Deleted member 10060

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
JPEG compression works in rectangles.


the rectangles you see around the earth come from the fact that the image is broken down into rectangular blocks. The information in the rectangle is reduced, then spread across. Which creates smudging inside that rectangle.


hbomberguy is probably not a computer scientist, but he gave a good enough explanation.

Thank you! He might not be, but to add this to the video would have gone a long way.
Sep 12, 2018
If these flat earthers were so dedicated to their arguments you'd think they'd film themselves going to the edge of the world and possible (lol) giving their lives to the cause right?

I'd almost crowdfund such an endeavor just for the comedy value.


Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Dec 24, 2018
Don't give the Flat Earthers any attention and they will go away. Simple as that


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Can we just fly all these dumb flat earthers into orbit and show em once and for all? Sheesh

Someone call Richard Branson and make it happen.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Flat Earth conspiracies are one of those things that will never not amuse me, though they do occasionally worry.

One of my favorite explanations about conspiracy theorists:

Conspiracy theorists aren't about uncovering the truth, it's about possessing "secret knowledge" they can use to lord over people and justify their own failings in life.
They're alternate reality hipsters, basically.

- a guy on Reddit
Oct 27, 2017
Flat Earth conspiracies are one of those things that will never not amuse me, though they do occasionally worry.

One of my favorite explanations about conspiracy theorists:

Conspiracy theorists aren't about uncovering the truth, it's about possessing "secret knowledge" they can use to lord over people and justify their own failings in life.
They're alternate reality hipsters, basically.

- a guy on Reddit

That's basically it, it's not my fault I'm single and 32 it's the global conspiracy/feminism/etc.

Great video, watched it live. But maaaaan that one dude approaching people in public to "debate" was so cringe-y I had to mute it at times.


Nov 18, 2017
Why even bother expending the time and effort to debunk flat earthers. It's like trying to convince people that we didn't go to the moon. I'm not bothered by what people think if it's harmless.


Oct 25, 2017
If these flat earthers were so dedicated to their arguments you'd think they'd film themselves going to the edge of the world and possible (lol) giving their lives to the cause right?

I'd almost crowdfund such an endeavor just for the comedy value.
They can't because the edge of the world (Antarctica) is guarded by governments/secret organisations to hide what really exists there. Another theory is that due to the extreme temperatures and weather conditions no one has been able to venture far enough into "the Ice Wall" to get to the edge. Some suggests that it is endless.

Yes, this is what some flat earthers believe (one of them being my old teacher).


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Why even bother expending the time and effort to debunk flat earthers. It's like trying to convince people that we didn't go to the moon. I'm not bothered by what people think if it's harmless.
I thought the same thing too going in, even though I'm generally quite a fan of his. It just seemed like wasteful, easy dunking.

But he spends a good portion of the video examining why someone would even want to believe in flat earth stuff, which I think is an interesting conversation on its own. So the video did good in my reckoning.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I really disagree with his end thesis about how these people are a symptom of the problem and not actually part of the cause of the problem. But I still liked the video. Flat eartherism is harmless but the mentality that brings it about is absolutely not.


Oct 25, 2017
You could spend hours upon hours, perfectly recreating that and those idiots would still find something, anything to latch onto.

Like the "Well, there are these flights but those don't count because they don't actually exist" dude. You can't reason with those people.
I wonder how he'd react if someone just paid for his trip to Australia provided he take one of those flights.

Does he actually believe that nonsense or he peddling snake oil. I assume it's the former, but if he took one of those flights, we'd know for sure.

Or he'd say he was brainwashed or gassed or some shit.

Deleted member 18347

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Don't give the Flat Earthers any attention and they will go away. Simple as that
A friend of a friend watched some of these vids and ended up believing the earth is flat. He's an engineer who graduated with honors.

After we sat with him for hours debunking this shit, he finally downgraded from believing in flat earth to just doubting a globe earth.

Oh, and he's the only one in our circle who is extremely religious. some of his arguments started with "and God says"...

So hbomber's conclusion is on the money. It's all people trying to cope with reality while desperately trying to confirm their own beliefs.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Loved the video but the end left me a bit cold. I remember seeing a scishow video about why people believe in conspiracies being linked a condition highlighted by the need to feel different and special.

What is becoming thoroughly dangerous and apparent is just how widespread these issues are in God's country. Reminds of this tweet (around 1:08 mark)

In the age of YT, influencers like Logan Paul, whose fanbase transcends national borders, believing in this bullshit is really new age cultural export- this time, it is anti-intellectualism parading as anti-elitism.

If I could, I would jettison each and everyone these dumbfucks to space at a distance for them be to tell exactly what shape the earth is.


Nov 11, 2017
I really disagree with his end thesis about how these people are a symptom of the problem and not actually part of the cause of the problem. But I still liked the video. Flat eartherism is harmless but the mentality that brings it about is absolutely not.

