
Jul 25, 2021
I wish you could preview some of these hammers. Was having an excellent run and then picked a perk and it completely ruined everything for me.

Also g.rock feels like its spawn rate is super low for some reason.

And why on earth do they show you resources you cant collect. Just feels awful.

Aspect of Artemis seems kinda fun but maybe spin to win axe is better.
Having a lot of trouble with the fourth boss

I feel like the game is cheating a bit in the second phase, all the cues for damage zones and safe zones look completely different to how they do in the rest of the game and Ive died 3 times in a row because I simply didn't know I was standing in a bad area as opposed to a good area.

I don't want to look up a guide or be told the answer, but on the other hand getting up to Chronos only to die because of misinformation rather than lack of skill feels atrocious

Made worse by having chronic wrist pain that means I can only really do 1-2 attempts per day

It honestly reminds me of the NES Ninja Gaiden final boss. 30 minute run back only to see a new attack and just die.


Feb 1, 2018
50 hours in and I nearly did everything possible and the torches just never get better lol, they need a damage buff to match the base DPS of the other weapons.

Yeah agree with this. The other weapons feel much nicer. I just don't like how the torch's omega attack works in particular.

Having beat both bosses with all the weapons a few times, my fav is the dagger, then the axe.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
50 hours in and I nearly did everything possible and the torches just never get better lol, they need a damage buff to match the base DPS of the other weapons.
They just don't feel fun to play with. The base attack of the skulls feel better despite having a limited capacity. Their explosion on contact actually have a pretty decent range while the Torch's basic attack feels like I'm whiffing all the time. The basic attack of the Torch also feels like I'm barely doing any damage meaning you feel like you're forced to hold the button to use the Omega shots which eat up mana quick.
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Oct 25, 2017
Is it me or is the capacity for really crazy builds just less in this. I know it's not complete. But everything feels very paired back. Like the game doesn't want you to get too crazy.
Yes. Mostly cause weapons just do not work well with certain gods. Very little plasticity with boons right now which means you're kinda taking the same ones when you get a weapon. Like an easy win with the torches is zues attack with hep special. You can still get broken builds but feels like theres less to accomplish it with

Also doesnt help that most the fire god boons suck outside of the sprint


Oct 25, 2017
My problem with the torches is that none of it makes sense in the same kit. Like the intended play pattern seems to be keeping the omega special active while spamming other attacks, but the omega special is melee range while everything else wants you to stay as far as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Torches didn't make much sense to me until I realized you could dash while holding down primary. Still you gotta make sure you have lots of mana (or regen) and the auto target can get funky at times.


Oct 27, 2017
I like the game but so far I do think replacing Dash boons for Sprint ones feels bad. I think in general all of them should do something (weak) when you Dash but do something stronger when you Sprint.

Albeit, I don't like Sprint in the first place. It feels like something that was added just to be different, rather than having a real intentional purpose to improve the game.

Still early days, maybe I'll change my mind as I play more, but yeah.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Picked up the Marauder's Slice hammer effect for the Sister Blades and I'm getting the feeling it's completely worthless? Effect says "Hold Attack to slice repeatedly, but can't use Omega Attack".

What I'm seeing is that holding the attack button just makes you do the normal attack combo, but now you can just hold the button? I've been doing the same thing before just mashing while also still letting me do the Omega Attack.

Feels like it just removed an option for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Picked up the Marauder's Slice hammer effect for the Sister Blades and I'm getting the feeling it's completely worthless? Effect says "Hold Attack to slice repeatedly, but can't use Omega Attack".

What I'm seeing is that holding the attack button just makes you do the normal attack combo, but now you can just hold the button? I've been doing the same thing before just mashing while also still letting me do the Omega Attack.

Feels like it just removed an option for me.

Attacks are faster.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I thought I'd hate the torches when I first got them but they've become my favorite weapon. It ends up just beings special + omega special spam but it shreds with the right boons.

That being said, I agree with the sentiment that it's harder to get really broken builds in this game compared to the first. Boss fights can be more drawn out in 2 than they used to be in H1.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there anyway to run without a familiar? I don't want this frog giving me 10HP.

edit: It's in the tools area.
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Jul 17, 2021
Been having a lot of fun but some gripes tbh. Torches I'm more fine with than most but they seriously need to fix the auto-target. Skull I just can't stand so far, doesn't feel good to me yet. Final boss I'm also mixed on, I think it's bit cluttered/poor visibility and is a bit overtuned in terms of shit going on. Some of the minibosses are also kinda bad imo, like worse than the butterfly ball in terms of 'this isn't fun to fight at all and I've essentially just lost a huge chunk of HP to RNG' kinda way for me lol.

