
The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I generally only notice editing if it's really good or really bad. This falls into the latter camp.

Now your first thought is that I'm exaggerating and that it can't be worse than the legendary Taken 3 gif:

Imagine that but longer and you now have the car chase in episode 3 of Hero Mask:

The car chase, and bad editing, actually goes on for longer than this but I think you get the point. There are multiple scenes like the above in the show in just the first three episodes. Whew.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Are you sure that clip doesn't have added edits in order to avoid copyright bots? That's pretty common with anime clips. It's still pretty nuts

Edit: I see you posted it yourself so I'm assuming that's a no. Jesus.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Are you sure that clip doesn't have added edits in order to avoid copyright bots? That's pretty common with anime clips. It's still pretty nuts

Edit: I see you posted it yourself so I'm assuming that's a no. Jesus.
I in no way added scenes or anything of the nature. The car chase/fight starts at 18:00 in the episode and ends at 20:30. I cut out the remaining half of the chase, partially because my eyes were physically hurting looking at the scene.
Last edited:

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
Eh. The Taken 3 scene is bad editing because all the cuts do nothing but distract from a very simple action. Presumably the editor was trying to cover up shoddy stuntwork, or was just taking the laziest route to make it punchy.

The Hero Mask scene is actually conveying a lot of information in a situation that has a lot of complex spatial stuff going on. Like, the storyboarding for the scene is pretty good (except for the really jarring back-and-forth cuts when the truck breaks through the divider), it just feels like a lot of 2-4 second shots were chopped down to a fraction of a second. Slow down the playback on Youtube to half speed and it's mostly fine.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm gonna pass on this show.

The trailer was just a supercut of people drinking something or talking on a cell phone.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I actually thought that scene was very well done. What's wrong with it?
It's a complete mess. The scene when the police car is rammed and goes backwards has 14 cuts in quick succession, only possible three of which have any value. There's maybe five cuts of when the car is just flipping backwards when a simple extended scene would have conveyed the exact same amount of information. Another is when the two enemy cars are approaching the main characters and there are multiple cuts of just wheels spinning when again one longer sequence would have sufficed to tell the exact amount of information. Another is the car flip at 0:43 when the van flips over when again a simple sequence would have worked just as well instead of six separate cuts.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a complete mess. The scene when the police car is rammed and goes backwards has 14 cuts in quick succession, only possible three of which have any value. There's maybe or five cuts of when the car is just flipping backwards when a simple extended scene would have conveyed the exact same amount of information. Another is when the two enemy cars are approaching the main characters and there are multiple cuts of just wheels spinning when again one longer sequence would have sufficed to tell the exact amount of information. Another is the car flip at 0:43 when the van flips over when again a simple sequence would have worked just as well instead of six separate cuts.


How did I miss all that?
Oct 27, 2017
It's like they storyboarded out a fast, energetic chase scene but only enough money to draw a third of it. Instead of simplifying the chase, they just animated one third of each cut.

Boxy Brown

Oct 27, 2017
I.... think that's a stylistic choice going by what the series seems to be going for. Which I think it those action thrillers with jumbled editing and quickcuts


Nov 14, 2017
Shit is unwatchable. I had just added this to my queue tonight based on the trailer as well.

Preorder canceled.


Oct 25, 2017
When the budget is low, the frames must go.
I know this is a throwaway hit and run joke reply, but that's not really how it works in Japanese animation at all. Key animators tend to be paid by the number of cuts they do, not the number of drawings. In-betweeners tend to be paid by the drawing, but Hero Mask doesn't have choppy animation at all, and there's a lot of motion, so all the inbetweening is there. There's no cost savings here. It's a (bad) stylistic choice that ultimately likely costs them more to produce than if they were to have less camera cuts. The reason the entire show looks like this is likely because the people making it wanted to make an "exciting" Hollywood style action series and looked to Michael Bay and Paul Greengrass for inspiration.
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, weird to see animation go that route. I don't like it for live action (I DETEST the greengrass Bourne movies because of this) and really don't like it for animation. The action parts once they get past the van aren't that bad, how is the rest of the show?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the show isn't particularly well reviewed anywhere. I feel like you'd have to be pretty bored to even attempt to watch it after the awful trailer that consisted of people chatting on phones and drinking coffee.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, the show isn't particularly well reviewed anywhere. I feel like you'd have to be pretty bored to even attempt to watch it after the awful trailer that consisted of people chatting on phones and drinking coffee.
Watched a couple of episodes and it was FUCKING BORING. Felt like it was trying too hard to be a western crime drama. The editing in this scene convinces me dropping it was the right choice


Oct 27, 2017
I thought for sure you were going to be exaggerating but after watching that clip I feel like I wanna die


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That video gave me a headache and I'm not joking. I had to take my eyes off the screen and drink some water.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw the show on Netflix's new releases, started it up, saw Studio Pierrot in the opening credits and stopped watching immediately.


Oct 25, 2017
It all depends on what you want to do with the scene. The gif of the fence is a fantastic parody (I don't care for the intention), I don't know where they were going with the second one, but I like it in a weird way.
Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to post the opening of one of my favorite movies: Muriel, ou le temps d'un retour. It has frantic editing for a very mundane, almost everyday scene. It leaves gaps throughout that make it hard to get grasp of time and of how the space is constructed. It's their home, but it's not, it's both home as it is a store. You later get a better idea of why all of it seems so fucked, it's becomes a story about surpressed trauma, lies, addiction and layering of time that is expressed through the editing of the film.