
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
It's probably tight. Also the total number of players seems to have dropped from before.
Yeah, the last time we had everything in our favor which is why we crushed the 2 billion dead bugs target:
- Bugs are more popular than bots (even now, 1/3rd of players are fighting bugs)
- You seem to kill more enemies in a bug mission than in a bot mission
- We had a larger player base
- and more importantly, each kill was counted once per player in the mission (which has been fixed)

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but it seems like they should have set the target lower than 2 billion. Once the weekend ends the kills will slow down too, and we are already a bit behind. So, leaning towards "not happening". I'd be surprised if we hit 1.6 billion kills, tbh.

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
back from a trip, got to play around the patch changes and new weapons a bit.

It's great that the DoT fix has finally been done, as I always loved using the napalm strikes. The flamethrower can now get rid of a scavenger group with one swipe of flame and incendiary grenades are now pretty useful for temp area of denial.

The tenderizer seems like it needs to be adjusted a bit, the ammo pickup isn't the same like all the other weapons. I do like the feel of it, so I hope they look into it in the future.

I think the pummeler is the best weapon in the bond so far, at least for bots. Combined with the ballistic shield, it's easy to get rid of groups of devastators most of the time.

Tried out the eruptor to see how it performs and it looks like they got rid of an exploit that one shot tougher enemies like spewers and even chargers. I don't mind spewers taking 2 shots around the head to kill, but I think the AOE needs to be bigger to make it feel more useful for groups. Either that or reduce the damage falloff of the explosion.

Anyone know what scopes were fixed? Because the HMG scope is still misaligned, like nothing seems to have been done to it lol. The AMR scope as well is still not centered correctly.


Oct 25, 2017
back from a trip, got to play around the patch changes and new weapons a bit.

It's great that the DoT fix has finally been done, as I always loved using the napalm strikes. The flamethrower can now get rid of a scavenger group with one swipe of flame and incendiary grenades are now pretty useful for temp area of denial.

The tenderizer seems like it needs to be adjusted a bit, the ammo pickup isn't the same like all the other weapons. I do like the feel of it, so I hope they look into it in the future.

I think the pummeler is the best weapon in the bond so far, at least for bots. Combined with the ballistic shield, it's easy to get rid of groups of devastators most of the time.

Tried out the eruptor to see how it performs and it looks like they got rid of an exploit that one shot tougher enemies like spewers and even chargers. I don't mind spewers taking 2 shots around the head to kill, but I think the AOE needs to be bigger to make it feel more useful for groups. Either that or reduce the damage falloff of the explosion.

Anyone know what scopes were fixed? Because the HMG scope is still misaligned, like nothing seems to have been done to it lol. The AMR scope as well is still not centered correctly.
I doubt any of the scopes were fixed lol.

They said they were but it didn't seem

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yoooo the Helldivers subreddit is a cesspool lmao. actual children and maladjusted clowns both acting authoritative as they drop the least informed shtposts I've ever seen. genuinely so many of the posts there genuinely read like they were left by grade schoolers. Good reminder why I stay away from gaming reddit in general lmao. I gained nothing from that short visit besides a darkened outlook on that whole segment of the community.


Dec 16, 2018
Yoooo the Helldivers subreddit is a cesspool lmao. actual children and maladjusted clowns both acting authoritative as they drop the least informed shtposts I've ever seen. genuinely so many of the posts there genuinely read like they were left by grade schoolers. Good reminder why I stay away from gaming reddit in general lmao. I gained nothing from that short visit besides a darkened outlook on that whole segment of the community.
It is a terrible place with zero value.


Mar 26, 2022
Played the game for the first time after that huge patch changing many weapons. Plasma shotgun absolutely rules


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, the last time we had everything in our favor which is why we crushed the 2 billion dead bugs target:
- Bugs are more popular than bots (even now, 1/3rd of players are fighting bugs)
- You seem to kill more enemies in a bug mission than in a bot mission
- We had a larger player base
- and more importantly, each kill was counted once per player in the mission (which has been fixed)

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but it seems like they should have set the target lower than 2 billion. Once the weekend ends the kills will slow down too, and we are already a bit behind. So, leaning towards "not happening". I'd be surprised if we hit 1.6 billion kills, tbh.

Yeah, not looking good with only ~150k players on weekend every time I looked. Most of the people on my friend list have moved on to other games after all the recent fiasco. I said around the first balance patch that they were going the wrong direction with the nerfs. Hopefully they can bounce back.


Oct 27, 2017
Yoooo the Helldivers subreddit is a cesspool lmao. actual children and maladjusted clowns both acting authoritative as they drop the least informed shtposts I've ever seen. genuinely so many of the posts there genuinely read like they were left by grade schoolers. Good reminder why I stay away from gaming reddit in general lmao. I gained nothing from that short visit besides a darkened outlook on that whole segment of the community.

