
Oct 27, 2017
I just can't wrap my head around this one. I think it's because I don't enjoy the circular trap mechanic
I feel like that just traps me in a position where I get beat down easily.

Feel like it's totally different combat from hades 1
Like others have said, I actually rarely ever stay inside the cast. I'm moving as the animation plays for Melinoe to generate the cast. The only time I ever going into the cast is if I have a boon that grants me Magic regen when I'm inside. Otherwise I'm never inside the cast, just use it for crowd control and trapping enemies.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Are Frinos and Toula the only animal companions in the game currently or are there any more?


Jan 29, 2019
One very cool thing is that you unlock a trial system where they give you a build and some limitations to get through a biome. Most of these trials have you set up with an overpowered highly synergistic build.

One of them has you in the third biome using the torches with the explody aspect, with a crazy maxed out Poseidon Hestia combo.

It completely obliterated the boss, faster than in any of my actual runs.

I think these trials might help inspire people who struggle with putting together builds. I hope they don't gate it behind too much content though, I can't remember when I unlocked it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I just can't wrap my head around this one. I think it's because I don't enjoy the circular trap mechanic
I feel like that just traps me in a position where I get beat down easily.

Feel like it's totally different combat from hades 1
I getcha. The combo I've had the most success with is a combination of Zeus and Hestia. Hestia modifies the trap so it's now an aimable cast and Zeus has a boon that causes lightning to hit any enemy trapped inside.

I'd lean on equipping Hestia's keepsake as soon as you start a run just to modify the trap cast.


Oct 25, 2017
I getcha. The combo I've had the most success with is a combination of Zeus and Hestia. Hestia modifies the trap so it's now an aimable cast and Zeus has a boon that causes lightning to hit any enemy trapped inside.

I'd lean on equipping Hestia's keepsake as soon as you start a run just to modify the trap cast.
The aimed casts are strong, but there seems to be a somewhat common bug where they just stop working during encounters sometimes.


Jul 25, 2021
Fucking Tartarus can get hectic. Went from like 100 health and 2 DD to dead in one room. So many armored enemies, so many projectiles. Shame as the run was going really well otherwise.


Oct 29, 2017
Beat Chronos for the second time in a row, but still taking way more damage than I'd like.

I really dislike his boomerang attack, it comes out too fast and the telling is too similar to his wide swing. I hope they can improve this.


Oct 25, 2017
26 minutes quickest run so far.
Volcanic Strike heroic 2 second cooldown, Volcanic Flourish 13 second cooldown, Furance Blast (Vent), and Chain Reaction Duo boon to make make Hephaestus Blasts go off twice. And other boons.
Absolutely bonkers run, clang clang clang clang clang....

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Oct 28, 2017
Beat Chronos for the second time in a row, but still taking way more damage than I'd like.

I really dislike his boomerang attack, it comes out too fast and the telling is too similar to his wide swing. I hope they can improve this.

He's got a really long, ambiguous windup on both (until he speeds up in back half of the final phase anyways). Most reliable answer I've found is using my cast to reduce his turn speed, and then staying behind him so that either the swipe whiffs entirely, or I have long enough to see the boomerang leave and dodge on the return swing.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
26 minutes quickest run so far.
Volcanic Strike heroic 2 second cooldown, Volcanic Flourish 13 second cooldown, Furance Blast (Vent), and Chain Reaction Duo boon to make make Hephaestus Blasts go off twice. And other boons.
Absolutely bonkers run, clang clang clang clang clang....


The cooldown time on Heroic VS is 2 seconds? That's hilarious. I never see heroic boons. :(


Oct 27, 2017
How come i'm seeing streamers meet a NPC (forgot her name sorry) nearly every time they enter the 2nd biome that gives them a bad boon? I've beaten the end boss about 5 times now and never once seen her?? Am i just lucky?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
How come i'm seeing streamers meet a NPC (forgot her name sorry) nearly every time they enter the 2nd biome that gives them a bad boon? I've beaten the end boss about 5 times now and never once seen her?? Am i just lucky?

That's Eris. I believe she starts showing up in the Fields if you progress too quickly. Basically she's a 'slow down, stop rushing, you have more you need to accomplish first' barrier intended to stop players from trying to rush to the final boss as fast as possible. I've never encountered her in the Fields - she eventually just started showing up at the Crossroads after a while.


