Please choose

  • Until Dawn

    Votes: 92 59.4%
  • Evil Within

    Votes: 43 27.7%
  • Little Nightmare

    Votes: 20 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 21, 2017
Dear Resetera,

I have 20 bucks in my psn wallet remained, so i can only buy one of these three games. Please help me to choose one

1. The Evil Within 1
2. Until Dawn
3. Little Nightmare

All these three games got good review, so I dont know which one to choose. Please help to convince me which one to buy


Moose the Mooche

User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Until Dawn if you like cinematic games.. replayability is good too. Never played Little Nightmare. TEW is a good game, but got some cheap mechanics which i found pretty annoying

Edit: So Yeah.. Until Dawn for sure


Oct 25, 2017
Gameplay: The Evil Within 1
Fun/Story: Until Dawn
Until Dawn is short, much like a movie and TEW1 is more of a game, both are worth playing in my opinion but if you had to choose one I guess Until Dawn is the more polished experience.

Little Nightmare is fun little puzzle "horror" game, but it's more of a cute thing. If you're into that then go for it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I would skip the first Evil Within and dive straight into the sequel if you haven't already. The first game really isn't worth playing.

I can't comment on the other games, but I hear nothing but good things about Until Dawn.


Nov 21, 2017
Those are all very different games, but Until Dawn for sure.

Until Dawn if you like cinematic games.. replayability is good too. Never played Little Nightmare. TEW is a good game, but got some cheap mechanics which i found pretty annoying

Edit: So Yeah.. Until Dawn for sure

I'm very open mind to all types of gameplay especially if they are on sales

The reason I put Little Nightmare into consideration is because I realized I rarely play a typical puzzle game on console (coincidentally it's also a horror game)


Oct 25, 2017
I'd probaby say Evil Within -> Untill Dawn -> Little Nightmares

Evil Within is like Resident Evil 4 with some Silent Hill mixed in, it's a bit more uneven than RE4 though, and you need a certain amount of tolerance for frustration.

Until Dawn is more of a Telltale style game with better graphics.

Little Nightmares is closer to something like Limbo or Inside.

I would skip the first Evil Within and dive straight into the sequel if you haven't already. The first game really isn't worth playing.

I disagree. The first game is good in it's own right and the second game is also very much a real sequel in that it references and builds on the first game a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
Evil Within and Until Dawn are both great. Look up vids for Evil Within and make sure the forced black bars at the top and bottom of the screen do not bother you if you need a nitpick to put you over the edge. I probably enjoyed Until Dawn more than the Evil Within, but I would take Evil Within over Until Dawn.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Until Dawn.

Evil Within runs like ass, it looks like ass, it controls like ass, and half of the levels are designed like ass.

Little Nightmares is super charming and creepy, but it's painfully dull.

EDIT: You can remove the black bars in TEW.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Until Dawn is really good, cream of the crop for that sort of thing, and the butterfly effect and choices actually determining/changing how the story plays out is well implemented. I got it with plus but I would not have had a problem paying 20 dollars for it, great game.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
If you enjoy adventure games similar to what Quantic Dream and Telltale are doing, Until Dawn is a very good choice. Personally, I really liked it. It's also a very good game to play with friends, even if only one player is using a controller.


Oct 31, 2017
I didn't play Little Nightmares, so I'll tell you about the other two.

TEW is a bad and strange version of RE4. It runs poorly, the game has no consistency and the game progression is disjointed and random and it's not scary by any means.
The combat has some funny elements, and there's environmental variety, but is not a great game.

Until Dawn is a 6 hour linear game with lots of decisions that makes the story branches a lot. It runs poorly too on a base PS4, but the graphics are nice.
The gameplay is similar to David Cage games, so there's lots of walking and QTE and cutscenes, but at least the story makes sense at times.
If you love Hollywood horror films starring teenagers, you'll like the story of the game.

TBH the two games are meh at best, but at least Until Dawn delivers what it promises: a dumb teenager horror game without interesting gameplay that can be replayed to see another story ramifications.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I would say wait for a sale for all of them, I got the evil within complete bundle for cheaper than 20 dollars like 2 years ago. And you're gonna want the DLC because it fills in major story gaps.

