
Asked Politely
Oct 26, 2017
A man with ties to Franklin County was arrested Friday in connection to a homicide near Bourbon

At her dinner table, she poured over clues. Authorities had given her Edward's phone records, something she was later told is out of the ordinary in a criminal investigation. After sifting through the numbers, she found something hugely critical to the case. The last person to talk to Edward on the phone was Deacon Zelch, a man with whom Edward had been hanging out. Ask people in town and they know the name. Zelch. It's hard to forget. And it's linked to a prominent member of the community. "I told them, Deacon Zelch, Deacon Zelch, they never did anything," Tolliver said. A RAMBLING RESPONSE Kayla asked Deacon herself. In a rambling response, Deacon wrote on Facebook "all I can say is...some people live life fuller as...ghost. His spirit many of us...needs a break," he wrote. Kayla turned it over to police and she said they did nothing.

more at link

I worked with this dude waaay back in the day (from 2006-2012) and holy shit I would have never suspected him with something like this!!

Did you guys know someone who ended up doing some nasty stuff ?
as well if anyone who has lived in a small town has ever heard of this happening?

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Original Creator : Nomadic Sparks AKA Comrade Sparks
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
One of my brother's best friends growing up ended up going to prison for a long time for armed robbery and aggravated assault. I also had a friend who was murdered in a drug deal gone wrong. I don't think I ever knew anyone who became a criminal though.
Oct 27, 2017
(thank you nin, ya did right)

SOOOOOOOO I worked with this guy way yonder back in my past (2006 -2012) in a factory that only hired disabled person. The official capacity that he had worked was he was a fork lift driver and I was a worker on the factory floor.

This story fucking floored me. I did hear that he may been part of the Klan but I suspect that may have been people talking out of their ass. BUT HOLY SHIT

A RAMBLING RESPONSE Kayla asked Deacon herself. In a rambling response, Deacon wrote on Facebook "all I can say is...some people live life fuller as...ghost. His spirit many of us...needs a break,"

Dumbass sack of shit, may as well just have confessed to murdering the fucking dude HOLY SHIT

I've known some zelches in my life, went to school with one, graduatied with the same one and worked with the guy I'm talking about. I never put two and two together that they were related to the county sheriff.

Some amazing shit this story is


Oct 26, 2017
It's always crazy to actually know someone that did some crazy criminal act.

Once in college there was a group project we had to do, and picked our own groups. We had this one guy join in class, and then he didn't attend the next session. Professor made a note that he wouldn't be attending class anymore, and don't talk to any news reporters if they came. He wouldn't tell us why though. I looked it up on my phone, since we had the guy's name on our group sheet. Turns out he was arrested for attempting to abduct some girls in his car near a middle school/high school a few times. He fortunately never succeeded, and cops got him after some girls got away and filed reports.

I barely talked to the guy except once or twice for our project, but it was crazy to hear!
Oct 30, 2017
A girl I went to high school with recently got busted for sleeping with 3 of her students. Her older sister and I used to be really good friends.
Oct 27, 2017

waay before Ferguson became a thing, the town of Bourbon was audited and the state auditor found out the city made too much money from speeding tickets and town had to put on a payment plan just to pay the fine which was like $100,000. Bourbon had to close the police force and the police station. There was a joke about how perfect Bourbon would be just to make meth (small town humour go fig)

Also some people the town over from Bourbon got ahold of some flakka and BEHOLD:
Oct 27, 2017

One of class mates from middle school got sent to prison for raping a girl during the town fair

I remember that guy's name: James Turner



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
A woman that was suppose to be an agent for my wife on her team at work just shot and killed her girlfriend over the weekend.

Former best friend from high school (I was the best man in his wedding) was convicted of transporting a minor in interstate commerce with an intent to engage in sexual activity and a count of enticing a minor. Was sentenced to 15 years for each charge and they run concurrently. Was a band teacher and did this with 2 students. Facing eight other felony charges but I never heard the result. When all this was going on he was having a baby so he went to jail leaving his wife in a state by herself to raise the child.
Oct 27, 2017
A woman that was suppose to be an agent for my wife on her time at work was just shot and killed her girlfriend over the weekend.