Also hope they do nerf/reduce the resource grind a little bit. That plus make the crossroads feel more homey. I realized after a while that this game to me is sorta missing a really truly nice hub area like the house of hades in the first game, it just doesn't feel as restful and relaxing between runs. Part of it might be the cold colour pallette / that it looks too similar vibes-wise to the first area you go through each run, dunno.


Mar 4, 2021
Between Sprint and Omega attacks, this game was designed to cause blisters. A lot of long presses…

The best parts of this game are what they didn't throw out from the first. I don't think I really like any of the changes they made. It's a good game with bones to be a great game (like Hades 1). But it's going to need quite a few changes before it leaves Early Access.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, wish you could decline rewards. I don't want this health buff it's going to ruin my run:(. Guess a 30 HP run will have to wait until I get rerolls?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That plus make the crossroads feel more homey. I realized after a while that this game to me is sorta missing a really truly nice hub area like the house of hades in the first game, it just doesn't feel as restful and relaxing between runs. Part of it might be the cold colour pallette / that it looks too similar vibes-wise to the first area you go through each run, dunno.

They mention in the roadmap that they want to add a lot of cosmetic options for the Crossroads


Jul 25, 2021
Got boss 4's second phase down to like 10%, and died. 20th run and shit was very suboptimal with a ton of health lost in the first phase. Was able to unlock a third death defiance right after lmao. Shame.

That's enough for tonight I think.


Jan 29, 2019
The torch aspect that makes your attacks return when you dash is super rad! I've found that the key to a smooth torch run is to take the Poseidon mana gain boon that spawns mana orbs on attack hit.

That way you can spam omega attacks forever, then you just add literally any boons you want.

I think the committal nature of the torch omega attack feels bad for run variety and takes way too long to ramp up if you interrupt it to weave in specials.

It also feels bad because you have to hold down the attack button forever causing strain. As I fatigue I end up squeezing way too hard over time, hurting my finger. 😢

At least you can standard cast and dash without interrupting the omega attack.


Oct 27, 2017
i also have no idea how people are going to play this on a switch (in handheld mode) or hell, a switch lite. i played h1 on both and it was...a pain for my eyes.
but h2 has so much more going on. more enemies, much MUCH more projectiles and other crap. i hope the final version will offer some qol options to improve visibility (outline, deactivate some effects, darken the background etc.).


Jul 17, 2021
i also have no idea how people are going to play this on a switch (in handheld mode) or hell, a switch lite. i played h1 on both and it was...a pain for my eyes.
but h2 has so much more going on. more enemies, much MUCH more projectiles and other crap. i hope the final version will offer some qol options to improve visibility (outline, deactivate some effects, darken the background etc.).
Yeah, even testing this out on a steam deck it was a bit much for me. Lots going on and the colours of the enemies and the background sometimes blend together too much.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, even testing this out on a steam deck it was a bit much for me. Lots going on and the colours of the enemies and the background sometimes blend together too much.
the color blending is something i truly don't understand. why do so many enemies (and their projectiles) have the same or a similiar color scheme as the background?

btw: ho do i give proper feedback to the devs? this is my first ever ea release but i have no idea how to properly engage with them (discord? steam forums? email?).


Oct 25, 2017
The one issue I have with the new dash is that it doesn't interact well with terrain. In Hades 1 if your dash fell a little short, you could always just dash again. Here you're stuck staring at the obstacle like an idiot*. It also seems maybe a bit more common to get stuck on terrain just walking by. Or maybe it's simply because you end up hugging terrain more due to the nerfed dash.

(*Flashbacks to flashing head first into a wall instead of over it in League of Legends)

Animus Vox

Oct 30, 2017
They just don't feel fun to play with. The base attack of the skulls feel better despite having a limited capacity. Their explosion on contact actually have a pretty decent range while the Torch's basic attack feels like I'm whiffing all the time. The basic attack of the Torch also feels like I'm barely doing any damage meaning you feel like you're forced to hold the button to use the Omega shots which eat up mana quick.
It's pretty awful really where the weapon just doesn't work on its own. Lack of range, fixed aim, slow movement while channeling, a special whose omega attack goes just beyond melee range. Fwiw though you can spawn multiple orbits albeit at 20 mana each and even then they only last so long.

