
Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
I still have not completed Act 3 of slay the spire and I was hoping for some General Tips and tips for each Character.

I am going to Grind the game all day today in an attempt to get good.

Hopefully I can make some progress with your help and post back some positive results.

Some starting Questions

1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?

2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?

3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?

4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid

5,. General tips for each character and How they should be played different.

6. any tips for going against bosses?
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Oct 26, 2017
Toronto, ON, Canada
One of the biggest mistakes when you're new to the game and learning the "builds" that dynamically occur is that you try to force a build with early cards and not flow with what the game gives you the rest of the way.

For example, if your first card you take powers up your shivs and you take it but you start to receive more poison cards and relics, it's best to pivot away to poison if it makes you more powerful.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I completed several times with all characters. I can't remember to much about specifics but synergy and card count are crucial. I prioritzed deck thinning over trinkets and upgrades. Once I have a good enough hand, that's when I look to upgrade key cards.
Oct 25, 2017
Here's my best tip:

Don't take cards that you don't really want. In the early parts, take the best cards you can get each round and try to find some synergy, but once you have some decent things going, only take cards that will improve that synergy or help you draw to get to your synergy faster.

A smaller focused deck is always better than a needlessly large deck. Get used to just not taking cards when none of the choices are good enough.

Also, go after every elite you can. Always go the elite routes, unless you're super low on health and don't think you can survive it. The synergy you get from getting a bunch of complimentary relics will usually make you insanely strong if you get enough of them.

Finally, a general tip is that you want to just avoid losing HP whenever possible, unless you're in a position to heal because of potions or something. If you get a choice between wasting a turn by using block three times and taking 0 damange or doing a lot of (non-lethal) damage and taking a big hit from an enemy, just use block. There are some enemies that you basically have to race by doing a lot of damage quickly, but for the most part you'll be fine with 'wasted' turns. Try to upgrade a card at every rest site instead of healing.
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It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Synergy, synergy, synergy

There isn't a 'right' answer to a lot of the questions in the OP. Like, should you chase strike or defend? That depends on the relics and cards you get. Like, some cards make a large deck a good idea. Others make a small deck a good idea.

If you get cards that do damage based on how much shield you have, you don't want to be cutting shield cards. If you get relics that give you lots of shield automatically, you don't want to be cutting attacks.

Turtling is good for some builds and terrible for others. Plus there are some enemies that will absolutely demolish a turtling approach.

I guess the boring answer is learn the cards that are out there. Learn the relics that are out there. Learn to recognize what plays nicely together and go for it.

If you're beating an act with lots of health left, question how much you're resting, since your health resets at the end of each act. Use potions when a suitable opportunity comes up for them, don't hold them for later fights where suitable opportunities might never happen.


Aug 6, 2021
First floor: front loaded damage
Second floor: AoE and scaling. Depending on the boss, focus more on one of those.
Third floor: You should mostly be set, but if you find cards that improve a synergy, take it.

Don't sleep on potions! Especially in elite/boss fights.

Do the math every turn.

Try to avoid early shops. Go to one when you have approximately 300 gold in order to buy a relic.


Oct 26, 2017
1. Both actually, but between the two I'd say cut strike because your character has the smaller pool of health compared to tough enemies and surviving an extra hit if only barely can really make a difference.

2. Mostly synergy, as you'll want to essentially create "combos" with your cards.

3. In general I would say that offence is better because most bosses and tough enemies have some sort of devastating attack that comes later in the fight and you'll want to avoid it if possible. Defence is for when you have a ton of damage coming in or you are about to die.

4. Keep your deck lean. You want to constantly have strong cards in rotation instead of having to burn through weak ones first.

5. It's been a while since I've played it so I can't offer much help there.

6. The Dark Souls formula: learn the timing of their moves so you can plan ahead and have the necessary cards available at the right time.


Oct 25, 2017
I've only recently started playing myself, and though I'm no expert and I've only beaten it a couple of times, I have one piece of advice. I think the easiest trap to fall into is to take a card after every battle. The fact is, sometimes after a battle, you're given three bad options. Its probably worse for your deck to take a bad card than it is to take nothing.

I also try to go to as many Elite fights as I can. Relics are awesome.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 13, 2020
I've always found Defect to be the most forgiving character due to passive block generation plus the scalability of damage via increasing focus or claw.

