
Oct 25, 2017

the only actual intentionally funny moment in the series is this, where heero is doing a voice over about the endless horrors of the human condition over a montage, and then it reveals that he's actually saying all that out loud in his introduction speech at his new school and he's using duo's name


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico

Don't forget when they shot a man AFTER they threw him out of a plane

I mean, what is she supposed to do? Shoot him before throwing him? Bane would not like that:


Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
I've seen a lot of moments of stupidity in this show and couldn't help but be entertained by it all.

Anyone who liked or hated Wing is gonna love the Abridged series.

Mr Paptimus

Oct 26, 2017
It's a rad theme too

Yes, which is why hed play it durin every

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

If you haven't seen it yet check out the opmeat abridged series too. Its one ofnthe better recent abridged series imo.

Edit: Bah. Beaten.


Oct 25, 2017
I should really rewatch Wing

in hindsight it seems like exactly the right kind of stupid


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of Gundam shows tend to be depressing to some extent, but none were as ever gloriously dramatic and moody as Wing was.


Oct 25, 2017
Gundam Wing suffers from what all 50 episode Gundam series suffer from. They have enough content for half the episodes.


Aug 6, 2020
Not too long ago my buddy was hyping up Gundam Wing cause I never watched it as a kid, so we decided to watch the couple first episodes. I felt kinda bad because the dub was AWFUL and I kept laughing at how bizarre it was. I couldn't take anymore after that, it was just too much.
Oct 25, 2017
Wing is still my top tier gundam series,
0080 and 08th MS Team are close though.

Hate G, Seed was meh, couldn't stand AGE's art,
00 was okay till later on and Setsuna was awful near the end.

Idk Wing was right time and place I guess to just hit perfectly


Oct 27, 2017
I think that Duo was the only one of the main protagonists I really liked, albeit Wufei was entertaining with some of his antics.

The villains were cool, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Gundam Wing was one of those shows that you thought was edgy and mature when you were super young but then you grow up and realize the dub was just out of control and borderline non-sensical at times lol. I loved it when I was a kid though, not sure how I'd feel about it now. Kind of don't want to taint my fond memories lol.


Aug 14, 2019
The worst part is when the gundams all get upgrades that make them look worse.

Deathscythe gets weird wings and a shorter scythe with two blades on the same end, thus negating the purpose of a second blade.
Altron is just shenlong with two impractical stretchy arms and a gun turret...which negates the need for stretchy arms.
Zero is like the wing gundam but chunkier.
Heavyarms gets another barrell on its main gun...and nothing else.
Sandrock gets a handgun.

The EW designs looked good.

The TallGeese was the only unironically cool thing from Wing. Prove me wrong.



Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

the only actual intentionally funny moment in the series is this, where heero is doing a voice over about the endless horrors of the human condition over a montage, and then it reveals that he's actually saying all that out loud in his introduction speech at his new school and he's using duo's name

Feels like the voice actor watched the ending of Platoon over and over again to rehearse that scene.

Prinz Eugn

Oct 25, 2017
I still love Gundam Wing, and I still rewatch it every few years, but it's not something I expect other people to like. The dub is all over the place. I feel like it's still early enough in anime that both the literal translation and direction for the voice actors didn't have the hang of the medium, and probably had a budget of six cents (Canadian). Like, General Septum is inexplicably being played like a Power Rangers monster.

A lot of the flaws were a result of the super rushed (and I think under-funded) production of the original series. I mean, two whole episodes are clip shows, and a huge chunk of the OVA is backstory they meant to have in the TV series.

The mechanical design, though, off the charts in places. Katoki da god


Jul 13, 2019
I still love Gundam Wing, and I still rewatch it every few years, but it's not something I expect other people to like. The dub is all over the place. I feel like it's still early enough in anime that both the literal translation and direction for the voice actors didn't have the hang of the medium, and probably had a budget of six cents (Canadian). Like, General Septum is inexplicably being played like a Power Rangers monster.

A lot of the flaws were a result of the super rushed (and I think under-funded) production of the original series. I mean, two whole episodes are clip shows, and a huge chunk of the OVA is backstory they meant to have in the TV series.

The mechanical design, though, off the charts in places. Katoki da god

Brian Drummond's take on Zechs is god tier, however.


Oct 27, 2017
Wing is lucky that it has really great mech designs because holy fuck is the show bad. I just rewatched it a couple if months ago and I couldn't believe how bad it was. I'm shocked I didn't realize how bad it was back in the day.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I have so much nostalgic love for Gundam Wing but I did try to watch it a couple years back and it was... Yeah.

