
Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Like the look of this market level
I also noticed that there's a lot of physics objects. Halo 3 was the last Halo to have lots of random small physics objects.


Oct 27, 2017
In this game...there are monsters....people who have been playing Halo since Day 1 who never left. Shits going to like sending lambs to a pack of wolves. We are doomed I tell you, DOOMED!!


Oct 25, 2017
This will get me back into online FPS.

My friend and I cannot wait to squad up for this.


Apr 19, 2020
This looks great, especially the chopper. It has returned. Abilities are looking pretty tame so far, and if anything, looking more like tools to use similar to that of Halo 3's equipment. This is a good evolution of Halo over the armor abilities that started in Reach and only got worse. I'm hoping these tools you can use are a bit more skill-based over a get out of jail free card that a lot of abilities tend to be in PVP games. Something like the grappling hook definitely leans in that direction. But the ability to parry shit and deflect it back at the opponent, like we saw with the plasma pistol? This intrigues me. Hopefully it's not too easy to pull off and exploit.

Anyway chopper is back.

And thank god for that.

I have been watching ERA closely this week, and I must say, what an absolute circus. People see Battlefield and they say disappointingly "It just looks like Battlefield". People see Elden Ring and disappointingly say "It just looks like a FromSoftware game". People see Halo and holy guacamole wouldn't you believe it "It just looks like Halo". No poop Sherlock. What do you think people want? Is this the extent of your ability to observe? "It just looks like x". Oh, does it? Wow.

ERA's ability to critique and analyze is brain mush. Some of y'all need to think about what you have to say and then consider before saying it "Am I actually going to say something interesting? Something worth saying?" Majority of the time, I tell you huwhat, it ain't. You know how many things I think about on impulse every day? Do you know how much of that shit is stupid? A lot. So I don't say it. I'm incredibly stupid the majority of the time, but I hide that shit like it's the catalyst to the bubonic plague. This is a vital skill in life.
Wouldn't have guessed that the game looks great to you when they committed the cardinal sin of getting rid of red vs blue.


Apr 19, 2020
I made a thread about it and you hated the idea of using outlines instead of red vs blue, saying that wasnt halo, things have always been that way and shouldn't change, and you went as far as saying that you dont want it even if its just an option. I guess you changed your mind and its not a big deal then? Or maybe it was something so insignificant that you didnt even notice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
I bet Red v. Blue will be an option.

I wonder if you get any free MP battle pass or customization items by virtue of having bought the campaign or having Game Pass / Game Pass Ultimate. Would be neat!

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I made a thread about it and you hated the idea of using outlines instead of red vs blue, saying that wasnt halo, things have always been that way and shouldn't change, and you went as far as saying that you dont want it even if its just an option. I guess you changed your mind and its not a big deal then? Or maybe it was something so insignificant that you didnt even notice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't even remember the shit I said yesterday. I am probably not going to remember what I said whenever this thread of yours was made.


Apr 19, 2020
I don't even remember the shit I said yesterday. I am probably not going to remember what I said whenever this thread of yours was made.
Fair enough. You seemed really passionate about it so its kinda weird that you dont remember having an opinion that you defended so strongly. All good tho.


Build Engineer, Apex Legends
Dec 29, 2017
Seattle, WA
Halo has been my favorite series since I played CE at launch - even during High School and college I was constantly playing, attending LAN events (local and national), and on the MLG forums.

I ended up helping ship Halo 5: Guardians at 343 Industries and still work in the online multiplayer games industry and just with everything I've heard about Infinite and the development, going in my expectations for Halo Infinite were very tempered... but after everything I've seen so far I'm much more excited than I anticipated.

We still don't know everything yet and I'm sure we'll learn things I won't like but overall the direction the game is heading seems fantastic.