It was fun when it was all memes and gameplay clips.

Now it's like reading a migraine.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't the Helldivers subreddit just like any popular live service game though? They're all just filled with bitching. This is the natural endpoint of people getting burned out on playing the same game for months.

That said the PSN debacle sped up the process.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't the Helldivers subreddit just like any popular live service game though? They're all just filled with bitching. This is the natural endpoint of people getting burned out on playing the same game for months.

That said the PSN debacle sped up the process.

I wouldn't know to be honest. This is the only live service game I've ever played, and the only subreddit I've ever visited that's dedicated to one.

I just don't know where people get the energy to immerse themselves in so much negativity about something they're supposed to enjoy 😅


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Yoooo the Helldivers subreddit is a cesspool lmao. actual children and maladjusted clowns both acting authoritative as they drop the least informed shtposts I've ever seen. genuinely so many of the posts there genuinely read like they were left by grade schoolers. Good reminder why I stay away from gaming reddit in general lmao. I gained nothing from that short visit besides a darkened outlook on that whole segment of the community.
It genuinely feels like all the COD and Destiny idiots migrated over to make any Helldivers 2 community look as unappealing as possible
Isn't the Helldivers subreddit just like any popular live service game though? They're all just filled with bitching. This is the natural endpoint of people getting burned out on playing the same game for months.

That said the PSN debacle sped up the process.
It was good for about a week before it went to shit


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the Helldivers subreddit just like any popular live service game though? They're all just filled with bitching. This is the natural endpoint of people getting burned out on playing the same game for months.

That said the PSN debacle sped up the process.
Once the usual content creators got hold of the game it went like the rest of them.


Oct 25, 2017
It genuinely feels like all the COD and Destiny idiots migrated over to make any Helldivers 2 community look as unappealing as possible

That's exactly what happened lol

I have my own problems with the gameplay and a long list things I would change if I could, but the helldivers 2 community is everything wrong with online dIsCoUrSe and I wouldn't be surprised if many of the AH developers were wishing it wasn't as big of a success as it was, solely for the types of people that successs has brought in


Oct 25, 2017
I was really invested in the community and the memes and stuff but it's all whining now
Sometimes i stumble across something fun still but the rest is all bullshit from terrible people


Oct 25, 2017
A holodeck/shooting range that lets you test out weapons, spawn fake enemies and switch loadouts on your ship would be a cool addition to make it easier to test out weapons without having to go through a bunch of loading screens and scrambling around maps hoping to run into certain enemies.

A lot of the time I won't try something new for too long because I don't want to get stuck with it for a whole co-op mission if I don't vibe with it and dropping in on lower difficulties doesn't give enough of an indicator of how it will perform on the difficulties I play.

Also I feel like there should be indicators like "increased shrieker/gunship presence in the mission" or something because the side objectives can really change what weapons and stratagems I would have wanted to bring.

  • slightly more patrols when comepleting side missions, a lot more patrols when completing main missions (seems like a weird game design choice??)

Pretty sure this was always the case and it generally makes sense to me both from a game design standpoint and an in-universe thing, if you're taking out critical objectives then the enemy is going to send more units there to figure out what happened and it's an attempt at disincentivising going off solo and completing objectives as you now have to deal with more patrols coming in (how well that actually works is debatable but I get the intention), as well as the fact that if clearing out objectives resulted in less enemies, the missions would just get easier as they progress and that's not a very enjoyable progression curve, ideally each mission should build up in difficulty with slight peaks and troughs throughout until the extraction which should be the crescendo (although often that's not the case due to nothing spawning).

I also disagree with the "Arrowhead doesn't know what they're doing" sentiment but I do agree that there's a lack of vision or direction in some of the patches they've done as well as some of the reasoning behind it.

The changes to patrol rate spawns depending on playercount is definitely a "Who was this for?" change as it's not as if masses of people were playing solo instead of co-op because it was "easier", like I get that's what the developers original intent was supposed to be and such patches happen real often where games don't perform the way the dev wanted them to, but I think it was a bit too late to make changes like that and the general player sentiment was that there was nothing wrong with it.

These types of games can be sort of collaborative with the community (except whiny idiots who don't know what they're talking about) and sometimes (very rarely) you do have to sacrifice what is your vision for something that more people enjoy, that's just part of games development nowadays, especially with GaaS.

Speaking of the extraction being the crescendo, it's disappointing how often that's not the case, I honestly think it should take longer by default (which would allow you to increase the booster reduction to make it not worthless as increasing it currently would almost make the extraction a non-event) and have more and harder enemies spawn, it should feel like you've just pissed off the entire area and now they're throwing everything at you in revenge, maybe even disable reinforcements once the extraction has started because why would they send people down just to board a ship? You've already beaten the mission at that point so losing here wouldn't be too big of a deal, but would make it feel like a real last stand where you're fighting tooth and nail to get out of there.