Former best friend from high school (I was the best man in his wedding) was convicted of transporting a minor in interstate commerce with an intent to engage in sexual activity and a count of enticing a minor. Was sentenced to 15 years for each charge and they run concurrently. Was a band teacher and did this with 2 students. Facing eight other felony charges but I never heard the result. When all this was going on he was having a baby so he went to jail leaving his wife in a state by herself to raise the child.

Damn really?


Oct 27, 2017
On the opposite side of the specrum, I went to highschool with some guy who (most likely) got murdered by organized crime of some sort.

In highschool, he would spoof credit cards and recklessly buy extravagant things and have these huge parties. I was shocked it took over a year for him to finally get caught. He wasn't subtle. After highschool, he moved out West to Calgary and I lost touch with him. A few years later, he was found tied to a chair and shot. It was ... shocking, but not surprising. He must've gotten in deep with some bad people.


Oct 26, 2017
I have no idea what's going on...

Can someone summarize the facts a bit more coherently?

Guy murders guy. I'm missing the mind-blowing plot twist, except that someone knew him before he was arrested.


Oct 30, 2017
One of my closest friends from middle school tried to hire someone to kill his wife and kid. My parents always hated him and said something was off about him. Guess they were right.


Oct 27, 2017
One of our managers of five years just recently threw his career away by stealing a customers credit card. Nicest guy to. No one saw this coming.

He recently bought nice new car. Now he is fucked.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Someone in my graduating class was arrested years ago for child porn I think, he was a teacher. Also my middle school art teacher was arrested for child porn while I was in high school.


Oct 25, 2017
For a couple years starting when I was around 10-11, my Italian-American mother decided that my sister and I should take Italian language lessons. We went to a community center attached to a Catholic Church in Baltimore's Little Italy to do so. I met the priest for the church who was also involved with the language stuff several times (never alone, fortunately). A year or two later he fled the state after it came out that he was a pedophile. I think he was eventually arrested in New York but I'm not sure.

That sorta killed my mom's enthusiasm for us learning Italian.


Oct 26, 2017
There's a woman living in my street that killed her lover with an MP (I think together with an accomplice?) and burned his body at a river. That was two years ago or something.

To this day I have no clue how her trial went or why she's not in prison.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was in high school, this kid (maybe early middle school) started riding the same bus from a nearby street. He was always a bit of a trouble maker, but he was like 11 so maybe he'll straighten up.

He intentionally ran someone over with a car in a love triangle thing. Manslaughter, 20 years. He only got manslaughter and not murder because the victim lived for a week and his attorney used that to argue that he wasn't trying to kill him, just assault him (with a car!)
Oct 27, 2017
Memphis, TN
Back when I was in high school I once got a Saturday morning detention for skipping class and there was one other girl in there with me. She was 2 years older than me but she was cool and we got along during our time picking up trash on the athletic fields (which is what they made you do in detention, I always feel like that was weird). Friended her on Myspace after that day. Few months later she stabbed her mom to death. It is definitely a hard feeling to describe when you find out something like that about someone you know.


Oct 25, 2017
I went to college with a guy who earned himself the title The Craigslist Killer. Lived in my dorm a floor up and I went out to some bars and parties with him. One of those cases where I would have never expected him to be a killer. Guy was on his way to med school.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, wait, wait...Who the hell would consider "waaay back in the day" as 2006-2012? Is it the year 2030 and nobody told me?
Oct 27, 2017
I went to college with a guy who earned himself the title The Craigslist Killer. Lived in my dorm a floor up and I went out to some bars and parties with him. One of those cases where I would have never expected him to be a killer. Guy was on his way to med school.

Which Craiglist killer was this?

I know of one in STL County or something


Oct 27, 2017
I think most of the people in my class stayed on the relative straight and narrow. One guy kinda fell off the earth after being arrested in a grow house a few years ago and we haven't heard much since. Another sold prescription pills and went to jail in WV for a while. He's cleaning himself up though.

Our ten year reunion was a few weeks ago and a week after someone posted on the class Facebook, "Next time you do a class reunion make sure it's in the summer. If my kids miss more than ten days of school even with a doctor's note my ass is going back to jail." No one knew how to respond to that.


