
Oct 25, 2017
west coast
Kudos to hbo for making it available for free for all

I was hooked immediately after the first scene. Incredible cast, magnificent storyline. I didn't think they stuck the landing as well as I would have liked but it was still a fun ride! I think I'll watch it again

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
As i have mentioned before, I have a friend that liked to whinne about forced diversity in cĂłmics and his entire world view was destroyed after I told him that event, which he considered manipulative, preaching and unrealistic, actually happened.
I still remember his silent shock when I clarified that the plane bit was also real.

Like you need to make up stories detailing black suffering in this country.

This is a show for adults who were impressed by the race metaphor in Zootopia.

The show is not high art, and there are tons of things to criticize it for, but this is ridiculous.
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Oct 25, 2017
For those watching for the first time. Don't forget the supplemental material. Not completely necessary but adds alot to flesh things out including clues to something you wouldnt have confirmed without it.




Nov 3, 2017
Good on HBO.

I really hope they release this one on 4k UHD Blu-Ray with Dolby Vision. I'd buy it in an instant.


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
Says I have to sign up to HBO Now or GO when I click on Stream. Same for everyone?
I only had to enter my email and birth date, worked right after that.

I am now at episode 3, and loving it so far, cant believe I didn't jump on it sooner. I always had the impression it was shit, especially with it being penned by Damon Lindelof
Oct 27, 2017
I only had to enter my email and birth date, worked right after that.

I am now at episode 3, and loving it so far, cant believe I didn't jump on it sooner. I always had the impression it was shit, especially with it being penned by Damon Lindelof

Could be coz I'm in the EU
EDIt: Scratch that. found the stream further down..
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Mar 10, 2018
Glad it's on Hulu and Prime just like the last free offer HBO ran early on during the pandemic.

Still have no idea what the difference is between HBO Max, HBO Now and HBO GO


Oct 27, 2017
Knoxville, TN
I only had to enter my email and birth date, worked right after that.

I am now at episode 3, and loving it so far, cant believe I didn't jump on it sooner. I always had the impression it was shit, especially with it being penned by Damon Lindelof

No disrespect to you, but that excuse doesn't work after the greatness he gave us with The Leftovers. Lindelof is a great show runner, and I can't wait to see what he does next. His endings might not be perfect (this seems to be a problem for a lot of great shows like Mr. Robot), but boy the journey is amazing.

Edit: Also Watchmen got reviewed bombed on Metacritic just like is happening to TLOU2 right now. It mostly right wing trolls mixed in with a few people who still hate Lindelof over Lost. They claimed it was liberal Hollywood elite propaganda yadda yadda yadda.
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Oct 28, 2017
So glad more people are going to be exposed to one of the best tv shows in recent memory. The way that they continued the comics storyline is nothing short of incredible, had so many doubts that they could make it work, but they did and even somehow made the OG retroactively better! Wish more sequel media had the balls to do something so radically different yet still familiar within the same universe.

The original watchmen is probably my most read comic ever, and there were so many "Holy shit did they just..." "Oh my god that's from..." so many deep cuts from the comic that each episode was an absolute joy to watch and revisit.

i'd definitely recommend checking out the peteypedia entries if you want supplemental worldbuilding material similar to the clippings and excerpts from the original comic.
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Nov 8, 2017
Wanted to get my friend to watch this but the original Watchmen isn't streaming anywhere as far as I can tell, and this series is very difficult to understand without context.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown
I'm on ep 5 and as a fan of the graphic novel I've been really enjoying it. The show definitely feels like Watchmen to me.

definitely recommend checking out the peteypedia entries if you want supplemental worldbuilding material similar to the clippings and excerpts from the original comic.
Yeah I noticed this on the site and I've been reading through them as I watch the episodes. It's a neat throwback to the graphic novel.


Oct 25, 2017
Wanted to get my friend to watch this but the original Watchmen isn't streaming anywhere as far as I can tell, and this series is very difficult to understand without context.

Not sure if you know this or not but the TV series is a continuation of the book not the movie. And because of that there's a pretty major plot point in the series that continues from the book that didn't happen the same way in the movie.

Also everyone should listen to the official podcast after watching every third episode of the show. It's top notch.


Feb 17, 2019
I have 0 knowledge of the watchmen series/franchise but heard how this is tackling race issues in interesting ways, which I enjoy. How much enjoyment will I get out of watching it?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
The black & white episode is still one of the best episodes of any show in the past decade. What a season this was.


Nov 8, 2017
Not sure if you know this or not but the TV series is a continuation of the book not the movie. And because of that there's a pretty major plot point in the series that continues from the book that didn't happen the same way in the movie.

Also everyone should listen to the official podcast after watching every third episode of the show. It's top notch.

Yeah I know, but it would take longer for him to read the comic than to watch the movie and I can just tell/show him the different ending. I was just saying that to watch the TV series by itself is ill advised.

If the movie was streaming I'd be more apt to suggest people take advantage of this.
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Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I know everyone talks about how they didn't know about the Tulsa massacre, but this show does the idea of a black super hero more justice than anything else I've ever seen in tv/film


Oct 25, 2017
I really should have clarified this further in my last post, but is anyone else from outside the US having issue viewing episodes beyond the 6th one? I'm just getting the general "content not available in region" message for the last three.

Thanks for the warning, same here!

Wonder if this is intentional or an error. Did they ever announce this as being worldwide?


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
For whatever reason I didn't watch the last couple episodes when they aired in December. Just finished up.

Episode 8 is absolutely magnificent. I know the black and white episode gets most of the love as the best episode and for good reason but for my money I would take that one instead.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So I just finished up Episode 7 here and... it kinda sucks? And I don't really say that lightly - I have a pretty strong stomach for mid-tier shows and am happy to grade on a curve - but for the "prestige TV" vibe it's going for, it just isn't delivering for me. Not that it doesn't have interesting ideas, but the execution is a huge disappointment.

