
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm saying that because one of the comments in that Reddit thread suggests that his SAT score was around 1200, which wasn't great a million years ago when I was in high school, much less now. Even with a stellar GPA a low SAT score and nothing else noteworthy in your community/school service seems like it would be a hard pass at any of the ivy league schools, assuming that info is true.

Wow, yeah that is a genuinely awful score. Consider me even more baffled.

Edit: Ah did they change the max? The max was 2400 when I took it three years ago.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I don't care who Charlie Kirk is or this kid for that matter. I take issue with white liberals needlessly saying stupid shit that could trigger white supremacists. Because if shit were to hit the fan, they would be tucked away nicely and be safe while people like me have to eat bullets.

"White liberals" don't create white supremacists. You should take issue with the fact that people like Kirk unironically do wish you dead, not what people say in response to their dumbass actions and ideals. White supremacists are already "triggered" by you simply existing, so working to deplatform and stop the spread of their messaging is the first step to keep more idiots like Kirk from being radicalized.


Oct 27, 2017
The SAT scoring system changed a few years back, I think like a 1300 is the max now?

Either way I just find it so funny this asswipe was accepted when I know people who had perfect scores, had a ton of extra stuff outside of school and weren't colossal shitbags to boot got rejected from Ivies.
1600 is the max for the SAT, unless it was changed again.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
The SAT scoring system changed a few years back, I think like a 1300 is the max now?

Either way I just find it so funny this asswipe was accepted when I know people who had perfect scores, had a ton of extra stuff outside of school and weren't colossal shitbags to boot got rejected from Ivies.
I looked it up and it's back to 1600 again. I thought the 2400 was dumb but I didn't realize they dropped it back so fast.

1200 out of 1600 was not ivy league material when I was in school but it's a lot better than 1200 out of 2400 which is what I thought.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
This needs to be shared waaaay more, holy fuck.

As someone who went through college admissions pretty recently (three years ago) it's not really surprising that a shithead can get into Harvard. People at my high school have paid to have their essays written, their resumes inflated, and unsurprisingly there were racist and stupid idiots that worked hard enough to get those high scores. The tricks of standardized tests are easy enough to figure out, if you have the funds to take them multiple times, only your highest scores are counted towards your application. Some people get really, really lucky.
Upvote the post and spread awareness. OP said you can xpost.


Nov 6, 2017
I'm saying that because one of the comments in that Reddit thread suggests that his SAT score was around 1200, which wasn't great a million years ago when I was in high school, much less now. Even with a stellar GPA a low SAT score and nothing else noteworthy in your community/school service seems like it would be a hard pass at any of the ivy league schools, assuming that info is true.

He probably pimped the fact that he was a parkland survivor a lot to get accepted with that score if true.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Upvote the poat and spread awareness. OP said you can xpost.
I mean the unfortunate thing is, I graduated HS in 2015 in a fairly wealthy and super white town and there were tons of people like that in my high school.

Most young conservatives are just fucking blatant racists and sexists and homophobes and nobody bats an eye. Which is why it's not surprising to me at all that he acted like that all the time. Because I know way too many people who were just like him.


Oct 25, 2017
The person saying he got a 1200 in that reddit wasn't the initial poster who went to the HS. I think that guy got Kashuv's score mixed up with Hogg's. I think it was said Hogg scored a 1270.


May 23, 2019
"White liberals" don't create white supremacists. You should take issue with the fact that people like Kirk unironically do wish you dead, not what people say in response to their dumbass actions and ideals. White supremacists are already "triggered" by you simply existing, so working to deplatform and stop the spread of their messaging is the first step to keep more idiots like Kirk from being radicalized.

I can chew gum and walk at the same time just fine, but thank you.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Yes and unnecessary stupid shit like this feeds the crazy. I guess its cool to be an edgy white liberal online when you know the crazies will shoot people of color and look right past you.
This is nonsensical. Condemning racism instead of allowing it to fester is what is happening here. More of this needs to occur. This isn't a problem; it's literally part of a solution.
Oct 25, 2017
The SAT scoring system changed a few years back, I think like a 1300 is the max now?