Oct 26, 2017
The Void, MA
I heard through rumors long after graduation that a likable former English teacher of mine was terminated for inappropriate conduct with a male student. I first I thought 'nah,' but then I remembered that he also invited a bunch of students to a post-graduation cookout at his house, so maybe he didn't have the best judgement and really liked teenage boys. (I'm not even sure the rumor was accurate, my neighbor has a 50/50 track record. She also said ICE raided my neighbors house, but I think it was just normal cops since the woman raided is still living there.)

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ive worked with two people through the past 15 years that I later learned were either convicted of pedophillic crimes, or convicted of rape charges.

Completely changed my opinion of them, made some things clear about them, and also helped me make the decision to cut them out of my life entirely. I had decent opinions of them before. After....not so much.
Oct 27, 2017
Me and co worker started googling our other co workers one day and found out one of them was a registered sex offender.

One of ex coworker's husband I used to work on and off with was a sex offender

His name was Dallas and holy shit he was overweight/smoked a lot/diabetic

Gave some of us disabled people in town a job for a day that's all I can say for now

Straight Edge

Oct 27, 2017
My buddy's dad killed his mom with a hammer and rolled her up in a carpet and kept her body in the garage. He was a cop too.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
When I was a teenager, I went to a small barber shop in town that had three chairs. It was the same three people every day and each had their own chair. I liked one of the guys, named Chris, more than the other two so I always waited for his chair. One day I sat down and told him how I wanted my haircut and he said "you don't have to tell me how you like it - I know how you like it!"

We laughed and I told him next time I'd just let him do his thing. There was no next time because a few days later he went home, killed his wife, and killed himself. He had no history of violence whatsoever. He left two orphans.

When I was in college, my girlfriend and I dogsat for some very wealthy people. They lived in a huge beautiful house with two huge beautiful dogs that they treated like royalty. We would live in the house and enjoy the amenities while they went on frequent vacations and visited family across the country. They were an older couple with adult children who had two adopted kids.

On our last day dogsitting one week, after we'd already left, we got a phone call from the husband asking us to please come back indefinitely. He and his wife needed to leave because their grandson had murdered their grand daughter. They were ages 13 and 14. They still don't know why he did it. It just happened. Without provocation or explanation, he just killed his sister. It was extremely violent. It was awful. The only justification they could come to was a psychotic break. The older couple we dogsat for moved away without a goodbye. It ruined their whole lives.


Oct 28, 2017
Did you guys know someone who ended up doing some nasty stuff ?
as well if anyone who has lived in a small town has ever heard of this happening?

didnt really know him but a guy (19 i think) from my hometown lured a little kid into a basement and stabbed him to death. it was all over the news, he even killed his friend while he was on the run for a few days.


Oct 27, 2017
A guy I used to know was arrested for child porn. Had an attractive wife, kids, and big house. Never would have guessed that side of him.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude who got hired at my workplace told all of us in his introduction, "I like guns."

Two weeks later he shot his girlfriend, the mother of his child, in the face over an argument. I went to high school with that girl, and she was a friend of a friend.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No murder or anything, but after two other coworkers got in a spat at work, a coworker said he'd be fine with beating a fellow coworker as long as they were both off the clock. He was convinced that the only problem was that they fought at work and as long as they both came to work the next day, everything would be fine. Needless to say I made sure not to ever get on his bad side


Oct 27, 2017
My friends brother killed someone or some people in high school... maybe while at high school. He just recently got out of prison and is under the care of said friend. Haven't been over his place since (for unrelated reasons) so I haven't met him yet.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Nothing as bad as murder, but when I worked retail a coworker apparently was a pathological liar and stole customer's credit card info.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a close friend from college (Accounting Major) and few years after - who I ended up losing touch with after his very religious fiance didn't approve of me (I sinned by drinking and cursing). Well years later, I was watching TV news one night and he had been arrested for embezzling $100,000+ from a neighboring city over a period of years, they had him in cuffs and walking him out and he was crying real hard and repeating he was sorry over and over. From the story I got, his wife had expensive tastes and liked to travel… so I'm glad she didn't like me…

Horse Armour

Oct 26, 2017
A man with ties to Franklin County was arrested Friday in connection to a homicide near Bourbon

more at link

I worked with this dude waaay back in the day (from 2006-2012) and holy shit I would have never suspected him with something like this!!

Brruh, no offense but your buddy looks exactly like the kind of guy who'd kill someone and bury them in their backyard and write his family creepy letters.
