Dec 23, 2017
I grew up playing Final Fantasy from 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and a little bit of 13, 14 and 15. My favorites being 7, 8, 10, and maybe 12.

I never really deviated from the main-line series with the exception of Crisis Core and Dissidia/Duodecim which I enjoyed quite a bit as well.

From Final Fantasy 13, 14, and 15, I was struggling really hard to like the series to the point I dropped off of it and ended up "replacing", maybe temporarily, with the Tales of series.

Other than me not feeling the game play of these specific titles, I could never get into the "Royalty" or "Regal" aesthetic the series seems to be falling into.

It felt less "Fantasy" and more like "Final Royalty" or something.

Even though I constantly follow the Tales of series now, I can't stop thinking about Final Fantasy every now and then, so I'm wondering if there is anything out there that can scratch that Final Fantasy itch quickly without investing tons of hours into it.

I'm currently waiting for Final Fantasy 7 Remake to release on PC.



The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not. There's nothing else in gaming that even comes close to FF, unfortunately. The modern incarnation of the JRPG genre is a smoking ruin populated almost entirely by otaku-bait.

Like I get it, the FF series is super uneven, especially over the past decade, but I'd take an FF game over a Tales game or a Persona game literally any day. I'm so tired of repetitive anime cliches.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. I want classic, fantasy-focused, turn based RPGs with grandiose, traditional fantasy stories and a warm, charming aesthetic.

It's Dragon Quest for me.

Gabriel Hall

Oct 27, 2017
After FF7R and FFXIV: Shadowbringers, I can't imagine anything else replacing Final Fantasy for me.

Deleted member 56266

Account closed at user request
Apr 25, 2019
Absolutely not, FF being bad is a meme now. The franchise has redeemed itself recently with XIV 7 Remake and XVI is in good hands.
Only thing that comes close is Dragon Quest (and ONLY because XI was excellent).
May 19, 2020
FF isn't perfect but it's in a far better place than it was during the XIII period. you're basically in a great place now if you're a fan
Feb 15, 2019
Why would I replace it when I could simply just add to it. And just add the Tales games rather than replacing the Final Fantasy games with them.


Nov 4, 2017
I replaced it with real-life commitments.
I complain about it being five years between FF games but honestly if they were yearly like Assassin's Creed I couldn't touch them.

Occasionally I dabble with games like Ni No Kuni or the Xenoblade games but that's about it.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 31, 2017
same as you, my favorites are 7,8,10
but after that the story isn't that great, they rushed a lot especially in 15.. super bad in 13.

my current best JRPG is Trails series
though I'm still waiting ToCS IV on PC to finish the 3rd


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not

As enjoyable as Tales games can be, there is something just so generic and plain about each one. FF thrives on being unique on each entry.


Oct 28, 2017
If you started with FF7 then you might have missed that pretty much every game before that was focused on medieval-style Kingdoms. So it isn't that the series fell into that aesthetic and more that it had deviated away for a time.

I personally think the SNES games are the best in the series, and everything else is sort of a weird-offshoot that never reached its former glory. I tried Persona 3 FES and really liked it, but it doesn't really scratch the same itch as old school final fantasy did. I still think the JRPG genre has yet to find its "Halo moment" (or perhaps its "Dark Souls" moment?), where a game comes along that makes such a leap forward that it sets the standard for everything that comes after. People were expecting FF13 to be that game but it was almost the polar opposite!


Oct 26, 2017
FF7 Remake is one of the greatest games ever made, and FFXV managed to be absolutely fantastic and an incredibly enjoyable experience in spite of its many, many flaws.

I haven't fallen off FF at all.


Oct 28, 2017
Not really but I always enjoyed other JRPG series that I love as much or put in higher regard than FF, so it doesn't need replacing.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
A long time ago. After growing up on the series through VI I started to fall off with VII, got back into it with Tactics/IX, and then let it go pretty quickly starting with X. I'm always up for getting back into it but nothing except maybe XIV has sparked my interest in going on 20 years.


Jan 12, 2018
Yep it's the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise for me as the new bar in JRPG series. The scale introduced in these games feel like the natural progression in JRPG development that I feel FFXV and VIIR attempted and failed miserably. I'm also way more hype for XC3 or XCX on Switch than FFXVI as of right now.
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I've just added new series alongside it.

I fell a little out of love due to FFXII and XIII, but XV restored all my love for the franchise. Now I can't wait for XVI.
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
Yep. I want classic, fantasy-focused, turn based RPGs with grandiose, traditional fantasy stories and a warm, charming aesthetic.

It's Dragon Quest for me.
DQ and I have not looked back, I don't think 16 is going to bring me back.

I have never played a Dragon Quest game, with the exception of Dragon Quest Builders 2. :[

I hear alot of good things about..I think 11 but I think I grew out of turn-based games.


Apr 21, 2019
Monolith Soft's consistent production of Xenoblade games have scratched that JRPG itch for me instead.
Oct 25, 2017
Not really but I always enjoyed other JRPG series that I love as much or put in higher regard than FF, so it doesn't need replacing.
That's how I feel as well. It offers something no other series does, so I feel no need to replace it, but it was also never my favorite, so weaker entries probably hurt less.