But then it's real easy to just go off about all this shit that I'd change or add to the game. Actually implenting... hell, anything, into a game isn't easy, least of all an online only server-based game and you get to a stage where certain things have just become core parts of the game and changing them would require so much work and introduce so much potential to break everything that it's an almost insurmountable task when they're already got so much on their plate to fix.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
So o finally found my loudout!

Insects : Breaker incendiary + Autocannon + obital laser + orbital railcannon + 500kg bomb
Robots: sickle + autocannon + orbital laser + orbital railcannon + mortar

Tbh i think the autocannon is the best weapon in the game. Is perfectly balanced, you can deal with small, medium and even big enemies. The reload is okay…my only issue is that aim maybe be bugged because sometimes you aim right and the shot misses for unkown reasons
I liked the anti material rifle, but for medium+big enemies you need to headshot them to be effective…so, with a controller where you need to be precise i found it to be annoying sometimes

I tested almost all the weapons and tbh none of them felt "powerful"enought like these fell for me
If they buff the spear, fix the aim and increase damage, it would be my main weapon


Oct 27, 2017
Also I feel like there should be indicators like "increased shrieker/gunship presence in the mission" or something because the side objectives can really change what weapons and stratagems I would have wanted to bring.

No matter what, weapons/stratagems that can handle most of situations are always going to be the ones I'll bring since there's no way to tell how good the randos are or I'm just playing solo. They need to focus on creating more of those weapons imo. There are a handful of great weapons such as Autocanon, AMR, Scorcher, Plasma Punisher, Blitzer, etc. A lot of this could also be mitigated if the primary weapon can still hold up in a heated situation when you don't have access to the support weapon; there are too few primaries that can do so currently.

Speaking of the extraction being the crescendo, it's disappointing how often that's not the case, I honestly think it should take longer by default (which would allow you to increase the booster reduction to make it not worthless as increasing it currently would almost make the extraction a non-event) and have more and harder enemies spawn, it should feel like you've just pissed off the entire area and now they're throwing everything at you in revenge, maybe even disable reinforcements once the extraction has started because why would they send people down just to board a ship? You've already beaten the mission at that point so losing here wouldn't be too big of a deal, but would make it feel like a real last stand where you're fighting tooth and nail to get out of there.
This is probably because I'm mostly soloing or duoing but generally extraction is pretty hectic especially with the current spawn rate lol.
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Oct 25, 2017
Purifier is pure ASS, what the fuck Arrowhead.
Thankfully the Pummeler and Impact Incendiary are great, so Warbond is okay.


Oct 31, 2017
130,000+ active Helldivers

60k+ of them fighting bugs while we have a bot kill order with access to a new stratagem as a reward on the line.



Oct 25, 2017
Getting 200 machine gun kills is a lot easier on bugs than bots, I suspect most casual players see that and make their pick


Mar 26, 2022
Though I didnt unlock it I really don't like the new warbond. The weapons doesn't seem interesting to me. There is no coolness factor. I would rather unlock the steeled veterans
Oct 30, 2017
Am I the asshole here:
Suicide Mission - Couple of 30s with me and a 20. no comms. We have 8 minutes left and 1 bot factory to go. We die multiple times to the bot factory and only have 4 respawns left. So I go to extract and start it while they clear out the bot factory. they come around at 4mins left and the shuttle already landed. Im far from it, waiting for them, looking out for pursuers. Host shoots me and kicks me.

I do this when respawns are low so there is a decent chance to spawn them in the extraction zone.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I the asshole here:
Suicide Mission - Couple of 30s with me and a 20. no comms. We have 8 minutes left and 1 bot factory to go. We die multiple times to the bot factory and only have 4 respawns left. So I go to extract and start it while they clear out the bot factory. they come around at 4mins left and the shuttle already landed. Im far from it, waiting for them, looking out for pursuers. Host shoots me and kicks me.

I do this when respawns are low so there is a decent chance to spawn them in the extraction zone.
I'd say no. If you had boarded the Pelican, yeah, but you didn't prevent any part of a successful mission from occurring. Obviously being able to communicate the plan would be better, but whatever. Being mad when you didn't board the ship makes no sense.


Nov 2, 2017
Did they stop super credit farm? Whenever I pick up credits, close game, and drop back to same planet, the super credits I pick don't actually collect.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they stop super credit farm? Whenever I pick up credits, close game, and drop back to same planet, the super credits I pick don't actually collect.
Yes, quite some time ago.

Senator is literally too good right now, the only fighting chance is grenade pistol for holes/fabricators.


