
Oct 27, 2017
Sauytbay had to teach the prisoners – who were Uyghur or Kazakh speakers – Chinese and Communist Party propaganda songs. She was with them throughout the day. The daily routine began at 6 A.M. Chinese instruction took place after a paltry breakfast, followed by repetition and rote learning. There were specified hours for learning propaganda songs and reciting slogans from posters: "I love China," "Thank you to the Communist Party," "I am Chinese" and "I love Xi Jinping" – China's president.

The afternoon and evening hours were devoted to confessions of crimes and moral offenses. "Between 4 and 6 P.M. the pupils had to think about their sins. Almost everything could be considered a sin, from observing religious practices and not knowing the Chinese language or culture, to immoral behavior. Inmates who did not think of sins that were severe enough or didn't make up something were punished."

After supper, they would continue dealing with their sins. "When the pupils finished eating they were required to stand facing the wall with their hands raised and think about their crimes again. At 10 o'clock, they had two hours for writing down their sins and handing in the pages to those in charge. The daily routine actually went on until midnight, and sometimes the prisoners were assigned guard duty at night. The others could sleep from midnight until six."

Sauytbay estimates that there were about 2,500 inmates in the camp. The oldest person she met was a woman of 84; the youngest, a boy of 13. "There were schoolchildren and workers, businessmen and writers, nurses and doctors, artists and simple peasants who had never been to the city."
Meat was served on Fridays, but it was pork. The inmates were compelled to eat it, even if they were religiously observant and did not eat pork. Refusal brought punishment.
"One night, about 70 new prisoners were brought to the camp," she recalls. "One of them was an elderly Kazakh woman who hadn't even had time to take her shoes. She spotted me as being Kazakh and asked for my help. She begged me to get her out of there and she embraced me. I did not reciprocate her embrace, but I was punished anyway. I was beaten and deprived of food for two days."
"The inmates would be given pills or injections. They were told it was to prevent diseases, but the nurses told me secretly that the pills were dangerous and that I should not take them."

I'm stopping at that. The article is grim folks.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Picking right up after the gulags from Soviet era during WW2. Fuck China.
Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans
This is all so perplexing to me. What does anyone think shit like this will achieve:

There were specified hours for learning propaganda songs and reciting slogans from posters: "I love China," "Thank you to the Communist Party," "I am Chinese" and "I love Xi Jinping" – China's president.

The afternoon and evening hours were devoted to confessions of crimes and moral offenses. "Between 4 and 6 P.M. the pupils had to think about their sins. Almost everything could be considered a sin, from observing religious practices and not knowing the Chinese language or culture, to immoral behavior. Inmates who did not think of sins that were severe enough or didn't make up something were punished."


Oct 26, 2017
Is it fair to say that anyone touristing in China today is essentially visiting Germany circa 1937?

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Xinjiang? Yeah, I could have guessed.

The only hope I have is that the recent focus on Hong Kong can also help people realise how terrible the conditions at Xinjiang is.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah, the old "let's do to others what Unit 731 did to us" routine.
Having managed to force all memory of 'Men behind the sun' and Unit 731 from my mind, I've thought about it a lot recently, and it's all up in my shit again after reading this. It's alarming to say the least.

im having problems with quoting on mobile.i live in Malaysia right now, if you feed a Muslim pork unknowingly it's literally the worst thing you could EVER do

Unadulterated cruelty is what it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's be real, nobody is going to do anything. Those poor people are fucked and china can do whatever it wants to them, they could reinstate slavery and no country would bat an eye. Countries didn't fight the Nazi's because of the holocaust they did it because it was in their best interest. Human rights don't mean shit to governments unless you can use them in your favor like pressure a weaker country to do something you want.

A human can be civil but humanity is anything but.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not even surprised at the details.

And yeah, this should feel eerily similar to anyone having even vaguely studied Nazi germany.
Oct 27, 2017
Things keep getting worse and worse the more I hear about what fucking China is doing to these poor people. Fuck China, anybody who defends them or support them. This is so frustrating.
These poor people...