Until Dawn is great too though and I would say is generally more liked. TEW1 seems to be very much a love it or hate it type deal. I loved it.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Until Dawn is the priority I'd argue. Just a great interactive slasher film. A mess of clashing personalities you grow to love and hate among the cast of characters and the mystery was fun to unravel while also doing your best to keep everyone alive.

I really enjoyed The Evil Within, but a couple caveats:
1) Not worth playing without the DLC, which properly finishes the story and answers lingering questions that can irritate by the end of the vanilla game.
2) The game is full of variety, but not all of it gold. I particularly enjoyed the early stealth chapters, trying to survive and slink past wandering zambies. Some hated that. I didn't care for the later chapters that went for racking up nonstop kills, even forcing you into pure combat arenas. I also didn't care for how many 'instant kill' scenarios were loaded throughout the game. Overall, I still walked away positive on it, but much of the design is divisive.

Haven't played Little Nightmares yet, but I have it. I hear its fine but short.


Oct 27, 2017
Until Dawn and it is not even close,engaging story,great graphics,amazing to play with friends and to watch others play too,Little Nightmares is not as good as I through,it is too short and not an incredible experience like Inside or Limbo,the Evil Within I was bored after a few chapters,junk controls and shoting even worse.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Until Dawn is a painfully dull retread of teenie horror movies in game form.

Evil Within is a flawed gem that at times makes you wish you were playing Resident Evil 4 instead.

Haven't played Little Nightmares.


Oct 27, 2017
Tough choice and all good ones for sure.

Do you want a meaty, endlessly creative and fast-paced RE4 type action game? TEW is your game. It may be a bit rough around the edges, but it's quite memorable for the most part, but it does overstay its welcome.

Are you in for a fun interactive scary movie? Until Dawn is probably the best of its kind. It's lenghty, has fun characters, tense moments and a fun story with some neat surprises. I don't really have anything bad to say about ihis one, but obviously it may be a divisive genre.

Little Nightmares is really short, but I imagine your $20,- buys the complete version with the expansion included. I haven't played the expansion actually, but the main game was a fun little trip.

Personally I'd choose between TEW and UD as they're much more full games you can spend some real time in, but Little Nightmares is a nice little inbetween you can casually play and finish in one day.


Nov 26, 2017
Definitely a tough choice, i'd personally go for Until Dawn, such a fun game, you can compare it to Heavy Rain/Beyond two Souls/Become human in terms of cinematic story telling and making choices that impact the story.

There's more gameplay options and choices you make throughout the game then the games i've listed above.

As No Depth explained it so well ''Just a great interactive slasher film. A mess of clashing personalities you grow to love and hate among the cast of characters and the mystery was fun to unravel while also doing your best to keep everyone alive''

So, Until Dawn imho.


Oct 27, 2017
Until Dawn if you like interactive games. Evil Within was a slog to playthrough and haven't touched Little Nightmares.

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
I love Evil Within, it's difficulty and very often unfair, but it's also unique in that we don't really have these kind of games anymore. There's no more Silent Hill and this is the closest we get. (And though the sequel has better gameplay, I liked the first better cause it was way more terrifying).

But I voted on Until Dawn which I think is also great and an experience unlike any other. It plays similar to David Cage games but it's very much a horror game. It's a steal for the price it's on PSN right now.


Nov 21, 2017
evil within is amazing, the true successor of resident evil 4

I heard the director also did Re4, right? That's also a reason I want this game... but I heard some say..
junk controls and shoting even worse.

If that's true. Well.. that turns me off. Junk control is the worst con a game must never have :(
I dont want it when things are getting serious, then suddenly they fall apart due to junky control

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
The controls are fine and the aiming is actually better than TEW2. It's just some of the gameplay design can be questionable but I never had an issue with the controls personally, changed 2's to be more like 1 actually. It may feel a bit awkward at first but it's pretty great once your muscle memory clicks.