Dec 29, 2023
Yeah, not looking good with only ~150k players on weekend every time I looked. Most of the people on my friend list have moved on to other games after all the recent fiasco. I said around the first balance patch that they were going the wrong direction with the nerfs. Hopefully they can bounce back.
Yeah, it feels like the honeymoon period of this game is completely over as they continue to balance the game poorly, release weapons that suck and make the warbonds pointless, and argue with the fanbase when we ask them to space them out more so they can fix a lot of the continual bugs with the game. The lack of transparency, the terrible balancing (surprised the guy who is doing it hasn't been fired), et. al. make them look worse than anything Sony could have done to the game. Though it seems like this is what they did with Helldivers 1 so this is just Arrowhead. They should be happy with all the money they made the past few months, because I don't foresee any playerbase spikes any time soon.


Oct 25, 2017
i'm just gonna take a break from all "discussion" surrounding this game and will just play
the amount of just concentrated negativity blasted at me everywhere I look is so exhausting and boring, i'm just better off without it


Oct 25, 2017
My favourite part of the online discourse is that warbond weapons are both terrible when they release yet also intentionally overpowered so that the devs trick people into buying them before nerfing them


Oct 25, 2017
I cannot find any reasonable explanation why Tenderiser and Purifier are so bad. These weapons feel not tested properly, they are that bad...which doesn't make sense because Pummeler and Pistol are good.


Dec 29, 2023
My favourite part of the online discourse is that warbond weapons are both terrible when they release yet also intentionally overpowered so that the devs trick people into buying them before nerfing them
They really threw a curveball with this warbond by making every new weapon inferior to something we already have.

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
I cannot find any reasonable explanation why Tenderiser and Purifier are so bad. These weapons feel not tested properly, they are that bad...which doesn't make sense because Pummeler and Pistol are good.
why are these weapons so bad for you? I don't see myself picking up the tenderizer any time soon, but it just seems like a lesser Liberator, which is a good weapon, with better recoil. The ammo refill for it does need to be updated so you get the same amount as the other guns, however. I've also been running the purifier recently and I do agree it needs something, either a damage boost or better aoe damage, but the stagger is useful and it doesn't need as much care in aiming than the plasma shotgun. Maybe lowering the charge time too can improve it just like how increasing the rate of fire made the blitzer that much better.
They really threw a curveball with this warbond by making every new weapon inferior to something we already have.
I'd argue the pummeler, combined with the ballistic shield, does a better job at taking care of bot swarms than the defender. The extra damage from the defender doesn't mean much if I can just aim at the weakpoints, which is made easier with the stun effect especially against berserker swarms. The incendiary grenade is good as well. Haven't touched the verdict, but I heard it's decent as well.


Sep 12, 2022
Am I the asshole here:
Suicide Mission - Couple of 30s with me and a 20. no comms. We have 8 minutes left and 1 bot factory to go. We die multiple times to the bot factory and only have 4 respawns left. So I go to extract and start it while they clear out the bot factory. they come around at 4mins left and the shuttle already landed. Im far from it, waiting for them, looking out for pursuers. Host shoots me and kicks me.

I do this when respawns are low so there is a decent chance to spawn them in the extraction zone.
Nope, the host is a fucking dumbass.


Oct 27, 2017
This is just my usual online experience rant, but people should curate the experience they want. If you don't like what people are saying about Helldivers(or anything) on reddit, discord, resetera, twitter, wherever, just don't read it.

When it comes to Helldivers specifically, people tend to frame their complaints in really bad ways that no one, including the devs are likely to react well to but that doesn't mean it should be brushed off. Helldivers is a super fun game free of FOMO(which plagues most live service titles) and allowing you to gain premium currency from just playing the game was a really awesome decision that I'm happy got approved by Sony.

That being said, the weapon balance is...not great, with about 60-70%(if not more) of the weapons being useless on helldive difficulty. When you have a well coordinated group of four, this really doesn't matter all that much, but the more you whittle away at group size, the more you're forced into "meta" loadouts to not have a really hard time.

That brings me to the other main issue with the game right now, 3-4 people who know what they're doing are likely to cruise, but if you're playing with less than that, especially solo, you have to pick the strong options or you're fucked. It is a legit complaint to bring that up. That circles around to balance again, every time the community figures out what weapons are actually strong on helldive, they tend to eat a nerf. Thats the cycle the game is in right now.

When it comes to the warbonds, which is the last thing people tend to bitch about, Arrowhead put themselves in a tough spot by including weapons. Too strong and people feel compelled to buy them and they get mad if you nerf them(which they likely will based on patches so far). Too weak and people just say "why would I buy that warbond, everything sucks".

Still, Helldivers is really, really fun, and these are very solvable problems.


Dec 6, 2023
The honeymoon phase is def wanning with some of my friends, but they're still playing and occasionally texting me about it.

But it'll be sad when they do drop off; this is literally the only MP game any of them play that I have an interest in.