
Oct 27, 2017
Jacqueline Jencquel is 74 years old, she wants to die in 2020 in Swiss, and she has planned it.

Her decision is controversial and for those who can read French, the reactions can be extreme.

Her detractors accuse her of being a coward, a supporter of death, or hypocritical because she wears a cross, and point out the risk of creating a society where old people would be killed to save money. They sometimes think this is the result of the nihilist alt left which destroys society, and that people will choose death for loosing their pens or gold fish.
People who support her evoke freedom, those who criticize her evoke lack of courage and religion.
I don' know how to feel about this and I am biased because assisted death is a possibility I consider on a middle term view, despite being young.

Metal B

Oct 27, 2017
I am all for people to be able to choose there death. Thinking about rotting away in some facility, without my brain or body beeing functional and in constant pain, would be a nightmare scenario.
Having a respectful and peaceful death, sounds like a good way to go.

Of course, you should have some institutions have the final say. Making physical and mental tests about each case, so that nobody can abouse the system.

Overall we shouldn't have religion be in the way of humanity.


Oct 27, 2017
I am all for people to be able ro choose there death. Thinking about rotting away in some facility, without my brain or body beeing functional and in constant pain, would be a nightmare scenario.
Having a respectful and peaceful death, sounds like a good way to go.

Of course, you should have some institutions have the final say. Making physical and mental tests about each case, so that nobody can abouse the system.

Overall we shouldn't have religion be in the way of humanity.
I believe in God but remove a lot of things I consider judgmental or not tolerant .that lay look hypocritical but I choose everything I approve and feel to be good, and ignore the rest.


Oct 26, 2017
I am all for people to be able to choose there death. Thinking about rotting away in some facility, without my brain or body beeing functional and in constant pain, would be a nightmare scenario.
Having a respectful and peaceful death, sounds like a good way to go.

Of course, you should have some institutions have the final say. Making physical and mental tests about each case, so that nobody can abouse the system.

Overall we shouldn't have religion be in the way of humanity.

I think I largely agree but she's totally healthy. I would get it if she just got a cancer diagnosis but it's strange she has no issues and wants to die.


Oct 26, 2017
It's her life so let her do what she wants to.
But it's a little strange since 74 is not so old and she's in good health. Still I support her cause.

Metal B

Oct 27, 2017
I believe in God but remove a lot of things I consider judgmental or not tolerant .that lay look hypocritical but I choose everything I approve and feel to be good, and ignore the rest.
Which is good. Anybody should choose there religion and modify it for his need. At the end believe is very personal thing. Still dose believes need to be challenged and choosing death, should be seen as a choice of free will.

I think I largely agree but she's totally healthy. I would get it if she just got a cancer diagnosis but it's strange she has no issues and wants to die.
I forgot to say anything to the topic directly, but you are right. This case pretty much would fall under abusing a system. Maybe she has some mental problems and should see somebody to get at the bottom of it.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
It's her life so let her do what she wants to.
But it's a little strange since 74 is not so old and she's in good health. Still I support her cause.
It's weird to see people say 74 isn't old. Yes it is. By all's accounts it's old. The average age of death among men is 78.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
While i can understand the worry about the predecent this can set, especially this part of her statement:

" I think my children would suffer a lot more from seeing a sick mom in a feather bed that they would need to take care of "

I'm fully on her side. Everybody has a right to end their lives.

And personally as weird as it sounds, i've always been wanting to choose when and where i die if i'm getting old, i think that's the best way to go out.


Oct 25, 2017
If she's of sound mind then there really shouldn't be any reason why she shouldnt be able to


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Her body, her choice.

Essentially this. I have no reason to play G-d or judge those who choose to die.

That said, she's fairly young and healthy, which seems odd. But again, that's not for me to judge.

I also like how the idea of killing off the old is an "alt left" thing considering how the right is the side to constantly push for cuts to social security.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't support anyone who is healthy using assisted suicide. Not until more research and consideration is put into the fields of psychology and psychiatry around people just going to die on the simple basis of "I just want to".