Like, if we're talking about the show in dialogue with the comic, stuff like Hooded Justice being a black man is super interesting - considering all that's ever revealed about him is that he's big, he's angry, and he wears a noose around his neck. And there's clever world building too, like how Vietnam would work as a state, exploring a Redford presidency, I like the idea of Laurie as a bitter FBI agent. I think the squid rain is a powerful visual, and in general it's cool to see that stuff realized on screen

And I do think it's trying to say SOMETHING about violence, vigilantism, and policing. It definitely draws a lot of textual lines between the KKK and Hooded Justice, between the 7K and the masked police force, sort of imagining a world where state violence has dropped the pretense of lawfulness... but I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to add? At least, what's new about that in comparison to the original story, which is essentially about the utility of extralegal violence. HBO Watchmen does add the race element explicitly, which is a great jumping off point, but I'm almost at the end and it still feels so superficial. Maybe they really nail it in the last two episodes, but at this point it's all so lost in the fog that I don't have high hopes. What it's portraying is important to portray, but I just need something to grapple with.

A big part of it is that I really have zero patience for this structure of show, with a lot of vague dramatic mystery stuff layered on top. It's all frosting and no cake, and the worst part is, it's so predictable. You know that any scene with Trieu is going to be a big waste of time, sprinkled with teases for future reveals that I'm not going to care about. It's just fat. It's not engaging. And so much of the show is like this - it doesn't reveal anything about the characters, it doesn't SAY anything, it just spins its wheels. It constantly does that mortal sin of someone (usually Laurie) commenting on how stupid a situation is, and then the show just keeps it going anyways, like the self-awareness makes it okay. But no, that doesn't make dropping her down a trap door, strapping her to a chair, and having the evil senator explain his master plan any less silly.

And it is silly! Like, there's so much in there that's just laughable. Like, Red Scare, the laziest superhero concept ever put on screen? Veidt in a courtroom with a bunch of clones and then he farts and the judge lets a bunch of pigs in? Her husband is Dr. Manhattan in disguise? The giant elephant on the floor? I could go on and on... I could roll with it at one point but as time goes on it just gets tiring. It doesn't feel intentionally dissonant, it just feels sloppy. You lose faith in the storytelling.

It just feels like a show with way too much plot and not enough of anything else - not enough character, not enough theme, not enough meat on the bone. It has some decent "Watchmen sequel" pieces, some decent "racism and the legal violence" pieces, and probably even some "mystery box theater" pieces if you're into that sort of thing. But each individual part weighs all the others down. It doesn't feel like a cohesive whole, or even partway toward being one.
Oct 27, 2017
So I just finished up Episode 7 here and... it kinda sucks? And I don't really say that lightly - I have a pretty strong stomach for mid-tier shows and am happy to grade on a curve - but for the "prestige TV" vibe it's going for, it just isn't delivering for me. Not that it doesn't have interesting ideas, but the execution is a huge disappointment.

Like, if we're talking about the show in dialogue with the comic, stuff like Hooded Justice being a black man is super interesting - considering all that's ever revealed about him is that he's big, he's angry, and he wears a noose around his neck. And there's clever world building too, like how Vietnam would work as a state, exploring a Redford presidency, I like the idea of Laurie as a bitter FBI agent. I think the squid rain is a powerful visual, and in general it's cool to see that stuff realized on screen

And I do think it's trying to say SOMETHING about violence, vigilantism, and policing. It definitely draws a lot of textual lines between the KKK and Hooded Justice, between the 7K and the masked police force, sort of imagining a world where state violence has dropped the pretense of lawfulness... but I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to add? At least, what's new about that in comparison to the original story, which is essentially about the utility of extralegal violence. HBO Watchmen does add the race element explicitly, which is a great jumping off point, but I'm almost at the end and it still feels so superficial. Maybe they really nail it in the last two episodes, but at this point it's all so lost in the fog that I don't have high hopes. What it's portraying is important to portray, but I just need something to grapple with.

A big part of it is that I really have zero patience for this structure of show, with a lot of vague dramatic mystery stuff layered on top. It's all frosting and no cake, and the worst part is, it's so predictable. You know that any scene with Trieu is going to be a big waste of time, sprinkled with teases for future reveals that I'm not going to care about. It's just fat. It's not engaging. And so much of the show is like this - it doesn't reveal anything about the characters, it doesn't SAY anything, it just spins its wheels. It constantly does that mortal sin of someone (usually Laurie) commenting on how stupid a situation is, and then the show just keeps it going anyways, like the self-awareness makes it okay. But no, that doesn't make dropping her down a trap door, strapping her to a chair, and having the evil senator explain his master plan any less silly.

And it is silly! Like, there's so much in there that's just laughable. Like, Red Scare, the laziest superhero concept ever put on screen? Veidt in a courtroom with a bunch of clones and then he farts and the judge lets a bunch of pigs in? Her husband is Dr. Manhattan in disguise? The giant elephant on the floor? I could go on and on... I could roll with it at one point but as time goes on it just gets tiring. It doesn't feel intentionally dissonant, it just feels sloppy. You lose faith in the storytelling.

It just feels like a show with way too much plot and not enough of anything else - not enough character, not enough theme, not enough meat on the bone. It has some decent "Watchmen sequel" pieces, some decent "racism and the legal violence" pieces, and probably even some "mystery box theater" pieces if you're into that sort of thing. But each individual part weighs all the others down. It doesn't feel like a cohesive whole, or even partway toward being one.

This is a pretty weird post to make before you even finish when you have 2 hours left of the show...