
Oct 25, 2017
Crazy how many times white dudes get to reap the rewards of something when they tried everything in their power to ruin it

They got 5% of the total gross too:
After Heavenly Creatures was acquired by Miramax, Peter and [his wife and creative partner] Fran Walsh signed a first-look arrangement with the Weinsteins. It meant that any idea they had, it had to be presented to Miramax first.

Bob Weinstein suggested at one point that we kill three of the Hobbits. Disney didn't want [the adaptation] and the relationship between Peter and Miramax soured.

Eventually, I go to Harvey and say, "You have to give us a window to shop it." A traditional window [to try and sell a property to a different studio] is between six and 12 months – Harvey gave us three weeks. He also wanted a $12m (£9m) advance to cover what Miramax had spent and five per cent of the total gross, and to be named as an executive producer. We had three weeks to sell Lord of the Rings to another studio or the rights were Harvey's and he'd kick Peter off the project.

They were pursuing all the major studios and all the indie financiers, including New Line. I had spent probably 10 years rabbiting to [New Line founder] Bob Shea about Peter, and he was familiar with him through that Nightmare on Elm Street script.

Bob Shea was a riverboat gambler. He rolled the dice and he took a shot. They said yes on Monday and were out of pocket $12m by Wednesday. Harvey was absolutely stunned. He set us up to fail and expected us to fail. But he got his five per cent.


Oct 25, 2017
Costume Designer: Hey, uh, you sure you wanna make Lady Galadriel's ring a toe ring? Because the books say the ring of adamant wasn't even normally visible. All your close up shots won't make any sen-

Tarantino: -Christ's sake, just do it!


Oct 25, 2017
Christoph Waltz would've killed it as Gollum tbh.


"...You're hiding a ring in your pocketses, aren't you?"


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
would Tarantino even have agreed to do it? lol. LotR doesn't feel like it's in his wheelhouse.


Oct 25, 2017
A pencil sketch of a guy fighting off trolls is appropriate for Peter Jackson's dealings with Harvey Weinstein.

Allegedly, the particularly ugly orc leader in "Return of the King" was modeled after him.
I'm pretty sure that's a low-level orc/goblin with a chunk of meat tied to a long pole, and he's using it to lead giant trolls who are pulling some sort of massive carts.


Oct 27, 2017
Quentin Tarantino isn't someone you just "get" to fill in for someone else. Would he even want to do this?
No, but this sort of situation happens a decent amount (where you see a big filmmaker in the producer role sometimes because they had to come in and save the film or shadow it).

Sam Raimi famously took the shadowing job on John Woo's first Hollywood movie, Hard Target (which was the first Hollywood production helmed by a foreign Asian director). The TL;DR is that he was offered it and immediately said yes because he absolutely wouldn't do anything to infringe on Woo's work (he was a big fan of his Hong Kong flicks), and didn't want anyone who would to take the job.

Whenever the studio gave notes, including ones that Woo was happy to compromise on, Raimi would show up to a meeting and be like 'wtf, he is John Woo, let him do his thing!' - but otherwise he just hung around set and went to dinners with Woo to talk movies. Tremendous own goal from the studio obviously.


‘Hard Target’ at 25: John Woo on Fighting for Respect in Hollywood

The anniversary of 'Hard Target' could have passed unmarked, but for the fact that it was legendary action director John Woo's first film in the U.S., and the first Hollywood studio film to ever be helmed by an Asian filmmaker.
Third: Universal was worried enough about Woo's capacity to handle an American crew that it hired Sam Raimi to shadow him on set, instructing him to step in and take over if the director faltered. (Instead Raimi would become Woo's fiercest defender, even getting into a shouting match with execs to defend his autonomy.)
John Woo: About Sam Raimi. I was very impressed with him. I liked his work, and I found he was a man with a big passion for film. He gave me a lot of great respect and support in many ways. Like, I had never known that movie stars in Hollywood had so much power! They had final cut approval, final draft approval, lots of final approvals! And I was so shocked because in Hong Kong the director is everything. The director has so much freedom to do whatever he wants! So while I was cutting the film with my editor, Bob Murawski, [Van Damme] wanted to do another cut with the chief editor from the studio behind my back. Of course, I was so upset, you know. "It's not right! This is my movie, I should do my own cut!" And Sam wasn't happy as well, so he arranged a big meeting. He got together all the producers and the editor and he was screaming in the meeting! "This is a John Woo movie! Let John do his work!" And he made everybody back off, and I was so grateful. And then a couple years later I found out the reason the studio wanted him on the set: They had asked him to watch over me in case I had any kind of problem, like I couldn't do a scene or had difficulty communicating with my actors, and [the studio] would have him take over the job. And Sam would have never done that, and would have never wanted to do that! Every time he would come on the set, he just came in a few times to ask me to dinner, and we'd have a great time having drinks and talking about movies and exchanging experience. I was so glad on my first Hollywood movie to have such a great friend.
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Nov 14, 2017
which LOTR character would be most likely to say the n-word

Gandolfini the White could have been a reality:

A few years back after watching The Sopranos I had a dream I was watching Return of the King but Gandalf was played by Gandolfini. But he was just playing Tony Soprano in a robe holding a staff and a sword, calling Denethor a motherfucker and Orcs a variety of Italian slurs.


Oct 27, 2017
A pencil sketch of a guy fighting off trolls is appropriate for Peter Jackson's dealings with Harvey Weinstein.

Allegedly, the particularly ugly orc leader in "Return of the King" was modeled after him.

It looks like the guy is bating the Trolls to keep pushing something. Not sure what it's referencing from the films or books.


May 14, 2019
A QT LOTR would've been something. I'm glad we didn't get that, let's be real, he'd have never done it.

I can believe…it's a fucking miracle that trilogy ever got made. It makes no Hollywood sense.


Nov 16, 2017
Tim Roth as Frodo
Chris Penn as Sam
Harvey Kietel as Aragorn
Michael Madsen as Boromir
Sam J as Gandalf
Uma Thurman as Arwen
Brad Pitt as Legolas
Steve Buscemi as Gollum


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
This thread made my head hurt: I don't think Tarantino would be all over the project but in the case he would, why are some of you doing some castings that include Christoph Waltz? Tarantino didn't work with him back in the late 90s. And also Tarantino has a foot fetish but he isn't homosexual or bisexual, as far as I know, why are you guys suggesting he would include more men's feet lol he has made very clear that he has a women's feet fetish, not feet in general.

Anyway, like some have said, this was a super empty threath but it makes me want for someone to ask him if for some reason or another he would have done it, what would his take on it would've look like.


Oct 25, 2017
Every 10 years someone should remake LOTR

Coen Brothers LOTR
Guillermo Del Toro LOTR
Sam Raimi LOTR


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone's saying Sam Jackson Gandalf but picture: Sam Jackson gimli complete with shrinking technology

or Sam Jackson Voice (speaker who gets shanked by Aragorn) of Sauron

also as someone mentioned, we'd have Uma Thurman Galadriel with feet


Oct 27, 2017
The Black Speech of Mordor, which I will not utter here motherfucker, do you speak it!?
Oct 27, 2017
Bob Shea doesnt get enough credit. Thanks to him mot only do we have Lord of the Rings, but A Nightmare on Elm Street would never exist without him.