
Oct 25, 2017
Read her letter, it's harrowing how even your own parents can be so incredibly cruel towards a person.

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
I've been building myself up all day to post in this thread for unity and support, but this shit is getting so harrowing that it's getting harder to read these stories. I just don't have the words. RIP Eden, you deserved the world.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I saw this earlier today and was left numb. Like what the shit. I just hope, wherever you are Eden, you are at peace.


Oct 25, 2017
How you can do this to someone you claim to love, I'll never understand.
this was someone that they could have had as a part of their life. Now they've lost her for good.

A fixer is literally a goon for hire. The people who did this should have their reputations irrevocably destroyed.


Oct 27, 2017
I heard about this horrific news on Twitter yesterday. I hope everyone involved in this forceful detransitioning get the worst in life. May Eden Knight rest in peace she did not deserve this vile cruelty.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
all people involved need to be held accountable, this is so cruel and sick. let trans people live


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Mar 4, 2022
Everyone involved in ruining this woman's life should have theirs ruined to. This is beyond harrowing and heartbreaking to read...


Oct 26, 2017
Jesus the thread title alone hit me like a bolt of lightning. And then the details of it just made me sick. I am so sorry for Eden and all the beautiful people like her who are being attacked by literal evil.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
There is a special place in hell for the people responsible and those responsible for other instances like this.
RIP Eden.


Oct 25, 2017
I read the letter and was in shock, couldn't believe they went to such lengths.

Beyond tragic.

I hope they can charge the people involved, that can't be legal.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
As a parent, I can't comprehend making the choice of killing my child just so I can go on misgendering them.


Dec 12, 2018
I am absolutely heartbroken by her letter. I can't imagine the immense pain she had to suffer through.

It's absolutely sickening that parents can do that to their children.

RIP Eden. 🏳️‍⚧️💖🏳️‍⚧️💖
Key details


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Mar 4, 2022
Felt the need to paraphrase some key details I've read in here, if nothing else to give me an outlet for how utterly frustrating this situation is. Maybe others will find it useful if they don't have the time to read the various sources or would otherwise not be inclined to. If anything is wrong, outdated, or misleading, let me know and I'll correct it as soon as possible.

Eden Knight:
-23, had previously been going to school in the US
-came out as trans during the pandemic
-her visa expired when her international scholarship ran out before she could graduate, and she was rightfully afraid to return to Saudi Arabia
-began Hormone Replacement Therapy in 2022, which significantly improved her mental health

Her parents, including Fahad Al-Shathri (the father)
-strict, religious, Muslim conservatives
-deadnamed Eden Knight in her funeral
-the father is an influential banker from Saudi Arabia
-denigrated Eden as a monster and a mistake once she was forced home and made to "repent", and regularly searched her possessions
-denied Eden her hormone medication
-worked with the following people to entrap her through lies and manipulation

Michael Pocalyko
-US Republican and failed candidate
-CEO of "Special Investigations Limited/SPECINV"
-associated with banking firms, JP Morgan, the Heritage Foundation, and more
-together with associate Ellen Cole brought Eden to Bader Alomair, a Saudi lawyer, in Washington D.C.
-along with Cole, they suggested that they could help Eden become a legal immigrant in addition to mending ties with her parents

Ellen Cole
-managing director at SPECINV, corporate founder and case manager
-associate of Michael Pocalyko
-along with Pocalyko, went radio-silent towards Eden when she was delivered to Bader Alomair

Bader Alomair
-Saudi national and lawyer in Washington D.C; closely works with Saudi Embassy to help Saudi citizens in legal trouble flee the US
-put Eden in a D.C. apartment
-made her financially dependent with knowledge she was in the U.S. illegally, essentially resulting in blackmail
-demanded she change her physical appearance and stop hormone therapy, which she accordingly had no choice in
-flew Eden back to Saudi Arabia following contact with her parents and, after everything, an emotional breakdown

It's just... I'm appalled that anybody would do this to their child.
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Oct 27, 2017
Hope her father rots in the pits of whatever hell he believes in. Takes an absolutely sadistic monster to torture and drive their children to suicide like this.