Oct 25, 2017
Something really has to stop China. There's no way that states can continue with looking away when bad stuff happens. Chinas power has to decrease and get less important again.


Oct 27, 2017
im having problems with quoting on mobile.i live in Malaysia right now, if you feed a Muslim pork unknowingly it's literally the worst thing you could EVER do

It sucks, but people tend to exaggerate. If you eat pork by accident or are forced to you aren't going to hell, it isn't even a sin. There isn't even any religious punishment for eating pork knowingly, it's just a sin. As apposed to drinking alcohol for instance where there is a stated physical punishment.


Oct 25, 2017
The conditions at these concentration camps sound as horrifying if not more than the Holocaust. Fingernails missing, handcuffed all day, sitting on chairs with nails, electric torture, flaying, toilet bucket only cleaned once a day, medical experiments to sterilise and cognitively weaken, forced abortions, and gang rapes.

Baranovitch finds it striking that the Muslim countries are ignoring the Chinese suppression. "For quite a few countries, we're not only talking about coreligionists but also about ethnic affinity, as the Uyghurs are of Turkish descent. The thing is that many Muslim states are involved in the Silk Road [Belt and Road Initiative] project. In my opinion, one of the reasons for the promotion of that project, whose economic rationale is not always clear, is to facilitate the elimination of the Uyghur problem. By means of investments and the promise of huge future investments, China has bought the silence of many Muslim countries."​
Indeed, last July, an urgent letter about Xinjiang to the United Nations Human Rights Council from the ambassadors of 22 countries was answered by a letter of support for China from the representatives of 37 other states, including Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait and Bahrain.​

Yup, Silk Road/One Belt One Road project is in Pakistan when last time I visited. Boosting economy so that fellow muslims can put the wool over their eyes to the atrocities happening. It's the most disgusting development I've witnessed in my lifetime.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly seems like what the Japanese did to the Chinese during World War II, which makes this even more fucked up.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
This is a really rough read and I'm not sure what can be done to stop it without having another ww.


Oct 26, 2017
They're essentially NK if NK was successful. We need to hurry up and get somebody with a good head on their head here (USA), put pressure on the U.N. and other allies to come up with a plan, because this is too much.
Oct 28, 2017
Why is China doing this cultural genocide?

I've posted about this before. The political modus operandi of the CCP is that of an ethnostate. It isn't a traditional ethnostate in terms of striving for genetic purity, it's about adherence to Han cultural norms. The 'social stability' that Xi likes to talk about is basically code for this brand of politics. If we were to be Foucauldian about it, we might suggest that the endgame for Xinjiang and, more broadly, the social credit system is to operationalise the gongmin - the citizen body, to police itself. Hence, why part of the Xinjiang surveillance strategy is to offer material inducements to Uyghur people willing to adhere to Party norms and to force cohabitation between Han and Uyghur people.
Oct 25, 2017
They're essentially NK if NK was successful. We need to hurry up and get somebody with a good head on their head here (USA), put pressure on the U.N. and other allies to come up with a plan, because this is too much.

I'm shocked with as much news this is generating nobody in the Democratic running has been asked about it and only Yang has even hinted it's on the radar. If they just cancel the Trump tariffs and go back to business as usual US corporations are just going to go back to pandering and towing the CCP line.
Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Reading this reminded me too much of 1984 and Nazi Germany; so horrible what those people are living.

Someone needs to have this article shown in Blizzcon and any other event done by any company that continues supporting China.


Oct 26, 2017
Something really has to stop China. There's no way that states can continue with looking away when bad stuff happens. Chinas power has to decrease and get less important again.

I've always maintained that China's goal is power and money. Their utopian state is that the rest of the world are slaves to the regime. Chinese citizens will live like kings and queens and everybody else will be working in factories and farms.

But you have people in the western world ready to sell out the future of their own people so they can enjoy themselves in the short term. China will never sell out in the short term. They're always looking at the long game. Even if it means in the short term millions of people work in factories, in the long term they will be financially better off for future generations.