2017
I've got a couple stories.

First one: One of my friend's brother got hopped up on drugs, then kidnapped a girl and killed her uncle I believe? He got life in prison with no parole so he's still in there and I've seen some of my friend's letters to him.

In that case we actually didn't hear about it from the friend, but from the local newspaper. His brother had a different last name and was 10+ years older than him so we weren't certain it was his brother at first. A mutual friend and I decided to just ask him and he told us, then our mutual friend started asking a bunch of questions about it and getting in his business. It was definitely a "Dude...stop." situation then. I felt really bad for him but I think my friend has accepted it, his brother as well. From what I understand his brother seems to regret it and definitely wouldn't have done it if he wasn't on drugs at the time.

Second one: I don't know any of them personally, so maybe it's not entirely relevant, but I grew up in a rural town in Southern Ohio. One day the next county over an entire family was murdered, all shot in the back of their head in their sleep except for the youngest children. That type of stuff never happens here. Ever. To this day we still don't have a very good idea of who did it. There's rumors of it being a drug deal with some Mexican cartel gone bad but who knows?


Oct 28, 2017
I knew a guy in middle school who was a bit of a thug. Got in trouble a lot, and eventually expelled for sexually assaulting a girl on the playing field in the middle of the school day. Also, it always irked me that his dad was a'd think the kid would have known better.

I heard a story about him, maybe 4-6 years ago, and an armed robbery. Thankfully he never killed anyone (as far as I know anyway).


Oct 27, 2017
Cant imagine working with a killer, but at the same time... I have friends that have done really bad things... so I guess its not too different.


Oct 28, 2017
About 12 years ago I worked a summer with a guy who was a nice person himself but had a habit of making bad decisions and getting into trouble (both big and small), he ended up working at that place for several years until he became a devout muslim and wanted to study to become an imam. He left his family and child and traveled to egypt I think to study. After a while his relatives (one of them worked at the same place) lost all contact with him, they believe he joined ISIS. That was maybe two years ago, we haven't heard anything about him since then.


Oct 25, 2017
My SO actually went to school with the guy who killed Chelsea Bruck. The girl that went missing during Halloween a couple years ago in Monroe Mi.

I believe she said that she had met the victim too.