We actively work on preventing suicide and helping those with anxiety and depression to just be so laid back about "let anyone who wants to die, die" generally goes against what I'd say is ethical patient care.

Depression and anxiety are illnesses to work on, not just let anyone go through assisted suicide because "your body, your mind". IMO anyway.

Before I get quoted, yes I support assisted suicide under mental health provision in cases of terminal illness/pain and suffering that cannot improve.


Oct 28, 2017
I've changed position on this in the past, people with degenerative disease/genetics or fatal condition. I don't think anyone will ever convince me into believing that healthy people should be able to kill themselves.

Earlier this year there was the controversial case of someone with a mental illness wanting to die. Aurelia Brouwers was a dutch woman who had several mental illnesses, but doctors in her home country were somehow ok she was making a conscious decision. I don't think it's rational to want to die, if you are physically healthy.


Dec 17, 2017
its her choice just like anyone else choses the way they die: drugs, alcohol, smoking, obesity etc.

and if I'm honest, if I put myself in a scenario where my wife would die and I still got like 15 years left, why bother. I would like to go too.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The right to die should be a universally recognized human right, pure and simple. I'm envious of those able to make that decision for themselves, given how some of my family members desperately wanted to but couldn't.


Oct 26, 2017
I am surprised they let her do it. I was under the impression that if you're mentally and physically healthy you can't use those services.


Oct 25, 2017
her body, her choice.

saying she shouldnt be allowed to do it cuz she's in good health is akin to saying "plz ruin your health before we allow you to off yourself"


Apr 4, 2018
"I just want to die" shouldn't be considered a valid reason for allowing someone to legally kill themselves. If it is what's the difference then in moving heaven and earth to try and assist a suicidal teenager? "Oh that's different because that teenager is depressed/has mental issues, this lady is of sound mind." Are you sure about that? I'm really not comfortable in declaring that anyone physically healthy and apparently happy who just wants to die of "sound mind." Who knows what's going on inside her head.

Deleted member 19739

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
This is pure nonsense. What has the world come to? Now we have healthy people trying to make it humane and legal to off themselves. No need to turn this into some "noble cause", as if there is anything noble about ending your life because you find it icky to turn old. So ridiculous...

Regardless, I am against assisted suicide whether you are healthy or sick.


Jan 3, 2018
I'm shocked that people are in here arguing against her decision because she is "young". Proposterous. She has lived since WWII. Let this woman do what she wants if she is sound of mind.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Very weird. I thought you needed medical clearance for this, even in countries with assisted suicide.


Oct 27, 2017
Essentially this. I have no reason to play G-d or judge those who choose to die.

That said, she's fairly young and healthy, which seems odd. But again, that's not for me to judge.

I also like how the idea of killing off the old is an "alt left" thing considering how the right is the side to constantly push for cuts to social security.
She witnessed the decline or her father when he was put in an EHPAD(struucture for old people) nad that apparently heavily impacted her .

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
"I just want to die" shouldn't be considered a valid reason for allowing someone to legally kill themselves. If it is what's the difference then in moving heaven and earth to try and assist a suicidal teenager? "Oh that's different because that teenager is depressed/has mental issues, this lady is of sound mind." Are you sure about that? I'm really not comfortable in declaring that anyone physically healthy and apparently happy who just wants to die of "sound mind." Who knows what's going on inside her head.

The qualified practitioners that will evaluate her condition as is always part of the motions these assisted suicide clinics make every patient go through. They'll know.


Oct 27, 2017
Why can people just mind their own business?

They argue that kind of decision impacts the whole society, corrupting it or preparing a society of nihilism where people think they can control everything including their death, and preparing a future where the poor and ill will be put to death. Again the idea is to ask for people the right to amke a decision, not force them to die,but still.

But yes I agree it is depressing that pĂŞople cannot mind their own business.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
I support people's right to do with their own body however they please. I hope her remaining days/months/years are pleasant and that when the time comes she can go out on her terms.