I strongly agree with it. Most conspiracies have some kernel of a broader truth to them, i.e. those in power do not truly give a shit about regular people and would throw them under the bus for their own ends as a kernel of truth for batshit 9/11 Truthers, for example.


Jan 17, 2018
Flat Earth conspiracies are one of those things that will never not amuse me, though they do occasionally worry.

One of my favorite explanations about conspiracy theorists:

Conspiracy theorists aren't about uncovering the truth, it's about possessing "secret knowledge" they can use to lord over people and justify their own failings in life.
They're alternate reality hipsters, basically.

- a guy on Reddit
This is exactly what they are


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I strongly agree with it. Most conspiracies have some kernel of a broader truth to them, i.e. those in power do not truly give a shit about regular people and would throw them under the bus for their own ends as a kernel of truth for batshit 9/11 Truthers, for example.

and who keeps putting people like Trump in power? who keeps actively voting for people who don't give a shit about them? It's these guys. It's always these guys. They're their own problem. Leaving the ideology behind all of this untouched leads them to become further and further exploited. When they decide Flat Eartherism is wrong they'll just move to fuckin', Qanon or some shit like that. The conspiracy mill is one that never stops, and they flock like flies from one to the next. Taking down one specific conspiracy theory is ultimately meaningless because it's the individual menatlities that drive people to conspiracies that are what's important. It has little to do with being mistrustful of The Man; it's a flawed way of assessing reality that bleeds into so many aspects of life and it results in things like saying, "I don't trust The Man" but then voting in someone like Donald Trump.

There was an opportunity to do this kind of necessary critical analysis through the lens of flat eartherism that was, for the most part, missed. They were given pats on the back and scattered into the wind. And the kicker is I think he tried to do what I'm wanting here, but it came across like such a misdirected afterthought that I feel like it will have the opposite effect by and large-- or no effect at all, which would mean effort wasted. People can't be guided towards a systemic critique if they are unwilling or unable to recognize their own place within it, especially if they and their ideologies are, by and large, a major cause.

It's a deeply complcated subject I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about but it's a hard topic and needs further musing upon.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Thank you! He might not be, but to add this to the video would have gone a long way.

Except not, because the example shown was more than enough to show how the artifacting happens. It's not complex or difficult. I realize the people who believe this shit are morons to begin with, but they're not going to be convinced by this post you arbitrarily decided was "good enough" either. They're morons.


Nov 11, 2017
and who keeps putting people like Trump in power? who keeps actively voting for people who don't give a shit about them? It's these guys. It's always these guys. They're their own problem. Leaving the ideology behind all of this untouched leads them to become further and further exploited. When they decide Flat Eartherism is wrong they'll just move to fuckin', Qanon or some shit like that. The conspiracy mill is one that never stops, and they flock like flies from one to the next. Taking down one specific conspiracy theory is ultimately meaningless because it's the individual menatlities that drive people to conspiracies that are what's important. It has little to do with being mistrustful of The Man; it's a flawed way of assessing reality that bleeds into so many aspects of life and it results in things like saying, "I don't trust The Man" but then voting in someone like Donald Trump.

There was an opportunity to do this kind of necessary critical analysis through the lens of flat eartherism that was, for the most part, missed. They were given pats on the back and scattered into the wind. And the kicker is I think he tried to do what I'm wanting here, but it came across like such a misdirected afterthought that I feel like it will have the opposite effect by and large-- or no effect at all, which would mean effort wasted. People can't be guided towards a systemic critique if they are unwilling or unable to recognize their own place within it, especially if they and their ideologies are, by and large, a major cause.

It's a deeply complcated subject I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about but it's a hard topic and needs further musing upon.

I would argue that actual conspiracy theorists are not very likely not helpful targets for such critique, as they demonstrate themselves to be rather flawed in how they assess and engage with the world and so are not reliable partners in any kind of political project. Grifters aside, they by and large need therapy and outreach, and, ironically enough, the structural flaws they are on some level attuned to prevent many of them from getting it.

Rather, the most fruitful people who can be reached by this analysis are people who scoff and roll their eyes at conspiracy theorists, who may be rather milquetoast in terms of their own participation in the world but could potentially be swayed to at least be less actively scornful of these people and turn their ire toward those most deserving.


Oct 25, 2017
I really disagree with his end thesis about how these people are a symptom of the problem and not actually part of the cause of the problem. But I still liked the video. Flat eartherism is harmless but the mentality that brings it about is absolutely not.

I found his assertion that these people and indicator or warning of the advance of human sickness to be compelling at the very least

Never looked at it that way

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Flat Earth conspiracies are one of those things that will never not amuse me, though they do occasionally worry.

One of my favorite explanations about conspiracy theorists:

Conspiracy theorists aren't about uncovering the truth, it's about possessing "secret knowledge" they can use to lord over people and justify their own failings in life.
They're alternate reality hipsters, basically.

- a guy on Reddit