
Oct 25, 2017
Texas Chainsaw massacre remake from the early 2000s. Was watching it on base and only 20 people in the theater but everyone booed when it ended.

My best experience was seeing the DBS Broly movie in theaters. Everyone was quiet like a tennis match until the hype moments. It was like the audience was in sync... everyone clapped, laughed, and "ooooh" at the same time. Was nice to be there with people who were as passionate as I was.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
batman v superman

packed theater opening weekend and it was perfect because I was on psilocybin and the entire fucking audience was just not having it with this movie. it was like a 150 person Mystery Science Theater 3000 live episode.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I had the same groans and boos at the Rise of Skywalker scenes mentioned. Can't believe that was the second to last movie I saw before the world shut down :( (the last was Sonic lol)


Nov 5, 2017
The closest I got was in Rise of Skywalker, when the big kiss was mostly met with groans & uncomfortable laughter.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.

Nothing else IMO comes close to the immediate disdain my packed theater expressed when it smash cut to credits with Smaug flying to Lake Town.
Yeah, both of these for me as well. One guy screamed "F——— you" at the end of the second Hobbit movie and someone said "For the love of God" at the kiss and "I'm Rey Skywalker" from TROS.
Dec 31, 2017
TROS had visible disappointment among ppls faces. And a few laughs/boos. Just terrible stuff. Compared to the other 2 sequel films it was night and day.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a movie itself, but both times I saw Inception the audience groaned/laughed/booed at the Devil trailer when Shyamalan's name came up.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017

Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

The Devil Inside (so many people started booing, and then there was a long line at the front desk of the theater with people asking for their money back)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Never outright boos, but The Rise of Skywalker came close. "I'm Rey Skywalker" and the kiss got audible groans. It's far from the worst film I've seen at the theater (that dubious honor goes to the dreadful Mr. Turner), but that didn't get any groans.

Echoing the numerous posts here regarding these two moments in TROS. Audible groans and laughter.
Nov 15, 2020
Episode 3 didn't end with boos, but Vader's "Noooooooo" just turned the midnight crowd of college kids I was with into a laughing mob. There was no going back after that moment.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
The Devil Inside (so many people started booing, and then there was a long line at the front desk of the theater with people asking for their money back)
Oooh, this is a good one. That film has a notoriously shitty ending that asks the audience to go to their schlocky website to understand what really happened.



Jun 22, 2018
Batman V Superman was such an experience to me

My brother is a huge DC fan and he took me and some of our cousins to watch the midnight premiere and seeing the hype slowly wither as the film went on culminating in laughter from the Martha scene. Nobody stayed for the end credits

My brother was silent throughout the ride home


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
The Witch (or "The VVitch" if you're one of those pretentious people who insists on spelling it that way)

All had the entire theater bursting into laughter by the end.


Oct 27, 2017
The closes was probably on our way out of the theatre after The Dark Knight Rises, I was talking with a friend about how slow the movie was for a while, and someone else overheard us and said "oh, yeah, I fell asleep."
Oct 27, 2017
Rise of Skywalker had people laughing and groaning at certain moments. At the end no one really seemed too excited by it. It was mostly people joking about how stupid it was
Nov 9, 2017
Some idiot was loudly complaining that Inglorious Bastards was "too slow".

I boo'd a little bit at the last remake of Fantastic Four and Sin City 2


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah Rise of Skywalker.

Also Mortal Kombat 2 from many years ago. I thought there was going to be a riot people were so angry with the poor quality except thankfully a few people in the crowd did amazing impressions of the cheesy lines in the movie and everyone started to laugh.


Oct 27, 2017
The closes was probably on our way out of the theatre after The Dark Knight Rises, I was talking with a friend about how slow the movie was for a while, and someone else overheard us and said "oh, yeah, I fell asleep."

oh yes forgot about this one. Even more bizarre was the theater audio muffling what Bane was saying. There was a line of people asking for refunds.

Little did we know that's exactly how it was recorded....


Oct 25, 2017
Ari Aster makes for an especially obnoxious theater experience, where bumpkins and idiots expecting his films to be schlock get something a bit more nuanced, so they try to hide their confusing and ineptitude to interpret the themes with laugher and heckling. 2 for 2 on this so far.


Oct 27, 2017
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.

Nothing else IMO comes close to the immediate disdain my packed theater expressed when it smash cut to credits with Smaug flying to Lake Town.