Oct 27, 2017
Disgusting that anyone would tell her she is wrong

They don't only tell her sheis wrong, but are also very rude... Even if I disapproved her I would not be that rude.And even as someone religious I don't find her offending. There is a difference between faith and having a nose stuck on the book:/ Not to mention that bible doesn't focus on suicide and that it was tradition, not scripture, that cast shame upon it.


Oct 25, 2017
"I just want to die" shouldn't be considered a valid reason for allowing someone to legally kill themselves. If it is what's the difference then in moving heaven and earth to try and assist a suicidal teenager? "Oh that's different because that teenager is depressed/has mental issues, this lady is of sound mind." Are you sure about that? I'm really not comfortable in declaring that anyone physically healthy and apparently happy who just wants to die of "sound mind." Who knows what's going on inside her head.
you dont have to *allow* anything. her life does not belong to the state.


The Fallen
Nov 12, 2017
Who gives a shit is she's healthy. Maybe all her friends and family have died and she's lonely/miserable/depressed. She's 74 if she wants to go let her go.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Very weird. I thought you needed medical clearance for this, even in countries with assisted suicide.

You do, hence why this gets debated. You're asking the state and/or those employed in medical fields to kill you. They're responsible for your death, and many in fields of medicine/medical practice will find it difficult to ever approve of killing a patient who is genuinely healthy or not past a point of such poor quality of life they can hardly function/operate (terminal illness/bed ridden).

These decisions don't just happen in a vacuum. Already in this topic, we have the arguments being presented old-age or loneliness should be factors for assisted suicide that are seemingly added to terminal illness/pain. Everyone gets old and the vast majority of people have spells of loneliness if not some sadly even lifes of loneliness. These debates happen irrespective of the people who just say in here anyone should be able to die any time, any age and for any reason. So, debate largely happens, for anyone saying "this shouldn't be debatable".

When you are asking someone else to kill you, of course, it's going to be debated. It's probably going to be one of the biggest debated issues for humanity in our time. Assisted suicide and when lines get drawn, if at all.

She has a fear of old age

Although she considers herself healthy, Jacqueline is afraid of suffering, old age and illness. Irreparable passages of life, according to her, when you reach a certain age. "When you are old, you are never in good shape. Never. We are more or less good, but we have things. We have what we call anti-aging polypatologies. For example, I have three spinal cord spread due to osteoporosis. ..) Of course, it's much worse. But this one is much worse, I do not want to live it, she says.

Which is an ordinary emotion to an extent, but many in the mental health fields would look at when such fear becomes irrational and often that line is drawn when you are healthy and are simply worrying about the future/the unknown. Lots of people live to their 90s and are relatively mobile and sound of mind. There's plenty of ways to aid people with dealing with the fear of the unknown, because it's often a phobia or an irrational response/behaviour pattern. Not everyone who gets old becomes unable to move/function or have severe dementia or brain deterioration.

Hence we go back to asking the state/those in medical fields to kill you when they know and have evidence your body and mind are healthy. And we also have to look at where lines are if any, as in this topic many posters will be going down the route of "yeah, fuck living when you're 80, everyone should be able to avoid that". But does this also stand for a 24-year-old who wants to die? No basis of old age fear, just, their body, so, don't dare resist or suggest those two scenarios are separate, let them die?
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Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's her life so she should (in theory) be able to do whatever she wants.

Fuck this "you should live until your body and your mind turns to shit" mentality.

Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
She witnessed the decline or her father when he was put in an EHPAD(struucture for old people) nad that apparently heavily impacted her .

I am 100% for the right for people to choose when they want to die. I work for a large property management company and we're dealing with elderly living in our units who are getting abused/used by their family or degrading to the point where they are having trouble caring for themselves. I've also had to deal with the aftermath of a few deaths and it's pretty sad how these old people were living before they died.

I don't have family or kids so I've made the decision to end my life when the time comes. It's not worth living like that.