I'm starting to get into Falcom games recently, if the rest of their stuff is at least as good as Oath in Felghana, which was my first, I'm in for a treat. Particularly looking forward to playing Trails in the Sky, Ys Origins and Xanadu Next.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Persona 3, 4, and 5 have really eaten the turn based RPG lunch for me. Remake was fantastic though but that's more action RPG.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Besides Kingdom there's no other high budget jrpg franchise. Though FF in the first place is not a series that I grew up and can't say I'm super fond of it. FF7R was dope though and I am interested to see how FFXVI turns out.

I'm not too fond of jrpgs in general anyways.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I'm on the way to doing it.

I keep buying them but I'm realising more and more that Final Fantasy isn't for me anymore. I legit didn't like FF7R at all and it breaks my heart because FF7 is hugely important to me. I didn't like XV much. I really didn't like XIII.

I want proper, classic, turn based FF again. I don't want whatever the fuck FF7R is with action combat and MMO style fetch quests permeating it.

I fell in love with DQXI when out a couple of years ago. I wouldn't say I've replaced FF with DQ yet but it's probably the one. It's what I want from a JRPG.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really, no. As much as I thought 15 was an abomination and I'm skeptical of 16 it's not like there's some other series doing a Final Fantasy like experience anywhere else.


Next Level Seer
May 15, 2020
Not really. Closest would be the xeno series since 2012 but I don't consider it a replacement since I like it more than FF. There's still ffxiv for me and hopefully xvi being good.


Oct 26, 2017
I play all the Tales games that have released for the past 10+ years. I wouldn't say I'd really used it to replace Final Fantasy though.

Back in the day when the series started going in a direction I didn't like (X), I did feel like I replaced it for a while with Wild ARMs. 3 and 5 were brilliant games and I even loved 4 (despite all the hate it gets). Shame Sony canned it after XF.

Deleted member 76797

Aug 1, 2020
Yea. Dragon Quest and Xenoblade for me. After XV and VIIR I have pretty much given up on FF being good after being a huge fan of the SNES and Ps1 games.


Oct 27, 2017
Richmond, VA
Not one bit. Sure, it was definitely shaky over the last decade. But the output the last few years has been fantastic, and I can't wait for XVI.


Oct 25, 2017


But to go alongside with it? Absolutely

-Dragon Quest
-Kingdom Hearts


Oct 28, 2017
I play most Jrpg series that i feel it's atleast good. I can't think of playing another stuff as replacement.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Not really "replaced", but yeah. Xenoblade, Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest and most recently, SaGa. FF is super low on the list of RPGs I get excited about these days. That said, I love 14 and 16 looks potentially cool.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
If you only have enough time for one or two RPGs and No FF output since the PS1 days caught your interest, then yeah I'd say play what interests you.


Apr 23, 2019
Hey, playing a bunch of RPG's is tough. :P
So true. I wish I could just submerge myself in big JRPGs for months on end. On a more serious response to your question, every FF is so different, mechanically, thematically, graphically, that they don't feel like games in the same series. There are common elements, sure, but they seem like RPGs from different series with some shared elements (try comparing FFXII to FFXIII or VIII to IX or really any two FF).

This and the fact that they come out so sparingly means that you can always make time for a new FF with little to no burnout from the series.

In between games there's no other RPG series that can scratch that FF itch. So there's so far no replacement.

At least for me.
Oct 26, 2017
The closest to it back in the day were Working Designs stuff like Lunar: Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue complete, the Arc the Lad collection, and Growlanswer collection. So, no one particular franchise---just a set of games from a specific studio.
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
I'm on the way to doing it.

I keep buying them but I'm realising more and more that Final Fantasy isn't for me anymore. I legit didn't like FF7R at all and it breaks my heart because FF7 is hugely important to me. I didn't like XV much. I really didn't like XIII.

I want proper, classic, turn based FF again. I don't want whatever the fuck FF7R is with action combat and MMO style fetch quests permeating it.

I fell in love with DQXI when out a couple of years ago. I wouldn't say I've replaced FF with DQ yet but it's probably the one. It's what I want from a JRPG.

That's where I am, I buy them but drop from them relatively quickly.

My friends wanted me to play Final Fantasy 14, so I picked up 2 months worth of subscription time but I had a hard time enjoying it because it felt like I was wasting my subscription time by waiting around in queue for a dungeon run, or standing around in town.

Like, if I wasn't constantly doing something or making progress, I was wasting my sub.

Final Fantasy 14 was my first subscription MMORPG, and I hated that feeling so much that I stopped playing.


Oct 27, 2017
What could I replace it with? Even at its lowest FF (especially nowadays) is better than most other JRPG. It's hard to replace one of the longest running JRPG series that has firmly established itself as one of the tops in the genre.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I've given DQ so many chances, and it's just so...boring. The attack animations are boring, the characters are boring, the core stories are boring, the settings are boring and the composer is an elementally terrible human being. I wish I could enjoy it, but I've never finished a single game in the series. Quit DQ8 during the Dhoulmagus boss fight, and bailed on XI like an hour before the main character was going to get turned into a fish because reasons.

Can we trade DQ for a resurrection of Suikoden?