I had another round with the weapon last night and I did get a hammer upgrade (or maybe it was a boon) that made my special remove 80% of armor which made it extremely useful. The attack itself ended up being many times more powerful than the basic attack so I just spammed that the rest of the run.


Oct 25, 2017
Just had a run where my damage was low but I was unkillable. 400 Health, the healing hex, impervious to first hit, 2 death defiances, and the boon that caps you at 15 damage per hit. Chronos couldn't even get past my first health bar and I was face tanking him.


Oct 29, 2017
I've been really liking the staff aspect that give you Serenity. Does anyone know what counts as an "landing an attack or special" for it? Like if I press X to attack once but it hits three enemies, does that count as one or three?

I'm guessing just one based on the wording, it's a binary thing where each attack or special either "lands" or it doesn't. But just curious if anyone can confirm.

I'm coming around on the torches to an extent. I had a really great run last night where I got scorch on the attack, it was dealing crazy damage. I made it Chronos, who I still haven't managed to beat after a couple dozen runs.

They definitely feel a lot more limited than other weapons, it feels like there's a small handful of boons that work well with them, but you can have successful runs with them.

Just had a run where my damage was low but I was unkillable. 400 Health, the healing hex, impervious to first hit, 2 death defiances, and the boon that caps you at 15 damage per hit. Chronos couldn't even get past my first health bar and I was face tanking him.

Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I saw the boon that limits you to 15 damage. It does seem really hard to get though. I keep hoping to see it early in a run so I can build the run around it, but I've only seen it in areas three and four so far, and it feels like it's too late to go for it by then, unless you got lucky and are already close to the element requirement.


Oct 25, 2017
They are good if you stack boons that make the specials overpowered then just spam them circling around you.
Yeah this is the only way I've found to get far with torches. Poseidon knock-away boons can be really good, especially during the boat section on the surface.

In my current run I've happened upon a build that seems quite broken.
- Axe with hammer for -50% omega special charge time
- Recharge MP while in cast
- Hex that slows with -MP needed to use, extra hex time, and ultimate for 95% slow of everything

The key to this is the fact that you can spend MP to build up to your next Hex while one is currently active. So I use the hex and then spam omega specials until it's up again and then repeat, all while standing in cast to keep the MP flowing. If I can keep the cycle going it's almost 100% uptime on a 95% slow of everything else. Who's the time god now Chronos!


Alt Account
Feb 8, 2024
starting an underground run with crystaline figure token and having it activate the judgement arcana card after first boss is wild


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Only time I get successful with the torches if I just focus solely on the special, never bothering with the standard attack
Oct 25, 2017
Just had a run where my damage was low but I was unkillable. 400 Health, the healing hex, impervious to first hit, 2 death defiances, and the boon that caps you at 15 damage per hit. Chronos couldn't even get past my first health bar and I was face tanking him.
Yeah got my first win with that boon that caps damage at 15 per hit. Still ended up being close since I had pretty low health total.

Second win came much easier using the Poseidon/Hestia duo boon and just stacking cards/boons to help with the DOT


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they're just too damn reliant on specific boons that if you don't roll them, you're FUCKED. They really don't feel good to use, sadly.
Eh, I don't know, the special spam is kind of always good. Surprisingly long range, decent damage, doesn't cut into your mobility... Works well with a fair few boons.

Every other part of the weapon is baffling, mind, but just spamming basic special is at least decent.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, I don't know, the special spam is kind of always good. Surprisingly long range, decent damage, doesn't cut into your mobility... Works well with a fair few boons.

Every other part of the weapon is baffling, mind, but just spamming basic special is at least decent.

Yeah. The normals do such comically low damage EVEN with boons that it feels like a prank weapon. Whenever I see that they're the Hunger weapon for a specific run I'm just like "welp, guess I'm not getting any bones this time!" and pick something else.