RIP, kid...you deserved to be born in a better time. If that ever comes.


Oct 26, 2017
I saw this story the other day. So heartbreaking. A needless death for a vibrant young woman. The father is a monster but I hope he feels some horrible, unescapeable regret that he killed his daughter.


Oct 25, 2017
Felt the need to paraphrase some key details I've read in here, if nothing else to give me an outlet for how utterly frustrating this situation is. Maybe others will find it useful if they don't have the time to read the various sources or would otherwise not be inclined to. If anything is wrong, outdated, or misleading, let me know and I'll correct it as soon as possible.

Eden Knight:
-23, had previously been going to school in the US
-came out as trans during the pandemic
-her visa expired when her international scholarship ran out before she could graduate, and she was rightfully afraid to return to Saudi Arabia
-began Hormone Replacement Therapy in 2022, which significantly improved her mental health

Her parents, including Fahad Al-Shathri (the father)
-strict, religious, Muslim conservatives
-deadnamed Eden Knight in her funeral
-the father is an influential banker from Saudi Arabia
-denigrated Eden as a monster and a mistake once she was forced home and made to "repent", and regularly searched her possessions
-denied Eden her hormone medication
-worked with the following people to entrap her through lies and manipulation

Michael Pocalyko
-US Republican and failed candidate
-CEO of "Special Investigations Limited/SPECINV"
-associated with banking firms, JP Morgan, the Heritage Foundation, and more
-together with associate Ellen Cole brought Eden to Bader Alomair, a Saudi lawyer, in Washington D.C.
-along with Cole, they suggested that they could help Eden become a legal immigrant in addition to mending ties with her parents

Ellen Cole
-managing director at SPECINV, corporate founder and case manager
-associate of Michael Pocalyko
-along with Pocalyko, went radio-silent towards Eden when she was delivered to Bader Alomair

Bader Alomair
-Saudi national and lawyer in Washington D.C; closely works with Saudi Embassy to help Saudi citizens in legal trouble flee the US
-put Edin in a D.C. apartment
-made her financially dependent with knowledge she was in the U.S. illegally, essentially resulting in blackmail
-demanded she change her physical appearance and stop hormone therapy, which she accordingly had no choice in
-flew Eden back to Saudi Arabia following contact with her parents and, after everything, an emotional breakdown

It's just... I'm appalled that anybody would do this to their child.
So I guess it's pretty safe to say he's not too broken up about it. Maybe for the fact that she's dead, but deadnaming at her funeral just shows he didn't have any real respect for her as a human being.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
May her father rot in the living hell that he has made for himself, knowing what he did to her.
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for making this thread, Sophia.

I hope some sort of justice comes, I wish the worst shit that can happen to every single person involved in her death.


Oct 25, 2017

Hopefully there's justice and these disgusting excuses for human beings get what's coming to them


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
It's just so horrifying to think a parent could ever do this to their kids. It's essentially murder. I have a trans daughter, and I cannot imagine.

Rest well Eden.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely abhorrent. If you don't want to support your child because of bigotry, then… you're an asshole, but okay. But let them live their life. This was a multi-person conspiracy with any rational person knowing where it'd lead at any step along the way.

The parents wanted to exercise control just for control's sake.

RIP Eden.


Oct 27, 2017
Everyone involved should be held accountable for her murder. Especially the US citizens, because it's too much to expect anything from SA.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of trans era is too heartbroken by a) the situation surrounding Eden's forced detransition and death and b) the lack of interest by era's cis members in reading this thread or responding to it.

If you read the thread and don't know what to say or how to respond, at least post that transphobia is wrong.

Just that much would at least help the trans members of the forum feel like the entire world isn't against them. Seeing this thread fall off the first page of results within a day never to be seen again feels as threatening and dehumanizing as the news itself.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Mar 4, 2022
Most of trans era is too heartbroken by a) the situation surrounding Eden's forced detransition and death and b) the lack of interest by era's cis members in reading this thread or responding to it.