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?

2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?

3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?

4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid

5,. General tips for each character and How they should be played different.

6. any tips for going against bosses?

1. Eliminate Strikes as soon and as frequently as possible.

2. Synergy.

3. Depends on the character. I find that Watcher does really well if you just go full beast mode, whereas Ironclad just can't die if you focus on defending every turn.

4. Hmmmmm....I dunno.

5. Ironclad = defend until you get one of his three Win Condition cards (I forget the names but you can look them up, basically the stacking power cards), Silent = choose poison or draw, but not both, Defect = Ice is king, Watcher = just kill as fast as possible

6. Depends on the boss. That head is going to be a killer.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
People saying chase synergy might not be right, that sounds like trying to force builds/archetypes which is not the way to play StS. You want a good overall deck, but that doesn't mean like trying to go all in on Poison with Silent no matter what because you box yourself in. It's about taking the tools you need to beat future fights more than anything.

anyway general tips are cut strikes first unless you're Watcher, aggression or turtle depends on your deck, don't feel you have to take cards, Skip is often the best option. Enemies use the same patterns every time, check the wiki to learn and plan ahead for Act bosses as you can see what they are from the start. Each Act also only has three elites so you can plan ahead too.

But OP if you really wanna learn Spire, just learn from Jorbs, he's the biggest name in the game for a reason. His overexplained runs will open your mind.



Oct 25, 2017
People saying chase synergy might not be right, that sounds like trying to force builds/archetypes which is not the way to play StS. You want a good overall deck, but that doesn't mean like trying to go all in on Poison with Silent or whatever. It's about taking the tools you need to beat future fights more than anything.

anyway general tips are cut strikes first unless you're Watched, aggression or turtle depends on your deck, don't feel you have to take cards, Skip is often the best option. Enemies use the same patterns every time, check the wiki to learn and plan ahead for Act bosses as you can see what they are from the start. Each Act also only has three elites so you can plan ahead too.

But OP if you really wanna learn Spire, just learn from Jorbs, he's the biggest name in the game for a reason. His overexplained runs will open your mind.

thanks for this


Oct 27, 2017
1. Cut strike, but cutting two strikes too early could end your run.

2. In act 1 you have to kill bosses/elites that generally requires burst damage, so take front loaded damage (cards that do big damage right away). Act 2 and 3 is about getting both scaling damage and scaling block (so synergistic cards). In later acts you take different card depending what cards and relics you acquired in act 1.

3. Your HP is your most fundamental resource. Try to set up turns to spend as little as possible. Sometimes that means taking damage while doing big damage, sometimes it means blocking. There is no general rule, you just have to do the math each turn. Look at your draw pile and calculate probabilities if you have to.

4. Never take scaling/slow cards early, thinking that you are going to try to play an archetype. It never works out. That was probably my biggest noob mistake. On higher difficulties, this matters way more.

5. Learning this takes a lot of time. Just focus on unlocking, learning and understanding each characters' cards.

6. As I said, act 1 bosses typically requires burst damage. Just pay attention to each boss and learn their patterns.
Gremlin nob gets angry when you use a skill, so only block if you can kill next turn.
Three sentries requires you to block and focus down one of the outer sentries first (that way you only have to block 10 each turn).
Lagavuling is difficult. The fight really needs fast-scaling damage, during a time when it is not available to you. You have three turns before it wakes up, use those to prepare.

I am only doing ascension 5 right now though, so I could be wrong.


Oct 29, 2017
Strikes will always be shit and you should strive to replace them with better attacks asap.

Synergy is obviously important but getting through elites, and act 1 as a whole, without losing too much health so you can upgrade is even more important. Which is why you often need to "settle" for powerful straightforward attacks like dash and predator for the Silent.


Nov 2, 2017
I love Slay the Spire. I've got a lot of hours (too embarrassed to post here) and have reached ascension 19 w/ each character (not watcher tho she's weird af).

1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?
Depends, if you have a few heavy hitter cards it might be worth it to cut some strikes. I will say at later ascensions it's almost always better to save money for a card/relic that would be really useful

2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?
Synergy is almost always the right answer.

3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?
Really depends on the enemies you're facing.