OMG I forgot about this one too. Someone audibly yelled at the end credits, "that was a really expensive two hour toy commercial"


Oct 29, 2017
Closest I got I think was probably BvS. When it finished Everyone just walked out in silence. Not a peep from anyone throughout the movie. It was weird.
This is normal in Japan when i went to watch. Doesn't matter the genre, just dead silence unless there's an international date going on where the Japanese person is trying to translate to some gaijin.


Oct 29, 2017

Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

The Devil Inside (so many people started booing, and then there was a long line at the front desk of the theater with people asking for their money back)
Is this a thing you can do with most chains? if the movie sucked shouldn't you have done your research by looking at reviews prior to watching the movie? what's to stop the liars who want to freeload?


Oct 28, 2017
Not boo'd but I heard a lot of annoyed "oh my god" when Fellowship of the Ring ended. I think people actually thought they'd get to Mordor at the end of that movie.
Not knowing anything about LOTR ahead of time, I do remember this being a slight annoyance. The pacing of the movie made it pretty obvious that the story wasn't going to conclude with that film, but even with that expectation, I don't remember the ending of that movie being remotely satisfying either.


Oct 28, 2017
Episode 3 didn't end with boos, but Vader's "Noooooooo" just turned the midnight crowd of college kids I was with into a laughing mob. There was no going back after that moment.

I'm trying to remember if Ep 2 had boos.

I think people were just kinda stunned at how bad it was.

Ep 1 people enjoyed but we were all saying "Well he's a bit rusty, next one will be better".

Ep 3 definitely had some audible groans/laughs at "Noooooo"

Never saw TRoS in theaters, may watch it eventually. Both crowds I saw TLJ with loved it (as do I).


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a thing you can do with most chains? if the movie sucked shouldn't you have done your research by looking at reviews prior to watching the movie? what's to stop the liars who want to freeload?

As someone who worked at a huge Regal Cinema for years, the vast majority of movie goers does little to no research before showing up. I had more than a few parents taking their toddlers into films like Hostel even after I warned them it's no movie for a child.


May 20, 2019
I had people boo at Deep Impact - entire audience basically hated it. To be fair it was horrible. There was one guy who commented the whole time, sometimes it was pretty funny. When the main character's father said something like, "I have a gift for you," he shouted "I have a gift for you too: A six mile wide piece of ice!"
Jul 16, 2020
I took my dad to see The Royal Tenenbaums in the theater. There was a lot of buzz around it. I loved it, but as credits rolled my dad stood up and shouted, "Oscar my ass!"

Deleted member 6173

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I distinctly remember seeing Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom in theaters and people booing during the dinner scene with the Indian royalty.


Oct 25, 2017
When I saw King of the Monsters in theater, the few people other than me were all in agreement that the movie needed to end asap. We were all groaning/complaining at the family/human elements.


Nov 20, 2017
Leia Mary Poppins

Also "you're a Palpatine" in Rise of Skywalker

And all of the last two Hobbit movies, plus the weird added backstory in the first one

Also my friends and I went to see Dragon War on a lark. I distinctly remember a "tense action scene" that consists of the characters driving away from a dragon on a crowded street, rear ending a car in front of them, and then having to get out and steal another car and then keep driving in a straight line down the same street. Probably the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters.


Oct 27, 2017
Los angeles
I've been to a few... BvS, JL, TLJ, ROS, Godzilla, Bumblebee and the last Indiana Jones but more people walked out than booed on that one lol


Sep 23, 2019
Spider-man 3. When Peter starts crying at the end the audience laughed. About as close to a boo as I've experienced.
this has happened to me, too!

I'll never understand the direction which Raimi/Maguire took the Peter Parker character (A stupid boy? A man who does goofy faces?), and the LAST scene we have in the trilogy has Maguire making the goofiest of faces in the most dramatic scene of the trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
When I saw mf doom tons of people booed. The show started 2 hours late, then he performed for about 20 minutes before taking technical issues and walking off stage. I figured it was all performance art and had a great time but some people were livid.

Also one time when I saw perfect pussy the bassist freaked out, broke his bass and stormed off stage because of sound issues. The rest of the band other than meredith left and she finished the set acapella to many boos.
Oct 25, 2017
Not at the end but I saw The Simpsons Movie at midnight and when it said "To Be Continued..." there were a lot of boos and someone even threw their half filled bucket of popcorn at the screen lol
Was gonna post the same thing. It's funny how quickly people go from enjoyment to anger. Made for a really funny come down when people laughed at themselves after "immediately" fades in.