
Jan 25, 2018
I work on a PC for too much during the day, which coupled with intermittent wrist pain has all but killed PC gaming for me.
Same for me. I work with a Wacom tablet, mouse and keyboard. When I'm ready to play games, the comfort of my couch, a controller and a 4k TV are perfect for me. Less stress for my wrist and hands.
Dec 15, 2017
I don't care. I have my man cave, don't have any consoles so PC gaming is the only type of gaming for me. I also don't understand the "I work on pc all day so I have to play games in a console" people. Games are for fun, a totally different experience from working even if done on the same device.


Oct 25, 2017
Cybertronic Purgatory
I'm mostly handheld but I love my desktop.
Mostly because I can always find something that I have that scratches some sort of itch and prefer multitasking while gaming
Sad that I'm moving and will have to give it up due to space.
Actually working on a PC all day enhances my PC gaming because I get to use my own stuff and my desktop background sends me to my happy place.


The Fallen
Nov 19, 2017
Not completely. I do prefer couch gaming though for the majority of games. Even FPS games I would choose a controller/couch but I also prefer single player so I'm not playing competively.

Stuff like The Sims, Cities Skylines etc. I would prefer on a desktop KBM. I don't tend to play those games endlessly though, a few days here and there of them usually satisfies me.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Dark Souls 3 was the last game I played on my aging pc, hooked up to my tv. I'm going to move it to my living room to play Sekiro on it this friday.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Not at all. I for one prefer to sit close to a screen with a mouse and keyboard in a comfortable chair, instead of squinting at a screen halfway across the room, slouching.


Oct 27, 2017
Yup, I got into PC gaming for a few years when Half Life 2 was released. The second time I built my own gaming PC, this was around 2010/11, mainly for Battlefield 3 and The Witcher 2.

Consoles this gen are more than satisfactory for my gaming needs, especially once I upgraded to the Pro and X.


Mar 14, 2019
Nope. Been doing an office job for nearly 5 years since graduating, and feel no temptation to switch to consoles. I come home, sit down in my room in front of my custom-built rig and my hands feel right at home on the mouse + arrow keys.

I never played multiplayer though, so since I take my time in whatever genre I play (be it RTS, RPG, imsim or action/adventure), I don't ever feel rushed.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Sure. I just have my TV connected via HDMI for when I'm playing a game with controller though.


Oct 26, 2017
I use steam link if i want to play on tv with uncompromised framerate and stuffs. Might be a shocker to some but you can use gamepad on a PC too

i do have a PS4 and PSVR only for exclusives but there are too many cheap and good games on PC , i have no time


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
no way, i much prefer it to the "comfy" couch bs. Ultrawide monitor is my life saving gaming peripheral. Fucking love this shit and in my desk leaning back on my chair


Oct 27, 2017
I can't even picture using a PC for games now. Don't care enough about the "perks".


Jun 10, 2018
Completely the opposite: in my mid-30s, work in an office staring at the screen more than ever, yet I have more desire to play pc games than ever before. I use to have playstation 3 and handhelds (vita, 3ds), yet now I can't be bothered because of all the good games on the PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Laptops>> PCs best of all worlds.

PlayAnywhere+laptops= heaven for me, it works so well with my household.

with Xbox X on the big screen and sound system.


Oct 27, 2017
Complete opposite. I love playing at the PC now more than ever, and I have my PS4 and Switch hooked up to the monitor. My poor 3DS games get neglected because I never feel like playing them on the small screen. Btw I'm 37 now.


Oct 25, 2017
I connect my PC to my TV, use a controller, and turn on Big Picture mode. Feels like I'm on a console, just with way better hardware.
Oct 31, 2017
My tiny Japanese apartment doesn't have room for a computer desk so I have my gaming rig going into my 60" 4K HDR tv and soundbar and my IKEA sofa has wonderfully wide and flat arms to put a mousepad/mouse on. It works so fantastically well, it's going to be hard going back to desktop gaming again. Yet, I will have to, for I need to play through a monitor that lets me go beyond my tv's current 60hz...


Dec 11, 2017
I'm same as OP. Pretty much word for word.

Used to PC game all day long when I wasn't a youngster.
Now I can barely bring myself to play even great PC games.

And again as with OP I work at a desk all day so may be something in that. But I have to admit that I have a very special couch that is incredibly inviting. :D


Oct 25, 2017
No. I'm at a desk at work but I spend most of my time home at a desk as well. I even play my console games on my monitor.


Editor-in-Chief, Hyped Pixels
Jun 11, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Same here, especially with my friends moving from the PC to the PS4 due to the insane GPU prices.