4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid
Do the math, always scroll up and see which boss you're facing and chart your path, don't be afraid to lose a run so you can experiment with a relic/card that you almost never use. I'm hundreds of hours into the game and I still find unexpected ways of synergizing a deck. Don't needlessly chase elites just cause you get a relic. Nothing is worse than losing 70% of your hp for a relic that's not useful.
Edit: Also, ALWAYS look at which cards are in your draw pile and which cards are in your discard pile before doing anything in your turn.


Oct 25, 2017
1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?

It depends on what you are picking up from the store/fights. If I am adding more offensive cards, I will take out Strikes and if I am adding more defensive cards I will take out Defends.

2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?

Generally, at this point pre-Ascension, I think you can probably be most consistent by taking the best overall card rather than the one that might synergize well if you get other cards to combo with. At higher levels, you will want to switch over and take the risk on creating synergy/combo decks because they are the only way you will have a chance.

3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?

You have to get used to some of the enemy attack patterns, there are some enemies you might want to take some damage against early to ensure a faster victory because they will start buffing themselves up and dealing more damage to you throughout a fight. Others will have more even damage that you can maybe slow play if you think you can successfully keep blocking their damage.

4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid
  • Holding on to potions for too long. Use potions relatively freely you can stock up at shops or get them as rewards often enough. If a Potion will save you a decent amount of damage like 10+ it is worth using.
  • Picking a card out of every card rewards. Sometimes you don't need any of the cards there and you will just bloat your deck up.
  • Only rest if you think you will not make it to the next Campfire before dying, upgrading your cards early and often is the best way to get a good late game deck. You heal fully at your level when you beat bosses.
  • Stacking as many artifacts as you can is generally a good strat, it is okay to take damage or negative effects for them. Be careful about Elite chasing though. I only purposely hit as many Elites as I want if I know I have a good combo already where I won't take much damage.
  • Not sure if this is recommended or not but I generally go for ? mark rooms as much as I can, combat can be useful but it tends to be riskier.

5,. General tips for each character and How they should be played different.

I think other more experienced players will be better about this. I haven't looked up any guides or anything and I'm only in the teens for Ascension levels on each champ so I haven't reached end game. I like stacking Strength cards/powers for The Ironclad, Poison/Block on The Silent, and Frost/Orb Slots on The Defect. I'm awful with the new character.
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â–˛ Legend â–˛
Feb 13, 2020
General tips:
Buying potions solely for the next elite fight is usually great;
Energy relics are insane, even if it stops you from resting (eventually your deck building skill is going to be so good you will feel this tip)


Oct 26, 2017
1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?

2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?

3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?

4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid

5,. General tips for each character and How they should be played different.

6. any tips for going against bosses?
  1. Strikes before Defends. On the earlier difficulties, it's almost always better to play to preserve health over do damage.
  2. Start with decent cards, then search for synergies with what you have.
  3. Minimize damage until end of Act 2. Then start drafting more damage to deal with Act 3.
  4. Making big decks. Skipping and removing are your friends.
  5. Ironclad can take slightly bigger risks with its passive. Silent has easy shiv and poison builds. Defect wants more orb slots + ice is your friend. Watcher wants to be able to switch into damage stance often, but always have a calm stance card retained.


Oct 25, 2017
General tips:
Buying potions solely for the next elite fight is usually great;
Energy relics are insane, even if it stops you from resting (eventually your deck building skill is going to be so good you will feel this tip)
Yeah, you can normally pick out whichever Energy relic fits your current deck best and those are normally the best to take. Like trading no more potions for an extra energy each turn is so nice most of the time.


Oct 30, 2017
Pick up common attacks in act 1. They will help a lot vs. the elites you'll be fighting! Avoid taking any skills before you fight Gremlin Nob (a1 elite) as he scales str w/ skill use. It's good to get an idea each potential elite you'll be fighting and choosing cards for those immediate fights coming up (Killing elites leads to card rewards/relics which will power you up as well). My mentality is choose rewards for the short term as the short term will give you rewards for the long term, and if you're not prepared for the short term you die!


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
General tips:
Buying potions solely for the next elite fight is usually great;
Energy relics are insane, even if it stops you from resting (eventually your deck building skill is going to be so good you will feel this tip)

If you can get the one where you get +1 energy and the only thing you give up is not being able to collect any more gold, game over, you win.