I'll always have the awesome toonami promos to rewatch at least, even if I can't force myself to sit through the show again. Who knows, maybe I'll put it on at night one of these days.


Nov 20, 2017
Best gundam show. It's' absurdity makes for great entertainment.

I'm baffled by those who say the dub is bad.

True Underdog

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I liked Gundam Wing when it came out because junior high me thought that all the over the top edginess was cool.

It's aged like shit, and for that I can't rewatch it, but that's ok.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard not so good things about Seed too, especially Destiny. Does it reach the same heights of so-bad-it's-good?
It's been quite a while since I've seen Seed or Seed Destiny, but as I recall, no.

Seed was actually really good, as I recall. The main thrust of the story (inspired heavily by the original Mobile Suit Gundam) was, Humans and genetically-enhanced Mutants are at a state of cold war, and a supposedly "neutral" colony builds a prototype battleship and five prototype Gundams for the Human side. The Gundams are OP as fuck, for a limited window of time, and then they need to return home and recharge. Problem is, they're too advanced for Human pilots, so only Mutants can fly them. Whoops. So the Mutants figure out that this "neutral" colony is making secret WMDs for the other side, so they plot to attack and steal the Gundams for themselves, but they only manage to steal 4 of them, and destroy the colony in the process, while innocent civilian survivors take refuge inside the battleship. One of the survivors is a Mutant named Kira Yamato (because the colony was supposed to be "neutral", there were people from both sides coexisting), so he gets stuck with the job of being a child soldier and flying the Gundam, which he really doesn't want to do, but he's the only one who can. And then on the battlefield, Kira learns that the enemy leader is Athrun, his old friend from Mutant kindergarten. Kira: "Why are you trying to kill us?" Athrun: "Why are you stopping us from killing the Humans?" So there's a bunch of tension and angst as the 4 Gundams hound Kira and the survivors as they try to escape to safety, while the Human military treats the survivors as expendable, and there's a bunch of heavy anti-war messages. In the end, full-scale war breaks out, and Kira and Athrun are able to stop fighting each other and team up and stop it.

Your mileage may vary on the original Gundam Seed. IIRC it was really popular, but some people hated the melodrama.

Gundam Seed Destiny, I thought was terrible. It picks up right after Seed, but now it has a new protagonist, a horribly unlikable asshole, and his new Gundam is so amazing, it launches in three useless pieces, and then does a midair transformation, to become an ordinary, generic Gundam. Because everything is cooler with useless midair transformations. I think they realized that this new kid they had anchoring the franchise was shit, because halfway through the series they decided to bring back Kira Yamato, and all his friends from the battleship, as if they had nothing better to do and they live for this shit, as opposed to being shoved into it against their will. And Kira is Jesus now, the absolute greatest and most indestructible pilot anyone has ever seen, who kills absolutely nobody because killing is wrong, as he flies around space destroying weapons and ending all wars. It's a terrible sequel, I think, because Gundam Seed never needed a sequel, but Seed was so successful, they needed to contrive some bullshit to shoehorn something else in after it, to keep the money train rolling.

Seed Destiny is not so bad it's good, it's just bad, and it has basically one joke "Jesus Yamato" which isn't a particularly funny joke since everyone has heard the joke already.


Oct 25, 2017
I think thats the most ridicoulous complaint people can have about SEED. Like what tv gundam isnt kind of silly and melodramatic lol?
I admit that I haven't really paid any attention to why people don't like Seed, just that the other poster said that he heard it was bad, and I recalled some people complaining about "Oh, how convenient is it that two people of similar backgrounds happen to know each other. They're just doing this so Kira and Athrun can have hard feelings about being on opposite sides." I was like "Uhh, yeah. It's a TV show. They're trying to give you reasons to care about the fights, as well as trying to show how war is bad and how it tears people apart."
Oct 27, 2017
Can't believe no one has linked to the amazing end credit sequence.

Used for all 49 episodes of a series about robot battles and introspective musings on the nature of war.

(Also why the hell is Relena tormenting that poor rhino?)
Oct 8, 2019
I haven't watched Wing since it's original Toonami airing, why am I laughing. I thought all Gundams were as good as Origins.

Gundam the Origin was created by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko who was the second most important person involved in the creation of Gundam being the character designer and main animator.

The only person who understood Gundam more is Tomino. There's a lot of great Gundam, and then there's a lot of bad Gundam, like Gundam Narrative