Oct 27, 2017
That's Eris. I believe she starts showing up in the Fields if you progress too quickly. Basically she's a 'slow down, stop rushing, you have more you need to accomplish first' barrier intended to stop players from trying to rush to the final boss as fast as possible. I've never encountered her in the Fields - she eventually just started showing up at the Crossroads after a while.

Oh I see, i'm not lucky, i'm just too bad to need to meet her huh, haha. Thanks though!


â–² Legend â–²
Oct 27, 2017
I thought I tried that once and it didn't work. I have dodged this shot, but it takes so many dodges that it seems best to let it hit you right away.
Dodge towards it and it'll miss you every single time. It bounces past you so you have plenty of time to dodge back towards it again .


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I see, i'm not lucky, i'm just too bad to need to meet her huh, haha. Thanks though!

Honestly, you ARE lucky for not having to put up with her. Some of her boons are genuine run-killers and they feel AGGRESSIVELY cruel. It's the kind of stuff I can see them adding for people playing on high heat to spice up the experience after beating the game, but I don't think it's a fun gameplay conceit to just have a random event happen between biomes that goes "congrats - you're DEFINITELY not beating the final boss this run!" during normal first-time progression. It's in character for Eris, but it's a bit too punishing for regular play.

So if it really is just a case of the game trying to give you a soft barrier until you progress more/unlock more stuff that goes away once you've fulfilled its requirements, that's...fine, except for speedrunners, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
As somebody that enjoys these games, but it's great at them, God Mode is a lifesaver. I just want to run around, kill things and advance.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit actually hearing a different song from Scylla. I doubt there are more but I was shocked to see more than one. They're both bangers.


Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
Dodge towards it and it'll miss you every single time. It bounces past you so you have plenty of time to dodge back towards it again .
Yes but it takes 6? dodges for it to go away, so the effort doesn't seem to payoff in much time saved. If you accept sheephood right away, the board is easier to dodge as the witches haven't arrived.

26 minutes quickest run so far.
Volcanic Strike heroic 2 second cooldown, Volcanic Flourish 13 second cooldown, Furance Blast (Vent), and Chain Reaction Duo boon to make make Hephaestus Blasts go off twice. And other boons.
Absolutely bonkers run, clang clang clang clang clang....
Hephaestus sprint with other fast sprint boons is really OP.

Are Frinos and Toula the only animal companions in the game currently or are there any more?
Toula does a cute animation when you use a death defiance :) I wouldn't have seen this except I was ending a glitched out run. I have to check what Frinos does now.

And one other comment, I realized last night -perhaps this is obvious to others - the staff aspect with the omega special healing can be used outside of combat. This means you can always leave a board at %50 health. It's slow and feels cheesy to use this way, but could be helpful at high fear.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Anvil strike scales very well with poms. Each pom shaves a second off the cooldown. I had a blue strike run down to 3 second cooldown by getting lucky with a bunch of pom rooms early.

I'm slowly starting to realize that my strategy of "collect as many boons as possible, deprioritize pomegranates unless they're in my way" might be a bad one.


May 17, 2018
Oh... Why the hell would they make Echo's keepsake work like that? It just forced a boon on me that completely fucks my build.

Like genuinely. I have Zeus's -70% magic with regen and my build only works by spamming omega attack and it made me take a boon that primes 30. I've only got 8 now and can't cast anything. Boss 3 took about ten years to kill.
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh... Why the hell would they make Echo's keepsake work like that? It just forced a boon on me that completely fucks my build.

Like genuinely. I have Zeus's -70% magic with regen and my build only works by spamming omega attack and it made me take a boon that primes 30. I've only got 8 now and can't cast anything. Boss 3 took about ten years to kill.
How do you get her keepsake? I've gone to her a bunch of time but haven't got the option to gift yet


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, axe is 100 percent that girl

Don't think anything really comes close right now


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Now that this has rocked for a week, is there anyone in here that didn't like Hades that likes this one? Hades was a game that I wanted to like, but I really got tired of the extreme sameyness of the runs. Also I absolutely HATE Elysium or whatever the 3rd area is. I liked the combat a lot, there seemed to be some great progression systems and all of the Hubworld stuff was great but man.... after like my 10th time dropping into that first area again I really started to wish I could skip it. SO any dissenters have a positive opinion of this one? Or anyone that can let me know if anything has changed about my complaints?