If you read the thread and don't know what to say or how to respond, at least post that transphobia is wrong.

Just that much would at least help the trans members of the forum feel like the entire world isn't against them. Seeing this thread fall off the first page of results within a day never to be seen again feels as threatening and dehumanizing as the news itself.

You're totally right and this is something I know I'm guilty of. I browse a lot of threads and only respond to a few of them, but this issue deserves and needs regular, consistent support given what's at stake and how trans people are ignored and suffer from it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Rest in peace. This world can be so shit. Human cruelty for no fucking reason.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Most of trans era is too heartbroken by a) the situation surrounding Eden's forced detransition and death and b) the lack of interest by era's cis members in reading this thread or responding to it.
I never saw the thread until now, but thank you for bumping it. This is fucked up beyond anything I could really put words towards.

RIP Eden, you deserved better


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
I finished reading her final letter/twitter post. I cannot process the anger and horror that I have right now, or that her family were willing to go to great lengths to make her life (and final moments) as miserable as humanly possible.

Eden didn't deserve to go through that. No one should. All who were involved are morally bankrupt.


Sep 7, 2018
I saw a short vid on this yesterday but didn't fully comprehend how awful it was.

Whether or not they have committed crimes, I truly hope there are dire consequences for Pocalyko and Cole.

Not that it sounds like this was an option for Eden, but is there any legal precedent for claiming asylum in the USA if you are trans and risk being sent back to a discriminatory country?

I don't see the USA taking political action on this with the KSA, but they could make it clearer whether this is grounds to remain in-country.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that it sounds like this was an option for Eden, but is there any legal precedent for claiming asylum in the USA if you are trans and risk being sent back to a discriminatory country?
I will point out that this is international law, so it should apply to all countries. Everyone has a right to seek asylum in another country due to discrimination if in danger, and by law they should be granted that, because it's considered as one of the basic rights. However as we've seen too often, how it's in practice can be quite bad.


Oct 27, 2017
It's really disgusting how they abused her immigration status to traffick her out to her death. Immigration organizations need to embed trans advocacy into their work to help people seeking asylum and empower those without citizenship.
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Oct 26, 2017
Absolutely horrifying. Fuck her parents and I hope they suffer. Feels awful knowing that criminal lawyer has nothing to be afraid of considering the shit he apparently does on a regular basis


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 31, 2017
Is there any way for the justice system to go after Michael and Ellen?

Assuming this Bader has some form of diplomatic immunity.

Can't say they deserve a night's rest ever again.


Oct 25, 2017
Just read her suicide note. Just so tragic and preventable if there was protection in these countries against this kind of conversion therapy and leading to murder. I agree this wasn't just someone taking their own life, that it was a murder. Eden was left with no choice.

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021
Absolutely abhorrent. If you don't want to support your child because of bigotry, then… you're an asshole, but okay. But let them live their life. This was a multi-person conspiracy with any rational person knowing where it'd lead at any step along the way.

The parents wanted to exercise control just for control's sake.

RIP Eden.
They didn't just want control. Her death was absolutely what they wanted the entire time. People need to call this what it is: an honor killing. Just the fact that she was pressured into suicide just lets the fuckers get away with 'actually we didn't PHYSICALLY kill them, they killed themselves', which means they are in much less hot water from a perceived legal standpoint.

Apathy towards this will set a dangerous precedent. Anyone who knows a friend like this on very bad terms with family in these countries should watch out for any attempts by said family to reach out and emotionally manipulate them into returning. Chances are the moment they enter a consulate or get on a flight is the last time they walk as a free person.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
I felt my entire soul be crushed just reading the thread title. It's so fucking disgusting that something this horrible was allowed to happen.

The fuckers pushing anti-trans laws/really anything at this point can't keep getting away with shit. They have to be stopped.