Yeah, you can normally pick out whichever Energy relic fits your current deck best and those are normally the best to take. Like trading no more potions for an extra energy each turn is so nice most of the time.
This one is obvious to me from years of playing hearthstone.

Extra mana/cheating mana is insane in card games.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Feb 13, 2020
Another thing I love in this game is card cycling.
Sometimes is better to have 1 copy of a card you can use 3 times in the same turn because of insane cycling than having 2 copies you have to wait 3 turns to use both.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
If you ever have a chance to pick the dead branch take it


Oct 29, 2017
I can't remember where I read this but I the tip 'always take the card that makes the next encounter easier' completely changed the way I played the game.

Yeah, it's fun to try to build a 0 cost deck with The Defect, or to go all-in on poison with the Silent. But those are extremely risky strategies. If you get lucky and get some uncommon and rare payoff cards you'll probably finish the run. If you don't, you almost certainly won't. Evaluate cards based on how they fit into your existing deck and how they perform again the encounters in the floor you're currently on.

'synergy, synergy, synergy' isn't bad advice necessarily, but you need to know which cards are good in their own right and which are payoffs that should only be taken once you have enough supporting cards. Don't take an early Catalyst and hope that you're offered good poison cards. Don't take an early Barricade and cross your fingers that you'll get Entrench and Body Slam.

I haven't played in weeks so I can't offer super specific advice, but some general character-specific strategies I found helpful:

Ironclad is best played extremely aggressively. When I started playing it seemed like it was supposed to be the intro jack-of-all-trades class, but it's really not. Unless you're doing a defensive build (like with the aforementioned Barricade-Entrench combo) just go all out, especially in the second area where many enemies' power increases you're better off taking some damage to end fights as quickly as possible then drawing them out.

Silent can be really fragile, prioritize cards that keep you alive. I remember Leg Sweep seemed kind of crappy when I started but it's a fantastic card, the 2 weak can save you from keeping a ton of damage. Blur is amazing as well, Silent doesn't have as many defensive cards so being to build up block on a turn when an enemy isn't attacking can be a godsend. Remember to ask yourself how cards fit into your current deck. Choke can be a powerful and fun card if you already have a lot of Shivs. If not, it's trash.

The Defect is the most flexible character IMO, with Ironclad you're almost always going to be very aggressive and attack-focused, Silent is almost always trying to get a few good poison or shiv cards and then hoping to get a good payoff, but Defect can be played successfully in different ways. Personally I always prioritize frost orbs. The beginning of the game can be dicey but once you're able to channel multiple frost orbs per turn you're very hard to kill, and staying alive is really the hard part with the Defect, it has a lot of broken cards, you'll find a win condition if you can stay alive. Upgrading is more important for the Defect than other classes, you want Zap and Dualcast as soon as you can, them being free makes a huge difference.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe the OT can finally be revived:

Slay the Spire - PS4, Switch and Xbox One |OT| Heart of the Cards OT

Now Featuring the 4th character! And welcome to the Slay the Spire Official Thread now available for the PS4 and the Switch! (you know I would've made a Silent green version of the game if an Xbox one version was announced)...

I have a couple of good advice posts in there, but here's one of them:

Regardless of the class you're playing, it's always good to look at the map of each act and see what boss you're going to be up against. I tend to do that rather than think, "Ok, I'm going to do Build X." It's hard to do that when card drops are randomized. So I get cards that have solid value for the cost and are effective against the enemy types and bosses for each act. I usually keep my deck size around 20-25 cards, although certain builds may require more than that. I still haven't had a chance to build a super small deck, those are always fun.

Act 1: You'll need some high damage and block, preferably the former since you get punished for being too passive against Gremlin Nob or Lagavulin (both minibosses). If Hexaghost is the act boss, then as long as you're at 50% HP, you don't really need to heal (Hexaghost damage scales according to your health) so you can upgrade a card instead. I don't usually delete cards at the merchant, since your deck is still small in this act. And I usually try to fight as many minibosses as I can to get relics. Boss relic I try to go for one that grants extra energy. Also, it's okay to not choose a card reward after a battle. Sometimes picking a bad card will end up hurting you more than you think. Of course, it takes a while to understand which cards are more valuable than others.

