
Oct 27, 2017
Voted in every election purely based on the candidate most likely to oust my current MP, fuck first past the post. Same for my councillor.
Voted (somewhat reluctantly) for Alternative Vote
Voted against Brexit

So far my vote has never been for a winning candidate or option


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I voted for Barack Obama and Mitch McConnell in 2008.

Yeah, I know. It was a different time, the GOP/McConnell specifically hadn't gone off the deep end, and I thought that it's usually good to have mixed parties in control of government. Plus residual benefits of one of the most powerful politicians (Senate Majority Leader) from my state.

He only won 53% - 47%, his narrowest margin since I've been voting age. I'm sure there were others who voted like me. It's our fault, guys.
Oct 25, 2017
Voted Obama in 2012 and Hillary in 2016.

2008 and before I was apathetic at best, an obnoxious both-sider (see: ignorant jackass) at worst and didn't vote.

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
First vote was 2004 for Kerry.

I now live in Oregon, so I vote in every election, not just the presidential and midterm elections.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Paradise Lost
Will not vote again until I see a candidate that seems genuinely interested in the real world problems of their constituents and not simply getting on the gravy train of continuous political office.
Guess I've seen too many political good intentions pave the road to hell.

The Mad Mango

Oct 27, 2017
Nobody has to "earn" your vote. You vote for the best that's available in order to move things forward instead of backward.

If you're at a restaurant, and nothing you love is on the menu, do you just not eat?
Oct 29, 2017
2008: Ron Paul
2012: Gary Johnson
2016: Hillary Clinton

If Trump wasn't the opponent in 2016, I would have written in Bernie Sanders (the way I had written in Paul and Johnson in previous years). In college I leaned much more libertarian than I do now, these days much more left.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, a bunch of times because Belgium has compulsory voting. I'd vote anyway though.

In recent years I've mostly voted for the green party and will continue to do so.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Starting from the first election I was eligible for;
(Copy and pasted from MIMIC since my voting record is identical)
2004 - Dean in the primaries, Kerry in the general
2008 - Obama in primaries and general
2012 - Obama in primaries and general
2016 - Bernie in the primaries, Hillary in the general

I could never vote Republican as they represent the complete opposite of my personal values and concerns. They are worse now more than ever.


Oct 25, 2017
I've voted every year since I turned 19. None of the people I wanted to win have won, but that usually happens if you're a Democrat in Texas.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
For everyone that voted reluctantly but still voted you have my up most respect.

Also to the people who voted in States where the opposing party is dominant.


Oct 25, 2017
2008 - Obama in the primaries and in the general
2012 - Obama in the general
2016- Clinton in the primaries and the general

I've also voted in every gubernatorial election since I've been eligible. Jerry Brown each time.


Oct 27, 2017
I've missed two votes since 2005 when I was old enough to vote. One because I forgot it was the voting weekend and I was in the middle of nowhere, 300km from the place I was allowed to vote at during the main election day, the other I honestly just missed because I was living as if it was a Saturday (Sundays are usually election days here)...

I've always voted left wing. Green Party or the Leftist party. None of the president election people I've voted for have made it in, some of the EU, local and parliament people I've voted for have.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Kerry earned my vote. Wanted to vote Dean in the primary, but didn't register in time. Kerry was good though. Got fucked over by Swiftboating.
Obama earned my vote twice. Voted him in the 08 primary too.
Hillary earned my vote in the primary and the general. Got fucked over by Emailzgate.

And honestly, Arnold Schwarzenegger earned my vote for CA governor back in the 2000s. He came out with a strong platform that was a huge contrast from Gray Davis, who had us in an energy crisis and came off as pretty shady.

I will likely never vote for a Republican on the national level unless there's a major realignment in the future. Also, all current leadership would have to be gone. I will never cast a vote for a party that includes Mitch McConnell.


Oct 25, 2017
For my record on the Pres level

-04 Didn't vote in Primary, Kerry general
-08 Obama primary, general
-12 Obama general
-16 Hillary primary, general


Oct 27, 2017
It's obligatory over here to go vote (off course, you can vote blank). Voted left-wing every time, but recently switched from social democrats to greens as my go to party. I tend to not give votes to persons, but vote the party list (which means you give your vote on the order the candidates are in). On the local elections coming up this year, I'll give my votes to politicians I tought did a great job the past legislature
Oct 27, 2017

for reals, now that I've started meeting some state representatives and senators and mayors and city councilpeople, and realizing that even in my podunk michigan town there are good people who actually know what they're talking about and sometimes even win elections...they're the ones who earned my vote

and Obama.
Oct 27, 2017
Obama in 2012 and Clinton in 2016, the latter out of necessity, as I voted for Sanders in the primary that year.


Oct 25, 2017
As a rule of thumb I vote for socialists unless the race is close enough that a Republican might win.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wanted to vote Gore so badly in 2000 but was barely too young. So my first vote was Kerry in 2004, then Obama in '08 and '12, and Hillary this past time, though I went Bernie in the primary.

