Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
This is the evolution of a monster the GOP made in reaction to Obama.

I hope it bites them in the ass.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Of course they do, it paints the moron as some sort of chessmaster that is defeating the mythical shadow organization of cultists lizardmen pedophiles that is planning to take over the entire universe
Mar 3, 2018
One thing I never understood is how these people have these beliefs and claims when there's a bunch of videos and pictures of Trump with Eppstein and some other shady characters...yet you always hear them say "Damn liberal satanic child molesters".

Jive Turkey

Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense really. It's the only scenario where Trump isn't a complete idiot bumbling through the presidency. Qanon needs to be true for them.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
The amount of effort it's going to take to deprogram these nitwits - thinking about it just exhausts me.

There's too many, sadly.

The only solutions to this problem would require us to actually become a fascist state (make the spread of Q ideology a federal crime, ban 8chan, Fox News and OAN, disenfranchise Q believers, mass deprogramming), so I guess we're stuck with Q nuts until the end of time.


Oct 25, 2017
There's too many, sadly.

The only solutions to this problem would require us to actually become a fascist state (make the spread of Q ideology a federal crime, ban 8chan, Fox News and OAN, disenfranchise Q believers, mass deprogramming), so I guess we're stuck with Q nuts until the end of time.

A new 21st century Fairness Doctrine would help. This shit really ramped up when Reagan (as usual) fucked up everything and got his FCC to abolish it.


Oct 27, 2017
WTF, USA. How did you reach this point?

I mean, we all have dumb people in our country, but that proportion seems way larger in USA. Is the education system that bad?
USA? These fuckers are spreading like crazy everywhere. In Germany the Qanon conspiracy is gaining traction like crazy and I can't imagine it's looking differently elsewhere.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
What a surprise, considering the whole pedo charge is the latest all-purpose smear these loonies have latched onto to hurl at the Dems and their supporters. Of course, a good deal of it is simple projection.

It's crazy. It was just a place to connect with Grandma and now Grandma has been radicalized.
Seeing what my old friends were up to has turned out to be totally not worth it.
A whole decade ago when many of us were introducing our parents and grandparents to the wonderful worldwide web, we simply took it for granted that these adults who helped form us would interact with the information highway in an adult, critically-developed manner. Little could we have guessed.


Oct 25, 2017
There's too many, sadly.

The only solutions to this problem would require us to actually become a fascist state (make the spread of Q ideology a federal crime, ban 8chan, Fox News and OAN, disenfranchise Q believers, mass deprogramming), so I guess we're stuck with Q nuts until the end of time.
With how everything's went down these past few years, I am starting to feel like honest-to-God Leftist Fascism might actually be the only way we can actually make any significant progress as a people.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
The only solutions to this problem would require us to actually become a fascist state (make the spread of Q ideology a federal crime, ban 8chan, Fox News and OAN, disenfranchise Q believers, mass deprogramming), so I guess we're stuck with Q nuts until the end of time.
Reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine and adopting measures akin to Germany's Strafgesetzbuch would go a fair ways in stifling the spread of this shit among future generations, though.


Oct 26, 2017
The same guy who was besties with Epstein (and joked about how Epstein liked them young) is on a secret mission to stop a secret cabal of pedophiles. The same guy who ran a beauty pageant with teenagers where he admitted to walking into the women's dressing room wants to stop a pedophile ring. The same guy who wished Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's sex ring accomplice) well when charges were brought up against her. Yes, that guy.


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently 2% of Trump's supporters believe he is dismantling this thing even though they do not believe it exists. Now that's critical thinking.


Oct 25, 2017
A whole decade ago when many of us were introducing our parents and grandparents to the wonderful worldwide web, we simply took it for granted that these adults who helped form us would interact with the information highway in an adult, critically-developed manner. Little could we have guessed.
For realz....
Oct 27, 2017
Makes sense really. It's the only scenario where Trump isn't a complete idiot bumbling through the presidency. Qanon needs to be true for them.

That's the way some of it comes across to me. How else do you justify supporting Trump in light of everything he has done. These folks are fine that their relatives have died needlessly from COVID because at least Trump is after the evil forces of Satan in their mind.


Oct 27, 2017
in the mouth of madness shit. was hoping i'd be dead and gone by the time they started infiltrating public offices and services but theres already politicians and that USPS person that believe


Oct 27, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.


Oct 26, 2017
Silver lining of Trump is we now have a pretty solid idea of the percentage of people in America that are hopelessly stupid


Oct 26, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.
Yep. They believe Democrats are vampires who feed on the blood of children.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.

Power that comes from children's fear/screams instantly made me think of Monster's Inc.
Oct 27, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.
... like Monsters Inc?


Oct 27, 2017
A good portion of the right-wing voting bloc is inundated with evangelicals - which are now crossing over with QAnon. These folks have always believed that Democrats, liberals, leftists (or whatever they want to call them) are literal Satan worshipers. They believe that all of the perils this country faces are due to these gay-loving, baby-aborting, drug-abusing heathens - and that was BEFORE QAnon. Adding child-trafficking to the list is just the next logical step in demonizing a group of people you already hate. This isn't going away. There's no coming back from this. Whoever the right nominates next time around will be crazier than Trump.
Oct 28, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.
Seems like they believe that Hollywood and the Democratic party are Pennywise the dancing clown.
Oct 27, 2017
You guys think it's bad where you're from, try being next door to all this shit.

I firmly 100% believe Canada would be better off if we were geographically separated from the US. So much of their insanity bleeds North.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You guys think it's bad where you're from, try being next door to all this shit.

I firmly 100% believe Canada would be better off if we were geographically separated from the US. So much of their insanity bleeds North.
Your theory is completely undermined by the sheer volume of white supremacists/right wing grifters who have risen to prominence in the US who originate from Canada.
Oct 27, 2017
Your theory is completely undermined by the sheer volume of white supremacists/right wing grifters who have risen to prominence in the US who originate from Canada.
Oh I'm not denying we have those people or that we're not producing any. But I firmly believe we'd have less of them without an easy avenue to fame and wealth right next door by exploiting it.


Oct 27, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.
They also think the pedophile vampire cabal is also hiding all the cool future tech we should have had by now.

I'm sure Kennedy will beat them with his own plasma powered jetpack and laser gun.


Oct 29, 2017
I learned some crazy shit this week:

"Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children."

‘Adrenochrome’: QAnon’s Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ From Kids

Followers of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon believe Hollywood and Democratic elites take a psychedelic drug called Adrenochrome harvested from the fear of children.

Democrat elites are the Skeksis, confirmed.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
A grim reminder that this mess doesn't end when that prick leaves office. It's going to take decades to deprogram the brainwashed and for the batty people that supported this shit to die off.

We're in for a long ride through Hell, America.


Oct 25, 2017
The roots of this predate Facebook by a long time.

It's just an extension of the myths about sex trafficking of children pushed by those who are opposed to sex workers for the last forty years as societal attitudes against prostitution continue to grow more positive. To say this is anything to do with social media is to ignore decades of ground work done by organisations so desperate to pretend sex trafficking was a thing that they pushed complete gibberish, unquestioned, into the public sphere for decades. It is no surprise a nutjob conspiracy resulted from it.