
Oct 25, 2017

The man who brought us 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (I couldn't find any version of the scene that worked on embed sorry!)



and The Vikings (which doesn't get a piece of media). Also his son Micheal Douglas star of Wall Street and Fatal Attraction but on this board maybe hes just that one guy from ant man.

I mostly wanted to make this thread because I watched two Kirk Douglas movies this year that I had never seen before: Paths of Glory and Ace in the Hole (sometimes known as The Big Carnival) and they both catapulted to some of my favorite movies I've ever seen. I figured I'd share some thoughts and encourage all of you to go and watch them!


Paths of Glory is a WWI movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. Kirk Douglas is a Colonel who has to command his troops to press forward in an attack, and it doesn't go well, so then he finds himself having to defend them in a court martial for cowardice. Every part of it is amazing and I can't really over praise it in my mind. It feels so modern and more relevant than ever. When I was watching it I kept thinking of some parts of The Wire. Well it turns out it's one of David Simon's favorite movies (some mild spoilers) and he watched it with some detectives in his journalism days. All the detectives watched and identified which characters were which bosses in their department. It reminded me of plenty of my bosses in life. If you want to watch a movie about what feels like a large lumbering unstoppable institution that chews people up and spits them out while also being an anti-war film, I don't think you can do much better.


Ace in the Hole is about a journalist who desperately wants to leave his middle of nowhere newspaper and then stumbles upon his big break. In order to capitalize it he turns a life or death situation into a literal circus. Apparently the movie bombed when it first came out and most people thought it was unrealistic, that journalists couldn't be that petty and removed. Chasing money and fame over the actual story or sensationalizing. I think even just ten minutes of any cable news today would blow anyone away who thought that back then. Again has aged remarkably. But don't take my word for it, here you can see what Spike Lee thinks of it (with some mild spoilers).

So there you have it. I think he was a good actor who made some good movies! Fun fact it was required in his contract that he always had to have one scene where he didn't wear a shirt.

You can also have this classic SCTV sketch with a good impression of him.



Oct 27, 2017
Wow. Honestly had no idea he was still alive.

Damn, 103... Michael Douglas inherited some amazing genes.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Dude is legit. Remember this?

They say there is nothing new under the sun. Since I was born, our planet has traveled around it one hundred times. With each orbit, I've watched our country and our world evolve in ways that would have been unimaginable to my parents – and continue to amaze me with each passing year.
In my lifetime, American women won the right to vote, and one is finally the candidate of a major political party. An Irish-American Catholic became president. Perhaps, most incredibly, an African-American is our president today.

The longer I've lived, the less I've been surprised by the inevitability of change, and how I've rejoiced that so many of the changes I've seen have been good.

Yet, I've also lived through the horrors of a Great Depression and two World Wars, the second of which was started by a man who promised that he would restore his country it to its former greatness.
Until now, I believed I had finally seen everything under the sun. But this was the kind of fear-mongering I have never before witnessed from a major U.S. presidential candidate in my lifetime.
I have lived a long, good life. I will not be here to see the consequences if this evil takes root in our country. But your children and mine will be. And their children. And their children's children.
You tried to warn 'em, Kirk. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing actor. In addition to the films mentioned already, he stars in possibly my favorite film noir:



Oct 25, 2017
Didn't he rape Natalie Wood?

Happy 103rd birthday!

Sounds like a curse to me.
Why are we celebrating violent rapists?
I explained why I made the thread.

I had never heard anything about that and google is full of blogs pointing at each other for sources, with not a single reputable website having even a story about it. It seems to come from a book but I can't find anything other than the quote that it was an unnamed "powerful and famous actor-producer".

Do you have anything that can tell me more or is this just stuff you've heard about?


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
bumping this thread to share this video of Kirk Douglas being a cool motherfucker by speaking very good French and giving his cowboy hat to a random kid that passes by him and the journalist.

edit: whoa, I had no idea about the rape accusations.
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Deleted member 9197

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I swear to god, every time I'm in the mood to finally watch this and have the time to spare, it disappears from streaming services. haha

One day!
justwatch says its streaming on something called the roku channel with ads

which sounds like a fucking nightmare and a terrible way to watch it

completely worth the $2.99 or whatever to rent from amazon or youtube or whatever

Deleted member 9197

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
justwatch says its streaming on something called the roku channel with ads

which sounds like a fucking nightmare and a terrible way to watch it

completely worth the $2.99 or whatever to rent from amazon or youtube or whatever

Yeah, I saw that on Justwatch as well, but I ain't playing with it. I have it on my CheapCharts wish list, and I'm just waiting for it to drop to $5 on iTunes to purchase. It hasn't been on sale since back in July, unfortunately.

Hopefully it's available sometime between now and the first week of January when school starts back up.


Nov 8, 2017
I watched Paths of Glory recently and I think it instantly became one of my favorite films ever.
He was really convincing as the moral core of the film.