But yeah, that Gore non-vote will always bum me out since W was such a disaster.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Voted for Obama twice and for Hillary. I've voted in midterms since 2010, for straight Democrats. Also started turning out in local elections this past year, once to vote for my city council member against some lady the police union was running against him, and once to vote for local infrastructure bonds.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Kerry, Bama, Bama, Clinton.

I remember having a school project before I was old enough to vote for who I'd pick for '00 and I remember it being Bush, but no idea why. College straightened me out somehow.


Oct 28, 2017
After what happened in 2016, i will no longer vote in future presidential campaigns. Local is fine.


Nov 3, 2017
2012 Obama
2014 I was ignorant and didn't vote
2016 I started voting on a state and local level and ended up voting for Hillary.


Oct 25, 2017
First election I was old enough for was Obama's first. That was wild. A crowd of black college students held an impromptu parade through the center of campus. What a happier, more optimistic time.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if this topic is taking non-USA Era folks but if it is here we go.

I remember earning the right to vote, just three days after a general election in 2005, but voted in the first local elections after that. Sadly for the life of me I can't remember who it was I voted for, so it may have been some horrible nutjob who I didn't do any research on.

After that I tended to vote Labour, Green and Lib Dem for councillor positions.

In general elections it went

2010: Liberal Democrat - I wanted them to pass an Alternative Voting System of some kind, and was intially pleased with the coalition as the referendum was happening. And then the results of that happened. It pisses me off to this day that people had an opportunity to change a crappy electoral system and didn't do it but were happy to vote to leave the EU.

2015: Green Party - I tend to agree with obviously a lot of their environmental positions, plus the removal of the homeopathy stuff was good. I liked Caroline Lucas as a politician as well, the policies on greater taxes towards the wealthy, including the so-called Tobin Tax sounded nice along with removing the House Of Lords with a second fully elected chamber. While my position on nuclear energy has changed a bit since this election if the Greens were more viable in a general election they could get my vote if I liked the candidate. Haven't been keeping up to date on them for a while now so they could be in a horrible shitstorm for all I know.

2017: Labour Party. Voted to keep the Labour MP in my area, I felt he was doing a good job and given our crummy voting system he was the only choice I could reasonably make.

As for future voting plans, no bloody clue over here, guess it's going to be the most viable progressive in my area.


Oct 25, 2017
I voted on my self last year during the dutch election, since i was a candidate for my party and i was proud that my name was every where in the netherlands in total 32 people voted on me, feels incredible that even if family and friends voted but also total strangers having faith in what you do.

Also i vote since i turned 18 all those years ago and did it ever since, always vote since every vote counts.


Oct 27, 2017
Last 5 elections I didn't pick a winner...

Voted Yes to Scottish independence. No won.
SNP at General Election, Labour won my constituency.
SNP at Scottish election, Labour won my constituency.
No to Brexit, yes won.
SNP at General election, Labour won my constituency.

Maybe voting isn't for me.


Oct 25, 2017
2004 - Kerry
2008 - Obama primary, Obama general
2012 - Obama
2016 - Hillary primary, Hillary general

The only midterms I missed were 2006 due to some particularly bad class times that made it difficult to get to my polling station.


Oct 25, 2017
'12- Obama
'16- Bernie and then Hillary.

I also voted in midterms and statewide primaries and such, but I can't remember what all the names were. All Dems, though.
Nov 1, 2017
Christ, I'm old. Just the major ones:
  • 1988 - Bush the Elder (I'm not proud of this one; I was young and stupid)
  • 1992 - Clinton
  • 1996 - Clinton again
  • 2000 - Nader (I'm even less proud of this one)
  • 2004 - Kerry (I caucused for Howard Dean, but I learned my lesson from 2000 and voted for the Democrat)
  • 2008 - Obama
  • 2012 - Obama again
  • 2016 - Clinton
I'll be voting in the midterms, obviously, and if by some unholy means Trump manages to stay in office into 2020, I'll be voting for whoever opposes him, no matter who it is.


Oct 25, 2017
2012 was my first time voting so I voted Romney in the Republican Primaries back in 2012, then went to Obama in the General. (I became more liberal around the end of that year.)
Midterms, local, and special elections I've always voted a straight D ticket.
In 2016, I voted Bernie in the primaries and Clinton in the General.

I have to say Bernie Sanders was the one who earned my vote early on, but the mishaps that his campaign brought towards the end of the primaries really made me regret it to an extent. Regardless, his social democratic policies and beliefs felt like the change this country needed in my eyes. I was also glad to vote for Clinton in the general, mostly because she was alright.


Oct 28, 2017
2004 - Kerry
2008 - Obama
2012 - Obama
2016 - Clinton

I was only about 14 years old in the 2000 election, though I would have without a doubt voted for Gore.

I can't remember any midterm stuff but I know I pretty much run a straight Dem ticket on those, which I'll be doing again this fall.