Oct 28, 2017
Now that this has rocked for a week, is there anyone in here that didn't like Hades that likes this one? Hades was a game that I wanted to like, but I really got tired of the extreme sameyness of the runs. Also I absolutely HATE Elysium or whatever the 3rd area is. I liked the combat a lot, there seemed to be some great progression systems and all of the Hubworld stuff was great but man.... after like my 10th time dropping into that first area again I really started to wish I could skip it. SO any dissenters have a positive opinion of this one? Or anyone that can let me know if anything has changed about my complaints?

Tbh i feel like the run variety is much better here. Im 24 hours in, but there are so much new stuff here that every run feels different one way or another


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Watching my brother play and I've seen the first boss do a move I've never seen in the 15 hours I've played. Odd as I have more progress than them, they haven't even beaten the final boss.
She uses a 4 way Selene's laser attack that spins around the arena.


Oct 25, 2017
Now that this has rocked for a week, is there anyone in here that didn't like Hades that likes this one? Hades was a game that I wanted to like, but I really got tired of the extreme sameyness of the runs. Also I absolutely HATE Elysium or whatever the 3rd area is. I liked the combat a lot, there seemed to be some great progression systems and all of the Hubworld stuff was great but man.... after like my 10th time dropping into that first area again I really started to wish I could skip it. SO any dissenters have a positive opinion of this one? Or anyone that can let me know if anything has changed about my complaints?
They improved some things but doubled down on a lot of bad things from the first, which is disappointing. I'll type some thoughts once i beat the surface


Jan 29, 2019
*Sorry I randomly hit reply on a post instead of just a regular reply*

After 30 hours I've started to sour a little on the omega charge system. I don't like the physical feeling of constant long button presses, if that makes any kind of sense.

Hades 1 felt maybe a little better as someone who prefers a more spammy, high speed fast dashing quick attack style, but in Hades 2 if you don't have damage and you get some big omega boon, you're gonna be holding down the buttons all the time for the next 20 minutes.

The dash -> sprint also is in the same vein. I don't love the HOLD-OK NOW sensation.

I still enjoy it, but I'd like to see some kind of alternative loadout that lets you front load omega abilities.

Watching my brother play and I've seen the first boss do a move I've never seen in the 15 hours I've played. Odd as I have more progress than them, they haven't even beaten the final boss.
She uses a 4 way Selene's laser attack that spins around the arena.

This didn't happen for me until I did one of the trials from the black stone that takes place in erebus.
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Oct 26, 2017
Had my first crash after 25+ hrs.

Of course it happened at Chronos 😭 the save was gone afterwards. very cool


Oct 25, 2017
First patch coming later this month, addressing, among other things:
  • Resource Gathering: We want Hades II players to focus on goals that are important to them, though don't want resource gathering to feel too frustrating, such as if you didn't bring the right gathering tool along for the ride.

  • Getting Around: It's important to us that Melinoë have her own distinct style, and for players to be able to navigate her battles and other interactions in a nimble, responsive, expressive way. We have ideas for how to improve her Dash and Sprint.


Hades II - Early Access Update & First Patch Plan - Steam News

Thanks so much to everyone who's taken the time to play Hades II in Early Access so far! We've been delving into all your impressions and feedback, and we're very excited to move forward in this new phase of development. In this post, we wanted to share our short-term plans. We're Focused on a...


Oct 28, 2017
First patch coming later this month, addressing, among other things:


Hades II - Early Access Update & First Patch Plan - Steam News

Thanks so much to everyone who's taken the time to play Hades II in Early Access so far! We've been delving into all your impressions and feedback, and we're very excited to move forward in this new phase of development. In this post, we wanted to share our short-term plans. We're Focused on a...

Nice, thats sounds great. If we could gather all resources in every run that would be cool and maybe if you pick a tool you get a better chance to get that resource. sprint and dash improvements sounds great aswell


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
Sooo, did i do something out of order?

(full game spoilers)

I beat eris before chronos
I find that whole route of the game to be much easier for some reason. But it felt like they were building eris up as some sort of "nah come back later boss she hits too hard" but then i just sorta beat her the second time fairly easily?