Oct 25, 2017
Just fought Chronos with my slow time cycle build and he wasn't affected by the slow!! I mean, duh right, I should have seen that coming but it was still a surprise and still helped with the adds he spawns. I lost with him only having like 10% hp left because I still haven't figured out how to deal with his shrinking rings attack. I think I need to dash over them? I was so close and this build is too fun to stop yet though so I decided to dip into the real time manipulation power, save scumming.


Jul 22, 2022
beat Chronos a good 20+ times now and I still can't tell when hes about to throw his boomerang whirlwind attack.. especially on the 30% faster enemies heat/challenge

otherwise I think it's a solid boss fight, it should spawn less foes to help him though gets too busy otherwise


Oct 25, 2017
put a handful of hours in and im just not vibing with this sequel...idk
crossroads are a step down from house of hades, dont like any of the 4 base weapons really, not a fan of lots of the new enemies...

hades 1 grabbed me from the first run, i wish i liked this more...probably gonna drop it and wait for the first complete version and try again.

Animus Vox

Oct 30, 2017
Not sure how I feel about this skull weapon aspect where you prime the skulls then use your special to dash at enemies to blow them up...I could also be using it completely wrong but the alternative is to wait 3 seconds for them to explode on their own.


Jul 25, 2021
beat Chronos a good 20+ times now and I still can't tell when hes about to throw his boomerang whirlwind attack.. especially on the 30% faster enemies heat/challenge

otherwise I think it's a solid boss fight, it should spawn less foes to help him though gets too busy otherwise

Look for scythe pointing out vs in. If he holds his scythe pointing towards himself he'll throw it out shortly after. If he holds the scythe outstretched with a big windup it's the arc slash. If he does a big windup but pulling back it's the dash attack.

The boomerang really could do with either a clearer or a longer windup though.

Just fought Chronos with my slow time cycle build and he wasn't affected by the slow!! I mean, duh right, I should have seen that coming but it was still a surprise and still helped with the adds he spawns. I lost with him only having like 10% hp left because I still haven't figured out how to deal with his shrinking rings attack. I think I need to dash over them? I was so close and this build is too fun to stop yet though so I decided to dip into the real time manipulation power, save scumming.

Yeah you have to use iframes to avoid those.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to play more, but I remember overdoing it on the EA in the first game... so trying to hold back.

End game speculation spoilers:
Who else is betting on Zagreus being a boss for the full release? The way Chronos refers to him and where the game ends at makes me think that's going to be the big swerve, that Chronos was never the ultimate threat.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder who the third and final boss are of the upper region

Maybe they'll have Typhon show up. He's mentioned a couple times in dialogue (the father of all monsters), especially in the surface maps. It would make sense if Chronos sent him to besiege Olympus.

Or Erebus, the god of Darkness. In some myths, he's Chronos' son.


One Winged Slayer
Aug 15, 2019
Judging by some post clear stuff

I only know one thing. We need to kill Chaos

(ok I don't know that but one of the drops needed for the "Dissolution of Time" incantation is Entropy, which feels like something Chaos would drop. Plus their new form looks fairly combat ready)


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Aspect of Medea really sucks unless I am missing something. The special is the only way to detonate other than let it time out, and then you still have to go back and get the skulls. I did an infernal chest and only got like 25/100 because it takes so long to clear rooms with that thing. I could have just slapped them with any other weapon (including the standard aspect of the skull) and done so much better.
Derbel McDillet

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Tried an axe run for the hell of it, goes great with Aphrodite, but I cannot figure out that defense. Need to get freeze in there somehow.


Oct 29, 2017
beat Chronos a good 20+ times now and I still can't tell when hes about to throw his boomerang whirlwind attack.. especially on the 30% faster enemies heat/challenge

otherwise I think it's a solid boss fight, it should spawn less foes to help him though gets too busy otherwise

Mentioned it before, that attack is just awful because the animation telling is too quick and similar to the wide swing. It sucks.

This video is a good example when watching at 0.25 speed. He does the boomerang at 1:36 and wide swing at 1:40.

The difference in the tellings is that he keeps his left hand still on the boomerang but raises it on the wide swing, but in the timings I mentioned it's very hard to tell the difference at that angle, especially in real-time. I really hope they tweak this to make the animation more distinct.

Besides even if that wasn't a problem I don't think the boomerang animation is good in the first place since it doesn't really match the arc the scythe does. He should pull back a little more before throwing it.