Act 2: You'll need some AOE for some of the common enemies and the Slavers, so hope you got one last Act. Now is the time to look at the cards you picked last act your relics and try to pick up more cards that compliment them. You can start getting rid of Strikes and Defends at this point. I usually avoid minibosses in this act because they are all horrible, unless I lucked into building an OP deck.

Act 3: By now your deck should be pretty much complete. If you get Time Eater and your deck is reliant on playing a ton of 0 cost cards, then you probably may not win. If you get Awakened One (Woke Bloke), then your Defect powers deck may fail you unless you have good defense. It's pretty tricky, but hopefully you have a decent balance of offense and defense. If your deck can beat the boss, then you can take on pretty much anything in the act.

If you want to get better, I suggest watching jolnrbs on YouTube. He has a series of playthroughs where he does a great job at explaining the mechanics and why he chooses certain cards over others:

Also, probably the most I pirtant thing to keep in mind:

You don't always have to take a card! A large deck makes it take longer for the card you want to play to come into your hand. And while some cards are very good, they might not synergize well with the rest of your cards or relics and thus are not as valuable to have.


Oct 25, 2017
That card that costs three energy but that makes your energy go up by one every turn is one I almost always play, given that it exhausts if you don't play it. I love that card.

Deva Form, I think. I'm always tempted by that one, but I've never been able to make it work. I've only beaten The Watcher once, though. I thinned my deck down to the point where I was able to draw my deck every turn. Every turn, I would go into Wrath Mode, use Signature Move (can only be played if you have no other attacks in your hand, do 30 damage) which now hits for 60 since I'm in Wrath, then go back into Calm and defend. I just spammed that exact combo over and over.


Feb 21, 2018
1. Refusing to take a card is a good strategy.

2. Don't start a run with a build in mind. Let the first dozen or so battles determine your build and go deom there.



Oct 26, 2017
Also, look at the map at the start of your run, you can see which boss you will face and you can plan your path accordingly. Try not to take a path that doesn't give you options to avoid an elite fight if you somehow lost a lot of HP in previous hallway fights.

But doing this, you can eventually setup cool moments like this:

Also, while Power cards are very strong, some of them cost 3 energy, which, in Act 1 means that you will likely take damage on the enemy turn, because playing it means you didn't attack or block. This effectively makes that 3 energy Power a useless card (like a Curse). You need to also consider your HP as a resource and manage it wisely. For this reason, I don't usually take Powers until Act 2 or even Act 3, depending on my deck and relic composition.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
I struggle so much with ironclad. Silent is much easier for me. Have not tried third character yet.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Also, look at the map at the start of your run, you can see which boss you will face and you can plan your path accordingly. Try not to take a path that doesn't give you options to avoid an elite fight if you somehow lost a lot of HP in previous hallway fights.

But doing this, you can eventually setup cool moments like this:

Also, while Power cards are very strong, some of them cost 3 energy, which, in Act 1 means that you will likely take damage on the enemy turn, because playing it means you didn't attack or block. This effectively makes that 3 energy Power a useless card (like a Curse). You need to also consider your HP as a resource and manage it wisely. For this reason, I don't usually take Powers until Act 2 or even Act 3, depending on my deck and relic composition.

Eh. I almost always beat Act 1. Taking damage in Act 1 shouldn't be a big deal at all. Because, first of all, you're not being sent back far at all if you die, and secondly, it's a short sprint to Act 2 and fully being restored. Still, a lot of Power cards early on aren't super useful early on, so that remains pretty good advice overall... but treating health as some hugely important resource in Act 1 seems weird to me. You can beat Act 1 bosses with relatively low amounts of health.


One Winged Slayer
Aug 6, 2019
1. What's better to Cut from deck Defend or Strike?
I usually remove a mix of each.
2.Should I chase Synergy or just all around Decent Cards?
Synergy, the majority of the time. If you don't see a card that fits your deck, don't hesitate to skip the reward entirely. In fact, you should probably skip more cards than you take. But don't take this advice to the extreme! It is useful for a deck to be able to do more than one thing, if it doesn't bog you down too much. Think about that if you see a rare card. Or maybe you want a copy of Cleave or something, to help deal with certain encounters.
3. Should I be playing more Offensively and Kill fast or Turtle up and Minimize Damage at all times?
You'll definitely want to have a good idea of how to destroy the enemy, and you don't want it to take forever. If you spend more turns in each battle, you're giving the enemy more actions. In some cases, that's really bad.