Personally what pushes me off the most is Sony's single player games.. I don't really play a lot of MP games these days (we playing Apex now) and just stick more to single player games and Sony/Nintendo where it's at at for me


Jan 27, 2018
Doesn't matter much to me, i also don't know any offices that supply gsync 1440p 144hz monitors, so it's hard to compare work PC's to Gaming PC's


Oct 27, 2017
It depends on what I'm playing. I had zero issues playing RDR2 on Xbox One X down in the living room, but playing Project Cars 2 on the X when I have a triplescreen PC with a steering wheel sitting there waiting for me upstairs seems a bit strange. Racing games and more hardcore mouse/keyboard games are better played on a desktop PC, couch gaming mostly suits the more laidback casual and retro games, imo, especially anything first person is a ton better with mouse and keyboard.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a personal computer, it can be everything you want, including a couch console.

While pc users are known to spend time tweaking stuff in their games, it can be as much as a plug'n'play experience as a console. Consoles nowadays looks a lot like pcs anyway with download times, updates and stuff.


Sep 7, 2018
I've never really understood this mentality. I've had a desk job for over a decade and I still prefer gaming on a PC over a console. A PC isn't used just for spreadsheets. It's also used for everything else, including gaming which it does better than any console.

I can't even picture using a PC for games now. Don't care enough about the "perks".

I like how you added quotation marks as if the objective advantages of PC gaming are somehow subjective.


Oct 28, 2017
The other way around for me.

I used to love playing on a couch with a pad in hand.

Now, i NEED to play with kb/m and sitting on a chair. Any other way and i get hand cramps and back pain.

I can't sit properly on a couch so my back start to hurt like hell in less than an hour. I can alleviate this by lying on my side on the couch but if this position is perfectly fine to watch TV, it is not when you want to play a video game.

And then the gamepad : no matter how ergonomic a pad is, playing with one render my pinkies and ring fingers numb in about half a hour (less if it's not designed to be ergonomic, like most portable consoles for instance) and if i persist, it will start to quickly hurt like hell. And in any case, i'm not very talented with my thumbs either way.

So, i am now "forced" to play on a desktop with mouse and keyboard. But i don't complain. PC master race and all. :p


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm about 50/50. I like playing on the big screen but I also like my 21:9 120Hz monitor. So, I split my time.


Oct 27, 2017
But now? I just can't bring myself to do it. I just find it wayyyyy more relaxing to sit on a couch or lay in my bed to play a video game on a console or laptop, when compared to sitting on a chair for hours on end.
I think one factor may be that I now have an office job which requires me to sit at a desktop all day, which makes me want to stay away from that setting when I'm chilling in my home.

I just bought a height adjustable desk and moved it all the way up so I can play while standing. It's a way more relaxing position after work and you can still move it down if you're having a long session


Nov 15, 2017
stationary gaming period is a burden to me now a days, be it traditional console gaming or PC. I just get tired of sitting in the same place most of the time. Desktop gaming is nothing to me because i have my TV next to desktop, which is across from my bed. My PC is connected to both of them so i can change how i play my game.


Nov 1, 2017
Nah, in my late 40's and a desktop PC is my preferred games machine.

But i have been using computers since i was 8 with the vic 20. My PC chair is far more comfortable than my couch. My 21:9 monitor is far superior to my HDTV.


Oct 30, 2017
I recently build a very good gaming PC on my own and god is it worth it.

144 fps for shooter is beyond awesome.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
I much prefer standing up gaming nowadays and while I knew there're standing desks they still requires you to glue your hands on to the mouse and keyboard, and since you can't pick those up you are basically glued to the desk.

This is why I much prefer using a console nowadays, all I have to do is to adjust my TV's angle and that's about it.

I can play while working out (squats for example), I can even play and ride exercise bikes.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I own a pretty powerful gaming pc, but I just don't want to play games at it after a days of sitting at a desk at work. I rather play with a controller on the couch I'll gladly sacrifice some resolution and framerate for it :)

Deleted member 47092

User requested account closure
Aug 25, 2018
Yep - use my pc daily but cannot be arsed to play games on it.

Been trying to give my steam account away to nearest and dearest so they can use it init.


Oct 27, 2017
I play more on my PC based on the fact that I'm sitting at it for hours a day working and its just convenient to fire up a game


Circumventing a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I use the moonlight app but I would sit more at my pc if my pc was in a room where I could still be "social" when my wife plays on her laptop. My rig is two floors up in the loft room.