I really thought that I'd have to kill chronos to weaken Eris since the dialog around after i lost the first time was how she was so unbeatable with the adamant rail

The game handled me doing it in this order just fine. I just wanted to double check that there was no mechanic like the one i thought might exist.


Oct 26, 2017
Sooo, did i do something out of order?

(full game spoilers)

I beat eris before chronos
I find that whole route of the game to be much easier for some reason. But it felt like they were building eris up as some sort of "nah come back later boss she hits too hard" but then i just sorta beat her the second time fairly easily?

I really thought that I'd have to kill chronos to weaken Eris since the dialog around after i lost the first time was how she was so unbeatable with the adamant rail

The game handled me doing it in this order just fine. I just wanted to double check that there was no mechanic like the one i thought might exist.

Up does seem easier to me too probably because you can focus your build a lot more w/o having to reroll. I beat the bosses in the same order.


Oct 27, 2017
I found Eris weirdly easy on my first fight with her, i guess because i've left her til my last boss. Mostly just hid behind the pillars and backstabbed her whenever she stopped spraying and took her out within a minute.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, you ARE lucky for not having to put up with her. Some of her boons are genuine run-killers and they feel AGGRESSIVELY cruel. It's the kind of stuff I can see them adding for people playing on high heat to spice up the experience after beating the game, but I don't think it's a fun gameplay conceit to just have a random event happen between biomes that goes "congrats - you're DEFINITELY not beating the final boss this run!" during normal first-time progression. It's in character for Eris, but it's a bit too punishing for regular play.

So if it really is just a case of the game trying to give you a soft barrier until you progress more/unlock more stuff that goes away once you've fulfilled its requirements, that's...fine, except for speedrunners, lol.
My huge assumption is that her presence to slow players down might just be for the purposes of early access. In Hades 1 they had cool unique dialogue and VO for someone beating a run on a fresh save. So my guess would be they haven't ironed out all the dialogue yet for that possibility, so they've just made it effectively impossible until later.

That's just a guess because I know that since a fresh save first run win was feasible in original Hades and it blew up in the speedrunning community, I can't see them just shitting on that here.

But who knows, if it's not the case already then maybe our feedback will change their minds.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Decided why not and tried a newgame run because I haven't seen videos online completing the game on the first run.

Made it as far as the midway on the final floor before dying. You're so damn weak and the only boons available were Apollo, Poseidon, and Hestia. Ran expanding and rapid damage cast while throwing it as a fireball. Eris's curse caps at 100%


Oct 25, 2017
How are you building it? Reach up to chronos with it but damage was lacking, I had some tank and healing stuff that carried me there basically

put a status modifier on cast and attack to get the two god damage bonus. i like either poseidon/aphro on attack, demeter/aphro on cast. i hunt daedalus upgrades because axe hammers are nuts, force either haephastus/apollo/hermes for speed and damage modifers. i should know if i have a decent stew going by the time i leave erebus.

and then i spin to win baby. everything melts if you have nice mod synergy. the issue with chronos with this build is you can't do fat damage on him because the majority of your damage is coming from omega attack, and you can't slow him down with the hold until you defeat him a few times.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
My huge assumption is that her presence to slow players down might just be for the purposes of early access. In Hades 1 they had cool unique dialogue and VO for someone beating a run on a fresh save. So my guess would be they haven't ironed out all the dialogue yet for that possibility, so they've just made it effectively impossible until later.

That's just a guess because I know that since a fresh save first run win was feasible in original Hades and it blew up in the speedrunning community, I can't see them just shitting on that here.

But who knows, if it's not the case already then maybe our feedback will change their minds.

That's actually a pretty smart theory, I hope you're right!
Oct 25, 2017
eris debuff doesn't really stop you from beating cronos though if you know what you're doing

i was able to go from oceanus eris debuff all the way to cronos on one of my early runs, if i had the knowledge i have now with the cronos fight i could've probably beaten him


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
eris debuff doesn't really stop you from beating cronos though if you know what you're doing

i was able to go from oceanus eris debuff all the way to cronos on one of my early runs, if i had the knowledge i have now with the cronos fight i could've probably beaten him

I think it's more to make it harder for people to blast through the whole game, not make it impossible outright.