But, again, it depends on the circumstance. If you happen to get an early Barricade or something, it actually might be worth investing heavily in block. Do what makes sense at the time, and improvise. Do not start a run expecting to build something very specific.
4.Biggest Noob Traps to Avoid
Don't take too many cards. The more you have, the longer it takes to cycle through your whole deck, which means you'll see your best cards less frequently and you'll be more likely to get bad hands.

Improvisation is better than planning. You are trying to come up with a strategy on the fly, not assemble one that you decided on at the start.

Don't be too enamored by the biggest, flashiest cards in the game. Yes, powerful cards are powerful, and you should take them and make good use of them. No, the game is not all about Demon Form or Catalyst.
5,. General tips for each character and How they should be played different.
Ironclad has a lot of attack options. Multi-hit attacks are great when you can boost your strength. Cards that do high damage but inflict yourself with a status card are highly recommended if you get Fire Breathing and/or Evolve. Headbutt lets you retrieve a card from your discard pile; there are many uses for that. Pommel Strike lets you draw more cards as you attack. You get the idea. Look at what the game offers you early, and pick some attacks that you think will fit.
You start with Bash. Upgrading that will make the enemy vulnerable for 3 turns instead of 2, which makes it a much better card. You don't always need to do that, but keep in mind that it's an option.
Also, Corruption is a very powerful card. Be aware of that, and don't sleep on it.

Silent has shivs, poison, etc. I assume you've noticed some cool stuff you can do with poison. Most people do. And it's not wrong. But don't get tunnel vision. There's a lot of other cards you should be paying attention to. Well-Laid Plans is always nice to have around. Alchemize is fun. And I've had a lot of success with mixed decks as Silent.

Defect is tricky to play, and there are a lot of ways to go about it. I like to take a lot of Loops and orb channeling in general, and if Biased Cognition shows up, I want a copy of that. It bursts down most encounters without too much trouble.
6. any tips for going against bosses?
First, notice that you can see what boss you'll face at the end of the act. It's on the map. So if Time Eater is coming up, you'll know.
Make sure you have good damage output before you get there. I don't care how, but you need a way. You'd better not still be playing 6-10 damage on a good turn.
Remember that you get a full heal afterward.

Other advice:
Fight minibosses. They drop relics, and you get rare cards more often. It's worth the effort.
Use your potions when it makes your life a lot easier. Don't save them for a nebulous "better time" unless you know when that time is going to be (like if a boss is coming up and you're holding a strength potion or something).
Relics are part of your build. There are some that you don't need to think about much, but if you get something interesting like Mummified Hand, take it into account!
Some relics can only be found in shops, so pay attention to the inventory there. One of them is Prismatic Shard, which lets you find cards belonging to other characters, and enables crazy decks that you'll never see again. Another fun one is Chemical X, which gives X+2 to every card that costs X energy. This enables you to play those cards for 0 and still get a strong effect, when normally nothing would happen.
Shops also sell colorless cards. The notorious one is Apotheosis, which upgrades your whole deck until end of combat. There's a lot of general utility stuff like that in the shop, so pay attention to it.


Oct 26, 2017
Eh. I almost always beat Act 1. Taking damage in Act 1 shouldn't be a big deal at all. Because, first of all, you're not being sent back far at all if you die, and secondly, it's a short sprint to Act 2 and fully being restored. Still, a lot of Power cards early on aren't super useful early on, so that remains pretty good advice overall... but treating health as some hugely important resource in Act 1 seems weird to me. You can beat Act 1 bosses with relatively low amounts of health.

You can beat Act 1 bosses without needing a lot of health (esp. Hexaghost), but then you have the hallways fights in Act 2 coming up. You do get health back after defeating the boss, but if you're in single digits you don't go back to 100% (at least in high Ascension). Some of the Act 2 hallway fights are no joke, and the Elites are awful (I try to avoid Act 2 elites unless my deck is really good). I think I forgot to frame my post as advice for high Ascension. Non-Ascension is much more lenient, but I still think it's good advice to keep in mind to avoid sloppy play. A single misplay could cost you the run.