Either way I just find it so funny this asswipe was accepted when I know people who had perfect scores, had a ton of extra stuff outside of school and weren't colossal shitbags to boot got rejected from Ivies.

No. I just looked it up. The max score is 1600 now how it was when I was in school. A 1200 is a decent score but nowhere near Harvard level.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
1600 is out of math and reading. 2400 is that plus writing.
It's been a really long time since I took it but back then it was 600 points each for math/reading and then 400 for an essay you wrote at the end (iirc).

I took it once and when I was half way through the essay I was like "fuck this", handed in my test and walked out since I knew I had the score I wanted for my selected school based on the first two parts. That damn test is too long and it wasn't even a good metric for intelligence. One of the smartest kids I knew in school studied his ass off and somehow got a 900 yet he finished his degree at NYU in 3 years with a magna cum laude.


May 23, 2019
This is nonsensical. Condemning racism instead of allowing it to fester is what is happening here. More of this needs to occur. This isn't a problem; it's literally part of a solution.
Saying conservatives should be drowned or whatever isn't condemning racism. There's black and brown conservatives. I don't agree with them but I also don't joke about killing them.

You can piss on them all you want but it crosses a very serious line when violence starts being promoted.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Saying conservatives should be drowned or whatever isn't condemning racism. There's black and brown conservatives. I don't agree with them but I also don't joke about killing them.

You can piss on them all you want but it crosses a very serious line when violence starts being promoted.
My bad, I thought you were calling Harvard's actions the cause for radicalization.


Oct 27, 2017
It's been a really long time since I took it but back then it was 600 points each for math/reading and then 400 for an essay you wrote at the end (iirc).

I took it once and when I was half way through the essay I was like "fuck this", handed in my test and walked out since I knew I had the score I wanted for my selected school based on the first two parts. That damn test is too long and it wasn't even a good metric for intelligence. One of the smartest kids I knew in school studied his ass off and somehow got a 900 yet he finished his degree at NYU in 3 years with a magna cum laude.

There are surely people who bomb it who are actually intelligent but you can't get an elite score and not be very intelligent, that's why it's a good metric for colleges when you're dealing with thousands of different high schools that make just grades almost meaningless when you're getting into the Ivy League admission level.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
There are surely people who bomb it who are actually intelligent but you can't get an elite score and not be very intelligent, that's why it's a good metric for colleges when you're dealing with thousands of different high schools that make just grades almost meaningless when you're getting into the Ivy League admission level.
Maybe I'm too hard on myself but I'm also basing that opinion on the fact that I got a great score without even finishing the test and I was never that good in school. I have always been great at taking tests though so while I think it's definitely really helpful to use as a metric it shouldn't be given the weight that it has and at least when I took it a lot of the reading portion seemed like it was unfair to people from different cultures but it's possible they fixed that considering how long ago it was.

Anyway I'm going way off the original topic but it's still a good conversation to have about the requirements to get into the best schools, especially after the whole placement buying scandal.


Oct 27, 2017
Have any of these "journalists" asked Kashuv when was the last time he used the n-word? Two years ago? One year? Two hours ago?


Feb 8, 2018
Harvard deciding that someone can't grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it's Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past.
If it takes nearly dying to stop you from being a racist, then that says more about you then them
"I used to be racist, but after the Parkland shooting I'm a changed man!" 🙄
Oct 28, 2017
Guess Kashuv's old man didn't have money to buy his kid's way in like Jared Kushner's father did for him. Jared was a C student in high school.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017


Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Shouldn't even be surprised at this point. He is white, after all.
Remember that time the white classmates went on record saying they were disappointed at the media for focusing on the white students of the shooting and barely cared about the minority students.

Good times.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think he's doing himself any favors here. What college is going to take him after he's been such a bitch over Harvard not wanting his bullshit on their campus?

Is "don't be a dick because it'll come back to bite you" really the hill they want to die on with this? Seems like a good thing.

Some people really, REALLY want to be able to say the n-word in private and not get in trouble for it...